Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1)

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1) Page 12

by Cayce Poponea

  "Wouldn't do that if I were you? I have a feeling Meghan just told her how she and I met. Good thing my Meghan loves you, as by the looks of things this could get ugly.”

  “Zane, when will you get it through that thick skull of yours, I—unlike you— keep the women in my life happy. Kennedy knows how I feel about her and she is well aware there are no other ladies sniffing around after me. When I finally laid eyes on her, I made sure she knew I had been wrong about my feelings for her.”

  “Explains the stink eye you're getting." Zane's words are followed by his body convulsing in laughter. “Come on you douche! You spend months sending emails back and forth and the first thing you say to her is you were wrong about her?”

  "No, you idiot." I smacked his chest with my fist and told him what happened. Kennedy was a genuinely good person, a beautiful and gifted girl. So much so, when I saw the excitement leave her face for one tenth of a second, I ignored the risk of being slapped or, worse, having an angry brother come storming out and punching me. Everything about her called to me; her enduring rambling, her generous nature, her endeavor to hide her personal life from her mother's watchful eye, but most of all, her drive to be her own person. She was so excited to tell me about opening her first checking account and applying for a credit card in her name. I wanted to see that joy every day; I wanted to be the reason for that joy.

  Abandoning all of the warning bells in my mind, I tossed caution to the wind and chose to see for myself if her lips were as soft as they looked. I closed the distance, lacing my hand in the hair at the back of her head and pulled her soft body against mine. The electricity that flowed around us was like an invisible bubble protecting us from the reality that begged to interrupt. The moment our lips connected, all my doubts were erased. The way she molded her body to mine, fusing us together in more than just flesh, connecting us on a level few had experienced. It was in that moment I knew those thoughts I had carefully tucked away, were a glimpse of what we could be.

  "Wow." With the raw talent we both possessed and years of education between us, something better than ‘wow’ should have come out. When Zane was actively pursuing Meghan all those years ago, his teammates gave him shit for picking such an ordinary girl. Yet, he never let anything they said change his mind. I knew Kennedy thought of herself as simple and plain, but to me, she was perfect.

  "Let me tell you this, little brother, if what I suspect about Kennedy is true, you're going to have to drill into her head this isn't just a dry spell hook up." My confused look gave him the opening he needed to finish his thought. With a wave of his hand that still housed his beer, he looked over my shoulder and continued.

  "Meghan was, and still is, the most beautiful woman I have ever met. However, she fought me so hard because she believed all I really wanted was to get into her pants, some type of varsity challenge or some shit."

  He didn't have to remind me of this, I was the one who kept encouraging him to be patient with her. “You forget, Zane, I was there when you had your balls in your hand, panting over her.”

  "I am aware, smartass. What I'm trying to tell you is, you're going to have to be direct and quite frankly blunt when it comes to Kennedy. If you want to hold her hand, you need to make it clear it isn't to help her cross the street or keep her balance. If you want to touch her, you’ll need to set her straight as to why you want to do that. Don’t give her any reason to justify your actions with innocent excuses.

  His eyes never wavered, looking at Meghan with fondness in his eyes. "I'm telling you this and I know it sounds harsh, but I wish someone would have given me the handbook when it came to girls like ours."

  “It would have been no good, they would have changed the rules on us.”


  My parents refused to sell the house we had grown up in, even after all of us had moved out and started lives of our own. My mother spent endless hours in the back yard, planting and tending to the flowers and shrubs she loved so much. She was angry with my father for days once when he offered to hire her a gardener. She preferred to be up to her elbows in rich soil and covered in grass clippings, than be dressed in the expensive clothing she had collecting dust in her closet upstairs. My mother was a simple girl at heart, a heart my father worked hard to cherish and keep.

  "Can I get you something to eat?" My loving, but overly emotional, mother was driving me crazy. I knew she meant well, but I had been able to make my own plate for most of my life. I knew it was just her joy in my being home, but it was also tiring and I had to be very careful to keep my tongue reined in.

  "You spoil me, but I'm fine." I chose to answer, avoiding hurting her feelings and causing my father's brow to rise.

  "You're my son, it comes with the job." Her warm hands were on either side of my face as her brown eyes shifted between the matching pair I inherited.

  "This was a great party, thank you for this, and for not saying anything to Kennedy."

  Her hands dropped to her sides and the smile vanished. She leaned further into me as she spoke in a hushed tone, giving a quick look to any possible eavesdroppers. "I will say this one time, Zach." Her finger was sharp as it met the soft skin of my chest. "Kennedy is every mother's dream for their son, but if you have less than honorable intentions for her, I will call a car service right this second."

  Taking a small step back and pulling my mother off to the side of the house, the tone of this conversation was unfamiliar to me. She had always defended our family, not one of Savannah's many boyfriends or any of the girls that sniffed around Zane or myself. "What's going on, Mom? You never do this, defending someone outside of the family."

  She inhaled deeply and then pulled me in for a hug, the gesture making a large lump form in my throat. "When I was making the rounds of our guests, I overheard Kennedy and Meghan talking."

  I pulled away, taking her hands in mine. This wasn't a conversation I wanted to risk being overheard and spreading like cheap gossip. I nodded in the direction of the house and she followed me. Closing the door to her sitting room, I looked at her to continue.

  "As I was saying, I overheard Meghan and Kennedy talking. Sharing the story of a kiss, in the center of a busy Atlanta sidewalk, the gentleman dressed in a military uniform and the girl wearing a shocked expression." I waited for the punch line, a clue as to where this was going.

  "Kennedy confided in Meghan she had never been kissed in such a fashion. It seems certain emotions were stirred up by your kiss."

  I remained stoic, still unsure of where this was going. I took a seat on the sofa with a clear view of the backyard. Upon examination, Meghan and Kennedy were still standing in the same spot, the smile still had not returned to her face.

  “Okay, so I kissed her, big deal.” I shrugged.

  “Perhaps it’s not to a mature man who is well trained and worldly. But to a shy young lady whose upbringing dictated a certain level of morals...” Silence fell jagged between us, her eyes pleading with me to understand.

  "Kennedy is confused." My mother held her hand up when I tried to question her statement. "She was under the impression you had been a gentleman in helping get a certain letter to its owner and then continuing to be gracious by corresponding through emails and other forms of communication. She doesn't understand the feelings the kiss brought forward and is convinced you have one thing on your mind. Meghan explained to her the similar situation she found herself in and gave her what I would agree was solid advice." This couldn't be good, I knew what Meghan had put Zane through and the heartache he had experienced.

  "She told her to avoid having sex with you. If sex was your true intention, then you’ll tire easily and move on to the next girl."

  The sun had gone down and the sky was now a dark purple with oranges and dim yellows. I had watched the sun set in the desert many nights and wondered what Kennedy was doing at that moment. With determined steps, I flew out the back door, directly to where Kennedy was still standing. I passed many of my guests and even bid some of them goo
dnight. Meghan was wrapped in Zane's arms, the children in the house I'm sure. Kennedy's eyes met mine and I could swear she gasped as I reached out for her.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've waited for quite a while to sit with Kennedy and have a discussion." I didn’t let go of her hand until I had insured she was comfortable. I made certain we were face to face as I wanted her to have no doubt about my desire for her. Not to one day warm my bed, but to own my soul.

  "I know I should apologize for kissing you yesterday, but that would indicate I had remorse for it happening, which would be a lie."

  Kennedy tried to look down at her lap, but I refused to let her run from me or change the subject. Zane was right, women like Kennedy are so closed off to themselves they miss out on what is right in front of them.

  "I've wanted to kiss you since the first email I got back from you. I didn't care what you looked like or if you had three heads, I wanted to be near you and get to know the amazing creature half a world away." The smile I longed for so much returned to her face and it gave me the encouragement I needed to continue. Squeezing her hands in mine, our eyes reflecting what our hearts surely already knew.

  "I want to make myself perfectly clear. I want to have a relationship with you, one in which kisses like the one we shared yesterday are expected and wanted. I want to be able to give you cute pet names and call you those names when we are alone or surrounded by our friends and family. To see the look of hope and contentment on my mother's face when I kiss you again as she watches from the kitchen window." Kennedys eyes and attention stayed with me, never turned her head to see if I was correct, seeing for herself my mother was indeed biting her nails as she watched this play out.

  “When you told me about Ethan bothering you, my comment about being your boyfriend was real, not empty words to scare some creep away. I'm asking you to trust me, a man you barely know, a man who wants nothing more than to make you so happy you want to share it with the entire world. A man who would do anything, give anything, to be by your side."

  With my words hanging in the air, I searched her face for any sign she was about to bolt. When I couldn't take it anymore, slowly and cautiously, I lowered my head to hers waiting until the last second to close my eyes before placing my lips to hers. There was no deepening of the kiss, or groping of body parts, just two sets of lips joined in agreement.

  Kennedy was the first to pull away and for a second I thought this was it, this is the moment she gives me the 'just friends speech'. As the smile formed on her face, the light from the fire dancing in her eyes, I knew this was the beginning of the best thing to happen to me.

  Only family remained as we sat around a now dying fire. Mom and dad had excused themselves an hour ago, insisting on giving the children baths, and then putting them to bed. Meghan rolled her eyes as Zane made a sexual gesture in response. I was content to have my arm behind Kennedy's head, my thumb rubbing up and down her shoulder. The first time I did it, she shivered and I knew it wasn't from any chill in the air as there wasn't any. Kennedy was talking softly with Meghan about Hercules and a big biker guy she was working with. Aunt Ella had already informed me of their new patient, so I was content to listen and continue touching her shoulder.

  "Hey, Zach, before we head out, I got you those tickets for the home opener." I remove my arm from around Kennedy and stand up to say goodnight to my brother and sister- in-law, but capture Kennedy's hand, pulling her up with me. Now that she knew how I felt about her, I would definitely be reassuring her this was for real.

  "It's Sunday, right?"

  Zane confirmed the date and time and assured me he would be at the grand opening on Monday. Once I saw the taillights of Zane's car, I turned to Kennedy and offered to drive her home.

  “It's all right, Jason said he would come by after he drops Savannah at her apartment." I shook my head and pulled her close, whispering softly in her ear. "Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let your brother come all the way back here to get you? Besides, it will give me more time with my girlfriend."

  "You're serious about this?" Her nervousness was adorable.

  "Well, if you would rather just be friends, I'll take what I can get. I mean, I know I'm not the most handsome guy on the block." Her eyes became huge as she immediately threw her hands up, tossing them from side to side in rapid movements.

  "No, Zach, that's not what I meant! It's just's just—"

  She was so damn cute and I wanted to take her back in the house and lock her away forever.

  "I just don't understand why you want me?"

  "Well, I could stand here for the next week and give you reason after reason, or I can take my time and show you."


  My mother was still awake when I returned from taking Kennedy home. I knew I wouldn't be able to just slip into bed without having a conversation with her. As I rounded the kitchen counter, she slid a glass of whisky in my direction. My mother was old school and believed in keeping things in the family. She was a great listener, but an even better disciplinarian.

  "So, I take it by the way you glued yourself to Kennedy's side the talk went well?" Her eyes weren't meeting mine, instead watching her fingers as they circled the rim of her glass. I knew from experience she was collecting her thoughts, searching for the right words.

  "We had a good talk, so yes, things are going well."

  "I'm happy to hear it. You deserve to be with someone like Kennedy. "Her eyes met mine with a happiness that shown on her face.

  "One thing concerns me." She looked down as she pulled the bottle of Jameson's toward her, refilling both of our glasses.

  "Oh, what would that be?”

  She tossed her drink back before she answered me. "Her mother." I let the statement hang in the air for a few moments. I already knew Kennedy's concerns with how her mother felt about her new life. She had confided to me about Jason being cut off due to the disrespect he had shown their parents.

  "Kennedy was worried you held an opposition to her coming here today, I assured her this wasn't the case. I don't think she knows about my return, and I know for fact, she has no clue about Savannah and Jason." Mom nodded still watching me.

  "I had a long talk with Jason when I visited him at the shop the other day. Savannah is head over heels for him and I think this might just be the one that sticks for her. However, I also know the second Claudia figures out who the new people in her children's lives are, she’ll most likely use this as an avenue to weasel her way to you." I knew the way Kennedy had spoken of her mother wasn't in the positive. Growing up as my mother's son, I knew how to deal with people and their ulterior motives.

  "Don't worry mom, Kennedy's parents will know that she’s dating an ex-military, tattoo artist. I'll make sure the first time I meet them I dress the part. I'll even arrive on a motorcycle to give it the full effect." I kissed her goodnight, after placing the whiskey back in the cabinet. I love my mother dearly, but sometimes when she had a lot on her mind, she could drink herself silly. I would be the good son and save her from a nasty headache.



  Clarity is a funny thing. When you feel as if you have all of the facts in a situation, only to be given a different perspective, everything, which was murky, becomes clear.

  Keeping my word to Zach, I arrived to his party on time. Emma informed me he was upstairs taking a much-deserved shower after working out with his brother's football team. She introduced me to several of the ladies in attendance, everyone was friendly and I knew my mother would never fit into the inner circle Emma had created. Each person she introduced me to was interested in what I had to say, answered every question I asked and laughed when it was appropriate. They were all genuinely good people. There weren't any hidden agendas, ulterior motives, or anything to gain by speaking to me.

  Meghan was the last lady I was introduced to. She was bent over, speaking softly with a little boy who I would guess to be about two or three. He had tear
s on his face, but after a few words from Meghan, a smile lit up his features and he was off and running with the rest of the children.

  "Wouldn't it be nice if everything in life was as simple as a hug from your mother?" Her eyes remained on the now happy child.

  "That would be an ideal world wouldn't it?” I voiced, and then really thought about what I said.

  Meghan moved closer to me extending her hand for me to shake, the smile caressing her gentle face was real and not forced. I hated when people had to force a smile, it made you wonder what was really going on inside their heads.

  "My mother-in-law tells me Zach brought you over yesterday." Eyes drifting behind me and without seeming rude, I turned to see a large guy standing just outside the patio doors, a beer in his hand, and Jonathan, Zach’s father, standing beside him. He was incredibly good looking and I scanned the lawn trying to see who the lucky girl was wearing the matching wedding ring that decorated the third finger of his left hand.

  "Yes, he and my brother own a shop downtown." It was the simplest answer I could give. Disclosing what had transpired between Zach and I would serve no purpose, therefore I kept it to myself.

  "He is persistent. Hell, all of them are."

  I looked at her with a questioning expression, but before she could elaborate or I could ask her the question that was on the tip of my tongue, we heard a conversation that was currently transpiring between several of the younger girls who were enjoying the music playing overhead.

  "Can you imagine not having the opportunity to date for as long as he’s been away?"

  "Forget about dating! Imagine how long it's been since he’s had sex. I mean hasn't he been surrounded by men for the past few years?"


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