The Good Twin's Baby: A Billionaire Baby Contract Romance

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The Good Twin's Baby: A Billionaire Baby Contract Romance Page 61

by Vivien Vale

  "Get in here, now. You won't believe what just happened."

  I pour her a drink then relay all the details of my mysterious run in. She's shocked and a little scared.

  "It's okay, baby, I promise. I'll find whoever’s behind this. It won't be a big deal."

  "I'm just so tired of all of this. I feel like we're constantly running from some unknown monster. I should've known I couldn't go unnoticed being an escort. And Leo, tonight I wanted it to be you at my table, not that creep. You had to have known that."

  Her words are like music to my ears. It offers a hint of what she may be feeling. There's no way her devotion could match my own, though. I broke her heart years ago. How can she forgive me for that? And my playboy reputation isn't helping my cause.

  I watch her sip demurely on her drink and decide that tonight has to be the night when I lay it all out on the table. She has to know how I feel about her, whether she feels the same way or not. She deserves to know the truth.

  And then, as I watch her delicately take off her jewelry for the night and lay them out on the dresser as though she's lived here forever, I allow myself to dream the impossible and be optimistic for just a second.

  There is a chance she feels this heat, this connection. I may not be alone on an island out here with my feelings. There's the slightest chance this may be real, that she can forgive the past, and tonight I want to hedge my bets on that.

  I have to set the scene and get my thoughts in order. I'm so happy to have her home that it's overwhelming. I set the terrace lights on low, I play some music, and then I even go so far as to light a few candles before grabbing her hand and pulling her outside.

  "Those wicks are fresh," she says. "You've never lit a candle out here before, have you?"

  She's caught me but I won't admit it.

  "Hey, I could just buy a lot of new candles. Maybe I light them so much that I always need new ones." I can’t keep the grin off my face, though. She brings out a lighter side in me, a side I thought was dead.

  "Yeah right!" She gently swats my arm then takes her place on the couch.

  I start a fire in the brick outdoor fireplace, and the mood is set. She probably thinks I'm trying to seduce her, but little does she know that I have much more in store for her than that.

  I'm about to bare my soul to this girl and it makes me nervous as fuck. There's an unease in the pit of my stomach—like this might be the beginning of the rest of my life or it could literally be the end. If she leaves me hanging, it will be the first time a woman's ever refused my affections and it will hurt like hell.

  No matter what, though, I'm determined to do it.


  I felt pretty shaken up as I headed back to Leo's place. Having to spend the evening with that guy William was terrible. I know I had to do it but I feel like taking several showers to remove the creepy sensation of his hands on me that still lingers.

  When I left the lounge after receiving Leo's note, I saw William kind of hovering to see what I'd do. I had to pretend to be waiting for another date at a different bar in the hotel. With the way he was touching me and how he asked for me to go back to his room with him, well, it was all too much.

  I hate to think what could have happened had Leo not been there watching and if I didn't have an escape route planned.

  Escorting is a risky business. Leo was right. I never plan on being part of it again. Money or no money I'll survive some other way.

  It's not worth putting my life at risk and having to endure unwanted sexual advances from men I don't know who think they've paid for me to spread my legs.

  When I met my boss Roger, he assured me this kind of thing wouldn't happen under his watch but he was sorely mistaken.

  I'm panting, as I took the stairs up fifteen floors before grabbing a service elevator to the penthouse. Who needs a Stairmaster when you live in a hotel? My thighs are burning from climbing so many levels. I guess I won't have to hit the gym tomorrow.

  I knock on the door, catching my breath, anxious to see how Leo's faring. He seemed so miserable at the bar watching me with that guy.

  He opens the door, his face pinched with worry. "Get in here now. You won't believe what just happened."

  I go inside and he looks like a total wreck, pacing the floors and running his hands through his hair. He relays to me what happened with his mysterious encounter. Now I feel more under threat than ever. And I know it's all my fault.

  I curl up on the couch on the terrace near a roaring fire. Leo lights some candles and we joke. It seems like he's trying to set the tone, but for what?

  "I finally have you here all to myself," he says, kneeling between my legs.

  "Leo, I can't tell you how sorry I am for causing this whole mess."

  He looks at me in wonder. "What are you talking about? None of this was your fault."

  I look away sadly. I can hardly meet his gaze because I feel so ashamed, so disgusted with myself. I was warned not to enter this business and I stubbornly refused. Now multiple people's lives and careers are at risk, and it's all my fault.

  "Honestly, Leo," I say, wanting to convince him to let me take this guilt upon my shoulders. "My brother and you both warned me, and you’ve done nothing but to try to fix the mess I've made."

  "Don't ever say that, Sienna. Not ever. I'm serious."

  "Why, Leo? Why won't you just let me feel bad about this? You don't have to fix everything."

  He grips my legs and leans closer as he says, "Don't ever say that because if you hadn't entered the escort business, I may never have seen you again. So you see, it all worked out for the best. It’s like this was meant to happen."

  His words hit me in an odd way, warming me up and making me feel alive.

  "You think so?"

  "I know so," he says confidently.

  I don’t say anything, wondering at the meaning behind what he's just said.

  He pulls away and gets up, nervously pacing the floor again. It seems like something's bothering him, though I can't tell what.

  Leo is usually very chill and very in control. But tonight he kind of looks like a nervous wreck.

  It can't just because of the date. That's over now and I'm home with him, so why is he still acting out of sorts?

  "How about some champagne?" he asks.

  "Champagne? Sure, but I mean, are we celebrating something?"

  My words throw him off guard and he stops his pacing.

  "Celebrating? Yes. No. Kind of."

  He disappears inside, presumably to the glass-enclosed wine room off the kitchen, and comes out with a bottle of Dom Perignon. I watch him grab two very expensive looking champagne flutes from the bar and he comes back outside to where I'm nestled near the fire.

  "We do have something to celebrate," he says, placing the bottle on the coffee table. "Only I'm not sure how to begin. I need to talk to you. It’s something I’ve needed to say for a while."

  "What?" I say concerned. "Wait a minute, why would you need to talk to me? Did something else happen?" I’m suddenly worried that there’s something else hanging over us, more blackmail or something.

  He's at my side, and I can feel the nerves reverberating off his body.

  "I think you should know, Sienna, that this means more to me than just a casual fling."

  Wait, what?

  "It does?" I'm shocked.

  "Yes, of course, it does."

  "Leo…" I have to say it. "That doesn't make sense because..."

  "Because of the way I left you?"

  "Well, yeah."

  "I need to explain that, Sienna. Listen to me, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I did then and I do now and I have for the past ten years. There's been no other."

  There. He's said it. And while he leans back in relief, the words hang there in the air between us.

  My body is frozen in shock. I can’t believe the things I’m hearing. My own feelings for Leo have been growing, and yet I've put a wall up to protect myself.

  He hurt me in the past so I've held onto my resolve to not let myself care enough about him to get hurt again.

  But with Leo, that's hard.

  His charismatic personality, gorgeous looks, and domineering personality make it easy to want to trust him. For some reason, I’ve always feel safe with him. I guess my own feelings have been on par with his and yet I would never voice that if he hadn't said it first.

  "You loved me? For ten years? How is that possible? Leo, you just left me all those years ago without an explanation. How could I have known?"

  "You couldn't have known. Your brother found out about us. He threatened me…among other things. But he wanted me to pull away from you. I should never have listened, Sienna, but I did. That's why I left, and I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me and know that I’ve thought of you every day since and I've regretted leaving you."

  "My brother pulled us apart?"

  "Yes, Sienna. It’s a long story but I want to make it better now. I want to fix the mistake I made."

  I’m reeling. As he says the words, all my emotions that I've tried to repress come bubbling up to the surface. I’ve been running from this for years. I loved him too, but I’ve been too afraid to have my heart shattered again.

  He's looking at me apprehensively, waiting for my answer.

  "Leo, I love you, too. I just never thought in a million years that you'd return the feeling," As I tell him this, tears stream down my cheeks. It feels almost too good to be true.

  I still don’t understand completely what he means about how Jax was partially responsible for this, but I can’t think past the incredible feeling of hearing Leo tell me he loves me.

  He grabs me by the waist and buries his face in my hair. Then his mouth is searching for mine, and it feels like a new beginning. My admission has collapsed some wall that was between us.

  Leo is still the strong, confident, dominating man I know, but now I see a tenderness there that wasn't obvious before.

  "Baby," he says. "I'm never gonna let you go again. Not ever. You’re mine."

  The last part is said with almost a growl, and I feel my body ignite with need. I want him so much I can barely think.

  He grabs the bottle and now I see what the champagne is for. A celebration, like he said.

  When he first brought it out I had no idea my life was about to change so drastically. Now my body is aching and vibrating, ready to really start celebrating. There's a fire burning between us.

  He's like a predator watching his prey, waiting for that perfect moment to pounce. I sit there, desire building, and I can’t wait for what’s coming.


  He just said I love you.

  I can't believe it. I'm in shock. My knees are shaking as he pulls me up off the couch so that we can embrace. He holds me tight and I'm swamped by the weight of his large body. I want to curl up next to him and just fantasize about this moment for a second.

  I didn't realize until now the full extent of how much I've missed Leo. He left my heart shattered and I tried to close up and to build walls around myself but he was always there within me.

  I guess you could say he's been my dream guy. And now it's all coming true. There's no one like Leo, no one I could ever love like I love him.

  I thought I was just a toy to him but now I see that's it been so much more all along. Suddenly the penetrating looks, the protectiveness, the way he makes me tell him that I'm all makes perfect sense.

  He loved me the entire time. How did I miss it?

  I want to sink into this moment and never forget it.

  He holds my face in his big hands and there are tears in my eyes.

  "Baby, you're crying," he breathes the words against my mouth and I can almost taste him.

  "They're tears of happiness. I can't help it."

  This seems to make him very happy and as I move to wipe them away he grabs my hand to make it stay. He kisses the tears away with his lips and it's a most tender act. Before I have a chance to get too sappy though his mouth is on mine and he's kissing me with renewed flare.

  It's different from all those other times, kissing Leo now. Because now every move he makes has meaning behind it. I can never assume I'm just some girl again. I'll always be his. I guess I'm a prize worth fighting for and something about that makes me ache for him in a new way.

  He's kissing me with fury and it's as if years of the torment of being apart is being expressed.

  "It's been so fucking hard...without you," he says.

  "I thought I was no one to you," I look up at him with tear-stained eyes.

  "No baby, never. I'm sorry I made you think that."

  He hoists me up into his arms and takes me to the bedroom. Once inside he places me down on the bed gently as ever before beginning the process of taking off my clothes. He does it slowly and watches me the whole time.

  One heel, then the other, my panties...until I'm stripped bare.

  When I'm naked he lays on top of me, the full weight of his body making me sink ever deeper into this love.

  His fingers find their way through my hair and he stares at me for a long time.

  "I've wanted this Sienna forever. Now tell me what I want to hear."

  I don't restrain myself from him, but rather I give in fully. It's the truth now, I'm his. There's no more fight left within me as the power of our connection is overwhelming. Now that I know it's been him all along all those days of struggling against loving him are gone, it's easy to let go. He has me right where he wants me and I don't mind it. I'll always give in to him now.

  "I'm yours, Leo. There's no other."


  Oh fuck, he always makes me take it too far. He wants to know how my thoughts revolve around fucking him day in and day out. He wants to see me squirm and to see how I ache for his massive cock to enter me.

  "I want your...cock. Now."

  He taunts me further.


  "And I think it about all day, okay? Is that enough for you? I want you to be master of my soul, king of my universe...just fuck me please."

  He smiles, and soon his mouth is kissing mine. He moves now to my neck and hovers over my tits. He sucks one and then the other, twisting and tormenting my nipples. Oh fuck.

  Everything he does is laced with the knowledge that this has new meaning. He loves me. Leo Asher, billionaire Playboy, the casino mogul, and hottest man on the earth loves me.

  Those days of feeling lonely and dating men who could never compare to him anyway are over. At last, he's mine.

  And he's making that more clear all the time as his tongue slides down my torso. He kisses the concave of my stomach and then he slowly goes lower and lower.

  I spread my legs but he spreads them farther, forcing me open to his tongue. He kisses my clit and tantalizes me by swirling his tongue over it again and again until I'm on the brink of letting go. But then he stops me there, at the height of my release, to torture and tease me into full submission.

  I arch my back and raise my hips trying to find that perfect angle where his mouth and tongue will send me over the edge. Just a little to the right. But he pulls away and I moan in pure agony.

  "I want you to really enjoy this baby."

  Oh God, this is going to be intense. He makes me fly to the heights of pleasure and then he just stops before the explosion? This can only mean one thing. He has plans in mind. He's getting me nice and ready to have so much built up that when I finally do come it'll be one of those experiences to go down in the books. I guess that's a good thing for our night of I love you. But still, keeping up with this man and the powerful orgasms he delivers is a full-time job. He's only happy when I'm completely boneless afterward.

  "Fuck, Leo, you're too much for me. It's too much," I moan and twist my body, needing to release.

  He outlines my pussy lips with two fingers getting me ready for the next wave. His tactics are so unique. What, did he attend sex school? No guy has ever cared about my n
eeds being fulfilled and yet Leo seems to get off on it.

  He sinks two fingers into me and then a third. Damn. I buck my hips as the pressure mounts within my body. Release. I need the release. He'll have me begging for it.

  "I need to know," he says all slow. "That you really, really want this."

  Told you he'd make me say it. The torment is too great. I'm ready to come now as he circles my inner walls that are throbbing and shaking and swelling.

  I am begging for it...inside. To admit my great desire for him to conquer me is just too defeating but in the end, he always pulls it out of me. I think he likes to hear how great he is, cocky bastard.

  His fingers continue to circle me inside as he massages my G-spot.

  "Okay, Leo fuck. I'll say it."

  He works his way around that intense spot and then pulls his fingers all the way out at my silence. He strokes the lips the softy waiting for me to fess up.

  "I need this Leo. I need you to make me come. You're the only one that can do it this well."

  A happy smile spreads across his face. Those fingers are delving back into my cunt and he swirls them and strips away any shred of decency from me as I'm bucking wildly and just needing a little bit more.

  His mouth comes back down on my clit. He twirls it with the tip of his tongue and beats down dexterously on my G-spot.

  I'm gone. He does it. I come so violently. He strokes me more to bring the pleasure out but I'm not even there. I'm in the stars.

  Flashes of light appear behind my eyelids and I'm convulsing still.

  "That's it, baby, just let it go."

  "No Leo, that was too intense," I manage to say.

  My words have egged him on more because he gets a devious smile on his face and I know this is only round one.


  She's just exploded into my mouth. I taste her sticky wetness and just want more. This girl has crazy powerful orgasms and just the thought of me causing that makes my cock hard and ready for more.

  I bend over her to kiss her mouth and to let her taste her own cum. It's fucking hot that she likes this.


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