The Surien Series Blood Guardian

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The Surien Series Blood Guardian Page 9

by Mindy Majors

  “Did he just apologize for stabbing me?” Symarah asked in disbelief.

  “He’s unden, he does what Vaiden tells him to; he has no choice.”

  “What exactly is an unden?”

  “It's a slave. Demmic can turn mortals into slaves by feeding them their poisoned blood. If the human drinks too much they die, but just a few drops will turn them into a loyal slave forever.”

  “How did you know I was in danger?” Symarah asked.

  “Your fear woke me,” Daire answered her question before she could finish asking it, “I sensed you and flashed to the patio door.”

  “Kassie!” Symarah exclaimed.

  “She’s fine; Jareth sensed her at the library and flashed himself there. When she’s ready to come home he’ll flash her back here.”

  “Oh, thank God she’s okay.”

  “Yes, but you’re not,” Daire said, looking at her bloody shirt, “let’s get you cleaned up shall we.”

  He flashed them to her bedroom and sat her down on the bed. He disappeared into her closet and returned with a crimson red blouse and a pair of black shorts that went surprisingly well together.

  “Ya know for an Atlantean god you sure know a lot about fashion; did you ever consider becoming a clothing designer?” she teased.

  “I just know what looks good on you,” he flirted. “We need to get this shirt off of you.”

  “What?” she said, startled by his bluntness.

  “I need to heal that wound before you lose any more blood,” he said, amused by her misunderstanding.

  “Oh,” she said, embarrassed by her mistake.

  She removed the ruined blouse as he sat down on the bed next to her. The cut ran from just below her shoulder to the top of her breast, just above her bra but it was not deep. He placed his large hand over the wound on her left breast and closed his eyes. His hand felt warm on her exposed skin. She watched him closely as he concentrated on healing her. At first she didn’t think it was going to work but then his hand started getting warmer and then it was hot. Her skin started to tingle and itch. He opened his eyes and removed his hand from her breast. She looked down and was amazed to find the wound completely gone, not even a scar remained.

  “Wow, there’s not even a trace of the cut,” she said, impressed.

  That’s when she noticed the burned flesh on the back of his hand.

  “What happened to your hand?” she questioned.

  “The sun burned it when I reached out to throw the slave from the patio, luckily he was close enough that I didn't have to walk out into the sunlight,” he answered. “It will heal in time.”

  Symarah couldn’t believe that he was willing to risk his life to save hers. Although it was not the first time he had saved her, it was the first time he’d been injured in the process.

  “You have a habit of saving my life,” she smiled, “thank you.” She raised his hand to her lips and gently kissed his wound. Daire was deeply touched by her sincerity and gratitude. He was unaccustomed to such behavior from a human, especially one who knew what he was. She had a generous, giving nature that was truly rare in this world. In some ways she reminded him of Meissen. Maybe that was why he had such strong feelings for her, why he felt so drawn to her. He leaned in and gently kissed her soft lips. Symarah returned his kiss as she ran her hands over his chiseled chest to his well-muscled shoulders. She could feel the muscles flexing under his shirt. She ran her hand up the back of his neck and pulled him closer. Daire growled low in his throat as he deepened his kiss. Everything about this woman made him feel alive with passion, a passion he hadn't felt in centuries. Her intoxicating scent, the feel of her soft delicate hand on his neck, those succulent lips that tasted of sweet strawberries. He could think of nothing more than her naked body writhing beneath his as he spent several hours pleasing her, a pleasure she had never even imagined was possible. He gently traced his fingers down her neck and cupped her breast. He could feel her taut nipple through the black satin bra she still wore. Symarah moaned softly as she felt Daire's rough hand on her breast. Her senses were reeling, her whole body on fire for him. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hands over his massive chest. His skin was so smooth and soft stretched over such hard muscle. It was all she could do to keep from throwing him down on the bed and riding him until their lust was sated.

  “I want to feel your hands on my skin,” she whispered in his ear.

  Her words burned like fire, turning his last ounce of restraint to ash. Knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her sent a blinding desire through his entire body. Daire unhooked the front clasp on her bra and tossed it aside. He cupped her breasts with both hands as he gently kissed her neck. Symarah tangled her fingers in his hair and gently tugged at it as he kissed her neck. The feel of his full lips on her skin was almost more than she could bear. He left a trail of soft kisses from her neck to her full breast as he sucked her nipple into his mouth and gently nibbled it. Symarah leaned her head back delighting in the sensation of his hot mouth on her swollen breast. As he teased her hard nipple with his masterful tongue, she couldn't help wonder what other talents he was hiding. She ran her free hand down his chest to his rock hard abs. She could feel his fangs pressing against her breast and it sent a wave of desire through her. She grabbed a handful of his jet black hair and pulled hard forcing one of his fangs to lightly pierce her skin. Daire fought hard to keep control as he tasted a small drop of her blood. It was the most intoxicating thing he had ever tasted, all he could think of was sinking his fangs into her soft supple skin and drinking her sweet nectar. No, he had to resist. He lifted his head and kissed her hard as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. He reached down to where her other hand rested on his stomach and gently guided it further south. Symarah gasped at the size of the bulge in his pants. She knew he would be well endowed but this was beyond expectation. Daire pulled back, sensing her concern.

  “I would never do anything to hurt you Symarah.”

  “I know,” she smiled sheepishly, as she began unzipping his pants.

  “Symarah!” Kassie called out in a panic the second Jareth flashed her back to the beach house.

  “I promise she is fine, she's with Daire,” Jareth assured her, as she frantically headed up the stairs toward the bedrooms.

  “I don't care, I want to see her with my own eyes to make sure Vaiden's little bitch boy didn't hurt her. I swear if he laid one finger on her I'll kill him myself!” Kassie ranted as she reached for the door handle to Sym's bedroom.

  Daire growled in frustration as he dressed Symarah in the clothes he had picked out earlier and righted his clothes in an instant with a wave of his hand.

  “Let's not mention the knife, we wouldn't want to scare her any more than she already is,” Daire said.

  “Thank you Daire,” Symarah said, as she kissed him gently on the lips.

  “Are you okay?” Kassie asked, as she ran into the bedroom and locked Symarah in a death grip of a hug.

  “I'm fine Kass,” she answered, as she hugged her friend back. She was lucky to have such an amazing friend who cared for her so much. She truly loved Kassie with all her heart.

  “So now we're not even safe in the daytime?” Kassie asked, looking from Daire to Jareth in disbelief. “How are we going to defend ourselves against Vaiden's minions?”

  “You will both be assigned a day walker,” Jareth stated.

  “It's the only way to keep you both safe,” Daire agreed.

  “What is a day walker?” Symarah asked.

  “They are a society of mortals who protect the innocent from unden during the day,” Daire answered.

  “Centuries ago, when the demmic first realized that they could turn humans into slaves, they would send these slaves to capture their victim in the daylight and lock them in a cage until nightfall. Then the demmic would wake from their slumber and drain the blood of their victim,” Jareth explained in more detail.

  “I thought humans, mortals I mean, are not allowed t
o know about you,” Symarah said.

  “The Day Walkers Society was established by loved ones of the demmic's victims. All day walkers are descendants of these victims,” Jareth said. “Once they found out about the suriens they contacted us and offered to help us with unden during the day when we we’re not able to hunt.”

  “We should have assigned you both a day walker from the beginning,” Daire scolded himself.

  “It's not your fault.” Symarah walked over to him and put her hand on his arm. “You have to stop blaming yourself for all of this Daire, you're not responsible for Vaiden's actions.”

  “Yeah, it's not your fault that V is evil, I mean you guys have the same curse as he does and I don't see either one of you draining innocent bystanders like a juice box at a second grade soccer game,” Kassie said.

  “I'll go make the call then,” Jareth told Daire, “they should be here before dawn.”

  “I think it's time we reconsider going to Delmar to look for Vaiden,” Symarah suggested.

  “No, it's too dangerous,” Daire said.

  “As dangerous as being in my own backyard in the middle of the day?” Symarah gave Daire a pointed look, not wanting to alert Kassie to the fact that she had just been stabbed in her own backyard.

  “I'm afraid I have to agree old friend; that might not have been Vaiden's only unden. He could have many slaves.”

  “Fine, but I go alone while you and the day walkers stay with the girls. This could be exactly what Vaiden wants, to lure us to Delmar while the girls are here, unprotected,” Daire reminded Jareth.

  “I don't want you going in there by yourself,” Symarah said.

  “It's the only way to ensure your safety,” Daire told her. “Even with the day walkers, you will still be no match for Vaiden if he attacks while Jareth and I are in Delmar. I have to go alone, it's the only way.”

  “Daire please,” Symarah pleaded with him, “how do you know this isn't his way of catching you off guard?” “Maybe he was just giving you someone to protect so that you would take unnecessary risks with your own safety. You'll be alone and who knows how many demmic will be there to back him up?”

  “If I get into any trouble I'll call Dacian and his brother. I'll be fine.”

  “Jareth, please talk some sense into him,” Kassie begged.

  “I'm afraid I have to agree with him on this one. It's too dangerous to leave you two alone with nothing but day walkers to protect you.”

  Daire took Symarah's hand and looked deep into her eyes. “Remember what I said,” he told her.

  Symarah knew exactly what he was referring to; he had promised he would never do anything to hurt her, and looking into his eyes she knew he would do anything to keep that promise. She could see it in his eyes, how much he cared for her. She knew there was no point in arguing with him on this one but she had no intention of letting him go alone. One way or another she would find a way to prevent that from happening.

  “I will return safely,” he promised her.

  “You damn well better.” She decided to drop it for now.

  “Then it is settled,” Jareth said, “we will give you time to get to know your day walkers first.”

  “And I'll contact Dacian, give him a heads up,” Daire agreed.


  The girls had spent the last two weeks getting acquainted with their day walkers, Conner and Duncan MacCailin. Conner, the oldest of the two brothers, was assigned to Symarah; leaving Duncan with Kassie. Although they had just met it was as though they had known each other for ages. They were like old friends. Conner loved helping Symarah with her reading classes and the students absolutely adored him as well. Duncan shared Kassie's fondness for movies and they spent the majority of their time at the Royal Palm Theater. The brothers looked nothing alike. Conner stood 6 feet tall, with short blond hair and green eyes, while Duncan was 6 feet 5 inches, with spikey black hair and ice blue eyes. Their personalities were quite similar though, both men enjoyed cutting up and making people laugh. Their laid back demeanor was in sharp contrast to their fighting abilities. The girls had seen them train in the back yard many times; fighting against one another, they were ruthless. They fought more like Daire and Jareth than mere mortals, it was hard to believe that they were only human. Having seen both men in action before, Daire and Jareth were quite confident that the brothers could hold their own against any unden that Vaiden could throw at them. Since the girls hit it off with their day walkers so quickly, Daire decided it was time to take a little trip to Delmar.

  “I still think it's a trap,” Symarah said. “I think this was his intention all along, to get you to come after him without Jareth to back you up.”

  “What if his plan is to get us to leave the two of you alone?” Daire reasoned.

  “What if it's not?” she pleaded.

  “I can't take that chance Symarah.” Daire looked deep into her eyes. “I won't take risks with your life, or Kassie's.”

  “But you're willing to risk yours.” Symarah shook her head. The situation seemed hopeless. Vaiden would attack tonight she was sure of it, either way someone she cared for very much would be in grave danger.

  “Dacian and his brother are on standby, one thought from either of us and they will be there in the blink of an eye,” Jareth assured her.

  “It's the only way Sym; we have to end this. We can't spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders and having babysitters to keep us safe,” Kassie reminded her.

  “I know you're right Kass.”

  Symarah turned to Daire and locked him in a hug so tight he almost couldn't breathe. He was a little stunned and deeply touched by her concern.

  “Remember your promise, come back to me safely.”

  “I am a man of my word and I never break a promise,” he said as he kissed her softly and took a step back.

  “Keep them safe Jareth and don't hesitate to call for Dacian if you need him, I'll return as quickly as possible,” Daire said as he closed his eyes and focused his mind on Delmar. Just before he flashed himself out Symarah grabbed his arm and focused all her thoughts on Delmar as well. By the time Daire realized what she had done it was too late, they were already halfway across town in a back alley somewhere in the heart of Delmar.

  “What are you doing?” Daire scolded.

  “I couldn't let you come here alone,” she answered.

  “I'm taking you back right now,” he said as he reached for her arm.

  “Like hell you are.” Symarah snatched her arm out of his reach.

  “Symarah please, it's far too dangerous.”

  “In case you hadn't noticed, I am a grown woman and I'll do as I please. Besides, if you take me back I will just find a way to sneak out and drive right back out here and then I won't have you to protect me, so it's safer this way,” she said defiantly.

  “Stubborn woman.” Daire raked his hand through his hair and growled in frustration. “Fine, but if you're going to stay you'll need to blend in,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” she said, looking at him in confusion.

  “We are surrounded by crack houses, drug addicts, and prostitutes; you stick out like a sore thumb.”

  Daire was right, she looked as if she'd just stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine; the cost of her shoes alone would be enough to buy half the drugs in the neighborhood.

  “You're right, I guess a Vera Wang jumpsuit and a pair of Jimmy Choo pumps don't exactly say crack whore do they.”

  “No, not exactly,” Daire laughed at the idea of Symarah being anything like a crack whore.

  “So what do we do?” Symarah asked, concerned that she had already blown their cover.

  Daire waved his hand in front of her and her outfit instantly changed. She now wore a crimson bustier made of satin, a ridiculously short black school girl skirt that barely covered her ... assets, and a pair of black suede knee high stiletto boots.

  “Well, I look like a wealthy crack whore anyway,” Symarah joked.

  Daire waved his hand again, this time changing his own outfit. “And now I look like your pimp.”

  As they started off down the alley Symarah couldn't help feeling over-exposed and utterly ridiculous. They came to the end of the alleyway and took a left. There were addicts and hookers everywhere, the houses were falling apart and there was trash thrown all over the ground; it looked like the inside of a dumpster. The smell was almost unbearable. The whole place reeked of sex, filth and melting plastic. Daire led Symarah through the neighborhood, turning down several different streets before he finally stopped.

  He's been here, I can sense him,” Daire said as he headed down another street, “just stay close to me.”

  Daire led her to a small dead-end street in the center of Delmar.

  “There,” Daire said, pointing to a dilapidated looking house at the end of the small cul-de-sac. As they approached the house, they didn't notice anything out of place. It looked just like all the other houses in Delmar, neglected and run down, but unlike the other streets, this one was deserted. It was quite eerie, as if everyone was too afraid to go anywhere near it. Standing at the front door they noticed that although the house was in complete disrepair, the yard was relatively tidy. There was no trash lying about, no used condoms, no dead lighters, or empty syringes lying on the ground like the rest of the neighborhood. They entered the house through the unlocked door. Daire used his body to shield Symarah from any danger they may encounter. They carefully entered the living room and found it empty. They slowly searched each room of the house but found nothing. There wasn't even any furniture, it looked as though it were waiting to be moved into.


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