Conlan, Shane, 92, 213–15, 217, 221, 222, 223
Conlin, Bill, 30, 108, 292
Conlin, Chris, 358
Conlin, Keith, 358–59
Connecticut (football team), 233
Connor, Dan, 299
consistency, 2, 182–84
conspiracy theories, 253
contracts, 83–84, 143, 341
contradictions, 102
Cooper, Mike, 125, 127–28
Corbett, Tom, 334, 340
Correal, Chuck, 167
corruption, 78, 111, 138, 146, 312
Costas, Bob, 221
Cotton Bowl, 117, 118, 121, 122
country clubs, 231–32
Cousins, Kirk, 324–25
Crittenden, John, 152
Cruise, Tom, 8
Culpepper, Charles, 108
curfew, breaking, 84
Curley, Tim, 10, 256, 261, 272–75, 289, 293, 303, 328
charges against, 10, 329
email of, 274–75, 312
as Paterno’s boss, 339
Paterno’s call to, 272–73, 277, 325, 330, 334
Paterno’s failure to follow up with, 330–31
Spanier’ support for, 331
Curry, Bill, 126, 191
Curry, Jack, 97, 98, 193
Daily Collegian, 69, 165, 258
Dallas, Tex., Cotton Bowl in, 117, 118
Dallas Cowboys, 139, 172, 211
Davis, Al, 69, 72–73, 137, 336
Deacons of Dixieland, 301
defense, 86, 88–95, 100, 115, 122, 128, 164, 167, 183, 279, 308
challenges of, 89
eight front players and, 90–91
for Fiesta Bowl, 213, 220, 222 4–4–3, 90
go to the ball and, 92
Miami, 211
in 1982 team, 195
in 1986 team, 211
in 1994 team, 228–29
offense players shifted to, 90, 102–3, 148
Sandusky and, 188, 210, 213, 248, 250, 256–61, 279
defensive backs, 30, 49, 148, 213, 290
defensive linemen, 90
DeFluri, Fritz, 62
Delany, Jim, 227
D’Elia, Guido, 11–13, 138, 164, 260, 268, 292, 306, 324, 325
on McKenzie, 284
Paterno’s death and, 365
on Sandusky, 248, 251
sexual abuse scandal and, 12–13, 319–21, 325, 326, 332–34, 337, 338, 339, 346–47
del Sarto, Andrea, 298
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, 105
democracy, 78
Democrats, 119
Denver, John, 172
destiny, 20, 35
Devine, Dan, 122
Dickerson, Eric, 203
DiMaggio, Joe, 182
Disney World, 232
Division I, 325
Dodd, Bobby, 88, 149
Doolittle, Bill, 52
Dozier, D. J., 217, 221
Dranov, Jonathan, 276–77
Drape, Joe, 289
of Alma Pohland, 71
of George Paterno, 283, 286
of Paterno, 174, 247
of players, 93–94, 173, 294, 314, 369
of reporters, 111
Duckett, T. J., 259
Dunnavant, Keith, 161–62
eastern football, lack of respect for, 110, 111, 116–17, 165
Ebbets Field, 92
education, 12, 65–66, 108
academic standards and, 104–5, 106, 127, 135, 149, 153, 163, 171–72, 206–8, 284
of blacks, 127, 207–8
Einstein, Albert, 243
Eisenberg, Bob, 217–18
Eisner, Will, 44
election of 1968, U.S., 119, 121
Elk Lick (later Salisbury), Pa., 46, 47, 52
Ellis, Buddy, 150
furious, 297
interoffice, 274–75, 312, 314, 331
Engle, Charles A. “Rip,” 28, 45–47, 50–54
background of, 47
coaching style of, 62–63
gentleness of, 62–63
gloominess and pessimism of, 46, 62
Paterno inspired by, 47, 62
Paterno offered job by, 51–53
at Penn State, 46, 51–54, 60, 62–65, 69, 85, 88, 131, 135, 355
retirement of, 69, 252
USC offer of, 64
Engle, Cora, 47
English, Paterno’s correcting of, 355–56
English literature, 45, 57
Engram, Bobby, 228, 348
ESPN, 197, 223, 294–95, 314, 340–41
Ewbank, Weeb, 53, 68, 143
examples, coaches as, 1, 99
excellence, 327
Angelo Paterno’s standing for, 28
Paterno’s views on, 2, 28, 150, 203
Exorcist, The (Blatty), 19, 34
Eymer, Clarence, 55
facilities, 158
fairness, 105, 107, 108, 121, 132, 235
fatum (fate), 35, 52, 87
fellowships, 150
Felshin, Max, 55
Fenn, Steve, 105
Fiedler, Leslie, 70
Fiesta Bowl (1987), 210–24, 250
days leading up to, 215
good vs. evil narrative in, 210, 215
skits before, 215–16
fire trucks, 202
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 5, 111
Fleischhauer, David, 258
Florida (state), 71
bowl games in, 117, 118, 126
segregation in, 126
Florida State Seminoles, 95–96, 108, 226, 292, 309–10
Flounders, Bob, 293–94
Flynn, Errol, 35
food, 40, 51, 62, 82, 174, 231, 338
cheesecake, 355
ice cream, 65, 280, 355
football, 5, 24, 26, 28–32, 44–47, 49–54, 60–73, 81
areas of concentration for, 110–11
at Brooklyn Prep, 29–32, 38, 44, 45, 54, 108
at Brown, 29, 30, 38, 44, 45, 49–52, 54, 68, 85, 145, 283
coaching of, see coaches, coaching
cost of, 226
Graham’s playing of, 44–45
in 1950s and 1960s, 65
Paterno’s attempt at reinvention of, 88–94
Paterno’s playing of, 4, 19, 28–32, 38, 44, 45, 49–50, 51, 54, 85, 88, 108, 145
professional, 107, 136–42
recruiting for, see recruiting
Football Hall of Fame, 104
football players:
no-drinking rule and, 93–94
score sheet for, 266–67
football plays, 78, 182–83, 197, 348
naming of, 91
offense vs. defense and, 89
quarterback’s calling of, 66
simplicity and, 66–67
trick, 67
Football Press Guide (1949), 54
Ford, Gerald, 12, 154
Fordham, 44–45
Forney, Travis, 258
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 284–85
foster children, 251
foul language, 131
Fox, Derek, 258
Foxborough, Mass., 136, 140
fraternities, 48–49, 105
Frederiksen, Nils, 330
Freeh, Louis, 11
Frewsburg, N.Y., 213–14
Friday-night gatherings, 173–75
Fridays, 86
Frost, Robert, 243
fund-raising, 158, 188, 204–6, 301–2, 304, 372
Fusina, Chuck, 164, 166, 217
Ganim, Sara, 329–30
Ganter, Fran, 192, 219, 220, 261, 297, 340
Garban, Steve, 303
Garrity, Gregg, 200, 201, 348
Gates, Bill, 370
Gator Bowl, 97, 126
Georgia (football team), 198–201, 203, 213
Gerber, Daniel F., 44
Gettysburg Address, 144
Gettysburg College, 144
Giacomarro, Ralph, 196
Gibson, Vince, 1
Giftopoulos, Pete, 221, 223
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 33
Glenside, Pa., 358–59
Goldberg, Rube, 44
Google, 312
Gophers, see Minnesota Gophers
“go to the ball,” 92
Graham, Earl “Zev,” 31, 44–45, 181–82
Grambling, 328
Grand Experiment, The, 108–10, 114, 142, 173, 290, 335
Great Depression, 22–24
Green Bay Packers, 126, 137, 252
Gricar, Ray, 253
Guman, Mike, 167
guns, 8
Haden, Pat, 356
hair, 40, 212, 215
hairspray, 215–16
Haldeman, H. R., 120
halfback pass, 67
Hali, Tamba, 310, 356
Hall, Galen, 297, 346
Ham, Jack, 92, 104, 115, 217
Hamlet’s soliloquy, 298–99
Hamtramck, Mich., 357
handshaking, postgame, 85
Haney, Travis, 299
happiness, 79, 140, 153, 154, 195, 209
Happy Valley, 65, 164, 324, 331
Harlow, Dick, 47, 52
Harrell, Chris, 363–64
Harris, Franco, 92, 109, 115–16, 118, 148, 172, 217, 368
Paterno defended by, 343
Harris, Jennifer, 189
Harris, Pete, 172
Harrisburg, Pa., 111, 128, 163, 201–2, 325
Paterno memorial in, 26
Harrisburg Patriot-News, 293–94, 326, 329–30
Hartings, Jeff, 228
Harvard University, 47
hatred, 2, 6, 7, 147
Hayes, Woody, 88, 109, 110, 118, 143, 191, 288
Hayman, Gary, 149–50
Heisman Trophy, 68, 152, 153–54, 164, 173, 195, 199, 228, 289
Hemingway, Ernest, 5, 38, 242, 245, 293
Henne, Chad, 309
Henry, Charles, 219
Hercules’ twelve labors, 164
Herd, Chuck, 149
heroes, 26, 35, 56, 165
Hershey, Milton, 44
Hershey, Pa., amusement park in, 132
Herskowitz, Mickey, 136
Hertzel, Bob, 113
Hettinger, Scott, 356–57
Higgins, Bob, 7
Highsmith, Alonzo, 211, 219, 220, 221
Hill, Jess, 63–64
Hilton, Conrad, 44
Hiroshima, bombing of, 37, 38
history, 232
Hoboken, N.J., 264
Hoboken Police Department, 264
Holden, Tim, 297–98
Homer, Arthur B., 49
homosexuality, 189
Honig, Dick, 288
honor, success and, 79
Hort, Chris, 132, 297
Hotchner, A. E., 245
Hotel Astor, 71
Hufnagel, John, 128
Hurricanes, see Miami Hurricanes
Hyman, Mervin, 170–71
ice cream, 65, 280, 355
I formation, 85
Illinois (football team), 309, 327, 328
“Immaculate Reception,” 92
Indiana (football), 229, 257, 298, 299–300, 302, 327
injuries, 100, 151, 154, 193, 361, 364
of Chris Hort, 297
knee, 359
of Paterno, 31, 96, 311, 326–27
of Taliaferro, 267–68, 343
of Walker, 199
of Paterno, 47, 62, 209–10, 243
of players, 195
Sandusky as, 248
Interfaith Movement Inc., 55–57, 126
Internet, 269, 343
of Florida, 297
of Phillips, 290
investigations (sexual abuse scandal), 11, 329–30
interoffice email and, 274–75
1998 incident and, 253–56, 281
2001 incident and, 270, 271, 273
see also Pennsylvania grand jury
Iowa (football team), 228, 237, 288–89, 296, 297
Iraq War, 365–66
Irish immigrants, 64
Irvin, Michael, 211, 219, 220, 221
Irwin, Mike, 84
Isom, Ray, 213, 220, 222, 223
Israel, David, 165
Israeli athletes, 142
Italian Americans, 25, 27, 29, 72, 367
Italian immigration, 25
Italy, 143, 347
Izzo, Anthony, 25
Jackson, Keith, 200
Jackson, Kenny, 128, 184–85, 188, 193, 271
James, Bill, ix
James Madison, 32–33, 233
Janocko, Tim, 353–54
Japan, in World War II, 216
Jenkins, Dan, 112, 114
Jenkins, Sally, 254, 347–48
Jersey Shore, 70, 187
Jesuits, 33
Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount of, 250–51
Jews, 105
“Joe must go” activities, 296–297
Joe Paterno (G. Paterno), 56, 286, 287
Joe Paterno (Hyman and White), 170–71
“Joe Paterno Day,” 143
Joe Robbie Stadium, 285
Johnson, Ed, 299
Johnson, Eddie, 222
Johnson, Jimmy, 215, 216, 221
Johnson, Larry, Jr., 217, 265, 287–90
Johnson, Larry, Sr., 265
Johnson, Ron, 258
Johnson, Tim, 222
Johnson, Tony, 289
Johnson, William, 153
jokes, 215–16, 234
Jones, Gordie, 261
Jones, Steve, 306
Jordan, Bryce, 205–6
Jordan, Pat, 297
Junction, Tex., 162
justice, 11, 55
Kansas State Wildcats, 100, 101–2, 116, 117, 120
Karpinski, Carl, 357
Karpinski, Keith, 357
Kay, Clarence, 200
Kelly, Jim, 90
Kelly, Linda, 334
Kennedy, Bobby, 147
Kennedy, John F., 118, 147
Kent State, 147
Kentucky (football team), 165
Kilgore, Dean, 161–62
King, Justin, 306–7, 308
King, Martin Luther, 56, 147
Kiski School, 232
kitchen tables, 5–6, 130, 303
knee surgery, 359
Knight, Bob, 226
Knight, Phil, 174
Korea, 38, 39, 41, 346
Koufax, Sandy, 249
Kwalick, Ted, 368
Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligencer, 261
Lancaster (Pa.) Sunday News, 279–80
Landau, Martin, 33
Landry, Tom, 139
Lapointe, Joe, 258
LaPorta, Phil, 150
Lastinger, John, 200
Latin, 35, 182
Latrobe, Pa., 115
Layden, Tim, 257
leaders, leadership, 372
black, 207
Paterno’s views on, 39, 60, 88, 162, 207
Leahy, Frank, 137
Lenkaitis, Bill, 94
Leonardo da Vinci, 29
leukemia, 136, 151, 154
Levy, DeAndre, 311
Lincoln, Abraham, 144, 232
linebackers, 90, 127, 150, 211, 217, 248, 257, 357
Conlan as, 213, 214, 217
“Fritz” (weak-side), 62–63
in 1992, 284–85
Radakovich and, 250
line of scrimmage, 90, 91
Lion in Winter, The, 317
Lion King, The (movie), 263
Lippmann, Walter, 78–79
literature, 45, 57, 70
Litterelle, Jim, 355
Lombardi, Vince, 2, 8, 28, 119, 137, 191
Paterno compared with, 25, 67, 73, 83, 84, 88, 140
retirement of, 252
at St. Cecilia, 31, 32
Longhorns, see Texas Longhorns
Looney, Douglas, 171, 178–79
Lord’s Prayer, 349
Los A
ngeles Times, 142
losing, 100, 127–28, 131, 139, 258–59, 306, 308–9, 343
fear of, 82, 96, 102
in 1992, 285
in 2000, 264–66, 285–86
in 2001, 278, 280, 285–86
in 2002, 288–89
in 2003 and 2004, 296, 297, 298
Louisiana State, 151, 152
love, 2, 61, 70, 147, 149
LoVecchio, Matt, 299, 300
Lowry, Calvin, 300
Lucas, Richie “Riverboat,” 68
Luedeke, Rob, 358
Lyon, Bill, 111, 174, 193, 197
Lyons, Charles, Jr., 207
M*A*S*H (TV show), 346
McAlvey, Dennis, 264
MacArthur, Douglas, 162
McCallum, Jack, 259, 260
McCann, Donal, 75
Macchia Albanese, 25
McClelland, Leo “Hollywood,” 173
McCloskey, Mike, 193, 196
McCoy, Ernie, 61, 69, 83, 95
McGinn, Dan, 319–21, 338, 339
McKay, John, 110–11, 165
McKenzie, Rich, 284–85
McKeesport, Pa., 218
McQueary, John, 270, 276
McQueary, Mike, 10, 269–77, 281, 297, 325, 329, 330, 335, 336–37
Magic Defense, 199, 200, 213
Mahoney, Frank, 45
Maisel, Ivan, 278
Major League Baseball, 228
Manningham, Mario, 309
Maraniss, David, 119
Marine Corps, 369
Marino, Dan, 188
Markewich, Arthur, 55
Markovich, Mark, 150, 151
Marrone, Christian, 249, 259–60, 361
Marshall Plan, 38
Maryland (football team), 85, 116, 152, 165, 172, 210
Mason, Glen, 258
media, 152, 226, 368
controversy and, 269
McKenzie and, 284
Paterno’s firing and, 343
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