My Sister's Husband

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My Sister's Husband Page 1

by Ambria Davis

  My Sister’s Husband:

  Renaissance Collection

  Ambria Davis

  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Prologue - Brinay

  Chapter One - Brinay

  Chapter Two - Brinay

  Chapter Three - Dontie

  Chapter Four - Sky

  Chapter Five - Brinay

  Chapter Six - Dontie

  Chapter Seven - Brinay

  Chapter Eight - Sky

  Chapter Nine - Dontie

  Chapter Ten - Brinay

  Chapter Eleven - Dontie

  Chapter Twelve - Brinay

  Chapter Thirteen - Sky

  Chapter Fourteen - Brinay

  Chapter Fifteen - Dontie

  Chapter Sixteen - Kourtney

  Chapter Seventeen - Brinay

  Chapter Eighteen - Brinay

  Chapter Nineteen - Kourtney

  Chapter Twenty - Brandon

  Chapter Twenty-one - Dontie

  Chapter Twenty-two - Brinay

  Urban Books, LLC

  300 Farmingdale Road, NY-Route 109

  Farmingdale, NY 11735

  My Sister’s Husband: Renaissance Collection

  Copyright © 2017 Ambria Davis

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6228-6517-8

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.

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  I sat in the church pew, mad as all outdoors. I didn’t know what to think about what was about to take place. To my family, this event was going to be wonderful and joyous, but I wasn’t even in the mood. Here I was, at my sister’s wedding, with all of my family around me, but I was in a sour mood. I had a smile on my face, trying my hardest to play it off, but I was burning up on the inside, and only me, the Lord, and the damn groom knew why.

  “What’s wrong, Nay?” my grandmother asked, placing her hand on my leg, which had started shaking. I was so busy focusing on everything else that I didn’t even notice it.

  “Umm . . . nothing. I’m just nervous for Sky, that’s all,” I lied. She looked at me as if she knew I was lying, but she didn’t say anything. My granny wasn’t a fool. She knew me, and she knew how much I couldn’t stand Sky, so I don’t know why I even said that shit to her. Had I been thinking clearly, I would’ve known not to, but my nerves, mixed with these pregnancy hormones, had my mind all over the place instead of where it should be.

  She was about to say something, but I deaded that before she could even get a word out of her mouth. I knew she was trying to come with a lecture, but right now, I ain’t had time to hear it.

  “Umm . . . Excuse me, Gram. I’ll be right back,” I said, abruptly getting up from my seat. My big belly was now showing, and it was weighing me down. I was still small, though. The only thing big on me was my stomach, and I was happy about that. I was all baby weight, which was great for me, because I wasn’t trying to gain all them pounds.

  The minute I reached the double doors, I suddenly felt as if something was blocking my airway, making it hard for me to breathe.

  “Where are you going, Brinay?” my father asked, stopping me.

  “I’m going to step outside for a quick little minute. I need a breath of fresh air,” I stuttered, rubbing my neck as I tried to fill my lungs with some air.

  “Okay, baby, but don’t be long, because the wedding is about to start,” he said, making me want to throw up. As if I give a fuck about this bullshit-ass wedding, I thought to myself.

  “I won’t,” I said, trying my best to get away from him. I walked over to the door, where I had to grab hold of the knob to keep myself from falling. I was all fucked up today.

  “You don’t look too good, Nay,” he said, running to grab me. “Is everything all right? Is there something wrong with you or the baby? You need me to take you to the hospital or something?”

  “No, Daddy, I’m fine. It’s just so stuffy in there with all of the different perfumes and cologne smells all mixed up in one place. It’s making me dizzy. I’m sure once I get some fresh air I’ll be okay.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, concerned.

  “I’m positive. Me and the baby are both fine,” I said, reassuring him.

  “Okay, but if you need to go to the hospital, just have someone come and get me,” he replied. “Hey! I thought your baby daddy was supposed to be here. You know I still want to meet the man who’s gotten my baby girl knocked up.”

  “Umm, about that . . . He called at the last minute and said that he couldn’t make it. You’ll meet him some other time,” I said, saying the first thing that popped up in my mind. What I wanted to say was: He’s already here, and you’ve already met him. Hell, you’ve ate with him and shook his hand, but I decided not to. I was going to leave that mess for another day and time.

  “Okay, go on and get your air and hurry back, because the wedding is going to start in a minute,” he said, taking a glance at his watch.

  “Okay,” I replied.

  Walking out the door, I damn near fell down. I walked over to the steps and took a seat. This whole overbearing event was starting to get to me. Yeah, I did tell Dontie that I didn’t care, but common sense would tell the nigga that I was lying. How the fuck could I be okay with something like this? Was he truly out of his mind, or he just ain’t care? This whole thing was crazy and unrealistic and extremely fucked up to me.

  That day when my father said that Sky wanted all of us to be there for some announcement, I knew it was something. I just didn’t know that she was going to present a man, and that the man was going to be Tae. What killed me the most was when she said they had gotten married when they went on a vacation to Jamaica. When she said that, I felt like someone had sucker punched me in my gut. It took all my breath away. I was hurt, broken, and scared. The man that I loved and was now pregnant by was married to my damn sister. To be honest, I didn’t think Sky had a clue, but the look on Dontie’s face was one as if he’d seen a ghost. He looked like he wanted to die when I told everyone that I was going to be a mother, and when everyone started asking about my baby’s father, I looked straight at him. He must have thought that I was going to call him out, because he looked as if he was going to piss on himself or pass the hell out. He tried his hardest to inconspicuously loosen the tie that was around his neck. I wasn’t going to do that, though. I was better than that. I wasn’t that type of chick, so I lied to everyone, told them that my baby’s father was some man back home, and ever since that day, I hadn’t talked to him.

  * * *

  That was a few months ago, and here I was nine months pregnant, about to pop at the wedding of my child’s father and the woman who would be his aunt and stepmother. Life is surely fucked up for me, I thought.

  “Are you all right?” a voice asked from behind me. When I turned around, Chance was standing there in his white tuxedo. I rolled my eyes and turned back around, not even saying anything to him. Fuck his ass too, I thought. I’m sure the nigga knew that Tae had another woman. I
knew he didn’t know that the woman was my sister, but he damn sure knew about there being another woman. Therefore, I didn’t have anything to say to his ass. I had to admit, though, that he did look hella good in that all-white. Kind of made me want to play a little game of payback with Dontie. Hell, he was keeping it in the family, so why couldn’t I? Just as fast as that thought entered my head, it quickly left. I didn’t have time to be playing those childish games. I was better than that. He didn’t take the hint that I didn’t want to be bothered, because he walked over and took a seat beside me.

  “Nay, I know I’m probably one of the last people on earth that you want to talk to right now, and I don’t blame you one bit—” he started to say.

  “Well, if you know that, then, why are you talking to me?” I asked, interrupting him.

  “Because I can see that you need a friend,” he had the nerve to say. “And I’m just trying to be here for you.”

  “A friend? You actually think that you’re my friend, Chance?” I asked, turning to him. “A friend wouldn’t have did what you’ve done to me, Chance.”

  “Ma, you have to believe me when I say that at first, I didn’t know anything about Dontie having a woman, or married, for that matter. I found out way later, and when I did find the shit out, I told him to leave you alone, but he didn’t.”

  “Chance, you should’ve told me. Did you even stop to think about telling me, or did you think about that bogus-ass guy code that y’all have and are living by nowadays?” I said. “I was your fucking friend. I know Tae is your family, but I thought we had some type of respectful feelings for each other, but I guess I was wrong. Just know that I would have never done that shit to you, no matter what the circumstances were.”

  “Ma, it killed me to know what that nigga was doing to you. You’re right, I do have respect, and I love you as if you was my family, but Dontie’s blood whether or not we both like it. I did what I could’ve, and that was tell him to leave you alone, but don’t play stupid, Nay. You knew damn well that the nigga had to have a woman somewhere in the cut. I mean, you seen the nigga mostly on the weekend. I know you ain’t slow. You get straight-As in school, making the dean’s list and shit. So you can’t tell me that you didn’t have a clue,” he replied.

  My eyes grew misty, because I knew what he was saying was nothing more than the truth. I’d been dealing with Tae for about a year, and other than the times when we would go on a few vacations together, I only saw him on the weekends. I never meant for any of this to happen. My whole life, I’d promised myself that I was never going to be some man’s other woman, like my mother was to my father. I’d seen the things she went through daily without having him there, and I didn’t have a father, so I knew that I, myself, didn’t want to go through any of that. I really thought that Tae was something special and that I wouldn’t have to worry about being the other woman, but somehow, I ended up being in that position anyway.

  Before I knew it, the dam that I held up for the past few hours came crashing down.

  “You know what? You’re right. I’m not dumb, nor am I stupid. I did have some type of clue about Tae having another woman, but I didn’t have the proof, so I couldn’t act on the shit. Yeah, I seen him mostly on the weekends, but it never bothered me because I was so consumed with school during the week. I had a feeling, though, I just didn’t think that I’d end up pregnant and the other woman would end up being my sister,” I said as the tears flowed freely from my eyes. I didn’t even try to wipe them away.

  “It’s going to be okay. It’s life. You just got to get it together for you and the baby, ma. It’s not about you anymore,” he said, grabbing my hand. “You’re going to be straight, ma. You and I both know that.”

  “No, I’m not, and this is not life. I’m pregnant, and I didn’t want to be. I wanted to finish school, find a job and my own husband to have our kids with, but now I’m in this fucked-up situation,” I said, pulling my hand away from him, “Look around you, Chance. Ain’t nothing about this that’s going to be good. My baby daddy is getting married to my sister, well, remarried or whatever you want to call it. Then to make matters worse, I have to sit in the pews and watch the shit, like it’s okay. Ain’t nothing good about that, and you know what? I’m not staying here to watch this shit.”

  I got up from where I was seated as quickly as my belly would allow me to and began walking down the church steps.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, but I’m not staying here,” I said, making my way to my car.

  “Ma, you can’t go anywhere. The wedding’s about to start,” he said, following behind me.

  “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I don’t care about this damn wedding,” I yelled, never slowing my stride.

  “Chance, come on, man. The wedding is starting,” Nasir yelled from the church steps.

  “A’ight, I’m coming,” I heard him yell from behind me.

  “Nay, stop,” he said, grabbing my forearm.

  “Just let me go, Chance. I need to get out of here before I lose my damn mind,” I told him.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, but I’m getting my ass far away from here,” I replied. I was almost to my car when I felt something wet dripping down my legs. When I looked down, a pool of water had puddled at my feet.

  “Oh shit, it looks like your water just broke!” he yelled in a panic. “Wait right here while I go get some help,” he said; then he took off running back to the church. I wasn’t waiting on anything or anyone. I wobbled my ass the rest of the way to my car and got in. I started the car and zoomed out of the parking lot. It was when I got on the street that the pain of what I’m guessing was contractions started hitting me like a ton of bricks.

  “Arrgh!” I yelled as I started breathing like the woman and Kourtney had taught me in the Lamaze class. Speaking of Kourtney, I surely do wish that she was here with me right now. She would’ve been so helpful. She would’ve known just what to do in this situation. I’m so sorry that she wasn’t able to make this trip with me.

  Somewhere in the car, my phone started to ring. I turned to see my purse lighting up on the seat next to me. I reached over to try to grab it when another wave of contractions began to hit me. This time, I had to grab my stomach with both hands, that’s how painful it was, then I felt something pop between my legs. Placing one hand back on the steering wheel, I reached between my legs with the other one. When I brought my hand back up, it was covered in blood. Again my phone started ringing, but my focus was nowhere near being on my ringing phone at this moment. It was on the fact that my hand was now covered in blood.

  “Oh my God! Help me, Lord, please!” I yelled, shocked because I had no idea what was going on. I began crying as I immediately started to fear the worst. My phone began to ring again, but I couldn’t answer it. I was too distraught. I wasn’t even paying attention to the road, and since I was crying, I wasn’t able to see clearly. It was then when I felt the car veer to the right. Recognizing the danger, I turned the wheel as I tried desperately to get control of the car, but by then, it was too late. The next thing I knew, another car had plowed into the side of my car, and I hit my head on the steering wheel. The car then began to spin. It hit another car and started flipping before it fishtailed and hit something so hard that my head connected with the window this time. Blood immediately began to drip from my head. I tried to move, but I couldn’t, so instead, I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The last thing I remembered before everything went black was me hoping and praying that help would get to me in time to save my baby. I wasn’t even worried about me or my safety. All I was concerned about was the safety of my baby as I wished that he wasn’t harmed in any way.


  I stood at the altar as the wedding had just begun. I was on pins and needles because I knew what I now had to do. It was time for me to come clean, and even though I know it was going to hurt Sky, I couldn’t st
and the thought of hurting Brinay any longer. The pain I saw on her face earlier, when we first made it to the church, was a look that I’d never seen before, and it killed me to know that I was the cause of all of that. I hadn’t talked to her in months, and I was dying on the inside. I missed being able to see and wake up to her face in the morning, to hold her at night, and to wake up in the middle of the night and pour my heart out to her without her judging me. I missed all that, and then some. Now that she was pregnant with my seed, all I wanted was to be there for them. I knew she was lying when she first said that the baby wasn’t mine. I knew better. Brinay wasn’t that type of chick, so I knew that cheating was the last thing she’d do to me. I guess she was saying that to get under my skin, and, boy, did it work. Just the thought of someone else getting what I couldn’t get and needed to get was mind-blowing and cause for me to fuck everything up. I wanted everything to go back to the way it was, but I knew that would never happen.

  I looked over to where I saw her sitting earlier and noticed that her seat was empty now. I searched the crowd as I tried to locate her face in the sea of people. I don’t know why, but all of a sudden, this feeling hit me in the pit of my stomach, and I knew that something wasn’t right. I spotted my cousin, Chance, walking down the aisle, and the look on his face let me know that something was, indeed, wrong.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him when he made it to where I was standing.

  “It’s Brinay,” he whispered but stopped when everything got too quiet.

  Everyone stood to their feet as the music changed and the double doors to the church stood wide open. It was now time for Sky to make her grand entrance. I wasn’t concerned about that, though. What I was more concerned about was what was going on with Brinay. I tried to get Chance’s attention, but he was focused on who was about to walk down the aisle with her father to her right, just as was the rest of the room. The band changed the tempo as her cousin Keyon, or Keys, as she called herself, came up to the mic and started to sing.


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