Fighting Love (Love to the Extreme)

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Fighting Love (Love to the Extreme) Page 13

by Niles, Abby

  “Damn, man. Really?” It looked like a tasty flower, making the entire plate come to life.

  Mac shrugged. “It’s all about presentation.”

  “Well, you got that down, dude. Julie will know for damn sure I had nothing to do with this.”

  Mac clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s the thought that counts. Go feed your woman.”

  His woman. Damn, but he liked the sound of that.

  “I’ll be back to help with lunch,” he said.

  Tommy paused with the tray. “You don’t have to do that.”

  Mac lifted a brow. “So, you’re going to make the lobster bisque yourself?”

  Tommy puffed out a breath. “Good point. Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  Chuckling, his friend started to leave.

  “Hey, Mac?”

  He stopped and looked back at him.

  “Thanks. Seriously.”

  Mac nodded before leaving.

  Tommy made his way to his bedroom. Julie was still curled up under the covers, asleep. Those pills had really knocked her out. He placed the tray on the nightstand and whispered her name.

  A light groan was his answer, then her eyes slowly opened.

  He smiled at her. “Morning.”

  She blinked a couple of times, lifting her head to look around the room. “Oh, yeah.” She sighed. “Damn, it wasn’t a bad dream.” She squinted at the clock. “Is it really almost ten?”

  “Yep. You needed the sleep.”

  “And what else am I going to do when I can barely move?” She slowly rolled onto her back. The blanket slipped, giving him an enticing view of her cleavage. She inhaled sharply, grabbing onto the material and clutching it to her chest. “Where’s my shirt?”

  He snatched it up off the floor. “It must’ve fallen last night while you were sleeping.”

  As she took it from him, she motioned with her finger for him to turn around. Reluctantly, he did. He could hear the swish of the fabric and knew she was in the process of pulling the shirt over her head. Possibly with her breasts jutted forward, nipples erect, as she arched to tug it down. He breathed out, running a hand over his eyes. God, he needed to get a grip.

  “What smells so good?” she asked, and Tommy was thankful to think of something other than her naked breasts.

  Turning around, he pointed to the nightstand. “Breakfast.”

  She tilted her head up and her eyes grew wide. “You made that?”

  “Yeah. Well, no. Mac did. But I put it on the plate.” He gave her a boyish smile.

  “Mac was here? Wow. Those pills really did knock me out.” She eased up to recline against the pillows.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Actually, not bad. Between all the meds and that cream, the muscles are just a bit sore. Probably should do some stretches later to work out the rest.”

  Inhaling, she pushed the covers back.

  Alarm shot through him. “What are you doing?”

  She quirked a brow. “I have to pee. Is that okay?”

  He bit back a smile and was relieved to see that she was able to get out of the bed on her own. Though her posture was a bit stiff and she was a little on the slow side, she was moving around easily. When she returned, she climbed back into bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress, picked up the tray, and placed it over her lap. Before she could grasp the silverware, he lifted the fork and knife, cut up the food, then offered her the fork. He didn’t even try to give her a bite of it.

  Amusement pursed her lips as she studied the food. “You know me so well, don’t you?”

  “That one of your turnoffs is a man trying to feed you? Yes. I know this. Which is why I’m not placing that fork anywhere near your mouth.”

  His comment hung in the air, and he watched for her reaction, which was immediate. As her entire body stiffened, her gaze shot up from the plate to his, a confused expression twisting her lovely face. He thought the meaning was pretty clear—he had no intentions of turning her off. He wanted to turn her on. But apparently she still had no clue how hot he found her and wasn’t connecting his intentions.

  It was high time to change that. If he was really going to prove that he could be with Julie, then he had to be with Julie. Which meant he had to start touching her, kissing her—and hopefully more. The prospect both excited and terrified him at the same time. The whole leaving thing still worried him. A lot. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.


  The doorbell rang, making Julie blink and lightly shake her head. Tommy let out a silent curse before striding from the room to answer it. Whoever it was better have a fucking damn good reason for being here. He flung open the door.

  Brody stood on the other side, a white paper bag that smelled of fresh bagels and two coffees cradled in the crook of his other arm. “I brought Jules breakfast.”

  “I’ve already cooked her breakfast.”

  “You cooked?”

  He didn’t like the surprise in the other man’s voice. “Yeah, I did. And I also have lunch and dinner covered, so you can forget about stopping by with those, too.”

  Brody studied him for a moment, then walked past him into the house.

  What the fuck!

  “Hey. I didn’t invite you in.”

  The man didn’t even pause. “Not your house. Don’t need your permission.”

  Tommy latched a hand on Brody’s shoulder and yanked him around. Brody’s eyes flashed as his jaw tightened.

  “You’re really pissing me off, and we need to set some boundaries,” Tommy said.

  “You’re right, we do.” He held up fingers as he counted. “One: You don’t get to set those boundaries. Two: Jules does. Three: Unless she tells me I can’t come in, I’m coming in. Four: Got it?”

  Tommy stared at the bastard in outrage. “You’ve been around for, what? A couple of fucking weeks?” He leaned into his face. “You don’t get to come in here and start making demands.”

  And there it was again—that amusement in the slight twitch of his lips. Tommy fisted his hands tightly, the need to knock him into next Sunday so strong he could barely contain it.

  “Oh, so it’s a time deal now? You think because you’ve known her longer, another man can’t come along and take your place?” Brody chuckled. He actually chuckled. “Here’s the thing. I don’t want to be her best friend. She already has one of those.” He poked his finger at Tommy’s chest. “You.” He shifted closer, nose-to-nose. “I want to be everything you’re not to her, and I’m pretty damn certain there are a few important things she’s not getting from you—which she can most definitely get from me. Trust me, I am more than willing to volunteer for the job.”

  Fury had Tommy stepping right into Brody, pushing him backward despite the other man’s greater bulk. He poked his own finger into the jerk’s chest. “You so much as lay a hand on that woman and I’ll make sure you never step foot in the cage again. Julie is mine. So, back. The fuck. Off.”

  The hardness eased from the man’s eyes before a cocky tilt curved his lips. “Game on, bro. You want her? Then you need to truly make her yours. Before I make her mine.”

  “Dude,” he ground out, “you are walking a very fine line.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Tommy.” And in truth, Brody really didn’t look the least bit daunted. “I think that’s why you’re so pissed off, because you’re used to intimidating Julie’s dates and scaring them off so easily. But I’m warning you, until you actually claim that woman, publically, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Stunned at the man’s audacity—and at that last accusation—Tommy could only watch him turn and stroll into her room.

  Had he unknowingly used intimidation to get rid of any man who ventured too near Julie? Yeah, okay, he’d warned a few of them off while she’d been in the restroom at the clubs over the years. Mostly because he’d sensed a bad vibe about the guy and wanted to keep her safe. That had been his job—that would always be his job. One he didn’t plan to reli
nquish any time soon.

  But…there was a ring of truth to Brody’s words. Before the other fighter had started sniffing around Julie, Tommy had never once been jealous. And now he realized there’d never been an opportunity to be. It’d been too damn easy to get rid of any possible competition for Julie’s affections. But with Brody, Tommy’s jealousy had roared to life in full force…because the man had never flinched. He wasn’t afraid of him. And that had made Tommy see red.

  Jesus H. Christ. Was he the reason Julie had been alone all this years? Had he unconsciously kept her all to himself, and unattached, while he continued to have a grand ole time with any woman he met?

  If that were true, he was an even bigger bastard than he’d realized. And holy hell, he had a shit-ton of crap to make up to her for.


  Julie sneaked a surreptitious peek at Tommy. He was still scowling. An hour ago, she’d been so happy to see Brody when he’d walked into the room…but Tommy had stormed in right after him and taken up residence in a corner chair, bringing along a frosty tension that had sucked the air right from the room.

  He hadn’t moved since.

  She tried again to budge him. “Tommy, Brody is here if I need anything. Please, go and take some time for yourself. You’ve waited on me hand and foot since last night.”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw. “I’m fine where I am.”

  Brody leaned forward with a knowing half smile. “I’d take her up on her offer, man. From what I’ve heard, Mike’s planning a major ass-whooping for you tomorrow.”

  She whipped her head around to stare at Brody. “What are you talking about?” Then she whipped her head around to Tommy. “What’s he talking about?”

  The glare he sent Brody could have frozen hell. “How about keeping your fucking mouth shut?” He then looked at her. “It’s nothing.”

  Yeah. She believed that.

  She glanced at Brody, who was staring at Tommy with a mixture of disbelief and dawning respect. The disbelief she’d seen before, but the respect was new. Something wasn’t adding up. “Spill, Tommy.”

  Tommy stiffened his jaw, refusing to answer.

  She pinned Brody with a stare. “How do you know about this ass-whooping?”

  His hand froze on the back of his neck. “Huh?”

  “How do you know about it?”

  He shot a glance at Tommy, an apologetic grimace on his face as he shrugged. “Word spreads, Jules. You know how it is.”

  The muscles in Tommy’s cheeks twisted. “Jesus Christ, Mike’s letting me back in the gym. Okay?” he ground out. “I was supposed to start training tomorrow, but I’m going to wait until you’re at least moving around again.”

  Stunned, she stared at him. “Do you think that’s a good idea…postponing going back on your first day?” She bit her lip. “You know, with the way you…” She gave up and exhaled.

  “Decided to show up whenever I damn well felt like it before?” he helpfully supplied. “I really don’t give two flying fucks what anyone down there thinks, Julie. You are my priority. You always have been. Those who know me know that, and those who want to make an issue of it can take it up with me.” He gave Brody a pointed stare.

  Warmth spread across her chest at the conviction in his words. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We’ve been a little busy with back rubs and breakfast in bed.”

  How had he managed to make that sound way more sensual than it really had been?

  But, Lord, he had. The low, husky voice he’d used painted an erotic picture that spread a current of desire throughout her body. Was this about Brody being here? Tommy had said he didn’t like the man. Was this some kind of weird attempt to get him to go away?

  She wasn’t sure. Tommy was confusing the hell out of her, especially with the insinuation he’d made about wanting to make sure he didn’t turn her off. That was the only way to take the statement, right? She couldn’t think of any other, best-friend way to spin those words.

  A defiant part of her made her smile and tell him, “Go train at the gym, Tommy. Brody can take care of me here.”

  Eyes narrowing, his gaze held hers, heated. “Over my dead body.”

  Raw possessiveness sharpened every word. A claiming. Just as before, with the kiss.

  But this time it snared her ability to breathe. Before this very minute, Tommy had never looked at her like a man hell-bent on claiming her for himself.

  But he sure as hell did now.


  Julie wanted out of this bed, but Tommy wouldn’t let her. Other than to do some stretches that had felt freaking awesome, he’d kept her confined to the bed. And she was bored…so bored.

  She hadn’t pulled her back muscles as badly as she’d initially thought, thank God. Or maybe it had been that rub Tommy had used last night and this morning. Some kind of MMA super muscle rub. Whatever it was, she was feeling pretty good—physically.

  Mentally—well, that was a different matter.

  Brody had left a few hours ago. Mac had returned to make a delicious lunch. And Tommy had been at her beck and call…all calm and relaxed. Like he hadn’t stared at her with a need so fierce it had made her belly tremble. In fact, as soon as Brody had left, Tommy’d become the same old Tommy again. Had all that intensity just been a show for the other man?

  While that thought should have made her angry, she was surprised to feel something akin to relief.

  Considering she’d been stone cold in love with Tommy Sparks since she was ten years old, that seemed kind of an odd reaction. But since she had nothing to do but lay in the bed and think about it, she realized it really wasn’t that odd. As things stood between them now, they had their friendship. A really good friendship.

  But as well as they got along as friends, it didn’t mean that would carry over into a more intimate relationship. The idea of losing Tommy completely scared the absolute crap out of her.

  “I ran you a bath.”

  She glanced up to find Tommy standing in the doorway. She let her gaze travel over the tight shirt encasing the breadth of his chest and down to the jeans riding low on his hips. When her eyes slid to his bare feet, a small smile tilted her lips. “That sounds great.”

  As she pushed the blanket aside, he came over to help her, but she didn’t need his help. Other than some lingering soreness, which she blamed more on lack of movement than she did the injury, she was better. She wouldn’t even hesitate to take on one of the bigger animals at the clinic right now. At least she wouldn’t miss any work over this.

  She made it down the hall to the bathroom, opened the door, and halted in surprise. It took a moment for her to realize what she was seeing.

  “Oh. Tommy.”

  “You like?”

  “I love.”

  A pleased smile quirked his lips as she stepped inside. He hadn’t just run her a bath; he’d orchestrated a whole relaxing atmosphere. All the overhead lights had been turned off. In their place was the soft, orangey glow from a dozen votive candles he’d placed around the room. A wicker stool had been pulled up next to the deep Jacuzzi tub she’d splurged on a year ago, the jets set on low and peacefully rippling the water. On the stool was a folded towel, a glass of iced sweet tea, and her favorite book. She spotted a neat pile of clothes sitting on the counter.

  “It’s wonderful, thank you.”

  “I’ll leave you to it, then,” he said as he gently closed the door.

  After she stripped off her PJs, she sank into the tub, letting the jets soothe the remaining soreness from her muscles.

  She groaned softly. What she really could go for was another of his massages, but this time for her arms and legs.

  She could ask for one… Tommy would give her another massage in a heartbeat.

  But no. As tempting as it was, the torture of having his hands on her again wouldn’t be worth it.

  Better, instead, to let the jets dissolve as much of the tension as they could. She reached for her book to read while they worke
d their magic. She’d gotten about twenty minutes in when the bathroom door opened. She froze as Tommy stepped in without a second’s hesitation, crowding the small area with his massive body, overwhelming the space with his mere presence.

  And making her extremely aware that she was naked under the rippling water and bubbles. “Hey! W-What are you doing in here?” She floated her arms to strategic positions over herself.

  He held up a pink bucket—the bucket from the bathroom cabinet, full of her pedicure stuff. “Thought your feet would like to be pampered, too.”

  A sweet thought, but probably still a bit much for her to try and do right now—she’d have to bend over to reach her toes.

  “Oh. Sure. Thanks.” After a brief hesitation, she lifted a hand from the water, expecting him to pass the bucket to her.

  He hiked a brow, cocking his head to the side. “You don’t think I’m letting you do it yourself, do you?”

  She dropped her hand while his meaning sank in. “What?”

  He perched on the side of the tub and casually dipped his hand into the water, as if testing the temperature. His palm slipped between her legs, high on her inner thigh.

  Jerking away, she let out a shuddered gasp. “Hey!”

  “Oops. Sorry about that.”

  Her mouth parted.

  He didn’t look the least bit sorry! If anything, he seemed to be enjoying the hell out of himself. What in the world was he doing?

  All her thoughts scattered as his hand slid down her thigh, past her knee, over her calf to encircle her ankle, leaving a blazing trail from his touch.

  Pivoting his body around to face her feet, he lifted one out of the water and cradled it in both hands, massaging his thumbs across the top, then kneading deep into her arch with his fingers. Closing her eyes, she relaxed a little, and softly moaned. God, it felt good.

  “That’s right. Enjoy my touch.”

  Her eyes opened and she stared at the white cotton T-shirt straining against the muscles of his back. Had he really said that? The words had been whispered, barely audible, but she swore that was what he’d said.


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