The Green Brain (v4.0)

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The Green Brain (v4.0) Page 19

by Frank Herbert

  A vast pulsing-rumbling like ocean waves on rocks deafened Joao. He saw a glistening ledge of black rock, its face carved by the current, loom directly ahead. The pod smashed into it, recoiled. And Joao found, himself torn from his harness, on the floor, tangled with Rhin. He grabbed the base of the wheel with his right hand.

  Above him the canopy buckled. He watched in unbelieving shock as the canopy tipped forward and disappeared. He saw the left wing crumple upward against rock. The pod whipped around to the right, presenting a blurred arc of sky and another black wall.

  A crazy rumbling from the shattered wing added to the din.

  Joao thought: We aren't going to make it. Nothing can survive this.

  He felt Rhin with both arms around his waist clinging in terror, her voice in his left ear: "Please make it stop; please make it stop."

  Joao saw the pod's nose lift, slam down, saw white water and spume boil past where the canopy had been. He saw a sprayrifle jerk out that opening into the river, and he wedged himself more tightly between the seats and the dash. His fingers ached where he clutched the wheel. A wrenching motion of the pod turned his head and he saw Chen-Lhu's arms wrapped around the seat back directly above him.

  Chen-Lhu felt the sound like a direct contact on his nerves magnified almost beyond endurance. It grated through him in an unchecked rhythm, dominated his world: a deafening cymbal dissonance gone wild in counterpoint, a rasping, crunching, maelstrom grating. He felt that he had become a seeing-hearing-feeling receptor without any other function.

  Rhin pressed her face against Joao. Everything was the hot smell of Joao's body and insane motion. She felt the pod lift . . . lift . . . lift and slam down, twisting, turning. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. It was like some crazy kind of sex. A staccato punching motion shook her as the pod shot down a washboard of rapids.

  Joao felt all his consciousness concentrated into the terrible intensity of sight. He saw directly out an opening in the cabin side where no opening should be -- a millrace chute, a black cavity of water, solid spray, damp green shade along a scarred cliff. He looked directly down into a frothed spiral of current as the pod tipped. His hand was numb where he clutched the wheel. His shoulder ached.

  A brown turtleback of current rolled over directly in front of the opening. Joao felt the pod slide up onto that smoothness with a deceptively gentle gliding motion, saw the river drop away beyond.

  She can't take any more, he told himself.

  The pod nosed down, faster and faster. Joao braced himself against the dash. He saw a green-brown wave curl upward past a shattered wing stump -- up . . . up . . . up . . .

  The pod smashed through it.

  Green darkness and water cascaded into the cabin. There came a screech of metal. Joao felt the tail slam down, lifting him into washed twilight. He clawed his way toward the seat, dragging Rhin with him, saw Chen-Lhu's arms still wrapped there, water pouring from the torn side of the cabin. He felt the tail section rip across rocks as the pod shot across another boiling mound of water.

  Glaring sunlight!

  Joao twisted around, half blinded by the brilliance. He stared past a torn hole where the motors had been, looked back up the gorge. The roaring noise of the place blasted at him. He saw the insane waves, the violence, and he thought: Did we really come through that?

  He felt water around his ankles, turned, expecting to see another crazy descent of rapids. But there was only a broad pool -- dark water all around. It absorbed the turbulence of the gorge and for all that violence showed only glistening bubbles and the swift spreading and converging of current runnels.

  The pod lurched under him. Joao staggered in the water, clutched the right lip of the cabin, looked down at the remaining wing which appeared to float just on the surface of the river.

  Rhin's voice broke across the moment with a shocking tone of normality: "Hadn't we better get out? We're sinking."

  Joao tried to shake off his feeling of detachment, looked down to see her seated in her seat. He heard Chen-Lhu struggle upright behind her, coughing, saw the man loom there.

  There came a metallic gurgling and the right wing dipped beneath the surface.

  It occurred to Joao then with a twisted sense of elation that they were still alive . . . but the pod was dead. Elation drained from him.

  "We gave them a good run for their money," Chen-Lhu said, "but I think this is the end of the line."

  "Is it?" Joao growled. He felt anger boil in him, touched the bulge of Vierho's big blunderbuss pistol in his pocket. The reflex motion, the foolish emptiness of it, brought a wave of crazy amusement into his mind.

  Imagine trying to kill those things with this gun, he thought.

  "Joao?" Rhin said.

  "Yes." He nodded to her, turned, climbed out onto the edge of the cabin, straightened, balancing there to study their surroundings. A damp spry mist from the gorge blew across him.

  "This thing's not going to stay afloat much longer," Chen-Lhu said. He looked back up the chasm, his mind suddenly refusing to accept what had happened to them.

  "I could swim to that point down there," Rhin said. "How about the rest of you?"

  Chen-Lhu turned, saw a treeless finger of land jutting into their pool about a hundred meters downstream. It was a fragile tentacle of reeds and dirt poised on the water and backed by a high wall of trees. Long dragging marks slanted along the mud below the reeds into the river.

  Alligator sign, Chen-Lhu thought.

  "I see 'gator sign," Joao said. "Best stick with the pod as long as we can."

  Rhin felt terror rise in her throat, whispered, "Will it float much longer?"

  "If we hold very still," Joao said. "We seem to've trapped some air under us somewhere -- maybe in the wing and that left float."

  "No sign of . . . them here," Rhin said.

  "They'll be along presently," Chen-Lhu said, and he was surprised at the casual tone of his own voice.

  Joao studied the little peninsula.

  The pod drifted away, then returned in a back eddy until only a few meters separated the partly submerged wing's tip from the muddy shore.

  Where're those damned alligators? he wondered.

  "We're not going to get any closer," Chen-Lhu said.

  Joao nodded agreement, said, "You first, Rhin. Stay on the wing as long as you can. We'll be right with you." He put his hand on the pistol in his pocket, helped her up with the other hand. She slid down to the wing and it tipped farther under until stopped by the mud below the shore.

  Chen-Lhu slid down behind her, said, "Let's go!" They splashed ashore, their feet sinking in mud when they left the wing. Joao smelled rocket fuel, saw its painted whorls on the river. The reed embankment lifted ahead of him with the tracks of Rhin and Chen-Lhu in it. He climbed up beside them, stared toward the jungle.

  "Would it be possible to reason with them?" Chen-Lhu asked.

  Joao lifted the sprayrifle, said, "I think this is the only argument we have." He looked at the rifle's charge, saw it was full, turned back to study the remains of the pod. It lay almost submerged, its wing anchored in the mud, brown current lapping around and through the torn holes in the cabin.

  "You think we should try to get more weapons out of the pod?" Chen-Lhu asked. "To what purpose? We are going nowhere from here."

  He's right, of course, Joao thought. He saw that Chen-Lhu's words had set Rhin to shivering uncontrollably, and he put an arm around her until the shivering stopped.

  "Such a lovely little domestic scene," Chen-Lhu said, staring at them. And he thought: They're the only coin I have. Perhaps our friends will bargain -- two without a fight for one to go free.

  Rhin felt calmness return. Joao's arm around her, his silence, had shaken her more than anything she cared to remember. Such a little thing, she thought. Just a brotherly-fatherly hug.

  Chen-Lhu coughed. She looked at him.

  "Johnny," Chen-Lhu said. "Give me the sprayrifle. I'll cover you while you try to get more weapons from the po

  "You said it yourself," Joao said. "To what purpose?"

  Rhin pulled out of Joao's embrace, suddenly terrified by the look in Chen-Lhu's eyes.

  "Give me the rifle," Chen-Lhu said, his voice flat.

  What's the difference? Joao asked himself. He looked up into Chen-Lhu's eyes, saw the unblinking savagery there. Good God! What's come over him? He found himself obsessed by the man's eyes, their glaring impact, the almond frames for rage.

  Chen-Lhu's left foot shot out, caught Joao's left arm, sent the rifle pitching skyward. Joao felt his arm go numb, but fell back instinctively into the stance of the capoeira, the Brazilian judo. Almost blind with pain, he dodged another kick, leaped to one side.

  "Rhin, the rifle!" Chen-Lhu shouted. And he stalked after Joao.

  Rhin's mind refused to function for a moment. She shook her head, looked to where the rifle had fallen butt first into the reeds. It pointed skyward, its stock in the mud. The rifle? she asked herself. Well, yes, it would stop a man at this range. She retrieved the rifle, brought it up with mud and torn reeds clinging to its stock, aimed it toward the two men dodging and posturing as though in some weird dance.

  Chen-Lhu saw her, leaped backward, crouched.

  Joao straightened, clutching his injured arm.

  "All right, Rhin," Chen-Lhu said. "Pick him off."

  With a feeling of horror at herself, Rhin found the muzzle of the rifle swinging toward Joao.

  Joao started to reach for the weapon in his pocket, stopped. He felt only a sick emptiness coupled with despair. Let her kill me if she's going to, he thought.

  Rhin gritted her teeth, brought the rifle back to bear on Chen-Lhu.

  "Rhin!" he said, and started toward her.

  You son of a bitch! she thought, and squeezed the trigger.

  A hard stream of poison and butyl carrier leaped from the muzzle, slammed into Chen-Lhu, staggered him. He tried to fight his way through it, but the stream caught him in the face, knocked him down. He rolled and writhed, fighting an increasing entanglement as the carrier coagulated. His movements became slower -- jerking, stopping, jerking.

  Rhin stood with the rifle pointed at Chen-Lhu until its charge ran dry, then hurled the weapon from her.

  Chen-Lhu gave one last jerking, convulsive movement, lay still. No feature of the man remained exposed; he was merely a sticky gray-black-orange mass in the reeds.

  Rhin found she was panting, swallowed, tried to take a deep breath, but couldn't.

  Joao crossed to her side and she saw that he had the pistol in his hand. His left hand dangled uselessly at his side.

  "Your arm," she said.

  "Broken," he said. "Look at the trees."

  She turned as directed, saw flitting movements in the shadows. A puff of wind troubled the leaves there, and an Indian shape appeared in front of the jungle. It was as though he had been flung there by sorcery that produced his image in one movement. Ebony eyes glittered with that faceted sparkle beneath a straight slash of bangs. Red whorls of achiote streaked the face. Scarlet macaw feathers protruded from a string binding the deltoid muscles of the left arm. He wore a breech clout with monkeyskin bag dangling from the waist.

  The remarkable accuracy of the simulacrum struck through her terror, then Rhin remembered the flying ants of her childhood and the gray fluttering wave that had engulfed the IEO camp. She turned toward Joao, pleading, "Joao . . . Johnny: please, please shoot me. Don't let them take me."

  He wanted to turn and run, but muscles refused to obey.

  "If you love me," she pleaded. "Please."

  He couldn't avoid the pleading in her voice. The gun came up as though of its own volition, point blank.

  "I love you, Joao," she whispered, and closed her eyes.

  Joao found himself blinded by tears. He saw her face through a mist. I must, he thought. God help me -- I must. Convulsively, he jerked the trigger.

  The gun roared, bucking in his hand.

  Rhin jerked backward as though pushed by a giant hand. She half turned and pitched face down into the reeds.

  Joao whirled away, unable to look, stared down at the pistol in his hand. Movement by the trees attracted him. He shook away the tears, stared at the line of creatures trailing out of the forest. There were the ones like the sertao Indians who had kidnaped him with his father . . . more forest Indians . . . the figure of Thome from his own band . . . another man, thin and in a black suit, hair shiny silver.

  Even my father! Joao thought. They copy even my father!

  He brought the pistol up, its muzzle pointing at his heart. He felt no rage, only an enormous sorrow as he pulled the trigger.

  Darkness slammed him.


  There was a dream of being carried, a dream of tears and shouting, a dream of violent protests and defiance and rejection.

  Joao woke to yellow-orange light and the figure that could not be his father bending over him, thrusting a hand out, saying, "Then examine my hand if you don't believe!"

  It cannot be my father, Joao thought. I am dead . . . he is dead. They've copied him . . . mimicry, nothing more.

  Numbing shock invaded Joao's awareness then.

  How am I here? he wondered. His mind searched back through memories and he saw himself killing Rhin with Vierho's old blunderbuss, then turning the weapon on himself.

  Something moved behind the figure that couldn't be his father. Joao's attention jerked that way, saw a giant face at least two meters tall. It was a baleful face in the strange light, eyes brilliant and glaring . . . enormous eyes with pupils within pupils. The face turned and Joao saw that it would be no more than two centimeters thick. Again, the face turned. The strange eyes focused toward Joao's feet.

  Joao forced himself to look down, lifting his head, then falling back with a violent trembling. Where his feet should have been he'd seen a foaming green cocoon. Joao lifted his left hand, remembering that it had been broken, but the arm came up without pain and he saw that his skin shared the green tones of that repellent cocoon.

  "Examine my hand!" ordered the old-man figure beside him. "I command it!"

  "He is not quite awake."

  It was a booming voice, resonant, shaking the air all around them; and it seemed to Joao that the voice came from somewhere beneath that giant face.

  What nightmare is this? Joao asked himself. Am I in hell?

  With an abrupt, violent motion, Joao reached up, clutched the proffered hand.

  It felt warm . . . human.

  Tears flooded Joao's eyes. He shook his head to clear them, remembered . . . somewhere . . . doing that same thing. But there were more pressing matters than memories. The hand felt real . . . his tears felt real.

  "How can this be?" he whispered.

  "Joao, my son," said his father's voice.

  Joao peered up at the familiar face. It was his father and no mistaking, down to the very last feature. "But . . . your heart," Joao said.

  "My pump," the old man said. "Look." He pulled his hand away, turned to display where the back of his suit had been cut away. Its edges appeared to be held by some gummy substance. An oily yellow surface pulsed between those fabric edges.

  Joao saw the hair-fine scale lines, the multiple shapes. He recoiled.

  So it was a copy, another of their tricks.

  The old man turned back to face him, and Joao couldn't avoid the youthful look of glee in the eyes. They weren't faceted, those eyes."

  "The old pump failed and they gave me a new one," his father said. "It shares my blood and lives off me. It'll give me a few more useful years. What do you think our medical men will say about that?"

  "It's really you," Joao gasped.

  "All except the pump," the old man said. "But you, you stupid fool! What a mess you made of yourself and that poor woman."

  "Rhin," Joao whispered.

  "Blew out your hearts and parts of your lungs," his father said. "And you fell right into the middle of all that corrosive poison you'd sprayed all
over the landscape. They not only had to give the two of you new hearts, but whole new blood systems!"

  Joao lifted his hands, stared at the green skin. He felt dazzled by it and unable to escape a dream quality in his surroundings.

  "They know medical tricks we haven't even imagined," his father said. "I haven't been this excited since I was a boy. I can hardly wait to get back and . . . Joao! What is it?"

  Joao thrust himself up, glared at the old man. "We're not human anymore! We're not human if . . . We're not human!"


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