Triple K Set

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Triple K Set Page 42

by Beck, J. L.

  She said not a word. She’d never seen him this mad or this fierce, except maybe that one time in the peep closet at the stud ranch when he thought she wanted some of the beef on the stage. Oh Lordy, he did her some sexy justice up against that wall. Her face flushed from the memory.

  Cole didn’t say a word either, he strode up the path and into the big house. Opening and slamming that door too.

  This is a man with a mission. She wondered what he was thinking and what he planned to do.

  Continuing his silent journey, he marched up the stairs and down through the hall, all the while, carrying her like she was a store bought doll in a 6-ounce box. Opening his bedroom door and again with the slam, he carried her over to the bed and sat down on it.

  Biting at her lip, Brea waited while being embraced by his strong arms over his solid lap.

  Cole let out a huge sigh.

  She could feel his chest heaving.

  “Never, ever leave me again,” he whispered in a shaky voice.

  Brea batted her eyes, he sounded so sad.

  “I would just die of a broken heart.”

  Tears were stinging her eyes.

  “I would never hurt you, if I could have helped it.” His voice fell low.


  “No, let me say this.”

  Swallowing hard, she nodded.

  “I never want to sleep a night without you. Or, have a day go by without seeing your sweet face. I’m not perfect and I know that. I’ve had three women in my life before you.”

  Brea’s body stiffened. She would have thought he could have as many as his brother. But then again, he wasn’t like his brother.

  He continued, “Who were they? I don’t honestly remember them that well. One, I thought I could get serious with, but I realize now it was just competition between my brother and I. The other two? I swear, I can’t even remember their names and this Valeen? I don’t even think we did anything, ‘cause I woke up in another room separate from her. When I was twelve, I got into trouble for vandalizing a barn and I actually stole a horse. Ma made me return it, apologize and I had to paint and fix that old barn till it looked brand new. It was the year my dad died. Then when I was fifteen, I went to a—well, a house of you know um—women of the night over in Houston and lost my virginity. I dated a girl in high school and I really liked her but all we did was kiss and make out a little—”

  “Stop!” Brea exclaimed.

  “I want you to know everything, all of it Brea. So, this will never happen again.”

  Brea laughed and tightened her hold around his neck. “No more, okay?”

  He sighed, but his body still remained rigid. “Are you gonna leave?”

  Brea’s throat closed up as Mable’s sage advice ran through her mind about having him earn her back. This sweet cowboy did that five minutes ago. To think he suffered so much in just the last few hours to affect him like this.

  His body trembled a bit when she didn’t answer right away. He buried his face to her neck. “I couldn’t take it Brea…Please don’t leave me?”

  “Where’s the ring?” she asked quietly.

  His head rose up. “Burnin’ a hole in my pocket.”

  “Let me see it.”

  Digging into his jean’s pocket, he pulled his hand out. The ring had melty looking M&M’s crushed against it.

  Brea stared down at his open hand and laughed.

  “I forgot I shoved some in there earlier today.”

  She nodded. “And as usual, you’re so hot, they melted.”

  He chuckled a little and then leaned forward to scrape away the candy bits.

  She extended her hand out.

  His eyes rounded and he gazed anxiously at her face.

  Nodding her head, she waited.

  Cole stood up and sat her onto the bed, then knelt down in front of her. He cleared his throat. “Brea Harmony Plush, will you be my wife and never, NEVER leave me?”

  Brea’s throat almost closed up as she stared down at this sweet cowboy who made her world tilt. “Yes, Cole Kincade…I will.”

  His eyes glimmered and he slipped the old but gorgeous ring onto her finger. He lowered his lips and kissed her hand with a sweet tenderness.

  Brea raised her other hand and swiped a lone tear away from her cheek. “But…”

  His head shot up while his eyes rounded at the word.

  “Mable said I should make you earn me back and I want to know what you think about that.”

  Cole looked surprised as he blinked his eyes. “Well…” He gazed around as if he were contemplating it. “I hate to admit it, but Ma is right, yet again. But I thought I was gonna kill somebody when I couldn’t find you, and then she finally told me that you needed time to think.”

  Brea stared at him.

  “I didn’t want you thinking I would just give up and let you go.” He bowed his head. “So, I am guilty, because I didn’t want you thinking about leaving either.”

  Brea reached out and ruffled his hair. God dammit, he is the sweetest man on this earth.

  He raised his head. “I have all kinds of ideas about how I can earn you though.”

  Brea smiled and shook her head. “You don’t have to do anything, cowboy. Except stay the man you are. The man who rocks my world.”

  He grinned.

  Her breath caught in her chest. That smile always made her heart race.

  Nodding his head, Cole stood up and turned away.

  “Wait, where are you—?”

  He opened the double doors on the closet. “I had it brought in here while we were at dinner, ‘cause I didn’t want you to see it yet.” He pulled a hanging garment bag from the bar and swung around.”

  Staring, Brea felt curious. “What is it?”

  He looked nervous, “Well, I got some help from your mom two days back and then I had my mom find somebody who could—”

  “Cole! What is it?”

  Still looking anxious, he stepped closer while unzipping the bag.

  Her eyes widened…Lace and lots of it.

  Then he slipped the entire outfit out, dropping the bag to the floor.

  White velvet with a laced design, the dress shimmered in soft luminous folds as it flowed to the floor.

  “It’s—it’s a wedding dress!” she squealed. There were gold glittery weaves on the lace at the end of the sleeves. It sparkled like a Cinderella dress. Yes, that would be fitting, Brea thought ruefully. From a hash slinging waitress, to a cowhand cook, then now? I will marry the prince of cowboys!

  “I had it made for you.”

  Unable to stop it, she started to cry again. “It’s the most…Ohh!”

  Cole looked horrified. “You don’t—don’t like it?”

  Brea shook her head at the preposterous question and grabbed it from him, to gaze at it. Lined with a pearl plunging neckline and laced sleeves, the rest of the dress was a soft white velvet and it might just be the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  “They told me it was the latest design. I knew though that I wanted it to be velvet. Soft like your skin is.”

  Brea crushed it to her chest. “It’s—just so…”

  “I mean I hadn’t even asked you yet when I did it, but I felt that I would eventually convince you.”

  Not wanting to wrinkle it, she eased it away from her chest. Calm yourself Brea. You need to act like a grown up. She knelt down, grabbed the garment bag and tucked it carefully inside. Then she walked over to the closet and hung it back up.

  “I mean, we can still have someone make you the dress you want. I wondered if you might think it was too—um, flashy. It isn’t as if—”

  “Cole!” she shouted.

  Flushing, he shut his mouth.

  “So, you thought that you could just have a fancy dress made, do the M&M cake proposal and I would just fall at your feet? Like I’m easy?”

  Cole pulled his head back, and then he looked troubled.

  “Well, you were right!” Brea exclaimed as she took a ru
nning leap and jumped up on him.

  With an OOMPH, his tall form tipped back and landed on the bed.

  “It’s the perfect dress! The cake was perfect too, something I will never forget. The ring is precious and both of your proposals were the sweetest ever!” She kissed him on the lips and then on his cheeks. “All perfect. I love you Cole Kincade and I can’t wait to be your wife!”

  Cole’s confusion cleared and he smiled nervously. “God, Brea! I thought—I…You scared the bejesus outta me!”

  Kissing his nose, his mouth, his forehead, she just felt so exhilarated.

  “So…Would you marry me day after tomorrow then?”

  Brea’s breath caught in her chest as she halted mid kiss to his yummy neck. “What?”

  “I thought we could have a double wedding with your Mom and Rand.”

  Brea froze. Why would he want to marry her that soon?

  “Brea?” he whispered.




  Daisy showered away all the food and sauces from her body. Damn that was fun, better than watching sexy wrestlers on TV. But she worried about Brea. I should go and find her to see what is happening. But then again, if she were forced to place a bet? That Cole already had her back in his arms. His love filled expression was obvious at dinner. He loves her like there’s no tomorrow. Daisy knew it would turn out all right for her sweet daughter.

  She dried off and put on the sexiest nightgown she could find. She knew that Rand must be doing the same in his room across the hall. Well, as funny as it might be, he wouldn’t be wearing a pink nightgown after his shower. She chuckled as she strode across the room, opened her door and peeked out. She was dying to see him and she felt like a good, ole Dirty Daisy Seduction would be in order. I wonder if I can get him to break his Chasity Vow? She halted and then wondered about herself.

  Damn, if he were a priest, I would fry in hell! But, hot damn, it would be a sin well worth it!

  Snickering, she stared across the hall. A light showed under his door. Then a noise came from the end of the hall. She jumped back and shut her door until just a sliver of space remained.

  One of the Noble twins moved slowly along the hall, carrying what looked like an overnight bag.

  Daisy’s eyes narrowed. What in the hell is she—?

  Pausing at Rand’s door, she knocked softly.

  Daisy felt a tight knot form in her belly as she held her breath.

  The door opened to reveal a sexy Rand with no shirt and his hair looking wet.

  Oh, hot honey on toast! He looked good enough to—

  He smiled hugely at the younger woman and stepped aside to let her in.

  OH, NO way, on this side of hell! Daisy felt the knot in her belly tighten into a hard ball of pain and her chest felt heavy. It has to be innocent. Don’t overreact Daze! She stood still and fought her bad self. Hard to do when she’d been bad her whole life. Oh, hell no, she wouldn’t let this just pass. Sucking a breath in, she tiptoed across the hall and leaned her ear to the door.

  She heard muffled voices and laughter. Heat flushed her face as she shook her head. This is Rand Monroe we’re talking about. The man had total control over his life and male libido! He’s just trying to make sure I get my wedding, right? She tried to convince herself.

  More laughter drifted through the door. Well, what is so dammed funny? I bet it wouldn’t be funny if I busted in and stomped that flaming haired skank into a pile of broken bones! A door slammed at the other end of the hall and it made her jump. Panicked that someone might catch her like a little kid eavesdropping, she hurried to her door and shut it with a small click. Counting to ten, she let out her breath as her body shook. Come on really, Daze! Why would he come all this way just to cuckold you? She shook her head, trying with all her might to NOT rush across and pull open that door. She turned her doorknob and peeked out again.

  The other Noble twin was now standing in front of his door, while holding glasses and 2 champagne bottles, she raised her hand and knocked.

  The door opened and Rand again, smiled. “We’ve been waiting on you,” he greeted and let her inside too.

  Oh, shit on a paperclip! Two of them? Champagne? Swallowing hard, she fought her urges to kill. They’re going to help with the wedding and he is just being sweet enough to make sure it all goes right! Clenching her fists, she resisted the temptation to do another ‘lean and listen’.

  Laughter bubbled so loudly from inside the room full of champagne and floozies, she could hear it all the way, to where she stood. Well, dammit, why would wedding plans be this freaking funny? She remembered the accusations Valeen made about her. With the, ‘Ten Men A Year Daisy’ remark and Victoria saying in front of everyone how slutty she dressed. Yeah, I’m gonna make her see all the way to her religion, dammit! She felt worried now though, could it be that Rand wanted to know if all the gossip about her was true and he called them over to ask about her? He may have doubted this whole thing, because he felt she wasn’t the same woman he—

  A bang and a thump came from across the hall as music started up too.

  What in all that is holy is going on in there? Champagne, music and those two giggling like teens on crack? Against her saner self, she again, tiptoed across. And I will just bet the activity going on in there ain’t anywhere near being holy!

  Giggling and mumbled talk was all she could gather for a couple of minutes.

  “Oh, that is sweet!” Rand exclaimed.

  Sweet? Daisy fumed.

  “Yeah and you are gonna like this too!” One of the woman answered.

  “Yeah, you sure are one yummy man. I just want to shout, take it all off, stud!”

  Then Daisy heard a pop.

  “Champagne anyone?” another female voice shouted.

  Oh, good lord! Daisy bit her lip so hard she thought she drew blood. Stud? I’ll give them all a reckoning to remember! As if she had no control over her own hand, she turned the knob. Her mind alive with images. Rand half-naked, champagne in his hand. The Noble twins hugging their curvy forms up against that hard chest while sexy music played.

  “Mmm, yummy!” one of the girls cooed.

  And…BAM!.. The rest of it lit up in her mind. The woman licking Champagne off his hard chest. My hammered man’s chest! Her mind shrieked. Then she held still. No! You are not going to see that. She forced another image over the burning picture. Rand was innocently sitting in a chair…WITH his shirt on as the two women showed him their wedding portfolios and menus.

  “Yes. That is sexy!” Rand purred. “Sexy enough to…”

  Daisy couldn’t hear the rest and god dammit—she didn’t need to! Bursting through the door, she stumbled in.

  Rand stood with his shirt off, holding a glass of champagne in his hand.

  Oh, Lord! It’s the first image! Her wide eyes swung over to the girls as they stood with their mouths hanging open. No wedding album, no menu in their hands as one wore a yellow baby doll nightie, both had champagne glasses in their hands.

  Just then, a song started to play…It's been seven hours and fifteen days. Since you took your love away…

  Daisy knew she looked insane, but she couldn’t even care, as she headed straight for floozy number one in the baby doll outfit.

  Shrieking, the woman tried to run.

  “Daze!” Rand shouted.

  Daze was now in a crazed-daze, made crazy by the fact that the man who insisted on marrying her in just two days was having a three way sex party in the room across the hall from her!

  Both girls screamed as Daisy lunged for one of the slut-cakes and caught the nightie, it ripped clean off her body.

  “Ooh, Noo!” the terrified twin shrieked.

  “Oh, yes!” Daisy shouted. “Best be making peace with Jesus, little girl!” Then she grabbed her hair and yanked her over to champagne guzzling floozy number two. Grabbing a handful of long red curls, she bonked the girl’s heads together. “I’m gonna make twin
slut-kabobs out of you two!”

  The girls moaned in pain as they struggled in her hair-clenching-grasp, rubbing their foreheads and crying loudly.

  Rand dropped his glass and pulled her fists away from the girls heads, as long strands of red hair stuck between her fingers. He then wrapped his arms around her body, trapping her clenched fists to her sides.

  The Noble girls screamed and wept loudly in fear while holding their heads as they haphazardly stumbled in a rush past them and through the open door.

  “Get back here! I’m not through with you harlot twins!” Daisy yelled after them. “Not until your trampy bodies are roadkill!”

  “Daisy!” Rand shouted.

  “Let me go, you manwhore!” She struggled even though she knew his strength would never allow her to escape until he was ready.

  Rand laughed as he held her tight,

  “Oh! You think that’s funny? Well, I’ll make sure it’s on your gravestone!”

  Rand held her tight and moved them both to the door, slamming it shut with his foot. He kept chuckling.

  “This is not funny! Why, Rand—WHY?”

  He moved her across the room and sat her in a chair.

  Daisy fought to stand up out of it. “Nobody does this to me!” she screeched. “I’m going to kill those two sleazy skanks!”

  Holding her down, Rand looked around and grabbed the tattered nightie from the floor. He wrapped her wrist to the chair armrest and tied it down.

  “And YOU! Two timing, champagne swilling playboy! That’s what will be on your grave! ‘Here lies Rand, because he couldn’t keep it in his pants!’ “ Daisy tried to take a swing at him.

  Rand ducked, caught her arm and tied that one down too.

  Daisy suddenly realized she was actually tied to the chair. “Ohh!” she shouted and tried to get loose. “Oooh, so help me. You wanna be buried next to them, right?”

  Rand took a step back. “God dammit, woman!”

  Daisy huffed and puffed. “How could you?”

  Rand’s amusement shifted to a pensive look. “How could I what?”

  Daisy almost squealed with frustration as she stomped her feet on the carpeted floor. “What? You know what you did!”


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