Growing up with the Sitter

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Growing up with the Sitter Page 1

by Jean-Luc Cheri



  Jean-Luc Cheri


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  Eradygm Publishing on Amazon

  Growing up with the Sitter

  Copyright © 2018 by Eradygm Publishing

  Amazon Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Note: This story contains sexually explicit material, and is intended only for persons over the age of 18. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. All of the characters involved in the sexual situations in this story are intended to be 18 years of age or older, whether they are explicitly described as such or not.

  Book description:

  An erotic novella.

  Luke and Tyler grow up next door to each other, best friends for life. But Tyler’s little sister Sarah is the typical pest, annoying them at every turn.

  Flash forward several years, where Luke and Tyler are up and coming professional hockey stars. Luke’s girlfriend has her babysitter cancel on them, and they’re in need of a substitute. Tyler suggests his little sister, who is now eighteen.

  Luke hasn’t seen Sarah in several years, and he notices what a sexy young woman she’s grown into. Sparks fly between them, resulting in trouble between Luke and Tyler on the ice.

  Will Luke and Sarah be able to satisfy their desires for each other? And does fate have more in store for them than just a night of passion?

  Contains graphic descriptions of sex. Adults only.

  23,748 words, or 95 standard pages, in length. (Not including supplementary material)

  * * *

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Chapter 1

  Age six.

  “Luke, would you like some more Kool-Aid?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” I replied, holding my empty glass out to Mrs. Cain, my best friend’s mom. I was only six, but I knew that the more polite I was, the more Kool-Aid I got.

  She took my glass and refilled it from the pitcher. Cherry, my favorite. “Looks like you two worked up a sweat out there,” she said. “What are you guys playing?”

  “Mom,” Tyler said, “our G.I. Joes are on a secret mission, and we can’t talk about it.”

  She smiled, and with her bright green eyes and red hair, I thought she looked very pretty. So unlike the red-haired Jenny Cooper in my first grade class at school. She was a pain.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I didn’t mean to pry into top-secret information.”

  Tyler rolled his eyes at me, letting me know his mom just didn’t get it.

  “Tyler,” she continued, “have you told Luke the good news?”

  “What good news?”

  “That you’re going to be a big brother.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “Is it going to be a girl or a boy?”

  “We don’t know yet. The baby’s not due until next May. That’s seven months away.”

  “I want a brother. If it’s a girl, can we take it back?”

  She smiled again. “No, we’re going to keep it no matter what it is.”

  I was confused. “Where are you getting it from? Like a store or something?”

  “No, Luke. It’s growing inside of me.” She placed her hands on her stomach.

  Now I was even more confused. “There’s a baby inside of you?”

  “Yes, a very tiny baby. For now, at least. It will grow bigger before it’s born.”

  “How does it breathe?”

  “It doesn’t breathe until it comes out.”

  “How did it get in there?”

  Another smile. “Perhaps you should ask your mother that question.”

  “How does it get out?”

  “Another question for your mom.”

  Something clicked in my head. “Last year, my aunt Janie was really fat, and the next time they visited us, she wasn’t fat anymore, and my baby cousin Austin was with them.”

  Mrs. Cain nodded. “That’s right. That’s what happens.”

  “Are you going to get fat too?”

  “Yes, but that’s not a nice thing to say.”


  “Because it’s not appropriate to call someone fat.”

  I didn’t know what appropriate meant, but I could tell by the look on her face she didn’t like being called fat.

  “Okay,” I said, and took a long drink of my Kool-Aid.

  Chapter 2

  Age seven.

  “Luke, hurry up and get down here. The Cains are expecting us.”

  “Be right there, Mom!” I shouted back as I flushed the toilet. Then I ran out of the bathroom and down the steps. Mom was waiting for me at the bottom with her hands on her hips.

  “Did you wash your hands?” she said sternly.

  I considered lying for a moment, but that never worked with her. “No.”

  She pointed her finger at me. “Then march right back upstairs and do it, young man. That’s disgusting. Especially when we’re going to visit a newborn baby. Do you realize what kinds of germs you could be spreading?”

  I hung my head and plodded back up the stairs. A minute later I returned, my hands fresh and clean.

  “Sorry, Mom,” I said sullenly.

  She ruffled my hair. “You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached. Let’s go.”

  We went out through our back door and she held my hand as we walked across the grass to our next-door neighbor’s house. After climbing the steps onto the porch, we rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Tyler pulled it open and let us in.

  “Where’s your mother and your new sister?” Mom asked.

  “Upstairs,” Tyler said, frowning. We’d talked since the news came from the hospital three days ago, and he wasn’t happy he didn’t get a brother. “She told me to tell you it was feeding time.”

  Mom turned to me. “Luke, why don’t you stay down here and play with Tyler for a few minutes? I’ll come and get you when they’re ready.”

  “Do I have to come up? I don’t want to see a baby.”

  She frowned. “Don’t be rude. Remember what we talked about.”

  I lowered my eyes. “Okay.”

  She climbed the steps, and Tyler and I went into the living room, put a Voltron tape into the VCR, and sat at opposite ends of the couch watching the cartoon.

  “Does she smell?” I asked.


  “Your sister.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “My cousin Austin smells sometimes.”

  “Like what?”

  “Sour milk. And sometimes poop.”

  “That’s gross.”

  “Maybe she’ll be a cool sister, like Rose Davis.”

  Rose Davis was in our class at school, and was a tomboy. She liked to play with us boys at recess instead of the girls.

be,” he said, but I could tell he didn’t think it would happen.

  We returned our attention to the TV, and watched the cartoon until my mom came back downstairs. “Luke, they’re ready now. Let’s go up.”

  I got off the couch and trudged toward the stairs, wishing I didn’t have to do this.

  We went up and passed Tyler’s room before arriving at the next door. This had been Mrs. Cain’s sewing room, but when we went in, I saw that everything had changed. The sewing machine was still here, but it had been pushed into a corner. The room had been painted pink, and a large crib stood by the window. Beside it was a rocking chair, where Mrs. Cain was sitting holding something covered in a blanket in her arms. She smiled at me as we entered.

  “Hello, Luke,” she said. “I have someone here who wants to meet you.”

  Mom placed her hand on my back and urged me closer, until I was standing right in front of the chair. Her hand moved to my shoulder as Mrs. Cain pulled part of the blanket away to reveal the baby’s head. It was asleep.

  “Luke, this is Sarah.”

  I nodded. “Nice.”

  Mom tightened her grip on my shoulder.

  “Um, I mean… She’s very pretty.”

  Mrs. Cain beamed proudly. “She is, isn’t she? Such a perfect little thing.”

  I gave my mom a curious look, wondering why Mrs. Cain was acting so weird, but she gave me her, “We’ll talk about it later” look.

  I stared more closely. The baby was small and pink, and other than the wisps of red hair on her head, she looked pretty much like any other baby I’d seen. I sniffed, but couldn’t detect any weird smells.

  “Do you want to hold her?” Mrs. Cain asked, holding the blanket encased infant out to me.

  I took a step back at this unexpected event. No, I didn’t want to hold her.

  Once again, Mom tightened her hand. “He’d love to. Hold out your arms, Luke.”

  I did as she commanded, and Mrs. Cain gently placed her daughter into my arms. I held her awkwardly as I stared down at her sleeping face.

  “He’s a natural,” Mrs. Cain said, beaming wide. “He’ll make a good father someday.”

  Mom laughed, and for a moment I thought they’d both gone crazy. I needed to get out of here.

  “Here, I’ll take her back,” Mrs. Cain said, and I happily placed the baby back into her arms.

  I looked around curiously. “What were you feeding her?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?” Mrs. Cain said.

  “Tyler said it was feeding time, but I don’t see any food around. Did she eat it all?”

  She smiled. “She’s much too young to be eating regular food.”

  “Then what does she eat?”

  She glanced up at my mom, who took over. “Luke, babies are nourished by milk from their mothers.”

  I puzzled on this for a moment. “Like milk that we drink?”

  “It’s very similar, yes.”

  “Does it come in cartons?”

  “No, it comes from the mother.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  She ruffled my hair again. “When you get a little older, I’ll explain it all to you. For now, just know that mommies take very good care of their babies.”

  “Can I go back downstairs?”

  They both laughed. “Sure,” Mom said. “We’ll be going home for lunch in a few minutes.”

  I took off, glad to be given my reprieve.


  Chapter 3

  Age eleven.

  “Good practice today, guys,” Tyler’s dad said to us from the front seat of his SUV. “The hockey team is looking good this year.”

  “We’re going to win the championship, just like the Avalanche did!” Tyler declared, before taking a swig from his sports drink. I grinned and took a drink from mine too.

  We lived in Boulder, Colorado, close to where the NHL’s Avalanche played in Denver, who won the Stanley Cup the previous spring. The Avalanche were the reason we played hockey.

  “Luke,” Mr. Cain said, “you and Tyler play well together. Did the coach say anything about keeping you two on the same line?”

  I shrugged. “Nope.”

  “He’d be crazy not to,” Mr. Cain said. “You two are his best players. It makes sense to have you on the ice at the same time.”

  “I’d like that,” I replied.

  “You use your height advantage well. How tall are you anyway?”

  “Almost five feet.”

  “That’s pretty tall for an eleven-year-old. You’ve obviously inherited your father’s height.”

  “Yeah, but I skate faster,” Tyler said with a grin.

  His dad chuckled. “That’s what I mean. With Luke’s playmaking ability, and your speed and scoring, you two are the perfect combination.”

  We pulled into the Cain’s driveway, and Mr. Cain said, “Luke, your mom had some errands to run, and asked if you could stay at our house for an hour or so.”

  “Can we play Nintendo?” Tyler asked.

  “Since you two have gotten your exercise for today, yes.”

  Tyler grinned. “I got a new game. X-wing vs. TIE fighter.”

  “Cool,” I said. “I heard that was a good one.”

  “It’s major cool.”

  We went into the house and up to his room, and were just setting up the game when his mom appeared at the door.

  “Hi, guys. How was hockey practice?”

  “Okay,” Tyler replied.

  “I hope no one got hurt. I still think that’s too dangerous.”


  “Sarah’s taking her nap, so keep the noise down, okay?”

  “But it’s no fun that way.”

  “You heard me. You can turn it up after she wakes.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “Um, I mean okay.”

  “Luke, your mom should be home in about an hour, but you’re welcome to stay longer. She said she wants you home by five.”


  She left, and we started the game. It was a blast, even with the sound turned down, and we took turns being the X-wing as we battled it out in space. We were in the middle of a particularly ferocious dogfight when I felt a small hand on my shoulder. The distraction cost me, and my ship exploded into smithereens.

  “Hah!” Tyler exclaimed. “What a loser!”

  I turned my head, and there was Sarah standing next to me, still looking half asleep and clutching a stuffed teddy bear with her other hand. Her hair was red and curly, and her green eyes were bright behind her sleepy eyelids.

  “Sarah,” Tyler said, “get out of my room. We’re playing.”

  “I want to watch.”

  “No. Get lost.”

  Instead of obeying her brother, she crawled into my lap and snuggled against me – something she seemed fond of doing, to my great annoyance.

  “Mom!” Tyler yelled. “Sarah’s bugging us!”

  His mother appeared at the doorway a few seconds later. She smiled when she saw her daughter curled up in my lap.

  “She’s not bothering you.”

  “Yes she is,” Tyler said. “Make her leave.”

  “Luke, is she annoying you?”

  I wanted to tell her yes, but I could tell she was happy. “Um, I guess not.”

  Tyler snorted and rolled his eyes.

  “She’s fine where she is,” Mrs. Cain said. “And you can turn the sound up now.”

  Tyler picked up the remote and increased the volume.

  “Not that loud!” Mrs. Cain shouted.

  Tyler frowned and turned it back down a little.

  “Sarah,” she said, “come downstairs when you want your snack.”

  The girl nodded, but seemed perfectly happy where she was.

  So we started playing again, and I began to lose every battle, unable to concentrate with this girl sitting on me. She awoke more as the minutes passed, and soon she was sitting up alert, watching the action.

was loving it, rubbing it in with each victory.

  “Dude, you suck at this,” he said with a grin.

  I smiled and shook my head, and was about to defend myself when Sarah spoke up.

  “No he doesn’t. You suck.”

  “You better not let mom hear you say that. That’s a bad word.”

  “You suck. You suck. You suck.”

  “Shut up.”

  “You shut up.”

  “Get out of my room.”

  “Mom said I could stay.”

  “I don’t care. Get out.”

  She sat up a little taller and curled her arms tightly around my neck. “No. Luke said it was okay.”

  “He was just being nice. He thinks you’re a brat too.”

  She tightened her arms even more. “No he doesn’t. He’s my boyfriend.”

  This set Tyler off, and he fell over on this side, laughing hard. I felt the heat on my cheeks as I blushed, and reached up to pry her little arms off me. She resisted, and finally I said, “Let go of me!”

  Tyler continued to laugh as she finally released me. She pouted, looking like she was going to cry.

  “Maybe you should go get your snack,” I said.

  She folded her arms and stared at me petulantly. “You’re mean.”

  “Boyfriend!” Tyler gasped, and laughed even harder.

  Sarah glared at me and ran from the room.

  I just sat there and shook my head as my friend continued to make fun of me.

  Chapter 4

  Age eighteen.

  “Everything set for tonight?” I asked my best friend.

  “Yeah, I talked to Becca, and she and Rachel are coming over at ten. Sarah has to be in bed by nine-thirty, so it should work out perfectly.”

  I nodded. “Sounds good.” Our parents were going away together for a getaway weekend, leaving us two eighteen-year-olds in charge. The only down side was that we had to babysit Tyler’s pesky eleven-year-old sister. But after we got her into bed, we were free and clear.


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