Safe with You

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Safe with You Page 6

by Shelby Reeves

  “I don’t know…”

  “You won’t get caught, we swear.” Bo makes an x over his heart with his fingers.

  I sigh knowing I am going to give in regardless. “Fine, but we still have a problem.” Wait-did I just agree to go?

  “What’s that?”

  “Your truck, duh!”

  “Way ahead of you darlin’,” Bo says but doesn’t elaborate.

  The bell rings for first period when we arrive to school so they walk me to class. The whole time I am wondering what I had gotten myself into.


  The next night, I am a bundle of nerves as I wait patiently, fine… impatiently, on my parents to go to bed so I can shut my light off. I try to keep myself busy cleaning, but I find myself looking over at my parents every five minutes to see if they have moved from the couch. I don’t know if it is because it is Friday night or what, but they have been drinking pretty excessively tonight. Good, they will be knocked out all night.

  Around nine-thirty, the doubts start to kick in. What if this doesn’t work? What if we get caught? Maybe I should just crush some sleeping pills in their drinks and be done. I snort to myself. Yeah, right. One…I don’t even know what they look like and two…I’m not touching anything pill related. That may sound crazy, but since my parents probably take anything and everything they can find, I don’t like them. What’s worse is the fact that I’m afraid if I take a Tylenol or something not addictive for a headache for fear I will want to take something stronger. Therefore, I will end up being addicted to pills and soon be a drug addict. Sounds silly, right? Not to me. Alcohol is fine, but anything else, I’m not touching.

  Finally, around ten o’clock my parents are passed out on the couch. I creep into my room and shut the door. I change quickly into my favorite jeans and the best t-shirt I own. I run a brush through my hair before I shut my light out. I run over to the bed and stuff things under my comforter to make it look like I’m actually in bed just in case they decide to check on me.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear a light tap on my window. When I raise up my window I am met by J’s perfectly sculpted face. He smiles genuinely when he sees me. The glow of the moon reflects off of him. J helps me climb out and guides me towards the road where he left the car.

  “What is that?” I was expecting a car, not this.

  “What’s wrong with a four-wheeler?”

  “A what? Is it safe?”

  “City folk call it an ATV and yes it’s safe. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t let you on it,” he says, holding out a helmet to me.

  I grab the helmet and place it over my head. J helps me secure it before he climbs on the ATV or whatever he called it. He holds out his hand for me to climb on. Once I am situated he flips his hat around backwards and starts the motor.

  “Wait, where is your helmet?” Surely, he won’t ride this thing without one.

  “I assure you I’ll be fine.”

  I roll my eyes. Such a typical male. J grabs my wrists, wrapping my arms around his middle before taking off. The faster he goes, the tighter my arms get around him. I think I could get used to riding this thing if it meant I could have my arms around him again.

  As I watch everything zip by, I find myself second guessing myself. Bo has taken the big brother role in my life. He’s protective and he’s always there when I need a good laugh. Bo is the only guy I can joke and pretend to flirt with for fun and it not mean anything. J and I definitely do not have a brother-sister relationship. He and I, according to our conversation last night, are dating, right? Ugh! I’m so confused.

  One thing for sure, the feelings I have for J is strong, but will I be strong enough to move on when it is time for me to go? My head is telling me to enjoy the time I have here. My heart? It has a different idea. It’s telling me to stay far away so I not only don’t ruin my heart, but J’s as well.

  Other than my head and heart being on opposing sides, the other problem I face is actually staying away. Honestly…I can’t. You saw how I got suckered into going tonight right after I told myself I wasn’t going.

  I can hear the music and see the glow of the fire when we get halfway down the driveway. Luckily, the rain stopped earlier this afternoon.

  “I’m surprised you came to get me without your other half,” I smirk after J helps me take off my helmet. I run my fingers through my thin, flat hair trying to make it look somewhat better.

  J chuckles. “Yeah well it was worth it,” he replies with a grin. “How’d you like your first four-wheeler ride?” he asks with a smile.

  I shrug pretending I didn’t enjoy it. “It was all right.”

  He scoffs, pretending to be offended. “Just all right? C’mon it was better than that.”

  “Maybe just a little bit,” I caved. “I might need another ride to be certain,” I say with a straight face.

  J smiles from ear to ear. “I think I could do that.” He holds out his hand and I take it. My body jolts from the electricity that sparkles between us. I hope he can feel it too. “You look beautiful by the way.”

  It is possible that my heart just skipped a beat.

  I look down at the clothes I had picked out. They clearly look like hand me downs.

  “Thank you, I guess.”

  “You made it!” Bo exclaims when he sees us walk up. I want to scowl at him for announcing our arrival. I’m already nervous enough without people staring at us. J slaps hands, greeting a few people before he pulls me over to where others are dancing.

  “I’m gonna show you how to two-step, Cass.” J slinks his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. My heart beats faster in response to the closeness. He briefly goes through the moves with me before taking us a little faster. J and I stare at each other as though we were the only two people here. His honey-colored eyes never waver from mine, even after the song ends. In all honesty, I never knew I could dance. It’s just something I’ve never done much of until now.

  J draws me even closer when the song shifts slower, closing the gap between us. Just when I think my heart couldn’t beat any faster it proves me wrong. Our mouths are inches apart. If either one of us lean forward just a tad, we’d be kissing. When J’s eyes flicker to my mouth, I know he is thinking the same thing.

  “Quit leading her on J. You’re just gonna hurt her when you come back to me,” Ellen’s voice breaks through the trance I am in.

  J blows out a breath. “Ignore her. It doesn’t matter what you say she won’t go away. For the record, I will not go back to her.”

  “How were you even with her to begin with?” Curiosity got the best of me so I asked.

  “I slept with her one time. I was drunk and she took advantage of that.”

  “Oh.” Was all I could manage to get past the lump in my throat. Of course, he’d sleep with her. She’s beautiful and she fits in here. Her only problem? She’s a bitch and not to mention a brat.

  His fingers curl under my chin, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. “Hey. It won’t happen again. I was stupid to go through with it the first time, drunk or not.” My body sags in relief at his answer. “Let’s just forget about her, Cass, and have fun.” He smiles reassuringly. “The only place I want to be is here with you.” Damn him for saying things like that. He re-closes the gap he created when Ellen interrupted us and we sway our hips to the beat.

  The rest of the night Ellen is going to be far from my mind. We dance practically the whole time, never taking our eyes off one another.

  J and I are standing around the bonfire, side by side with his arm around me. Bo walks over to us and looked at J. “Mind if I steal a dance with this pretty lady?”

  J scowls at Bo but lets me dance with him anyway. Bo grabs my hand and leads me back to the crowd of dancers. He twirls me around then tugs me towards him. With his left arm across my back and my hand in his right one, we set off, two-stepping to another country song.

  Sweat was dripping off my face by the time the song was over. “Thanks for the dance darlin’,
” Bo says as he walks me back over to where J is standing.

  Bo walks me back over to J, who is with Colt, talking. He must sense me walking over because his head turns in my direction, a smile widening across his face.

  J drapes his arm over my shoulder and I lean into him. I breathe in deeply, filling my lungs with his cologne. Oh my, he smells good.

  “Are you almost ready to go?” J asks me.

  I’m torn between wanting to stay and spend more time with J or go home. The longer I stay out, the higher the risk of getting caught will be.


  “How about I enjoy one more dance with you before we go?” J murmurs close to my ear.

  I nod and let him lead me over to where others are dancing.

  J pulls me close once again, my heart still beats erratically like it does each time I’m around him.

  The song is upbeat, yet sensual. He leans forward to whisper in my ear. Wait-no, not whisper, to sing in my ear. J hums low in my ear, his tongue caressing every word.

  My knees become weak from him serenading me that my legs almost give out underneath me. His voice is deep and has a raspy touch to it. And good grief can he sing.

  The songs ends way too soon for my liking and before I know it, J is walking me in the direction of the ATV.

  “Bye, Darlin’!” I hear Bo shout from behind me.

  I turn around and scowl at him, then flip him off. He just laughs and shakes his head.

  It is one in the morning by the time J is sneaking me home.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours,” J whispers with a grin after I am in my room.

  He caresses my cheek and then he disappears into the night.

  Chapter Eleven


  “So, what are we doing today?” I ask as J drives along the country road. It is our first Saturday together today and even though I just seen him a few hours ago, I am excited to spend the day with him and his family.

  He grins widely. His smile is so infectious I can’t help but to smile back. “We are going mud ridin’.”


  “Why not? Aren’t you the one who wants to know what we do for fun?”

  “Never mind, are you glad to have your truck back?” I ask with a laugh. J drives a black Chevy Pickup and thank goodness it’s not lifted like Bo’s truck, but it is just as loud. According to Bo, it had been in the shop getting fixed after J goofed around and hit a tree with it. The grill, the bumper, headlights, and all had to be replaced. J’s truck is not as new as Bo’s though and it’s a single cab.

  “Hell yeah! I’ve missed my baby,” he says as he pats the dashboard.

  I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Baby? Please tell me you’re not one of those idiots.”

  “I sure am one of those idiots,” he says proudly.

  When we arrive at his house J hands me my bag of clothes I brought to change into later.

  Fifteen minutes later, I am holding onto J as he takes us through the field with Bo and some girl in tow. I look ahead of us and gasp. The rain from the last day and a half has created a huge mud puddle in the field. J never slows as we get closer so I cling tightly to him as he races through the mud, slinging it everywhere. Mud flies all over us, and surprisingly I just laugh.

  The guys hoot and holler each time they plow through the mud holes. “Hang on, Cass!” I tighten my arms around him as he spins us in around in circles.

  Finally after getting drenched head to toe in mud J takes us down a path that leads back to a creek.

  “So, what’d you think?” J asks when we park.

  “I think you are crazy, but I did have fun,” I answer honestly. I haven’t had this much fun in years though I’m not about to admit that to him.

  A smile slinks across his face. “I knew you would. Now we are going to go for a swim.”

  “As long as my clothes aren’t coming off then I’m in.”

  J throws his hands up. “I’m not making any promises,” he teases.

  I shoot him a death glare before following them up a hill. To my horror, there is a rope hanging from the tree. The girl who came with Bo, Allison, I think that’s what I heard Bo call her, goes first. J is next. I watch him as he graciously runs off the bank. When he is far enough out he lets go of the rope. He lands in the water with a big splash.

  “Your turn darlin’,” Bo announces from behind me.

  “Oh no. I’m just going to walk down and go in the normal way.” I start to do just that, but he blocks my path. There is no way I am swinging from a rope. With my luck, I’d land on rocks or break a bone.

  “Oh no, you don’t.”

  “Come on, Cass! I’ll catch you!” J yells from below.

  With shaky hands, I grab the rope, grasping it tightly. Against my better judgment, I peer over the bank. I gulp realizing I must be at least ten to fifteen feet high. No, no way am I doing this. You see, I have a slight fear of heights. I think it’s because I got pushed off a bridge when I was a kid while on a school field trip. The bridge wasn’t too high up thank goodness, but the fall was scary for an eight-year-old. Danny, my not-so-friendly classmate who pushed me off got in trouble. If I remember correctly, he got detention for two weeks and he wasn’t allowed to go on any other school trips the rest of the school year. My parents were furious. See, they were normal, loving parents at one time.

  Before I even had time to contemplate jumping any further I am pushed off the ledge. I let go of my death grip and scream until my body plummets in the water. When I break the surface, I immediately search for J. He finds me before I find him. His arms come around me, pulling me safely to him.

  “I got you, Cass,” he whispers soothingly.

  The splash that came from behind me lets me know that Bo is down on my level. Pushing away from J, I swim over, attacking Bo from behind. My attempt to drown him is no good since he is ten times stronger than me so I get him in a chokehold instead. A weak one, but it will have to do for now.

  “You asshole! Don’t you dare push me again!”

  J pries me off of him and holds onto me.

  “I was going to jump if you gave me a minute!”

  “We would’ve been up there all night waitin’ on you to jump!” He smiles and shakes his head. “J you need to keep an eye on your girl. That’s twice now that she has tried to harm me.” That earned him a splash of water in his face.

  “Naw, I like that she can hold her own. It’s kinda hot,” he smirks. I felt my cheeks redden. “Besides someone needs to put you in your place.”

  We swim for a bit to rid us of the mud that is caking our skin. The sun is starting to go down by the time we make it back. I am in definite need of a long bath.

  I had more fun today than I had in a long time. Who knew in a town like this you can find something fun to do?

  As we were walking up to the house, a scary thought hit me. I’m about to meet his parents looking like a homeless person.

  When we walk through the front door a tall, dark haired woman greets us. After taking a good look at her, I notice that she and J look a lot alike. Wait…I thought this was Bo’s house?

  “How are my boys?” She pulls both of them in for a hug and kisses their cheeks. “And you must be Cassie. It’s nice to meet you dear. My name is Jane.” I hold out my hand prepared to shake her hand, but she waves it off and pulls me in for a hug. “How are you likin’ it ‘round here?”

  I shrug, still feeling nervous. “Well, the only two places I have been other than school is here and my house so I’m not really sure. What is there to do around here anyway?”

  “You two outta be ashamed of yourselves! She’s been here, what, almost a week and you boys haven’t shown her around? I thought I raised you boys better than that!” I couldn’t hide my laughter when she swats them both upside the head. I think I like this woman.

  Then I realize what she just said. “Wait…you two are brothers?” I ask dumbfounded.

  Jane throws her hands in the air in frustration.
“Oh for Heaven’s sake! What else have you not told her?”

  Bo and J share a look I didn’t quite know how to read. That’s weird.

  Bo clears his throat. “Step-brothers actually, but yeah we’re brothers. I thought you knew darlin’?”

  “How would I know if you didn’t tell me? I can’t read minds.” Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t have said it as harsh as I did.

  Or maybe not. Their mom seemed to approve of my attitude. “Girl, I love you already. Come on, darlin’, let’s go chat.” She stares at Bo and J funny when they start laughing uncontrollably. “What’s so funny?”

  “Cass hates it when Bo calls her darlin’, she says it creeps her out. She even threatened him and punched him, too.” J explains while trying to keep a straight face.

  Her eyes widen a little. “Is that true?” She glances between me and Bo. I blush scarlet afraid of what she might think of me now. It turns out I have nothing to worry about. She scowls at Bo and pops him upside his head again. “Bo!” she gasps. “Come on sweetie.” She tugs on my hand and leads me into the kitchen. “Help yourself to whatever you want, dear.” She gestures to the cabinets and fridge.

  “Thank you,” I reply sweetly. I help Jane make dinner and we talk amiably about anything and everything. She never asks any personal questions like where I was from or anything about my parents. It was all about my hobbies and interests. Jane even told me a few embarrassing stories about Bo and J. I grin shrewdly at that, thinking I could use those to my advantage.

  At precisely six o’clock Bo, J, and a man who I assume is their father burst through, gathering around the table like hungry animals circling their prey.

  I didn’t realize how hungry I am until I smell the food and my stomach growls loudly.

  “Dan, this is Cassie,” Jane introduces us. Dan looks like an older version of Bo, same hair color and all, although Dan has a hint of gray in his.

  “Now they have already warned me about the whole darlin’ bit so you don’t have nothin’ to worry about. If Bo calls you that then I can understand why you find it creepy.” Everyone but Bo laugh. He just smiles and rolls his eyes. I can definitely see where Bo gets his charm and wit from.


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