Knife and Death: A killer seeks revenge. A friend brutally murdered. A woman runs for her life. (DCI James Hardy Book 1)

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Knife and Death: A killer seeks revenge. A friend brutally murdered. A woman runs for her life. (DCI James Hardy Book 1) Page 12

by J. A. Gill


  'Plenty of suspects. Suspects aren't the problem. Proving and making it stick is the problem. For us in Fraud Squad when there is that much legitimate cash going through a business proving ten percent of it is illegal is difficult. If I were you looking at who ordered the murder of Tyrone West I'd start by looking at a man they call, Papa.'

  'Where would I find him?' I asked.

  Laura laughed. 'He's not hard to find. He spends his days in a little restaurant in west London. If you go looking for him just be careful. To look at him you wouldn't believe he's one of the most, if not the most, powerful crime boss in London. The Albanian mafia has a vice like grip in London and quite a few major cities in the UK. If you want to know who pulled the trigger well that's anyone's guess. If you want to know who ordered it then right at the top of my list would be Papa.'

  'Where in west London is the restaurant?'

  'The restaurant is in Ealing. It's called Caesar's', said Laura. She looked at her watch. 'I've really got to go, I need some sleep. I'm back on in five hours, if you get stuck speak to the Chief again, he'll arrange a meeting or point you in the right direction. I don't need to tell you to be careful but, be careful. And thanks for dinner.' With that Laura walked to her car and was gone.

  It was now almost midnight and it had been a long day. My head was spinning from all the information gathered today. I went back into the restaurant and made some notes. I wasn't sure how much further the case had progressed or whether I had just hit a brick wall. What I did know was that I'd just been handed a big piece of the puzzle, but where it fitted I wasn't yet sure.


  I arrived at the Thameside Catholic School and went straight to the office of the school head, David Alsop. Alsop was a stocky, balding man who was nearly as tall as me. Until he smiled he looked more like a night club bouncer than a headteacher.

  'I'm here to see Simon Baker, I believe he teaches here.'

  'He's not in any trouble I hope?' said Alsop.

  'I just need to ask him a few questions. It really is important I speak to him immediately.' I watched Alsop's reaction. I could see he was curious and was weighing up whether to press me for more information. Unsure what to do Alsop said: 'He's teaching right now.'

  'I am sorry to have turned up unannounced but it couldn't be helped. I'm sure neither yourself or Mr Baker would want to hinder an investigation.' I could see Alsop was itching to ask what sort of investigation but again he held back.

  'Of course not. Follow me, Inspector.' I followed Alsop through the maze of corridors. All students were in class and as I passed I looked into the classrooms. Some rooms were quiet and some were loud and filled with laughter. We climbed two flights of stairs and headed to the end of another long corridor, then took a right and stopped. I discreetly stood back out of sight as Alsop knocked twice and opened the door to the classroom. 'Good morning, children.'

  'Good Morning, Mr Alsop,' the children replied in unison.

  'Sorry to disturb you but could we have a quick word please, Mr Baker.'

  'Of course,' I heard a voice say. 'Right class, I'm stepping out for a moment. While I am out I'd ask that you take this time to continue your Monet project work, which can I remind you is required for the end of term.' The classroom erupted into noise as the children began to open bags and talk excitedly. Baker stepped into the corridor and without speaking looked at Alsop and then at me. He looked calm and relaxed. His expression never changed even when I was introduced.

  'Sorry to bother you in the middle of class, I know we like to avoid that,' said Alsop looking at me. 'But this is Detective Chief Inspector Hardy and he tells me he needs your urgent assistance. I thought perhaps the two of you could use the music room, it's empty at the moment. It'll give you a little privacy. If you need me Inspector I'll be back in my office.'

  I followed Baker in silence to the music room. He pulled out a couple of chairs and placed them in the middle of the room. I felt like I was at a parent and teacher meeting. Baker smiled weakly as he saw me notice the small silver cross on his lapel. 'So how can I help you, Inspector?' asked Baker softly.

  'I'm sure it's nothing, I almost feel a little embarrassed to be bothering you while your teaching but something has come up in the course of my investigation, a part of which is in relation to yourself. As with all investigations time plays a crucial factor and so I like to avoid delay, I'm sure you understand.' I could sense the elephant in the room so I just came out with. 'You may remember me as the original arresting officer along with Inspector Rayner. I just want to inform you I am here about a separate incident that occurred recently which to my knowledge has nothing to do with your prior conviction.'

  Baker crossed his thin legs and clasped his spidery hands on his knee. 'That's right, I hardly recognised you but I thought your face was familiar. Isn't it funny how the mind works at blocking out dark memories?'

  Baker looked different to how I remembered him. His arrogance was gone. He looked tired. He looked a sad man now. It was as though he'd been broken and beaten but was somehow fighting on. His glasses, beard and cheap clothes threw me off a little but underneath I saw the man I remembered.

  Baker looked at his watch. 'What brings you here today Inspector? And in case you are wondering Alsop knows about what happened to me. He and others have helped me understand how my mistakes lead me to be thrown to the lions. This is a very nurturing environment. Together with God's guidance I am now on the right path and God willing my mistakes are behind me.' Baker closed his eyes for a long moment and breathed slowly. He appeared to be meditating. 'It turns out I am good at teaching, I get to give and what I receive back is rewarding. When I'm teaching it's hard to believe I am the same person that I was back then. Life is so different now. I feel blessed to have been given a second chance.' Baker spread out his long thin arms. 'I'm surrounded by enthusiastic students and all the staff here have been so supportive. Finding work wasn't easy after what happened. But when I was at my lowest point I was found. God found me.' Baker slowly shook his head. 'It's okay detective, I don't expect you to understand.'

  I couldn't put my finger on it but sensed he was expecting me. He seemed a little too keen to talk and a little too well rehearsed. Perhaps all I was sensing was man who knew he'd never shake off the past and accepted that one day a Police Officer would come knocking on his door. Maybe, I have become too cynical and find it hard to believe this man in front of me had turned his life around. I decided to jump straight in.

  'A man fitting your description was seen at the home of Mr Matt Swift.'

  'I was there,' said Baker without hesitation. 'The day before yesterday, around nine o'clock last Friday evening.'

  I wasn't expecting that. I sat a little straighter. 'You were?'

  'Yes. Not for long. You see, I could see it wasn't the right time.'

  'The right time?'

  'Yes. I think Mr Swift had been drinking and-'


  'Well I don't want to get anyone in trouble.'

  'I'm investigating a serious assault on Mr Swift so anything you can offer to help the investigation would be appreciated.'

  'I see. Well I think he may have been smoking marijuana. He was slurring his words and I could smell it coming from his apartment door when he opened it.'

  'And why were you there.'


  I purposefully looked at him blankly.

  'I've been encouraged to confront my past to ensure a more peaceful future. Part of this outlook involves forgiving those who have wronged me or I have wronged. I was there seeking redemption.

  'Redemption?' I asked, encouraging Baker to continue.

  'To be rescued I must first atone for my mistakes. I wished to seek forgiveness from Matthew Swift.'

  'Did you?'

  'No. It wasn't the right time. I think he was little high.' Baker spoke more quietly. 'Recreational drugs. Very sad. He was hallucinating. He was talking to me and trying to ca
tch butterflies with his hands.'

  'Did you enter the apartment.'

  'Yes. Only because he was making a bit of a scene and I didn't wish to cause embarrassment for him or his neighbours. I stepped into his apartment. But only briefly. I quickly realised he had company. I never saw who it was but I assumed it was a girlfriend. She was in another room. Bedroom perhaps? From what I could gather his wife was a way for the weekend. That sort of adulterous behaviour is not for me to judge. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I just felt I had unfortunately chosen the wrong time to make amends and so quickly and politely suggested I call back another time.'

  'Did you hear a name of this other person in the apartment?'

  'I wish I had. That would help you wouldn't it, Detective?'

  'Can anyone verify any of this?'

  'In what way, Inspector? Oh, I see what you mean. Well I care for my terminally ill mother. I suppose she would be able to confirm something of the time I went out and the time I returned. But she is very frail. I would prefer it if you didn't burden her, unless it is truly necessary. I'm sure you understand.'

  The school bell rang. Noisy children poured into the corridors. 'I really should prepare for my next class, Inspector Hardy. I am happy to help you further if I can. Perhaps we should schedule a more appropriate time.'

  'I'll be in touch.'

  Baker put a skeletal hand on the door handle to leave. 'I will pray for Mr Swift as well as for you, Inspector Hardy.'

  'Did you seek redemption from Faye Wells or Toby Fielding?'

  Baker turned and tilted his head slightly. 'I am sure those names should have some significance but I cannot place them. Do you have something to ask me, Inspector? Perhaps, you have something you'd like to accuse me of, you certainly have that look about you. I would suggest you are sure of your facts. Under the circumstances I have been extremely polite and fishing the way you are could lead you into trouble, to me this now feels a lot like harassment. I've paid for my mistakes and am now a free man, I really do just want to be left alone to live a peaceful and more meaningful life now. Unfortunately, you being here risks all that for me. Rumour, gossip and innuendo are fuel for the wicked.' Baker opened the door and I watched as he joined the flow of fast moving children.

  I decided to take a few hours off, a little fresh air and perspective can work wonders. I'd probably call Rayner later and talk things over but right now I fancied a walk, then perhaps an ice cold beer and something to eat.


  We spent Sunday as a family. Mum had called earlier in the week and insisted I bring her two granddaughters over as she was in desperate need of a hug from them. Reading between the lines I was being a bad son and it had been far too long since all three generations of the Hardy family had sat down for a traditional Sunday roast lunch. She informed me that she would be cooking roast beef and Yorkshire puddings and I would be there no later than twelve and she wasn't going to accept any excuses. When she gets likes this I know better than to protest, and besides, it sounded like a great idea to me. Apparently, she also needed some female advice from Monica on some shoes she'd bought recently and it just couldn't wait any longer. Naturally, I could see straight through that and Mum knew it, but she didn't let that stop her.

  Mum hugged and kissed us all as we arrived, no one was allowed through the front door until she'd hugged, kissed, inspected and commented on how we'd changed or grown. I also took the slack, this time publicly, for how long it had been since we'd all sat down for a meal together. Even though in reality it has been no more than a few weeks.

  I said nothing as I could see Mum was giddy with excitement. Dad stood back a few paces with his big smile and watched with raised eyebrows. He shook his head in mock disbelief and winked at me. 'For goodness sake, Sylvia let them in. Anyone would think they'd just returned from five years in Australia.'

  'You shush, Thomas Hardy. You grumpy old man. Don't you pretend. I know you better than you know yourself.'

  'Granddad,' called Alice and Faith when they saw him. They rushed over and hugged him.

  'Well look at you two,' said Dad. 'Now which is which, don't tell me. You're Alice and you're Faith. Right?'

  'Noooo,' laughed the girls.

  'Okay, now let me try again. I used to be a Detective like your Daddy you know so don't tell me I'll work it out. You're Faith and you're Alice.'

  'Noooo,' shouted the girls again.

  'Are you sure? You know I've got a lie detector around here somewhere. Now where did I put it?' Dad began hunting around the house, pretending he was trying find his lie detector while the girls ran beside him laughing. I could hear him whispering loudly. 'You know, I use my lie detector on your Grandmother sometimes when she tells me it wasn't her that ate the last chocolate biscuit.'

  'Soppy old man,' said Mum as she watched her husband fooling about like a child. She turned to Monica and me. 'You know,' she almost whispered. 'He was probably more excited about seeing those girls than me. He was up at the crack of dawn this morning and has been watching that clock ever since.'

  Dad came back our way carrying Alice and Faith in his arms. Mum held onto my arm and turned to Dad. 'Granddad, are you going to show Alice and Faith the surprise for them in the garden? I'm going to try one more time to teach this son of ours how to cook.'

  'Is it a trampoline, Granddad? Is it a trampoline? You said you might get us one.'

  'You'd better come this way and take a look. You know for the life of me I cannot remember what that surprise is? Though I do recall it was only suitable for good girls. Have you two been good?' asked Dad jokingly.

  'I think I had better go with them,' said Monica. 'Just to keep an eye on them.'

  I followed Mum into the kitchen and mouthed, 'Help!' to Monica who simply laughed and followed Granddad and the girls.

  Mum checked the cooking and talked away about this and that. I stood and watched the girls out of the window. They'd thrown off their shoes and were bouncing up and down on the new trampoline. Dad and Monica chatted together while looking on and encouraging the girls.

  'You really should come over more often, the girls are growing up so fast,' said Mum.

  'We're only a few minutes down the road, you're always welcome to visit us more often,' I said, regretting the way it sounded as soon as it came out of my mouth.

  'I know, but you've got your lives and you're all so busy,' said Mum. 'You know I prefer it when you visit us, I feel we're intruding and anyway it's good for the girls to come visit their grandparents. I don't need to say it but we're here whenever you need us and your father and I are always available to baby sit. For us that would be a treat.'

  'Why exactly would I need a babysitter?' I knew immediately I'd been set up and I'd walked right into the real topic she wished to discuss. Mum could see I knew it, but that wasn't going to stop her; I'd just been hooked like a fish.

  'Here me out,' she said. 'You're still a young man and you have your father's good looks. Those girls need to feel secure. They need a proper family unit.' She looked out of the window. 'Helena would want you to move on and from what I can see you're doing everything but move on. You're burying your head in the sand, James Hardy.'

  'So what do you want me to do? Do you want me to join a dating website or starting clubbing? Most of the women I meet are either married, prostitutes or in the morgue.'

  'You're being ridiculous Jamie, you know exactly what I'm saying. The answer is right under your nose and you know it, so cut that out.'

  'For God's sake, not that again. She's Helena's best friend. It wouldn't be right. And she's still married. And it would be inappropriate. And we're friends. And if it doesn't work out it would spoil what we have.'

  'So you have thought about it?'

  'No. You have no idea how I feel and you know I don't want to talk about it.'

  'Sounds like you have thought about it and you're making excuses to avoid telling her how you feel.'

  Monica came into the kitchen fo
llowed by Alice, Faith and Dad who was now pretending to be a child eating monster. 'Raaargh.'

  I used that as my opportunity to escape and made a beeline for the back garden. I spent the time until dinner in the back garden watching the girls on the trampoline and chatting to Dad. I could feel Mum's eyes on me through the kitchen window. Dad quickly figured Mum had had one her talks with me but he didn't bring it up. I was grateful for that.


  Sebastian was a treat for her birthday. Nothing more. She was sure of that. She'd been good for twenty three months and eleven days. But whose counting? And as a birthday treat Sebastian doesn't really count. Putting him to one side she'd kept the urges at bay. Those thoughts were always at the back of her mind and she was always looking at men and sometimes women and weighing up their potential. But the fact remained she hadn't acted on any of those impulses and for that she could be rightly proud.

  The newly updated and more secure member's website was interesting her tonight. She was assured security was now state of the art. No one could get in uninvited - but that's what he said last time. She had informed the programmer that should there be another lapse in security and some uninvited visitor did show up he'd be a programmer who uses his nose for typing, while his fingers sat in a jar on his desk.

  No members knew of the forum's security breach and no harm appeared to have been done. Apparently, it was a kid who had hacked the site. He probably didn't know what he was looking at and as soon as he realised there was no valuable data to be had he moved on. After some time had passed the kid would be visited, no point making it too easy for the police to join the dots. Of course, it wouldn't be her visiting the boy, not her sort of thing at all. She'd review the member profiles and find the right candidate to visit the boy, at once killing two birds with one stone. It might even be worth making it look like an accident, though she always considered that wasteful.


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