beauty of, 63, 65
District Attorney of, 274
George Paterno’s return to, 287
media in, 10, 170, 265, 281
Muslim women in, 365–66
1998 investigation and, 281
Paterno golf balls in, 227
Paterno’s death and, 348–49
Paterno’s house in, 81–82, 85, 89, 91, 271, 331, 333, 335–42, 347–48, 369, 371
Paterno’s running of, 311
Paterno’s walks in, 65, 323
remoteness of, 226
Sandusky’s status in, 277
Sue Paterno’s love for, 73, 139
see also Penn State
statues, 155
Nittany Lion, 86–87
Paterno, 8–10, 341
stickball, 24, 25, 72
Stork Club, The, 44
Strauss, Johann, 113
success, 171, 287
Florence Paterno’s hunger for, 27–29
Paterno’s views on, 2, 42, 78–79, 83, 88, 150
of Penn State, 68
Sandusky and, 286
Wooden’s pyramid of, 243
Sugar Bowl, 78, 118, 126, 138, 139, 142
in 1983, 198–201, 213
Suhey, Steve, 60
Sullivan, Billy, 136–40, 144, 154
Sunset Park, 4, 337
Super Bowl, 140
Surma, John, 340
suspensions, 94, 173, 294
Suter, Mike, 191–92, 196–97
swearing, 131
sweater story, 48–49
swimming pools, 82, 231–32
Switzer, Barry, 174, 175–76, 346
Syracuse (basketball team), 346
Syracuse (football team), 67, 100, 116, 117, 121, 148–49, 177, 197, 226
Nittany Lion statue and, 86–87
Penn State’s loss to, 127–28
“system,” blaming the, 77–78
dining room, 130
kitchen, 5–6, 130, 303
tacklers, 30
talent, 75, 93
Taliaferro, Adam, 265–68, 277–78, 310, 343
Tangerine Bowl, 117
Tarman, Jim, 95, 111, 121–22, 140–42
as athletic director, 190
Tarman, Louise, 141
Tate, Charlie, 100
Taylor, Chris, 299, 300
teamwork, 102, 169
television, 142, 192, 221, 226, 279, 357, 369
Fiesta Bowl and, 210
movies for, 152
Paterno on, 170, 171
Paterno’s firing and, 10
Paterno’s watching of, 4–5, 343, 346
sexual abuse scandal and, 333, 339, 343
Walker’s watching of, 198
Temple, 46, 327
Tennessee (football team), 199
Tesner, Buddy, 150
Testaverde, Vinny, 211, 219–23
Texas (state), 119, 308
bowl games in, 117, 118
Texas A&M, 162, 259
Texas Christian, 165
Texas Longhorns, 110, 117–23, 308
theater, 34
31st Infantry Regiment, 41
Thomas, Blair, 217
Thomas, Dylan, 293
Thousand Points of Light, 248
tickets, 158
contracts and, 83–84
cost of, 142
ties, 7, 13, 28, 110, 258
Tigers, see Missouri Tigers
tight ends, 150, 228
Till, Emmett, 126
Times West Virginian, 113
Toledo, 264–65
touchdowns, 92, 102, 120, 188, 200, 228, 259, 309
of Cappelletti, 151, 152
in Fiesta Bowl, 219, 220
of Hettinger, 356–57
of Indiana, 229
of Walker, 199
Touched (Sandusky), 251, 252
translation, 34–35
Triponey, Vicky, 312–15, 343
Truman, Harry, 37–38
2001 (movie), 113
UCLA, 86, 94, 215
Umphrey, Woody, 167
uniforms, 181–82, 183
United Press International (UPI), 118, 142
poll of, 117, 122, 167
Uruguay, SS, 162
USA Today, 312, 335
Van Natta, Don, 340–41
“Victim 6,” 253
Viera, Mark, 335
Vietnam war, 142, 147, 367
Virgil, 32, 34–35
Virginia (football team), 233
Wake, Derek, 300
Walker, Eric, 69, 95
Walker, Herschel, 198–200
Wallace, George, 119
Wall Street Journal, 312
Walsh, Bill, 285
Walters, Bucky, 44
Warner, Curt, 195, 197, 217
Washington Post, 148, 254, 298, 347–48
Watergate, 78, 123, 142, 145, 146, 147
wealth, 5, 75, 78, 106, 136, 150, 371
of Abbey, 366
Weiss, Dick, 324
Welch Pool, 82
Welsh, George, 86, 135, 136
Welsh, Sandra, 86–87
Westbrooks, Jerry, 267
Western Maryland College, 47
West Virginia (football team), 11, 116, 151
When Pride Still Mattered (Maraniss), 119
White, Bob, 107, 182, 208, 213, 217–19, 223, 284
White, Gordon, 170–71
White, Jack, 72
White, Randy, 172
Whittier College, 119
Wilbon, Mike, 298
Wildcats, see Kansas State Wildcats
Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Times-Leader, 280
Wilkinson, Bud, 120, 137
Williams, Derrick, 306, 307–8
Williams, Jim, 222
Williams, Tennessee, 323
Wills, Victor, 280
Wilson, Heartsill, 202
Winged-T offense, 52, 85
winning, 27–31, 44, 49, 163–68, 305–6
in 1968 and 1969, 100
Paterno’s views on, 28, 29, 30, 51, 73, 88, 96, 101, 158, 219, 242, 289, 305
in 2002, 287–88
in 2011, 327
Wisconsin (football team), 127, 237, 278, 296, 297, 309, 311
wishbone formation, 78
Wisniewski, Leo, 22
women’s sports, 189–90
Wooden, John, 109, 215, 243
Woodward, Stanley, 49, 171
World Series (1943), 181–82
World Trade Center, 278
World War I, 25, 69
World War II, 24, 37–39, 55, 69, 162
Fiesta Bowl and, 216, 219
Yale University, 68–69, 83
Young, Vince, 308
Zitrides, Gus, 52
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Copyright © 2012 by Joe Posnanski
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