My Sister's Husband

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My Sister's Husband Page 17

by Ambria Davis

  “We haven’t been married long. I’m sure if I wanted to, I could get a divorce with the quick—” he began to say but was cut off when my hand connected with his face. I tried to knock all last year’s snot out of that nigga’s nose.

  “Now you trying to divorce me?” I said, feeling hurt. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to say that he was going to divorce me behind this shit. He walked closer to me before he grabbed both of my wrists and began squeezing.

  “If you put your muthafucking hands on me one more time, I’m going to make you regret the day you said I do. As a matter of fact, I’m going to make you regret the day you met me. Now get the fuck in the waiting room. I’ll meet you there when I’m done,” he said angrily. He gave me a light push before he walked away. Before he was gone, he turned around. “I’m not playing. If you cause any more trouble, you’re going to be in trouble your damn self.”

  I stood there as my husband chastised me as if I was his child and not his wife. I wanted to blast on his ass, but I was stuck on the fact that he was tripping on me over my sister and her child. I was beginning to think that they had something going on. Hell, why else would he be acting a fool on me? There wasn’t any other explanation. I watched as he disappeared down the hall. My heart was telling me to go after him, but my mind was saying something different.

  Going with the latter, I went ahead and made my way to the waiting room, where my father was still waiting.

  “What’s wrong, baby girl?” he asked. I guess he noticed my facial expression, but I didn’t feel like talking about it.

  “Nothing, Daddy. Did the doctor come out and tell you anything about Brinay?” I asked, changing the subject, I wasn’t about to let him know that something was going on with my marriage. It’s too early to be having problems.

  “No, baby, I’m still waiting,” he replied, just as a tall white man in a white coat and some blue scrubs came walking our way.

  “Mr. Williams?” he asked.

  “Yeah, that’s me,” my father said, standing up. “How’s my daughter doing?”

  “Well, sir, she just got out of surgery, and I’m happy to report that everything is fine. We were able to stop the bleeding and everything. She’s in recovery right now. She’ll be moved to a room in the morning.”

  “Thank God,” my father said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Is there something I can do?”

  “Well, not right now. I’ll let you see her for five minutes, but that’s all until she’s moved in the morning.”

  “Okay, Doc, and thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Williams. I’ll let the nurse at the front desk know that you’re going to see your daughter. In the meantime, have a good night,” he said, and with that, he was gone.

  “Are you coming?” my father asked, once he noticed that I wasn’t trailing behind him.

  “Umm . . . no. I’m waiting for Dontie. I’ll just see her tomorrow when she’s moved,” I lied. I wasn’t going to see her now, and I damn sure wasn’t going to see her then. He looked like he was disappointed, but I really didn’t care. I was too busy worrying about my husband to be concerned with a sister who I barely got along with. As I always said, she was his problem, not mine.

  “All right,” he said before he left to go check on his daughter. I sat back down and waited for Dontie. I meant what I said, and I wasn’t leaving the hospital without my husband. Even if I had to act a damn fool, he was coming home with me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I couldn’t believe that Sky actually had the nerve to show up and show out the way she did. I don’t know what made her come here, but I can guarantee it wasn’t to check on the well-being of her sister and nephew. How one can be so evil toward her own sister is beyond me. I’m still stuck on the fact that she tried to continue a wedding and her sister was in the hospital hurt. Hell, if Brinay wasn’t pregnant by me, I would’ve still left the wedding, because as I said, that was her family. I honestly don’t know about the bad blood between the two of them, because neither of them ever told me what was going on, but I know they can’t hate each other that much. Sooner or later, someone was going to have to tell me what all this beef shit was about.

  If I know Sky, as I thought I knew her, I know for sure that she was going to be sitting out in the waiting room, waiting for me. Which is why I decided to let her ass wait. She needed her ass whipped for all of the things her ass was saying earlier. I wanted badly to wrap my hands around that bitch’s throat for playing with my son, but I didn’t want her to get suspicious, so I didn’t. She’d better be careful with all that slick shit that’s coming out of her mouth, because I wouldn’t be saving her or her feelings too much. What she needs to know is that if I had to choose between her and my son, her ass would be gone in a heartbeat.

  I stood in the nursery longer than I’d expected to. I was both excited and nervous. I was glad that my son had entered the world healthy, but I was concerned about his mother. Since I couldn’t see her right now, I decided to stay and bond with my son. Since his mother couldn’t be here with him right now, I wanted to fill that void. I know the nursery is going to be closing soon, so I know that my time today was going to be limited. I know I should stay with him, but I didn’t want to make things too obvious, at least not yet.

  As I stood there holding my son, I imagined all the things we’d do when he gets older. I thought about how handsome he was going to be. Actually, I could tell that he was going to look like me. I thought about the many trips we’d take together. About all of the money he would make me spend. The many girls he would have. I thought about it all, and the more I thought about his future, the more I thought about his mother. I just hope that everything is going okay for her. I don’t know how, but I wasn’t going to leave this hospital until I got a chance to check on her.

  I got up from the rocking chair and went to put my son back in his little crib. I then walked over to where one of the nurses were.

  “Excuse me, miss, but can I talk to you right quick?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said with a Kool-Aid smile. I know this bitch doesn’t think I was trying to rap to her, because that was not the case.

  “Umm . . . Do you know when my son is going to be getting out of the hospital?”

  “What’s his name?” she asked, looking at a chart.

  “His name is Dontie Edmon, or Williams. I don’t know which last name his mother gave him.”

  “Uh-huh,” she said looking at the chart. “Here he is. Dontae Williams. I don’t know. You have to find out when his doctor comes in tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay. Thank you,” I said to her. I went to take one last look at my son before I gave him a kiss and left. I still couldn’t believe that I had a son. Now I was going to try to see his mother.

  * * *

  I was nervous as hell as the nurse guided me to Brinay’s room. I had to do every trick in the book, including give her my number, before she’d even let me past the nurse’s station. It didn’t matter that I told her I was going to visit my baby mama, who had gotten into a wreck and had just given birth to our son. She still asked me for it. I wanted to blow on her ass, but I knew she wasn’t going to let me see Brinay otherwise. I had no choice, so I just gave it to her on the strength of that. Man, this shit is crazy. I wasn’t going to take her out or nothing like that. I just did what I had to.

  “She’s in here,” she said, stopping in front of the door.

  “Okay, thank you,” I said. I waited until she was gone; then I took a few minutes to get myself together before I actually went in. I was nervous about seeing her like that. When I got my head on straight, I went in.

  The minute I walked in the room, my heart immediately broke at the sight of her in a hospital gown, hooked up to all those machines. She looked peaceful as she lay here. I watched her chest rise up and down to make sure that she was actually breathing. As I walked closer to the bed, I could hear my heart beat through my ears. I stood there first, just watc
hing her. Even with all of the bruises and swelling, she was still beautiful. I took a seat on the bed beside her and grabbed her hand.

  “I know I’m probably the last person you’d hope to hear right now, and I don’t blame you, but I want you to know that I love you, Nay. Even though things are fucked up right now, just remember that.” I got choked up, just thinking that I probably was the cause of this. “I really hope that you pull through this, and if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I promise to make it right.” I was about to get up when she squeezed my hand. A few minutes later, her eyes fluttered open, but a few seconds after, they closed. I was glad to see that she was okay and that she had heard me.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow. Make sure you’re up then, ma,” I said before I placed a kiss on her forehead and left.

  I honestly felt bad that my favorite girl was laid up in the hospital and I couldn’t do anything to help her. I felt even worse that I had to go home with her bitch of a sister. Lord knows I made the worst mistake when I married her ass. Even when I didn’t know that they were sisters, I knew I’d made the worst mistake of my life. Shit, I was catching a headache even thinking about it.

  When I made it to the waiting room, I spotted her sleeping in one of the chairs. I can’t lie. She was beautiful in her wedding gown. If I wasn’t already in love with her sister, I would’ve been glad to be her husband, but my heart was already somewhere else. I take that back—if she didn’t have those nasty-ass ways and my heart wasn’t with another woman—I would’ve been glad to be her husband. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and now everything is totally fucked up.

  “Sky,” I said, gently shaking her. She stirred in her sleep but didn’t wake up. “Skylar.”

  “Huh?” She jumped up, looking all around. I’m guessing she had forgotten where she was.

  “Come on, ma, let’s go,” I told her. She looked at her phone before she rolled her eyes and got up.

  “It took your ass long enough,” she said, getting up and walking off. I had to rub the back of my head. Right now was not the time for her shit. Pulling my phone out, I dialed Chance’s number.

  “Everything’s good?” he asked, answering the phone.

  “Everything’s okay right now, but I need you to meet me at the house,” I told him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Sky’s on one of her bitch fits, and I’m not in the mood to deal with that shit right now. Not with my son and his mother sitting in the hospital.”

  “All right, I’m on my way over there right now,” he said, just as I spotted Sky walking back into the waiting room.

  “All right, man,” I said before I hung up and went to meet her.

  “What the fuck you waiting on to come ya ass on?” she asked with a major attitude. “Fuck, it’s bad enough you left me at the altar. Then I had to watch you play father to another nigga’s baby, and now, you took forever and a day to come out. You expect me to wait longer? You better bring yo’ ass before you be walking home.”

  I didn’t say anything back, because I knew she was just in her feelings about me leaving her on our wedding day. I could understand why she was feeling some type of way, but she needed to chill out. I’m not about to continue to let her disrespect me just because she wants to. If she only knew half of the things that was going on in my head, she’d really be on fire.

  When I walked out the door to the emergency entrance, she was there waiting for me. I went to open the passenger door when I realized that she was already sitting there. I know she only wanted me to drive home so that she could be able to fuss, but this time I was cocked and ready for her. She was going to get a rude awakening.

  When I hopped in the car, I didn’t say shit. I threw on the radio at a decent volume and drove off. From my peripheral vision, I saw her fold her arms across her chest. Oh Lord, I thought, picking up speed. I was doing way above the speed limit, trying my best to get us home quickly. I silently prayed to God that I’d make it home in no time so that I wouldn’t have to hear nothing from her ass. I guess the Lord didn’t hear my prayers, because she reached over to lower the volume and turned to me.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on between you and my sister?” I felt my heart skip a beat or two before I shifted in my seat. I know damn well she didn’t know anything. I decided just to play it cool.

  “What are you talking about, Sky?” I calmly asked her. I wasn’t trying to go off on her or anything like that, because that shit would’ve been a dead giveaway.

  “Dontie, don’t play dumb. Is there something going on between you and Brinay?” she asked again.

  “I barely even know your sister. How could there be something going on between us?” I asked, trying to pretend as if I was hurt.

  “I don’t know—you tell me. You was quick to leave our muthafucking wedding to come to the hospital to see about her and her little bastard without any regard for me or my muthafucking feelings. So something must be going on between y’all, because that shit ain’t normal. Like you said, you two barely know each other,” she yelled. I was getting so tired of hearing her sing the same tune.

  “I left because that was the right fucking thing to do. She’s your sister, and she was pregnant with your nephew. I don’t know how you could try to continue to have a fucking wedding, knowing that she was hurt and in the hospital. Not to mention the fact that she was pregnant,” I said, trying to stress the shit to her. “You walk around here on your imaginary high horse, acting as if the sun sets and rises on your ass, but it doesn’t. Ain’t that much hate in the world that you can honestly say you don’t give a fuck about what happens to your sister or her child.”

  “That’s because I don’t. I don’t give a fuck about her, nor do I give a fuck about her muthafucking child. So you can stop with all these bullshit-ass speeches you trying to give, because I most definitely don’t want to hear them,” she replied, folding her arms across her chest again, sitting back in the seat. I couldn’t even respond to that. I didn’t know how to. My wife is basically saying that she doesn’t give a fuck about my son. “And from this moment on, you don’t have to go to the hospital to check on neither one of them. You can leave that up to my father. That’s his responsibility, not yours or mine.”

  I just sat there, not even saying anything. To be honest, words wouldn’t be able to describe how I was feeling right now. I’d only be able to express myself through actions. Lord knows I don’t want to put my hands on her, but if she continued to piss me off, popping all that stupid shit from her lips, I was going to have to go back on that.

  For the rest of the ride home, it was silent. We didn’t even have the radio on. She was lost in her thoughts, and I was lost in mine. I’m sure her mind was still stuck on the fact that I walked out on her, while I was trying to figure out who was going to get my son when he comes home in two days. I knew for a fact that he couldn’t go home with Brinay’s father and her stepmother. I’m sure if Skylar hates her sister, her mother hates her even more, and there was no way I was going to allow them to fuck with my son. Behind him, I was ready to body both of their asses, not caring if Sky was my wife or not. I knew DJ couldn’t come home with me, because his mother wouldn’t allow it. That’s when I thought of Brinay’s friend, Kourtney. I’m not even sure if someone had called to inform her of Brinay’s accident. On second thought, I’m pretty sure that they didn’t, because if they did, she would’ve been down here right now. She and Brinay acted more like sisters than Brinay and Skylar did. I was going to have to call her the minute I get a chance. It was a good thing that I had her number, because I would’ve hated to have to leave my son alone and go pick her up.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Skylar asked, once we pulled up to the house and spotted Chance sitting on his car smoking.

  “I told him to meet me over here, that’s what he’s doing here,” I said to her as I threw the car in park and got out. I didn’t bother to wait for the smart remark I know was coming from her naggi
ng lips.

  “Give me a few minutes, man. Let me run upstairs and get a few things,” I walked over to the car and told him.

  “All right,” he said, hopping back into the car. I’m guessing he wasn’t trying to hear her mouth either. I already had the door opened and the alarm disarmed before she came inside.

  Ignoring her presence, I began walking up the stairs to our bedroom. Grabbing a duffle bag from the closet, I walked over to the dresser, opened a few drawers, and began filling it with a few items.

  “Where the fuck are you going?” she asked from behind me. I looked at her through the mirror. I was really beginning to see her for who she really was. Deciding not to reply, I shook my head before I continued doing what I was doing. I didn’t have the time or energy to be entertaining her ass right now. “Tae, I know you hear me talking to you. Where are you going?”

  “To mind my muthafucking business,” I finally said, turning around.

  “Oh, so you’re cursing me now?” she asked, looking a bit hurt. I cursed around her all the time, but I’d never cursed directly at her.

  “Sky, please go ’head with your shit, because I’m seriously not in the mood right now,” I said, turning around to close the drawers. I turned back around to see her just standing there.

  “Who is she?” she asked me.

  “Who is who?” I asked, confused.

  “The bitch that you’re cheating on me with. Who is she?” she asked, beginning to sound like a mad woman.

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” I said, walking past her and out of the room.

  “Is it my sister? Is that why you left me to be with her?” she asked, chasing after me.

  “Do you actually hear yourself right now, Skylar?” I asked, turning around without warning, causing her to bump into me. “How the fuck you come up with that shit?”

  “Just answer my question, Dontie,” she yelled, totally ignoring me. “Do you and my sister have something going on between the two of you?”


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