From the Embers (The Born in Flames Trilogy)

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From the Embers (The Born in Flames Trilogy) Page 31

by Knoebel, Candace

  We needed a miracle.

  I looked back at Fenn. We had to split up if I wanted to help the Imperials. He nodded ruefully, and then I leapt into the air, heading for every Dark Saar who thought he stood a chance.

  Fire spewed out from my hands and mouth as I furiously attacked the Saar who had dropped onto the backs of the Imperials. My flames covered one of the Saar who had a light blue Imperial by the neck. The dragon thrashed and swayed, trying to throw the Saar off as my flames wrapped around him. The Saar fell to the ground below, catching a swarm of Zordon’s men on fire.

  I pushed forward, trying to help as many Imperials as I could. The Saar neither saw me coming nor were they ready for me. I watched them fall below us in triumph. The Imperials nodded and then surged ahead with a newfound hope.

  Filling me with a newfound hope.

  Chapter 26

  The Final Battle

  THE FIGHT PRESSED ON, SAAR falling right along with men and women from my army. I continuously scanned for Zordon since I couldn’t sense his presence anymore. He remained unfound.

  My heart picked up in a flurry when Celestians stormed into the fight on the tail of Lexi’s portal, dead set on taking out Na’shir’s risen. But that wasn’t all she brought with her.

  Priests rushed to the aid of our men, eyes glowing with the power of the Pool.

  I landed next to Lexi and Fenn. “But how?” I stuttered.

  “I figured we would need them so I took the Celestians with me, and well—” Her face brightened with a mischievous smile. “Let’s just say the Priests aren’t the only ones who know how to bargain.”

  The Celestians were making ground, demolishing any who dared step in their path.

  “Now that The Fates are back in charge, the Celestians can do their job. This is what they were meant for,” Lexi said, tugging me further up the hill. “They were already waiting for me when I made it to the Hall. Iliana and Castien had returned every last one to the light.”

  “You did good, Sis,” Fenn said, smiling at her.

  “We need to find Zordon,” Zane said, running up beside us. “Good job, by the way,” he said to Lexi.

  She smiled.

  “What if he doesn’t show? He’s mortal now,” I said, slightly wishing I could still feel where he was.

  “He will show,” Lexi said fixedly. “I know he will.”

  A shout came from the hilltop above us. It was Sayer. He was dishing out commands to his men, aiming them for us. A rogue Mage ran towards us.

  I pulled my daggers back out, letting my flames spread along the blade. He was going to die, but not until he took me to his master.

  “Oblitero Mortifico,” the rogue Mage shouted, aiming for me. Bright red beams of magic bolted through the air.

  But I was quicker. “Protectio,” I shouted just in time. His spell was absorbed by my shimmering bubble, which sizzled out with a pop. Three more Mages appeared on either side of him, shooting off spells at each of us as we ran forward.

  I threw up another protection bubble as Fenn shouted, “Inducto!” The spell missed by a centimeter.

  Zane sent a spell hurling through the air right after Fenn’s. “Afflictum!” It connected, crippling the first Mage. He fell to the ground, his back bowing in pain. “Inducto,” Zane chanted. The spell connected with one of the other three, knocking them all into a heap.

  “Arenum Temparum,” Lexi shouted, creating one hell of a sandstorm. The wind was so fierce it lifted the men into the air, sending them beyond my vision.

  Lexi knelt down to the writhing body of the man who had initially come for us and calmly touched his chest. A small shockwave hit him from her power, stealing his last breath.

  “He can fight in the Inferno now,” she said squarely, her light exceptionally bright around her. She slowly stood, then turned back to the fight.

  Sayer had unleashed every last one of his men now, sending them into the center of the fight. We weaved and dodged every source of magic, every blow, and returned them with an equally powerful strike.

  The Priests gathered around the outskirts of the battle, chanting fervently over the injured. Soon our army was up and running, back to full strength.

  When I looked back to find Sayer, a knowing look of fear flitted across his face. I smiled and then took off in his direction, eager to find the only one who could end all of this. Sayer would know where he was.

  “Rory!” I heard Fenn in my mind. How did I hear that?

  I spun back around just in time to watch him get slammed by the awkward hand of a Cyclops. The force of what had struck Fenn took me by surprise. I fell back, overwhelmed by the shared pain. Dirt coated my tongue and pain seared through me. My vision went black. I don’t know how long I was out, but when I came to, the only thing I was aware of was the feel of Fenn in my mind. “Fenn,” I called out weakly.

  “Rory,” he said, just as weak.

  “I can hear you in my mind,” I said, trying to pick myself up. I could feel the amulet on my chest working to heal me.

  “The bind must be stronger than we thought,” he said, his voice steadily growing stronger. “Are you okay?”

  “I think so,” I said.

  “I’m coming for you.” My eyes flitted open. He was standing over me, fully healed. I hugged him when he pulled me up, glad that he was okay. That we were okay.

  “I said stick together. You keep running off,” he joked, coughing dirt. Crusted blood coated the side of his face and forehead. I rubbed the same spots on my face and found blood and dirt on my fingertips. I brushed his hair from his forehead and kissed him.

  “I’m fine,” he soothed. “Let’s get Sayer.”

  We sprinted up the hill, searching for any trace of him. “What if he ported out?” I shouted as I dropped to my knees and used my arms to swipe the legs of a Polar Mage. He fell back hard, his breath whooshing out of him. I didn’t hesitate as I drove my dagger through his heart.

  I jumped to my feet. “Occidium!” I shouted at a Warlock heading in Fenn’s direction. He was busy with a Mage. Zane suddenly appeared behind me and snapped the neck of another Mage that I had not seen.

  When my spell connected, the Warlock fell back but sent his imp in my direction. I unleashed my flames on him, watching as the imp vanished into thin air. The Warlock’s eyes widened when Fenn finished off the Mage and advanced on him.

  “Pulsecto!” Currents of lightning surrounded the Warlock, maiming him. A Celestian walked over and sent him to the Inferno.

  “Go!” Zane shouted after us, already running up the hill. The coast was clear. We ported to the hilltop.

  “Do you see him?” I asked while ardently searching for Sayer.

  “No. He must have ported,” Fenn said, his hands balling into fists.

  “Trace him,” I said.

  “We can’t. Too many port trails to follow,” Zane advised.

  “Damn it!” I cursed. “He knows where Zordon is. Now what?” I was beginning to lose my hold. What if he never showed? What if he remained hidden?

  A shrill cry pierced through my inward thoughts. A cry I had only heard once before and never wanted to hear again. Zane.

  It happened so fast, I could barely register it all. I jerked to my right and reached out to catch Zane who flew backwards down the hill, but was too late. I watched Zane’s expressionless eyes as he tumbled down the hill, lost forever.

  When I looked back over Fenn’s shoulder, Zordon was there. His empty eyes watched his dead son until he stopped rolling at the bottom of the hill and landed in a crumpled, awkward position.

  Zordon’s head turned in our direction.

  Fenn lunged for him as I leapt into the air. Zordon was quick though. He shot a spell at Fenn that had him reeling backwards, spiraling through the air. I had to bi
te back the stinging pain of the spell to keep from freefalling. When I landed on the other side of him, Zordon was already prepared. A fist met my stomach, launching me back into the sky.

  I quickly recovered, my wings lifting to catch my fall. I sent flames toward him, but he darted to the right sending the flames in Fenn’s direction.

  Fenn jumped just in time.

  Zordon appeared behind me and slammed a fist into my back in the spot where Eve had stabbed me, knocking me face first into the ground. I rolled to the right as his fist slammed into the earth and then rolled back to the left when his other fist sought after me.

  “Immoblatio!” I chanted. I kicked up into Zordon’s stomach, sending his paralyzed form into the air. He landed a few feet away, unmoving.

  I rushed for Zordon, ready to strike the final blow, but Gabe appeared in between us, a dagger in his hand. The same dagger Gwen had used. Without knowing, I had run straight into it.

  “Rory!” Fenn shouted. He was already behind me, pulling me away from Gabe. I glanced down at his the crimson stain on his stomach. He lifted my chin up and winked at me. I could feel my skin mending back together. Our wounds were healing because of his healing ability.

  My protector.

  It seemed we shared abilities too. I turned back to Gabe who stood over Zordon, struggling to drive the dagger through his heart. Something was stopping him. I ran over and shoved him off. Fenn kicked him in the face and yanked the dagger out of his hand.

  “I want to!” Gabe yelled at us. He scraped his hands down his face, leaving raw fingernail marks along his skin. “I’m still tainted somehow! He must die!”

  As Fenn swung the dagger into the air, preparing to slam it into Zordon’s chest, my Foresight kicked in.

  I saw it coming. I knew this was the moment, and I welcomed it by extending my arm out. Zordon’s eyes shot open, and he rolled towards me at the last possible second. He snatched my arm and ported me away from everyone. Away from Fenn.

  I yanked myself away from his grip as his laughter filled the small room we landed in. “You like it?” he asked, sounding crazed. His once slicked back hair was frazzled and uneven, like he had taken the scissors to himself. His eyes were brazen and set on me.

  I glared at him as I tried to take in my surroundings without taking my eyes off him. My pulse skyrocketed. I channeled all of the adrenaline into my arms and hands. Wherever we were, it wasn’t anywhere where help could find me. The magic surrounding the room pulsed with power and smelled of Zordon’s darkness.

  His eyes roamed over the walls and up to the ceiling, taking in what he considered a masterpiece. “I built this room specifically for us.” He hopped from foot to foot as we circled each other, laughing like a jester in court. “You can’t port out of it, you can’t port into it, and you sure as hell can’t win inside of it.” He stopped circling me and lifted his brows in expectation.

  “What?” I hissed, fire dancing around my entire being.

  “You don’t like it?” he asked, his lips in a mock frown.

  I quickly glanced around me. The room was barren and white like the Hall. I felt like the walls were pressing in on me. There was nowhere to run.

  “You were so unsure of beating me that you created a place for us to end this? A place that would guarantee a win on your part?” I snorted, cocking my hip out. “How lame.”

  He leveled his gaze on me. “When you put it like that.” He flicked his wrist, and the walls fell down, putting us right back in the field.

  Fenn looked up from Gabe and ran for me but was stopped by an invisible shield. His fists pounded on the force, sending ripples around us. I looked back at Zordon, still crouched and ready for a fight.

  “Now everyone can watch as I tear you apart, limb by limb.” His lips curled as he growled, his chocolate hair falling into his face. I shut everything out, determined to end this my way.

  Screw talking, I thought as I lunged for him. He did the same. We clashed mid-air, and he latched on to me as I flew up, doing everything I could to break his hold on me.

  He clawed his way up my flaming body, every finger he dug into my scales sending electric shocks through me. The sparks were directed for my heart and faltered the flames I tried so hard to push on to him.

  “Feel that,” he snarled savagely as we rose higher and higher inside the barrier. “That is just the beginning of all the ways I will torture you in front of your precious loved ones.”

  “SCREW YOU!” I screamed. I summoned every last ounce of my energy into my leg and kneed him in the face. His hands scrambled through the air, searching for something to latch on to as he descended to the earth. I lunged forward, nose-diving after him. He slammed into the ground before I could get to him, blood spilling over his lips when he coughed for air.

  “How does it feel now that you are mortal and unbound?” I taunted, slowly lowering myself.

  He looked down at his hands coated in his own blood. His fearful expression melted into pure hatred.

  “You are a fool if you think you will win,” he said, spitting the blood from his mouth. He lunged for my leg and yanked it out from under me. My back slammed into the ground, knocking the breath from my lungs.

  In a flash, his hands closed around my neck and squeezed. His eyes were wild and his lips curled.

  I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. My hands fought desperately to pull his off my neck as my feet scrambled beneath him. This couldn’t be happening. Not like this.

  “I will END you,” he shouted in my face, spit flying around me, “if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Blood pounded in my head as my breaths slipped away from me. I felt like my head would explode. I didn’t want to die like this. I didn’t want to die by his hand.

  Zordon squeezed tighter. “I hate you! I hate you! You took everything from me! Everything!” he shouted, shaking me by my neck.

  His grip was too tight to break so I stopped fighting and with what little strength I had left, forced my hands to my sides where my daggers rested in their sheaths. It was my last attempt. I couldn’t even see him anymore from the darkness clouding my vision.

  Just as the claws of death began to rake across me, I closed my eyes and pulled a dagger out. My eyes flicked open and I plunged it in his side. He rolled off with a scream, finally letting me go. I sat straight up, gasping for air as my amulet started healing me. My skin burned and throbbed where his hands had been. I scrambled backwards, putting as much distance as I could between us.

  He yanked the dagger from his side and threw it to the ground with disbelief in his eyes. I made my way to my feet, still trying to catch a steady breath. He climbed back to his feet, his hands filling with dark energy.

  This was it. I could see it with my Foresight. Determination filled his eyes, and we both prepared our final blows.

  I threw up a protection bubble as he shouted, “Morbus Animatus!”

  “Afflictum!” I countered as my bubble disappeared from his spell. My spell landed in the center of his chest, knocking him down to his knees. His body arched backwards as I held the steady flow of my magic coursing through him.

  “How stupid can you be?” I asked, my anger flaring up. “You still think you’re impenetrable?” His fingers curled into themselves. “Oh that’s right,” I kept on, “you’ve never had to use a protection spell before, have you?” My blood boiled as the need to make him pay for all that he had done consumed my thoughts.

  “Stop!” he managed to scream out as another round of energy pounded into him, blowing him backwards. I stalked over to his twisted form and kicked him in the face. His body rolled from the force, and he tried to push up on to his palms, only to fall face first into the dirt.

  I grabbed him by the hair and rolled him back to face me, sending another jolt of cruel pain into him. Through the pain, his
eyes found mine, murder written in them. But he wasn’t going to win. He could see that reflecting in my own eyes. He had done enough. My mind filled with all of those who had died and suffered because of him. And now Zane.

  I commanded his body to rise up and then slammed it back into the ground as my flames grew higher and wider, reaching out for him in the shape of fingers.

  “Rory!” I heard Fenn shout as he pounded on the invisible barrier, but it wasn’t going to stop me. Nothing could stop the desire I felt to kill Zordon.

  I relinquished my hold on the spell. “Get UP!” I shouted out.

  He scrambled to his feet, crouching as he turned to face me. I waited for him to speak, but there was nothing as he started to back away from me.

  “I am going to kill you now,” I said with a growl. “I am going to take back everything that you took from me. Put up your bubble.” I threw mine up around me.

  He stuck his chin out. “I have never, and will never use such a weak means of protection. Oblitero Mortifico!” he shouted. My bubble absorbed it.

  The second my bubble absorbed it, he shouted out the same spell as I released every bit of flame I had in me. My fire burned through his spell, and within an instant, it was over. His body was covered in flames. I didn’t turn away as they consumed his body, sending large tendrils of black smoke up into the air. I couldn’t. I had to be sure that it was really over. Zordon was dead.

  As his body turned to ash, my world slowly came to a halt. The storm inside of me that had been building from the beginning—all of the fear and the stolen moments—had finally unleashed. I plunged my hands into my hair and pulled, screaming out all of the pain, misery, joy, and heartache that came with finding the end.

  I fell to the ground, sobs racking my body. It was over. It was really over. This person, this man who had been bound to me from my birth, darkening all of the happiness in my life, was finally gone. The demons that had chased me fled. I was free. I had fulfilled my destiny.


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