Safe with You

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Safe with You Page 14

by Shelby Reeves

  “I’ll be back on time,” I promise and then jog out the door. I wait until I’m way out of sight before pulling out my phone and calling Bo’s phone.

  “Hey beautiful, which way are you headed?” J’s excited voice greets me.

  “Uh, all I know is that I turned left out of my driveway.”

  “Good, there is a barn like a mile or mile and a half up the road on your right. Meet me there. I’ll be on the four-wheeler.”

  “Be careful,” I tell him. That thing is dangerous. “But hurry because I have to be back in an hour.”

  “Be there in a few.” I hang up and continue my jog towards the barn. The good thing about living in the country is isn’t much traffic to worry about.

  A few minutes later my feet hit the gravel that leads back to the huge red barn that sits a good ways off the road. I really hope J knows the people since I’m on their property. If not then I’m liable to get shot. I sigh in relief when J walks around the side of the barn. Wait, how did he get here so fast?

  My smile grows when I see his handsome face break out in a grin when his eyes land on me. I push my legs harder and slam into him. He catches me with ease and spins me around. He sets me down, but never removes his arms from my waist. He mouth crashes down on mine like he hasn’t seen me in a week. Something about certain situations makes you cherish the person you’re with. He releases me and then grabs my hand and leads me in the barn.

  “The person that owns the land knows that we’re here right?”

  He turns and looks at me with a serious face. “No.”

  I start to panic, but when he smiles I slap his chest. “J! That’s not funny!”

  A deep, throaty laugh escapes him. “Do you really think I’d ask you to meet me on someone else’s property and they not know about it?”

  “I never know with you.”

  He pulls me back in his arms and kisses my forehead, and then exhales loudly. His mood has shifted from carefree to serious. “Cassie…I…” he pauses. When his eyes lock with mine I see all of the worry floating in them. “I’ve been so worried about you.” He swallowed. “If something were to happen to you, I wouldn’t know until after it was all over and, Cassie, that is what scares me the most.”

  “I love you, J,” I admit. I had planned on waiting until he said it first but now seemed like a good time.

  A smile broke out on his face. “I love you too, Cass. God, you just made me the happiest guy alive!” He frames my face in his hands and kisses me slowly, tenderly. He pulls back and reaches in his pocket and pulls out his-Bo’s phone and checks the time. “We still have roughly thirty-five minutes before you have to be home, which means we only have about twenty minutes to spend together, to be on the safe side. What do you want to do?”

  That is a loaded question. There is something we could do, but I’d rather wait until we had more time.

  “Well, we could just get to know each other more,” I offer. His brows knit together so I continued. “I love you, but yet I don’t even know your middle name.”

  “It’s Allan,” he answered then kissed my nose.

  “J Allan Michaels…” I test out his full name in which he groans and kisses me again.

  “My turn, Cassie Ann Matlock...” I drew back shocked that even knew my full name. He chuckles. “I’ve known your full name for a while, sweetheart. Your Dad said it remember?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  He grinned. “I also may have sweet talked the secretary before your Dad said it.”

  “You did not!”

  J pulls me over to the pile of hay and falls back in it, never letting go of me in the process. I snuggle against him, placing my hand on his chest. “I sure did. Now, it’s my turn to ask a question…why do you run? Do you just love to do it?”

  “That and it helps clear my head, too. If I ever need to sort out a problem or if I just need to get away for a bit, running helps.”

  J leans up and gazes down at me. “You know you have me for that right?” The sincerity in his voice confirms what I already know. The problem is I couldn’t go to J with everything, not when it involves my parents or why we moved here. The less he knew the better off he was. The more he knew the more danger his life is in.

  I fist my hands in J’s shirt, yanking him down on top of me, to hell with talking. Just looking at him made you want to do nothing but make out with him. His tongue traces the seam of my lips as he hands ran down my legs. Cupping them at the back of my knee, he lifts them and wraps them around his waist. His arousal presses deeper between my legs. A moan escaped my throat as his mouth trails along my jawline.

  He pulls back and rests his forehead on top of mine. I place both hands on either side of his face. “It’s about time for me to go, isn’t it?” J checks his phone and sighs, giving me my answer. He kisses me long and hard before crawling off of me and helping me stand. I fling my arms around his neck and hug him tight.

  “Do you have any water by chance?”

  “Yeah, it’s on the four-wheeler, hang on.” He releases me and runs to grab it. J hands me the bottle when he returns and I make quick work at making it look like I’ve sweated from running a marathon. If I don’t come back sweaty, they’ll for sure know. J picks the hay out of my hair and off my clothes.

  I go to hand him back his phone and he shakes his head. “Keep it so I can talk to you.” I didn’t argue because I am running out of time so I hug and kiss him one last time before starting my run back to the house.

  Dad is sitting on the porch, watching and waiting as I enter the driveway with a minute to spare. He looked down at his watch to make sure I was on time, I assume.

  Dad stands when my foot hits the concrete step of the porch. “Dinner’s ready,” he announces and walks inside.

  Chapter Twenty- Four


  Only getting to see Cassie when she can sneak out is pure torture. I hate that we have to sneak around just to be able to spend time with each other. Telling her Dad where to shove it would be nice, yet it would only make our situation worse.

  I mount my four-wheeler and start it up. I flip my hat backwards before taking off, heading the opposite direction of Cassie. I have the need to follow her to make sure she makes it home okay, but I can’t do that or shit will hit the fan.

  Cassie is a dream that’s almost too good to be real. Both of us are fighting for our relationship and I will be damned if I let anyone ruin it for us. Cassie is worth fighting for.

  I’ve been wanting to talk to her about applying to colleges together. At first, I wondered if it would be too soon in our relationship, but after her telling me those three little words, I’m reconsidering asking her. I have no doubt in my mind that Cassie and I are meant to be. I’ve fallen head over heels for this girl and there ain’t no way I’m losing her.

  I’m about a mile from the house when a car comes into view, heading the opposite direction. As I grow closer to it, the car edges over into my lane.

  What is this guy doing?

  The closer I get to the edge of the road, the farther he crosses the double yellow lines. The dark colored Ford Taurus is fully in my lane so I abruptly turn to the right to try and avoid getting run down by this idiot.

  Unfortunately for me, I hit the ditch and crash into a barbwire fence. I’m thrown off the ATV, grunting when I land roughly on the ground. Groaning, I clutch my shoulder, hoping like hell I haven’t damaged it. It takes me a minute, but I eventually stand to survey the damage done to the fence and my four-wheeler. Looking around, I try and spot the asshole who ran me off the road. A thought has my blood running cold.


  Using my good arm, I pull out my phone from my pocket, which thankfully ain’t damaged, and text Cassie.

  Have you made it home yet?

  I grow anxious with every second that goes by without a reply. Backing out of my message app, I dial the number to the house.

  “Hello,” Dad greets when he answers the line.

  “Dad, I need
you and Bo to do me a favor. Some idiot just ran me off the road. Cassie is on her way home, but she is running and I’m afraid the crazy driver might hit her. They are driving a dark colored Ford Taurus. Can you make sure she made it home safe?”

  I hear Dad relaying the message to Bo before he is back on the line. “Bo is heading out now. Are you all right, son?”

  “My shoulder is sore, but I’m fine. I can’t say the same for the fence I plowed through and possibly the four-wheeler.”

  Dad sighs heavily. “Where are you at, J?”

  I give him my location and hang up. I hope like hell Cassie made it home safely.

  I try to flip my four-wheeler back on four wheels, but couldn’t with my shoulder throbbing.

  It wasn’t long before Bo arrives to help me with Dad right behind him.

  “Did Cassie make it home okay?”

  When Bo nods, I sigh in relief. Thank God. “Yeah, I snuck up to her window to see if she was in her room. I didn’t let her know I was there, though.”

  “Good, okay now help me flip this back over,” I say, gesturing to the overturned ATV. I hope there isn’t a lot of damage to it.

  In no time, all three of us had it set on all four wheels and I had it cranked and loaded into the back of Dad’s truck. There is mild damage to the front right side, but other than that, it runs just fine.

  “What am I going to do about the fence?” I ask Dad.

  “You just go on into town with Bo and get that shoulder checked out and leave the fence to me.”

  “Yes sir.”

  I one-handedly climb in Bo’s truck and buckle up. I check my phone again to see if Cassie has replied. My heart rate picks up when I notice she has.

  Cassie: Yeah, I made it just in time. Dad was waiting on the front porch for me.

  J: He didn’t suspect anything did he?

  Cassie: No he didn’t

  I wonder if Cassie saw the car?

  J: Did you by any chance see a dark colored Ford Taurus?

  Cassie: No. Why?

  Thank God! As crazy as the driver was, they would have definitely hit Cassie. A shiver runs through me just thinking about it.

  J: Whoever was driving the car ran me off the road and it was heading in your direction

  Cassie: OMG! Are you okay?

  J: I’m fine just heading to get my shoulder checked out

  Cassie: Okay. Let me know what they say. I love you.

  A grin the size of Texas slinks across my face.

  J: And I love you, Cass

  “What are you smiling so big about over there?” Bo chuckles from the driver’s seat.

  “Well you know how I feel about Cassie, and well, we kind of told each other, ‘I love you’ earlier.”

  Bo’s eyes grow wide. “Y’all said what?”

  I bark out a laugh. “You heard me. I told Cassie that I loved her and she told me the same.”

  “Are we talking about the same Cassie who seems all sweet and innocent when in reality she’s the devil? The same Cassie who threatens bodily harm to me pretty much on a daily basis?”

  I roll my eyes dramatically at his inaccurate description of the girl who makes my world go round. Well, at least the first sentence is a lie. The second one is actually true. “Cassie is not the devil and if you wouldn’t piss her off so much she wouldn’t threaten you every day.”

  “It’s fun, though, J!” he defends.

  “Yeah, you just keep doing what you are doing. When she finally does follow through with her threats, I’m going to laugh so hard.”

  Bo grunts as he pulls into the local clinic. “Thanks for putting that scary thought in my mind. Now I won’t be able to sleep without wondering if she will stab me. You remember I warned you she would do it.”

  I chuckle at how serious he is taking this. “Bro, I highly doubt she will stab you in your sleep. I’m not saying she would not mess with you, though.”

  “Thanks for the encouragement, brother.”

  Still laughing, I jump down out of the truck and walk into the clinic. Now, I get to find out if football is over for me.

  An hour later, I’m walking out the door feeling relieved. My shoulder is just banged up. No broken bones, no fractures, and I’m only sitting out of football for two weeks. I feel very lucky right now, even if I’m having to wear this darn sling for the next fourteen days.

  I text Cassie, as promised, to let her know I’m okay and that nothing is damaged. She responds immediately.

  Cassie: Thank goodness! I’ve been worried about you.

  “Hey Bo, do me a favor and swing by Cassie’s house.”

  He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  No, not really, but I’m tired of having to sneak her out just so I can see her outside of school.

  “I guess we’ll see,” I mutter.

  As Bo pulls into Cassie’s driveway, I suddenly grow nervous. What if I screw everything up and end up making everything worse? But, what if it my plan works? I just can’t not try.

  As I am walking up to the door, it opens and her dad walks out. I straighten my shoulder, continuing the last few steps to the porch.

  He takes his usual stance, arms crossed, feet shoulder width apart, giving me the evil eye. “What are you doing here?”

  Clearing my throat, I say, “I came to talk to you actually, sir.”

  His brow arches questionably, not feigning too much surprise. “Really, I can’t imagine what about.”

  “I want to be able to spend time with your daughter.”

  “Tell me, why should I even let you?”

  Why? Because I love her and I’m dying not being able to see her when I want to. “Because, I miss her and I really love spending time with her. My parents and my brother miss her too. I love it when she gets to come watch my games and when I get to spend all day with her on Saturdays.”

  He’s silent for a moment, studying me. “You’ve got guts, kid. I’m going to think about it. You will know by the middle of the week.”

  I nod, thinking this is going better than I thought it would. I kind of thought he would automatically say no. I hope like hell he lets me see Cassie regularly.

  “Thank you, sir. I really hope you reconsider letting me see, Cassie.”

  After a hard nod, he turns and walks back into the house. Well, I guess that’s the end of this conversation.

  I walk back to the truck, feeling anxious. Four days. Four long freakin’ days until I know if I just shot myself in the foot or if I will be celebrating with Cassie.

  Is it Wednesday yet?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  When I heard the rumble of Bo’s truck in the driveway a few days ago, I almost had a heart attack. With what J had told me earlier that day, I had been worried about him already. But the worry intensified when I heard Bo’s truck. I was thinking something was seriously wrong with J.

  Then I about fell out when I heard J talking to Dad about getting to see me again. I had raised my window so I could hear what was going on.

  Now, J and I are not so patiently waiting on Dad’s answer. Dad wanted me to invite J over, which I’m not fully certain is a smart idea.

  J squeezes my hand comfortingly. I know the anxiety is written all over my face.

  Craning my neck to look at him, I give him a weak smile.

  “Love you,” he mouths and my heart flutters in my chest.

  “Love you, too,” I mouth back to him.

  We whip our heads over to the hallway when we hear my Dad’s footsteps coming down the hall. He rounds the corner with his face impassive, with my scowling mother in tow. Dad’s gaze is impassive, not giving us the slightest hint as to where he is choice will be good or bad.

  Dad looks at J first, then focuses on me. “Cassie, your mother and I have been discussing whether or not you should see him, and I think we have reached a decision.”

  I hold my breath as I await his answer. This is it. I’ll either be ju
mping up and down in excitement or arguing with them about why I should get to.

  “We are granting you permission to see Mr. Michaels here. You know the rules, Cassie. I suggest you do a better job at following them from now on.”

  I relinquish the breath I had been holding. I seriously didn’t think he would let me see, J.

  “Thank you, Dad.” Part of me didn’t want to be nice since he is the reason we are in this situation.

  “Yes, thank you, sir.” J stands and holds out his hand to Dad, who surprisingly shakes it.

  J and I share an ecstatic smile.

  “I don’t want to push my luck, but do you mind if Cassie comes to dinner tonight? My parents would love to see her.”

  “Where is this dinner?”

  “At my house.”

  Dad nods. Man, I’m beginning to think Hell is freezing over. I excitedly run to my room to change and freshen up.

  I quickly return to save J from my parents, even though he seems to be handling it quite well.

  “Have her back by nine-thirty,” Dad says as J and I are walking toward the front door.

  “I will, sir,” J promises, and then we are out the door.

  J holds the door open for me and waits until I’m completely in before jogging around the truck and climbing in.

  Both of us burst into a fit of laughter. “Holy crap that was intense. I swear I didn’t breathe for the longest,” J says in between laughs.

  “I know! I’m just glad he agreed!”

  Dinner is amazing as always. Jane really knows how to cook. Just like every Saturday, I help her in the kitchen while the guys do whatever with Dan. It really sucks that I only get to see Dan and Jane once a week, if that. They are more like my parents than my own.

  Jane and Bo tackled me as soon as J and I step foot in the house. Dan is the only one who didn’t freak out. All the emotions are starting to become overwhelming. I’ve missed these people so much. They have normal lives while mine is nothing but chaos.

  “I heard y’all will have a new student on Monday. I think they said his name was Zack Daniels,” Dan says from the head of the table.


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