MIDNIGHT HUNT: Book 3 of the Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles

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MIDNIGHT HUNT: Book 3 of the Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles Page 26

by Arial Burnz

  “Helmut and Edda took me to your father and we came back as soon as we could.” She pinched Monika’s cheek and grinned. “I’m proud of you, Sprite. Come. Let’s get you home.”

  Broderick cleared his throat and strolled to Monika’s side. “That would be with me, now.”

  Symon growled.

  Broderick bowed. “I’m afraid I’ve compromised your daughter and wish to wed her immediately.”

  Symon stomped toward Broderick, and Monika stepped into his path. “Papa!” She glared over her shoulder at her impulsive Vamsyrian. “You couldn’t wait for a more appropriate time to do this?”

  Symon huffed and his ears flattened against his head. Broderick stood his ground, hands clenched at his sides. Monika rolled her eyes heavenward.

  Mina cackled and swatted Symon’s arm several times as she coaxed him to back down. “I will deal with your father.” She narrowed her eyes at Broderick. “You take good care of her.”

  “With my very life,” he vowed and hugged Monika to his side.

  A snarl rolled from Symon’s throat and he whirled away from them, plodding after Mina’s shuffling figure, and the two of them disappeared down the corridor, exiting the monastery.


  Monika spun around as Father Wilhelm approached.

  “Your ship was detained and your crew was arrested.” He handed Broderick a rolled piece of parchment. “This should release your ship. I’ll release your men. They’re in the dungeon below.”

  Broderick stiffened. “Have they been harmed?”

  “Not as far as I know. They were only arrested because they refused to let the deacons remove you from your ship, but I will be sure they’re taken care of.”

  Rick’s shoulders dropped a margin and he nodded. “Thank you.”

  Monika waved at the empty courtyard and chaos left behind. “What happens now? We’ve all been convicted and several witnesses can testify—”

  “Leave that to me and the Tzava Ha’or,” Wilhelm said. “We have ways of dealing with such matters.”

  Broderick frowned. “Is the Prophetess going to clean this up by trying to wipe the memory of at least three dozen villagers?”

  Father Meier chuckled. “No, that won’t be very effective in this situation. Before you ask, let us just say it’s best you don’t know.”

  Broderick pursed his lips in disapproval and shook his head. “Damned Army of Light.”

  “The two of you had better get going and I wouldn’t recommend staying in Kostbar more than a fortnight. The residents of that village were favorable toward you, but the people in Vollstadt could possibly cause problems. There’s only so much the Tzava Ha’or can do to repair an incident like this.” He shook both of their hands, wishing them well and headed toward the doorway leading to the cells below ground.

  “Leave Kostbar?” Monika’s throat tightened. “I’ve lived here my whole life,” she whispered.

  Broderick pulled her into his arms and possessed her mouth with his.

  She melted against him under the sensuous seduction of his lips and tongue and sighed. “If you continue to ravish me like that, I’ll go wherever you want me to.”

  He chuckled. “How about Scotland?”

  Still dreamy from his kiss, she nodded.

  “Then let’s make haste. Dawn approaches.” He swept her off the ground, cradling her in his arms, and whispered in her ear, “Hold tight.”

  Monika gasped and squeezed her arms around Broderick’s neck as he dashed from the monastery at the speed of immortality to his ship, taking her breath away.

  * * * * *

  Broderick cupped his hands around Monika’s smiling, heart-shaped face, her skin hot against his palms and the fragrance of her blood oh-so sweet. Sapphire eyes sparkling with warmth and desire, she inclined her head to meet his lips as he slanted his mouth over hers. Honey greeted his tongue. Hot, eager kisses from his Blossom. His mind swirled and his loins stirred.

  Mina repeatedly slapped Broderick’s shoulder with the handful of daisies she clutched and a mischievous breeze swirled around the vine archway and altar. “No, no, no! You’re supposed to wait until I pronounce thee bonded in love,” she complained.

  Forcing himself to pull his lips from his wife, he glared at Monika’s grandmother—today, High Priestess overseeing their handfasting. “You tarried too long.”

  She cackled. “I now pronounce thee—”

  Broderick resumed kissing Monika, muffling her giggles.

  “Oh, bother! Bonded in love!”

  The small crowd, gathered in the torch-lit platz of Kostbar Village, laughed, hooped and hollered, throwing petals and rushing to the newly-united couple, showering them with congratulations and well-wishes.

  Monika righted the wreath of flowers in her hair several times, as each hug nudged it from the crown of her head. Long ribbons cascaded down her back, mingling with her chocolate tresses. Broderick’s irritation grew as each handshake forced him to greet the person offering congratulations—and forcing him to take his eyes away from Monika’s lush curves in her flowing blue robes.

  “Beer, sausages and kraut in the kitchen house!” Edda declared, and rousing cheers rose from the villagers. The group milled, laughed and conversed as they started their way down the path to the communal eating house.

  “And we brought Scotch!” Andrew shouted. Paddy, Gilbert and Rob raised the casks over their heads.

  Another swell of merry cries erupted. Broderick threw his head back and laughed. He took two steps toward his wife, then paused and whirled around. At the far end of the courtyard, Malloren Rune stood with her hands clasped before her, a soft smile touching her lips. He was surprised at her rugged, masculine attire of leather breeches, boots and vest, a long dark cloak hanging from her slender shoulders.

  He searched for Monika. She waved from the throng of friends pulling her toward the celebration. He waved back and gestured with a raised index finger that he’d be with her momentarily. Her gaze shifted to Malloren Rune, then back to him and she nodded.

  Crossing his arms, he strolled toward the prophetess.

  “And thus is the third sign,” she began as he approached. “The book of the Chosen One holds redemption for those innocently cursed, but it is the Protector who will bring peace to his enemy by shedding his blood.”

  Broderick nodded. “She and her mother discovered the cure for the werewolf curse, but Vamsyrian blood is the final ingredient. Since those afflicted are bitten, I would wager they are the ‘innocently cursed’ you speak of. Her father was a werewolf. That’s why she was seeking the cure. And I assume Monika, or rather Davina, is the Chosen One and I am the Protector?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I see all has turned out well.”

  “Aye.” After everything he and Monika had been through, after discovering the origin of her soul, he could deny the validity of the prophetess no more. He rocked on his heels and contemplated his boots. “You were right and I’m very glad you were. Thank you.”

  Malloren nodded.

  “She doesn’t have a full recollection of her life as Davina, but her soul remembers our love.”

  “I’m not sure she will ever regain all her memories of her prior lives.” The prophetess stared a Broderick for a long moment before speaking. “I also saw in my visions, you and Angus embracing. He did not return the affection and he walked away.”

  Broderick clenched his jaw. “Angus was told I convinced our father to abandon him as a babe. His entire idea of revenge has been based on a lie. He still wants to harbor his hatred and I can understand why. Letting go would mean he murdered his own brothers instead of righting a wrong. If we’re ever to reconcile, as the prophecy says, he’ll need to come to terms with that, and I don’t know that he ever will.”

  “Only time will tell. Where is he now?”

  “I don’t know, but the Tzava Ha’or had better guard against him. He was an Inquisitor of the Church.”

  Malloren laughed as if Broderick had
just shared a pleasant joke. When he didn’t join her, she sobered. “Whatever for?”

  “I think it was to create a cloak, which made him immune to the incantation. It smelled of blood and I think he used the blood of Tzava Ha’or members to create it. He mentioned learning how to taint their blood so he could feed from them.”

  “Did he say how?”

  Broderick shook his head. “But he had the scars on his mouth to prove he learned their blessed blood would harm him. He has been eliminating the Tzava Ha’or, one by one, having them burned as heretics.”

  “Surely not!”

  He cocked his eyebrow. “I’m surprised you haven’t received visions informing you of this infiltration of the Church. If he’s fed from as many of the Army of Light members as I think he has, he knows the inner workings of your organization very well. He might be trying to do worse than just make a cloak.”

  She paled. “I will inform the leaders of the Tzava Ha’or at once. Thank you.”

  Broderick frowned and closed his eyes to recall Angus’s exact words. “He said to me, ‘There are a lot of things I know about the Tzava Ha’or and so I know that none of this business about the prophecy matters. We are pawns. Malloren and Cordelia have been playing both of us for fools. We are merely their puppets in this quest for redemption.’” He opened his eyes and Malloren’s posture had stiffened, her chin out defensively. “What does he mean when he says the prophecy doesn’t matter? Why don’t you tell me what Cordelia’s part is in all this? What is Cordelia to you?”

  Malloren sighed and strolled to the bench at the well. Broderick followed and she sat. “I had a vision almost two-hundred years ago that Cordelia would be the catalyst of the first sign. We didn’t know how that would manifest and I had actually thought I had misunderstood my vision or that we had failed after thirty years had gone by without learning the sign. But then I was given the vision of the first sign and that Evangeline would be the one to see it fulfilled.” She gazed at him, as if she had finished her explanation.

  “You still didn’t answer my questions. What is Cordelia to you? And why does the prophecy mean nothing?”

  “I honestly don’t know what Angus means by saying the prophecy doesn’t matter.”

  “And Cordelia?” Broderick leveled his gaze. “I’m not letting you dodge my question.”

  Malloren pursed her lips. “She is a custodian of the prophecy. She and I are working together to gather the scrolls and document the progress.”


  Malloren huffed. “She has a lot at stake. She wants redemption. Since I am the guardian of the prophecy, we are partners in this quest. I don’t know what else you’d like me tell you, Broderick.”

  “You must come around for a visit more often, my friend,” Mina scolded as she shuffled next to Malloren. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  The prophetess grinned like Broderick had never seen before and the two women hugged, as if they were sisters. “Well, you certainly grow better with age, my dear. How I’ve missed you!” She swept Mina into another heartfelt embrace.

  “Are you coming to join us?”

  Malloren placed a comforting hand upon Mina’s cheek. “I wish I could, but the less I am seen, the better it is for everyone.”

  A sad smile creased Mina’s eyes. “Of course. I understand. Please come back more often. I’m not much longer for this life.”

  “I will try, but if I can’t, we shall reunite in the next.”

  Mina nodded, but her eyes filled with tears. Mend my heart, Lord and Lady. I will not see her again in this life. She kissed Malloren’s cheek. “Goodbye, my old friend.” She patted Broderick’s hand. “You are now Monika’s protector. I have fulfilled my task.” The old woman shuffled away and Malloren rose, a tear sliding down her cheek, regret in her eyes.

  “I can see Monika’s love for you, even from this distance,” the prophetess whispered.

  Monika stood at the opposite side of the platz, waiting to receive her grandmother, and waved at Broderick. He returned the gesture. Monika wrapped her arm around Mina’s shoulders and they strolled through their guests, laughing and chatting with friends. Peace filled him to the very core of his spirit. I have my Blossom.

  Broderick turned to face Malloren…and found no one at his side. She had vanished again. He sighed and shook his head. No matter how much he searched, he would not find her again until the next sign was to be fulfilled.

  The hairs on the back of Broderick’s neck rose, the familiar presence of Angus tingling his Vamsyrian senses. He searched the surrounding woods and stopped on a silver, glowing pair of eyes in the darkness. He was certain Angus had heard his conversation with Malloren Rune and only just now allowed his presence to be known. “We are pawns, just as you said, Angus,” he whispered, knowing his brother heard his words. “When the time is right, brother, we will make amends.”

  The silver orbs of his eyes lingered…then vanished.

  Broderick stared into the dark forest, unmoving, numb, uncertain.

  A searing hand slid around his waist and his wife pressed her warm body to his side. “How do you fare?”

  Broderick embraced Monika, cradling her against his chest as he rested his chin on her head. “I have you again. Nothing else matters.”

  She gazed up into his eyes and pressed her palm to his cheek. “Let us put aside the pains of our past, just for this evening, and celebrate our reunion.”

  “Aye. ’Tis the best advice I’ve heard in a long while.”

  Her plump lips curved into a wicked grin. “Are you hungry?” She cocked an eyebrow.

  Broderick groaned and swept her into his arm. “For you? Always, Blossom.” He crushed his mouth against her sweet lips. “And I will not bide another moment without you in my bed.” The guests were enjoying themselves, eating and drinking and laughing. “They’re not going to miss us for a couple of hours.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Before she could protest, Broderick spirited her away to his ship, where he made love to his wife…and they were gone for more than a couple of hours.


  Monika embraced her grandmother for at least the fifth time, tears streaming down her face. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”

  Mina patted Monika’s wet cheek. “Of course I’m sure, Sprite. Your father will keep me safe and we’ll be good company for each other. Besides, I have a new donkey to train, thanks to you. Your father doesn’t have the patience for such a task.” She chuckled and wiped away Monika’s tears. “You come back often to visit your Oma.”

  “You can be sure of that.” They embraced once more.

  Monika waited for Broderick and her father to finish speaking. They shook hands, embraced, slapping each other on the backs, and Broderick stepped aside. Monika buried her face in her father’s chest as he held her tight.

  “I have told your husband I will hunt him down and use his entrails for a spell if he lets any harm come to you.”

  Monika pounded a fist on his chest. “Papa!” She shook her head and laughed.

  “He has assured me of your safety.” Symon grinned. “Don’t let too much time pass between visits.”

  “The warehouse Broderick’s set up here will keep us coming back often.”

  Symon kissed her brow and pushed her at arm’s length. “Go on with you, now.” His eyes glassed and he cleared his throat.

  Broderick loaded the last of her bundles and a trunk onto the row boat, where Paddy waited with oars in hand. Monika made one more round of hugs to her friends and kissed Irma’s baby boy on the cheek before waving goodbye to everyone. Broderick swept her into his arms and they cheered. He waded into the water, depositing her into the boat and shoving off from shore. Hopping into the boat and settling at her side, he wrapped his arm around her and held her close. “On to Scotland, Paddy!”

  “Aye, Cap’n.” He pulled against the oars, thrusting them through the water one heaving stroke at a time.

  Once they ascende
d the ladder on the main ship and Broderick helped Monika on deck, Andrew tipped his hat. “Welcome aboard, Mistress!”

  “Thank you, Andrew!” She twirled and leaned over the rail, tipping her head back and inhaling the salty breeze. She screeched as Broderick threw her over his shoulder and swaggered to the stairs leading below deck.

  He paused at the top of the stairs. “I want no interruptions unless we’re being attacked!”

  “Aye, Cap’n!” his crew chorused.

  Monika’s face burned and she beat against Broderick’s rump. “Put me down you pirate!” she chortled.

  He brought her upright into his arms and covered her mouth with his as he walked the rest of the way into the cabin and used his foot to slam the door closed. Broderick tossed her onto the bed and unbuttoned his doublet. “I’m afraid you aren’t going to get much sleep on this journey back to Scotland.” He cocked a brow and tore off his shirt, then reached for his breeches.

  She laughed as she tossed her bodice aside and untied her skirts. “I supposed it would do me well to learn to sleep during the day from now on. I shall just have to work very hard to find a spell that will let you stay awake and unharmed during the day.”

  Broderick knelt naked before her on the bed, his cock proud and tempting before her. He helped her shed the rest of her clothes and she reached for his shaft, loving the way he hissed from her touch. “God’s blood, woman, what you do to me.”

  She took the swollen head of his member into her mouth, groaning as he clutched her hair and guided himself in and out of her. Clutching his thigh as leverage, she bobbed and sucked his cock, stroking his rod with her other hand in unison with her lips. Broderick grunted, panted and whispered her name, encouraging her with wicked words that made her sex clench and her face flush as he pumped his hips.

  Pulling himself from her, he bent forward and his mouth drew her nipple between his teeth for a nibble. Monika moaned and arched her back as he cradled her in his arms, his muscular thigh between her legs. She ground her mons against him, squeezing her thighs. Broderick slid his hands over her bottom and lifted her. She grappled in the dark and latched onto an iron bar of the canopy bed, hanging on while Broderick slid his hard length inside her, burying his cock to the hilt. Clutching her bottom, he pounded into her as she screamed his name, throwing her head back and trembling through her climax.


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