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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 12

by Brianna Merrill

  “This is all irrelevant. We should not be sitting here contemplating their future when there should be no future between them. Am I the only member present who is aware that this goes against the laws? This is not acceptable,” Mathaius said sharply; he was growing impatient. “We should be discussing what actions must be taken to prevent further disruption and dissension.” Mathaius glanced toward Damarus, challenging him to disagree.

  Damarus was very aware of Mathaius’ distaste for procrastination and he attempted to calm the storm that was brewing inside his comrade. “Yes Mathaius, I know that laws have been broken. I am alerted to the fact that you are worried about the repercussions of this event, as am I. However, I believe it is important for us to fully understand the situation if we are to make any decisions.”

  Mathaius seemed to take the reprimand with ease and slowly slouched back deeper into his chair.

  “With that said, what is to be done with this situation?” Damarus offered.

  Athos finally spoke up. His voice was quiet and soothing. “I do not see that anything can be done at this point. We have not received instruction from The Seer. Without his guidance things should remain as they are.”

  Relief washed over Alexander. If The Seer had not made any declarations that meant he could not be removed from his position as Emily’s Guardian. This gave him more time to figure things out. He knew it would come to a point where he would have to prove to the Five and The Seer that he and Emily were supposed to be together and that there was purpose to all of this.

  “Athos is right. We cannot move forward without the direction of The Seer. We all know that he most certainly is aware of what is going on and since he has not yet given a command it is definite that we are not to take action at this time,” Aldara said as she turned toward Mathaius.

  It was obvious that this dilemma was causing strife and disagreement between the Governing Five, something that did not happen often.

  “Yes, this is true. We will not proceed without further instruction from The Seer. However, I do wish to offer a word of caution.” Damarus paused briefly and then took a deep breath. “Alexander, though at this time we will not be preventing you from seeing Emily, I strongly advise that you limit your time with her; that you cease to appear to her altogether, if you find that at all possible. As a Guardian you are entitled to your free agency and you may choose according to your desires. Although, I will remind you that all your choices will have consequences. Whether they are good or bad your actions always carry consequences. Please consider this as you proceed forth in your doings, my son.”

  “I have already considered these things, and I will continue to.” Alexander bowed slightly, showing that he respected the words his leader had spoken.

  “I do not see…” Damarus quickly silenced Mathaius once more.

  “This council is adjourned until further enlightenment is received.” With those final words from Damarus the council was abruptly ended and Alexander was free to go.

  He gave the traditional bows to each of them and then Cyrenna and Aldara came forward to embrace him. Cyrenna was first, she said nothing but her loving embrace was enough for Alexander to know that she supported him.

  Then Aldara approached and held him tightly. “Follow your heart my son, it will never fail you,” she whispered into his ear and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

  After saying his goodbyes Alexander turned and descended down the stairs. Xavier was immediately by his side as they strode away from the Gathering Stone. Alexander was not going to begin the conversation, so Xavier made the decision to speak up.

  “That wasn’t as intense as I was hoping, but still entertaining, thanks,” Xavier joked as he put his hand on Alexander’s shoulder.

  “So sorry to disappoint you.” Alexander tried to laugh and shake off some of his nerves.

  “Well, it’s not over. I’m sure act two will play out better.” Xavier gave him a few pats on the shoulder. “Are you going to follow Damarus’ council?”

  “What do you think?” Alexander responded calmly.

  “I didn’t figure you would but I still had to ask. What do you think is going to happen with all of this?” Xavier questioned.

  “I’m not sure. The only thing I am sure of is Emily. I love her and staying away from her is not an option. Not any longer.”

  “Are you headed back immediately then?”

  “Yes, I left her unaware of where I was headed. I am sure by now she is questioning my whereabouts.”

  “You really do love her, don’t you?”

  “Without a doubt,” Alexander responded in complete confidence.

  “What is it like to have those human feelings course through your body?” Xavier asked, with childlike wonder.

  Alexander stopped in his strides to face his friend. “It’s hard to explain. It’s similar to the feelings we have for our Travelers, the feelings of wanting to protect and watch over them. But with Emily it is much more intense, like protection is not enough. It’s like I need something from her as well. Something about her brings new meaning to my existence, like she is the piece that makes me whole.” Alexander stood still for a few more minutes, lost in his emotions and memories.

  “It sounds like more than we were created to deal with, Alexander. Have you wondered why you are the only Guardian to ever feel this way?” Xavier’s question was filled with more curiosity, rather than judgment.

  “Of course I have questioned why. It runs through my mind constantly. I don’t have the answers right now, and I do not need them. All I need is Emily.”

  “I understand. You know I support you whatever happens.” Xavier cupped his hand around the back of Alexander’s neck, pulling their foreheads closer together. It was the familiar grip Guardians gave one another before they left to protect someone in battle. It was a sign of true support and camaraderie.

  Alexander returned the gesture, grateful that he had Xavier as his closest friend. They were like brothers for over five centuries, and Alexander appreciated all the experiences they had shared.

  “So how much have you told her about us?” Xavier asked as he removed his grip and turned to walk again.

  “Not much. We haven’t had a lot of time to discuss things. She knows very little,” Alexander replied as he brushed loose locks of hair from his forehead.

  “Have you told her about her mother?” Xavier asked with concern.

  “No, not yet. I plan to as soon as I can. I want to make sure she knows everything, no secrets.”

  “Be careful with that one Brother.” Xavier gave a soft laugh. “You know how humans get when they don’t understand things like that. They get confused and angry and look for someone to blame.”

  “Emily is not like most humans. She’s different. I think she’ll be hurt at first, but I know she will understand. I have faith in her.”

  “Let me know how it goes. You know I’ll be around. Farewell, Brother,” Xavier said as they reached the bottom of the stairs that led up to the giant doors.

  “Yes, farewell. Until we meet again,” Alexander said as he reached the top of the stairs. He placed the palm of his right hand against his chest and then pulled it away in a forward direction. It was the traditional goodbye. He then turned and walked through the open doors and vanished into the darkness that lay on the other side.

  Chapter 7

  * * *

  Previous Assignments

  The doors opened into the basement parking garage where Emily’s silver BMW was kept. A shiver ran down the length of her body as the cold air blasted its way into the elevator. She quickly made her way to her usual parking spot, clicking the unlock button on her key.

  Emily had finished getting ready a while before and after waiting in her room for twenty minutes, decided that it would be best if she left for Cooperstown. She wondered why Alexander hadn’t appeared again but she figured he must have had something important to do. Emily knew with complete confidence that Alexander would never leave her perman
ently and she took comfort in that.

  When she reached the car she opened the driver side door and slid effortlessly across the cold leather of the seat. She started the engine, cranked the heat and then turned behind her to the rear seat to put her purse down. Once she was facing forward again she placed her hand on the shifter to put the car in reverse.

  “You know…,” came a soft familiar voice.

  Emily jumped and let out a yelp. Alexander was suddenly sitting in the passenger seat of her car.

  “Relax, it’s just me. I was only going to say that you could at least help me out by buckling up, that’s all,” teased Alexander while placing his hands high as if he was being threatened.

  “Sorry, I’m just not used to people magically appearing. It can be a bit startling. Not like you would know.” Relief washed over her, she was so happy to see him again.

  “Yes, well maybe I should try to improve my entrances. Would you like me to call you on your phone and let you know I am going to appear?” Alexander joked.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. I’m sure I will get used to the way you come and go. It will just take time, that’s all.”

  “For right now I’m glad we have nothing but time. Where are we headed?” Alexander asked, his green eyes glittering even in the dark parking garage.

  “I thought we’d go to my family’s place in Cooperstown. We’ll have more privacy there so we can talk openly.” Emily didn’t mask her excitement at the idea of being indefinitely alone with Alexander.

  “That sounds good to me. I have always enjoyed it there as well. However why don’t you let me drive? In light of past trips, I think it would be safer if I were behind the wheel.” Alexander gave Emily a playful look.

  “Oh, one accident and you’re going to hold it against me. Besides, since when do you drive?” Emily was buying into the playful banter that was going on between them.

  “Since way before you were born. Believe me, I am as safe as a driver can get,” Alexander replied.

  “Where is your license?” Emily chided.

  “I left it in my wallet along with my money and social security card.”

  Emily could not resist his wit and charm. She got out of the car and exchanged seats with him. When they were both buckled Alexander put the car in reverse and, while accelerating, quickly flipped the car around in one swift smooth motion.

  “He can drive. Well I guess he was around for the invention of the car so he probably knows everything about them. Is there anything he can’t do?”

  Emily sat in amazement as Alexander gracefully controlled the car like an expert racecar driver.

  “How was your morning?” Alexander asked looking in her direction as if the road didn’t need his attention. “I’m sorry I just disappeared like that, but you were sleeping so peacefully. I knew I wouldn’t be gone long which is why I didn’t wake you.”

  “It was fine, same old same old. I was surprised to not see you there when I woke up. Where did you go?”

  “I was called to council early this morning. And when you are called to council you have to go.”

  “What is council? Where is it?” Emily knew this would be a long day of questioning. She had told herself that she wouldn’t grill him but her curiosity was hard to control.

  “Aahh, yes, I am sure you have a million questions. Let me see if I can put everything in terms that make sense.” Alexander paused briefly to gather his thoughts on how to best explain the council and Guardian Realm. “A Guardian is called to council by the Governing Five, and must return to the Guardian Realm to speak with them. It can be about anything from being reassigned to a new Traveler, to disciplinary action for breaking rules.” Alexander emphasized the last few words, indicating what he had gone for.

  “Did you get in trouble?” Emily asked, truly concerned.

  Alexander gave a mocking laugh. “Not yet.”

  “The Governing Five are the head Guardians and they’re like your parents, right?”

  “I would say you have that down.” Alexander gave her a reassuring smile.

  “And you go to the Guardian Realm to talk with them? Where is this place?”

  “I knew that was next. You really are easy to read Emily,” Alexander teased. “The Guardian Realm is a place just for Guardians. We are the only ones who have access. I guess you could say it’s our home. Whenever Guardians are not needed by their Travelers they can go there to relax or really do whatever they wish. In regards to its location, well, that is a bit harder to explain.”

  “Try me,” Emily challenged, crossing her arms.

  “It is a physical location here on Earth. It’s not some mystical ghost land or anything of that sort. It sits at the top of a mountain where a peak gives way into a crater-like valley. However, even though it is here on Earth, no human would ever be able to find it.”

  “And why is that?” Emily was dumbfounded.

  “How can a place go undiscovered in this age of technology and exploration? That would be impossible.”

  “Good question, I’m not sure how the logistics work. All I do know is that Eden was promised to be sealed up to us alone, in secrecy, until the day when mortals would need refuge within our doors. I guess it is protected or kept from view by some power I am not privileged to know about.”

  “What do you mean when mortals need refuge? Is that some sort of prophecy?” Emily wondered if each answer Alexander gave would just lead to a new question.

  “Yes, a prophecy given to us by The Seer. You see there are the Governing Five and then above them is The Seer. He is the one who receives revelation to direct the Governing Five. They answer solely to him and all Guardians are subject to his commands.”

  “Amazing,” was all Emily could say. She was trying to file all the new information away in the drawers of her mind. Once she had things processed she continued. “Do you get to meet with The Seer as well?”

  “No, only the Governing Five see him. I don’t believe any regular Guardian gets to see him.”

  “This is still all so hard to believe. It’s like some sort of fairytale.”

  “Yeah, I guess it must seem that way. I have never questioned anything because it is all I’ve ever known.”

  There was still so much Emily wanted to know. “Do all Guardians look like you?”

  “No, we each look as different as humans. Our only common feature is that we all have green eyes, but even then our eyes are still different shades of green.”

  “So if I run into someone with green eyes does that mean they’re a Guardian?”

  “Not necessarily. Humans have green eyes too, but if they look like they are cut from stone, and not over the age of twenty five, then chances are they’re a Guardian.”

  “There must be so many of you, too many to count, I mean there are billions of people on this earth and if there are Guardians for each one of us.” Emily gawked at Alexander with the idea of billions of Guardians.

  “Actually, you assume wrong. There is not a Guardian for every human. Not all humans receive a Guardian, so our numbers are not as large as you think. We often protect entire families, or even multiple families. So really sometimes there is one guardian assigned to 25 or 30 people at a time,” Alexander gently corrected.

  “Why doesn’t everyone have a Guardian?”

  “Guardians only guard those who allow for our protection. There are some people who choose the wrong path. When they reach a certain point, we can no longer follow down the course they have chosen, and cannot protect them. Like the rapist who attacked you. He did not have a Guardian because he already committed awful acts that we will not be a part of, or witness. It would be like working against other Guardians if one of us were to help him in any way. We are meant to protect good people, not help those that wish to harm others and society.” Alexander glanced toward Emily and noticed that the color from her face was gone. He instantly realized his mistake.

  “You said rapist….was the man that attacked me a rapist?” Emily ask
ed quietly as her empty gaze focused on something outside the window.

  Alexander was remorseful that he wasn’t more careful with his words. “Yes he was. I’m sorry; you didn’t need to know that.” Alexander placed his hand on hers.

  “How did you know that about him?” Emily asked now turning to look at him.

  “I receive visions.” Alexander paused again, to let the new information sink in. “When I’m supposed to be by your side, to protect you, I am sent a vision of what is to occur. That’s how Guardians know when they are required. If we’re somewhere else we know that our traveler needs us. Unfortunately, the vision does not give us the precise time of when we are to intervene. That prompting doesn’t come until the event. We feel a burning in our chest and that is the sign to step in and do what is necessary to protect our Traveler.”


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