Maid for a Magnate

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Maid for a Magnate Page 8

by Jules Bennett

  She’d voluntarily walked right into the lion’s den.

  “Let me show you around.” Will took hold of her elbow and led her to the set of steps that went below deck. “The living quarters are even more impressive.”

  Catalina clutched her bag and stepped down as Will gestured for her to go first. The amount of space in the open floor plan below was shocking. It was even grander than she’d envisioned. A large king-sized bed sat in the distance and faced a wall of curved windows that overlooked the sparkling water. Waking up to a sunrise every morning would be heavenly. Waking up with your lover beside you would simply be the proverbial icing on the cake.

  No. She couldn’t think of Will as her lover or icing on her cake. She was here for a restful day and nothing else. Nookie could not play a part in this because she had no doubt the second he got her out of her clothes, she’d have no defense against him. She needed to stay on guard.

  A deep, glossy mahogany bar with high stools separated the kitchen from a living area. The living area had a mounted flat-screen television and leather chairs that looked wide enough for at least two people.

  The glossy fixtures and lighting only added to the perfection of the yacht. It all screamed bachelor and money...perfect for Will Rowling.

  “You’ve done well for yourself,” she told him as she placed her tote bag on a barstool. “I’m impressed.”

  Will’s sidelong smile kicked up her heart rate. They hadn’t even pulled away from the dock and he was already getting to her. This was going to be a day full of her willpower battling her emotions and she didn’t know if she’d have the strength to fight off Will’s advances.

  Who was she kidding? Catalina already knew that if Will tried anything she would succumb to his charms. She’d known this the moment she’d accepted his invitation. But that didn’t mean she’d drop her wall of defenses so easily. He’d seriously hurt her before and if he wanted to show her what a changed man he was now, she was going to make him work for it.

  “Did you think I was taking you out in a canoe for the day?”

  “I guess I hadn’t given much thought to the actual boat,” she replied, resting her arm on the smooth, curved edge of the bar. “I was too worried about your actions.”

  “Worried you’d enjoy them too much?” he asked with a naughty grin.

  “More like concerned I’d have to deflate your ego,” she countered with a matching smile. “You’re not seriously going to start putting the moves on me now, are you?”

  Will placed a hand over his heart. “You wound me, Cat. I’m at least going to get this boat on course before I rip your clothes off.”

  Catalina’s breath caught in her throat.

  Will turned and mounted the steps to go above deck, and then froze and threw a sexy grin over his shoulder. “Relax, Cat. I won’t do anything you don’t want.”

  The playful banter had just taken a turn, a sharp turn that sent shivers racing through her entire body. Was she prepared for sex with this man? That’s what everything leading up to this moment boiled down to.

  Cat would be lying to herself if she tried to say she didn’t want Will physically. That had been proven each time he’d kissed her recently.

  I won’t do anything you don’t want, he’d said.

  And that was precisely what scared her the most.

  * * *

  With the ocean breeze sliding across his face, Will welcomed the spittle of spray, the taste of salt on his lips. He needed to get a damn grip. He hadn’t meant to be so teasing with Cat.

  Okay, he had, but he hadn’t meant for her to get that panicked look on her face. He knew full well she was battling with herself where he was concerned. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind she wanted him physically and that was easy to obtain. But there was part of Will that wanted her to see that he wasn’t at all the same man he used to be.

  She would get to see that side of him today. He intended to do everything for her, to prove to her just how appreciated she was and how valued. Will had fully stocked the yacht when he’d had this idea a couple days ago. He’d known he would take her out at some point, but it wasn’t until he saw her working the crowd, with circles under her eyes and a smile on her face at the dinner last night, that he decided to invite her right away.

  With all of the recent upheaval in Alma—the Montoro monarchy drama and Isabella’s passing, not to mention Will’s taking the reins of Rowling Energy—there was just too much life getting in the way of what he wanted. Too many distractions interfering with his main goal...and his goal was to have Cat.

  He may be the good son, the twin who was raised to follow the rules and not question authority. But Will wasn’t about to make the same mistake with Cat as he had in the past. The moment he’d let her walk away years ago, he’d already started plotting to get her back. Then the whole debacle with Bella had happened and Will knew more than ever that it was time to make his move with Rowling Energy and Cat.

  Spending the day together on his yacht, however, was something totally unrelated to everything else that had happened in their past. Today was all about them and nothing or nobody else. Everything that happened with Cat from here on out was going to be her call...he may just silently nudge and steer her in the right direction. Those initial kisses had reignited the spark they’d left burning long ago and he knew without a doubt that she felt just as passionate as he did.

  He didn’t blame her one bit for being leery. He’d done some major damage before and she wouldn’t let him forget it anytime soon. Not that he could. He’d never forget that look on her face when he’d told her they’d been a mistake and then walked away. That moment had played over and over in his mind for the past several years. Knowing he’d purposely hurt Cat wasn’t something he was likely to ever forget.

  Still, if she ever discovered the truth, would she see that he’d done it for her? He’d best keep that secret to himself and just stay on course with his plan now. At least she was here, she was talking and she was coming around. The last thing Will wanted to do was rehash the past when they could be spending their time concentrating on the here and now.

  Will steered the yacht toward the private island not too far from Alma. In just under an hour he’d have Cat on a beach with a picnic. He wondered when the last time was that she’d had someone do something like that for her, but quickly dismissed the thought. If another man had pampered her, Will sure as hell didn’t want to know.

  Of course, there was no man in her life now. Will was the one kissing her, touching her. She was his for at least today so he needed to make the most of every moment they were alone. He truly hoped the tiny island was deserted. He’d come here a few times to think, to get away from all the pressure and stress. Only once had he run into other people.

  Cat stayed below for the duration of the trip. Perhaps she was trying to gather her own thoughts as well. Maybe she was avoiding him because she thought that taking her out to a private island for sex was so cliché, so easy to read into.

  But for reasons Will didn’t want to admit or even think about, this day was so much more than sex. Cat was more than sex. Yes, he wanted her in the fiercest way imaginable, but he also wanted more from her...he just didn’t know what.

  No, that was wrong. The first thing he wanted was for her to see him in a different light. He wanted her to see the good in him she’d seen when they’d grown up together, when they’d laughed and shared secrets with each other. He wanted her to see that he wasn’t the monster who had ripped her heart out and diminished their relationship into ashes with just a few damning words.

  Perhaps this outing wasn’t just about him proving to her what a changed man he was, but for him to try to figure out what the hell to do next and how far he wanted to take things with her once they got back to reality.

  When he finally pulled up to the dock and secured the yacht, he w
ent below deck. He hoped the last forty-five minutes had given Cat enough time to see that he wasn’t going to literally jump her. The playful banter had taken a sexual turn, but he wasn’t sorry. He was only sorry Cat hadn’t come up once to see him. This initial space was probably for the best. After all, today was the first time they’d been fully alone and not sneaking into the bathroom or laundry area of his father’s home for a make-out session.

  Yeah, his seduction techniques needed a bit of work to say the least. But he’d had four years to get control over just how he wanted to approach things once he finally got his Cat alone. And now he was ready.

  As he stepped below, Will braced his hands on the trim overhead and froze on the last step. Cat lay sideways, curled into a ball on his bed. The innocent pose shouldn’t have his body responding, but...well, he was a guy and this woman had had him tied in knots for years.

  Will had wanted Cat in his bed for too long. All his fantasies involved the bed in his house, but the yacht would do. At this point he sure as hell wasn’t going to be picky. He’d waited too damn long for this and he was going to take each moment he could get, no matter the surroundings.

  And the fact that she was comfortable enough to rest here spoke volumes for how far they’d come. Just a few weeks ago he’d kissed her as if she was his next breath and she’d run away angry. Though Will was smart enough to know her anger stemmed from arousal.

  Passion and hate...there was such a fine line between the two.

  Slowly, Will crossed the open area and pulled a small throw from the narrow linen closet. Gently placing the thin blanket over her bare legs and settling it around her waist, Will watched the calm rise and fall of her chest. She was so peaceful, so relaxed and not on her guard. For the first time in a long time, Will was finally seeing the woman he knew years ago, the woman who was more trusting, less cautious.

  Of course, he’d helped shape her into the vigilant person she was today. Had he not made such bad choices when they’d been together the first time, perhaps she wouldn’t have to feel so guarded all the time. Perhaps she’d smile more and laugh the way she used to.

  Cat shifted, let out a throaty moan and blinked up at Will. Then her eyes widened as she sat straight up.

  “Oh my. Was I asleep?”

  Will laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Or you were playing dead.”

  Cat smoothed her short hair away from her face and glanced toward the wall of windows. “I was watching the water. I was so tired, so I thought I’d just lie here and enjoy the scenery.”

  “That was the whole point in having my bed right there. It’s a breathtaking view.”

  When she turned her attention back to him, she gasped. That’s right, he hadn’t been discussing the water. The view of the woman was much more enticing.

  “Why don’t you use the restroom to freshen up and change into your suit?” he suggested. “I’ll get our lunch set up.”

  The bright smile spreading across her face had something unfamiliar tugging on his heart. He may not be able to label what was going on between them, but he couldn’t afford to be emotional about it.

  Dammit. He didn’t even know what to feel, how to act anymore. He wanted her, but he wasn’t thinking of forever. He wanted now. He needed her to see he was a different man, yet he was more than ready to throw this relationship into his father’s face.

  Sticking to business would have been best; at least he knew exactly what he was getting into with real estate and oil. With Cat, he had no clue and the fact that she had him so tied in knots without even trying was terrifying.

  Once his mission had been clear—to win back Cat to prove he could and to show his father who was in charge. But then, somewhere along the way, Will had shifted into needing Cat to see the true person he’d come to be, the man who still had feelings for her and cared for her on a level even he couldn’t understand.

  Cat came to her feet and started folding the throw. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  Stepping forward and closing the space between them, Will pulled the blanket from her hands, wadded it up and threw it into the corner. “You aren’t cleaning. You aren’t folding, dusting, doing dishes. Your only job is to relax. If you want a nap, take a nap. The day is yours. The cleaning is up to me. Got it?”

  Her eyes widened as she glanced at the crumpled blanket. “Are you just going to leave that there?”

  Will took her chin between his thumb and finger, forcing her to look only at him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Her wide, dark eyes drew him in as she merely nodded. “I can’t promise, but I’ll try.”

  Unable to help himself, Will smacked a kiss on her lips and pulled back as a grin spread across his face. “Go freshen up and meet me on the top deck.”

  Will watched as Cat grabbed her bag off the barstool and crossed to the bathroom. Once the door clicked shut, he let out a breath.

  He’d sworn nobody would ever control him or hold any power over him again. Yet here was a petite, doe-eyed maid who had more power over him than any business magnate or his father ever could.

  Will raked a hand through his hair. He’d promised Cat a day of relaxation and he intended to deliver just that. If she wasn’t ready for more, then he’d have to pull all of his self-control to the surface and honor her wishes.

  What had he gotten himself into?


  Maybe bringing this particular swimsuit had been a bad idea. When she’d grabbed the two-piece black bikini, Catalina had figured she’d make Will suffer a little. But, by wearing so little and having him so close, she was the one suffering.

  Catalina pulled on a simple red wrap dress from her own collection and slipped on her silver flip-flops.

  One glance in the mirror and she laughed. The bikini would at least draw attention away from the haggard lines beneath her eyes and the pallor of her skin. Over the past few months, if she wasn’t working for James or Patrick, she was working for herself getting her stock ready to showcase when the opportunity presented itself. She believed in being prepared and the moment she saw an opening with any fashion design firm, she was going to be beating down their doors and promoting her unique styles.

  Catalina tossed her discarded clothes back into her tote and looked around to make sure she hadn’t left anything lying around in the bathroom. Could such a magnificent room be a simple, mundane bathroom?

  With the polished silver fixtures, the glass wall shower and sparkling white tile throughout, Catalina had taken a moment to appreciate all the beauty before she’d started changing. The space screamed dominance...male dominance.

  Will was pulling out all the stops today. He’d purposely invited her aboard his yacht because he knew that given her love of water she’d never be able to say no. He was right. Anything that got her away from her daily life and into the refreshing ocean was a no-brainer.

  Exiting the bathroom, Catalina dropped her bag next to the door and headed up to the top deck. The sun warmed her skin instantly as she turned and spotted Will in a pair of khaki board shorts and a navy shirt he’d left completely unbuttoned. The man wasn’t playing fair...which she assumed was his whole plan from the start.

  Fine. She had a bikini and boobs. Catalina figured she’d already won this battle before it began. Men were the simplest of creatures.

  Will had transformed the seating area into a picnic. A red throw covered the floor, a bucket with ice and wine sat to one side and Will was pulling fruit from a basket.

  “Wow. You really know how to set the stage.”

  He threw her a smile. “Depends on the audience.”

  “It’s just me, so no need to go to all the trouble.” She edged around the curving seats and stood just to the side of the blanket. “I’d be happy with a simple salad.”

  “There is a need to go to all
this trouble,” he corrected her as he continued to pull more food from the basket. “Have a seat. The strawberries are fresh, the wine is chilled and I have some amazing dishes for us.”

  Catalina couldn’t turn down an invitation like that. She eased down onto the thick blanket and reached for a strawberry. She’d eaten three by the time Will came to sit beside her.

  With his back resting against the sofa, he lifted his knee and wrapped his arm around it. “I have a variety of cheese, salmon, baguettes, a tangy salad my chef makes that will make you weep and for dessert...”

  He reached over and pulled the silver lid from the dish. “Your favorite.”

  Catalina gasped as she stared at the pineapple upside-down cheesecake. “You remembered?”

  “Of course I did.” He set the lid back down. “There’s not a detail about you that I’ve forgotten, Cat.”

  When she glanced over at him, she found his eyes locked on hers and a small smile dancing around his lips. “I remembered how much you love strawberries and that you will always pick a fruity dessert over a chocolate one. I also recall how much you love salmon, so I tried to incorporate all of your favorites into this lunch.”

  Strawberry in hand, she froze. “But you just asked me last night. How did you get all of this together?”

  Will shrugged and made up a plate for her. “I knew I wanted to take you out on my yacht at some point. I was hoping for soon, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I realized how hard you’ve been working.”

  He passed her the plate with a napkin. “You need this break and I want to be the one to give it to you. Besides, there’s a lot I can do with a few hours and the right connections.”

  Catalina smiled as she picked up a cube of cheese. “I’m sure your chef was making the cheesecake before the crack of dawn this morning.”

  Will shrugged. “Maybe. He did have nearly everything else done by the time I headed out to James and Bella’s house this morning.”


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