Waiting for Him

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Waiting for Him Page 8

by Samantha Cole

  “Thank you.”

  He stood and skirted the desk. “If you give me a moment, I have to retrieve the bank’s access key from my superior.”

  “Sure,” Boomer replied. “No problem.” He watched as the banker walked toward a closed door labeled ‘Branch Manager’ and knocked.

  “So we lucked out, right?”

  He couldn’t see into the now open door from this angle, but kept it in his peripheral as he turned back to Kat. “Huh?”

  “No court order needed.”

  “Right.” He gave her a tentative smile, scanning the faces of the bank occupants as the two of them waited. The hair on the back of his neck raised in caution. His inner alert system was telling him something was wrong, but he couldn’t see anyone or anything out of place. Pulling out his phone, he shot off a brief text to Jake, however, the ‘all clear’ response did nothing to ease his sudden anxiety.

  About two minutes later, Brad returned with a large key-ring. “Sorry for the wait. If you’ll follow me, it’s right this way. We’ll retrieve the box and you can examine the contents in private.”

  Leading them into the security box vault, the banker quickly located the long-ignored box, number 522, and placed his key in one of the two slots. He then stepped back to allow Kat to do the same. After it was unlocked, he slid it from the wall and handed it to her. “You can use the room on the right outside the vault. I’ll wait here until you’re done.”

  “Thank you.” Despite her calm outward demeanor, Boomer knew Kat’s insides must be a bowl of Jell-O. Whatever her father had hidden here in the bank, it was something people wanted to kill for. He followed her into the room and shut the door behind them. The space was the size of a closet and there was nothing in it except a shelf and an overhead light. Her hands shook as she set the box down.

  The tension rolling off her was doing nothing to calm his thoughts that something wasn’t right. “Do you want me to open it?”

  Kat bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “No. I’ve got it.” After taking a deep breath, she lifted the lid and stared at the contents in confusion and disappointment.

  “That’s it?” he asked over her shoulder. It couldn’t be it.

  “I don’t understand. My father had a security box all these years for a…a picture?” She picked up the old, three-by-five color photo and studied it. “This is my dad when he was a kid. He’s what, about four or five years old here?”

  Boomer checked the box for anything more and found it completely empty. He took the photo from Kat and turned it over, but the back was blank. No name, date or message. Strange. Flipping it back over, he examined it. “Looks like it. Any idea where it was taken? Is that his childhood home he’s standing in front of?”

  “I’m not sure. If I remember correctly, they moved twice before settling in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, when my dad was eleven or twelve. But I don’t know where they lived before that.” Her eyes flashed to Boomer’s face as a thought must have occurred to her. “My aunt would know. Last I heard she was still alive. Chris told me that about…I don’t remember. A year ago, I think.”

  “Where does she live?” he asked as he replaced the lid and picked up the box.

  She tucked the photo into her purse. “In Murfreesboro. She still lives in my grandparent’s old house. It’s just over an hour from here. It’s where we were going when…”

  Not needing her to finish her statement about the tragic day so long ago, he took her hand and headed for the door. “Let’s get out of here.”

  * * *

  “It’s Glen Patterson, from Wells Fargo? You told me to call when anyone accessed the Maier deposit box….A guy and a girl…I don’t know his name, but her ID says she’s Katrina, uh, I mean, Katerina Maier…They’re in there now, but I’m sure they won’t be for long…A license plate? Yeah, I can probably get it…My office window faces the parking lot…After this, we’re through, right? I don’t owe you anything anymore…Good… I’ll text you the plate and car info.”

  The bank manager disconnected the call, relieved the last of an old debt was paid off. He’d sworn off gambling several years ago after his wife threatened to leave him and take the kids. It’d taken a while, but he’d finally repaid all his monetary debts. This last ‘information’ debt was the only thing he still owed. Now all he needed to do was one more thing…he parted the window blinds and waited for the couple he’d seen follow Brad into the vault.

  Chapter 9

  Fifteen minutes later, they were back in their motel rooms and packing their things. The plan was to head to Murfreesboro to talk to Kat’s aunt, and wasn’t that going to be a jaw-dropper for the older woman. As far as she knew, her brother and niece had died twelve years ago and she had no other family left. Kat’s grandfather had died when she was seven and her grandmother passed away four years ago, never knowing the true fate of her son and his daughter.

  While Jake was next door, collecting his stuff and the FBI files, Kat came out of the bathroom with her toiletries. Boomer winced at her pale, pinched face framed by the wig she was once again wearing. “You okay?”

  She tossed her things into her duffel and sighed. “Yeah. I’m just wondering where this is all going. I mean, what if we don’t figure it out? And on top of everything, I’m about to shock the shit out of my Aunt Irina. What am I supposed to do, knock on her door and yell surprise? Look how well it turned out when I did it to you. You fainted, so the poor woman will probably have a heart attack.”

  Her rant was stopped when Boomer grasped her arm and pulled her into a comforting embrace. “Shhh. It’ll be fine. She’ll be shocked, but then I think she’ll be ecstatic to know you’re alive. Yes, I fainted…” He grabbed her chin and forced her gaze upward. On his face was a teasing frown. “And don’t ever repeat that to anyone else. Ian is already blackmailing me with shit assignments for the next year.” She smiled as he intended. “But now I’m past my shock and I’m thrilled you’re alive, Kitten.

  It hadn’t been his intention when he first pulled her into his arms, but he couldn’t resist her. Bending forward, his lips caught hers and his cock sprung to life. He teased the seam of her mouth with his tongue and rejoiced when she opened, granting him access. Last night, he’d been spouting poetry at the taste of her, but now, she must’ve just brushed her teeth again because she was minty fresh and delicious. Poetry was the last thing on his mind.

  One of his hands went to the nape of her neck and his fingers spread out to hold her head in place. His other hand clutched her hip, pulling her flush against him and his bulging erection. They moaned almost simultaneously when he shifted his head and the new angle allowed him to plunge his tongue deeper. Her tongue tangled with his as her hands slid up his shoulders and into his hair.

  “Ah, shit. Sorry, but we need to get on the road.”

  They jumped apart. Kat’s face turned red before she spun around and began throwing the last of her stuff into her bag. Shit, Boomer thought. What the hell was he doing? If it wasn’t for Jake’s interruption, he would have forgotten the danger Kat was in and thrown her on the bed for a hard, fast, and sweaty rutting.

  Adjusting himself, he acknowledged his teammate over his shoulder. “Yeah. Give us a minute. We’ll be right out.”

  “No prob.”

  A few seconds later he heard the door to Jake’s room open and close again. He’d be getting the car started for their trip and Boomer hurried to grab the last of his stuff. He glanced around the room, making sure they weren’t forgetting anything before taking Kat’s bags for her. Pinning her with an intense stare, he told her, “We’re not done, Kitten. Not by a long shot. Just wanted to let you know. Once you’re out of danger, we’re picking up where we left off and there will be no interruptions. Understood?”

  She bit her lip and nodded, but her gaze lowered from his face to his chest. Convinced she knew he meant to have her in his bed soon, naked and sated, he turned and headed for the door. Because his hands were filled with their bags, Kat hurried
around him and opened the door.

  “I can carry my stuff if you want.”

  “Not,” he snorted. She may be used to doing things on her own after all these years, but that was about to change. It went beyond wanting to be her Dom. His parents had raised him to be a gentleman, and Kat deserved to be treated like a lady.

  Jake was standing by the open trunk while the sedan was running. “Radio says there’s an accident on the highway and traffic is backed up for miles. We’ll have to GPS around it.”

  “K.” As Boomer tossed the bags into the trunk, an SUV came squealing into the lot and both men’s heads turned.

  Drawing their weapons, they backed up to use their rental car as cover and stood in front of Kat, protecting her. Four large men climbed out of the Escalade and each had a semi-automatic in hand, but didn’t point them at the trio. It was the only reason Boomer and Jake didn’t open fire.

  “Give us girl and you can valk avay.”

  What the fuck? From the accent, it was obvious the Russians had found Kat, but how the hell had they known where she was? Jake would have spotted anyone casing the bank, so the info had to have come from someone inside. Brad, maybe? It really didn’t matter how they’d been found, the point being it was four guns against two, with one unarmed woman. And since the guns weren’t blazing, Boomer knew they wanted Kat alive…for now. He eyed the man who’d spoken. The cocky bastard was the smallest of the group, but that wasn’t saying much since he was about six-three and built like a brick wall.

  “Not going to happen. Why don’t you take me instead?” Boomer heard Kat’s surprised gasp behind him, but ignored her. His mind was too busy assessing the threat and trying to figure out how to eliminate it without getting Kat, Jake, or himself killed in the process. Both of their motel room doors were now closed and locked, and even if they weren’t, the three of them would’ve been trapped inside with a small window as their only hope for escape. Their rooms had been at the far end of the motel, so around the side of the building was their closest large cover. An unoccupied minivan parked next to their rental would also provide an obstacle to hide behind. They had to avoid a public shoot-out unless it was absolutely necessary. Boomer didn’t want to risk a hail of bullets flying around the motel possibly hitting an innocent bystander, although at the moment, they were the only seven people in sight. He reached back and grabbed Kat’s arm, never taking his eyes off the foursome. They would only get one shot at this and he needed to be ready.

  The lead Russian narrowed his eyes at them. “Vhy don’t I shoot you dead like dog, and take vhat I vant?”

  It was time to bluff. “Because if you shoot me, you’ll never get what you’re looking for.”

  “Vhat you mean?”

  Boomer took a small step to his left, keeping Kat behind him and the rental car between the threat and them. He was confident Jake knew his intentions and would be right behind them. But first, he needed to get the focus off Kat. “It means, Ivan left a series of clues and I’m the only one who knows what he was talking about. I’m the only one who knows how to find the treasure.”

  At the mention of ‘treasure’, recognition gleamed in the Russian’s face. Bingo! If they thought Kat was of no use to them, it would be easier to protect her.

  “Then you and girl come vith us and ve let friend live.”

  Shit! Boomer opened his mouth to respond, but sirens sounded nearby and the Russians’ attention flashed to the parking lot entrance. The cops might be on their way, however, they were still too far to help. But it was the break Boomer had been waiting for. Without a moment’s hesitation, he took off to his left, pushing Kat in front of him, knowing Jake had his six. Shouts, followed by gunfire, filled the air. He blocked Kat’s body from the threat of flying bullets as best he could as they rounded the building at full speed.

  As they cleared the corner, Jake was on their heels and returning fire. “Fuck! God-damn it!”

  Boomer didn’t slow, but checked over his shoulder. The sirens were getting closer and the gunfire came to an abrupt halt. Shouts in Russian reached his ears, but he had no idea what was being said. “What?”

  “Nothing, keep going!”

  Skirting the back of the motel, Kat stumbled. If Boomer’s hand hadn’t been around her arm, she would’ve face-planted. A screech of tires came from the front of the building as he plastered her between his body and the rear wall. Jake stopped next to them, breathing heavily, and peered around the corner. “Sounds like they’re taking off. I think we’re good.”

  There was something in the other man’s voice which caught Boomer’s attention. When he glanced over, what he saw had his heart rate surging again. Blood was pouring from a wound on the left side of Jake’s pale face. “What the fuck!”

  He watched in horror as Jake slid to the ground and Kat’s scream pierced the air.

  Chapter 10

  Boomer stepped outside the emergency room with Kat and scanned the area for any danger. Keeping her hidden in an alcove, he pulled out his phone and called Ian. When his boss picked up, he gave him the rundown of what had happened.

  “So Reverend is going to be okay?”

  A car drove by and Boomer eyed it before answering. “Yeah. A bullet hit the wall as he was coming around the corner and it kicked out a nice-sized chunk of brick. Struck him near the eye and scratched the cornea, but the doc says it’s not as bad as it looks. He’s got some stitches for a laceration right above the eye. The fucker bled like a bitch and scared the crap out of us. He needs an eye patch and some eye-drops for a week or so. Then he’s got to follow-up with an ophthalmologist. They had to give him something for pain. The fact that he took it, tells you he’s hurting.”

  Ian snorted, clearly relieved the injury wasn’t worse. “Yup. The fucker even hates taking Tylenol. So, what’s the plan from here?”

  “I’m going to call CC, have him come pick up Jake when he’s released and fly him home. We told the cops it was an attempted car-jacking. Whether they believed us or not is another story. One of the detectives is an old friend of my dad’s, so I think he gave us some leeway. It also helps the only witness was the motel clerk who hid behind his desk while calling 911. I’m just glad we still have carry permits in Virginia, otherwise we’d still be in interrogation.” His eyes met Kat’s. “We’re heading to Murfreesboro in North Carolina. It’s about an hour or so from here, and Kat’s aunt lives there. We’re hoping she can tell us about the photo from the safety deposit box.”

  “All right. But watch your six. When CC lands with Jake, I’ll send Dev and Marco up to meet you. Depending on how much sleep CC’s had, they may not be there before tomorrow morning. I want you to check in every two hours until your backup gets there. And I’ve activated your tracker so don’t lose your phone.”

  “Anything else, Mom?”

  “Cut the sarcasm, frog. I don’t like knowing these guys are gunning for Kat and you’re in their way. From what you told me, they want her alive, which means you and anyone else can end up as collateral damage. Watch your ass and call me the second you see trouble. Worse comes to worse, I’ll call Little Creek and send some of Team Four to help you. They’re training stateside at the moment.”

  “Yeah, I doubt Uncle Sam would like that, Boss-man, but I hear you. I’ll be careful and keep you posted.”

  “Every two hours or I start calling people.”

  Before Boomer could respond, his boss disconnected the call. Beside him, Kat was still pale, but at least she’d stopped shaking. She’d been great at the scene, administering first aid to Jake while Boomer had made sure their assailants had indeed taken off moments before the cops arrived. It wasn’t until after the EMTs took over that the shock of being shot at had finally hit her. Now, he pulled her in for a hug. “You okay?”

  In his arms, she began to shake again. “I’m so sorry, this is all my fault. Jake or you could’ve been killed. What if he loses his sight in that eye?”

  He hugged her tighter and ran his hands over her back. �
�Shhh. Calm down. None of this is your fault. And you heard the doc, Jake is going to be fine. Please, for a Navy SEAL, this is the equivalent of a hang-nail.”

  Kat huffed. “How can you joke about this?”

  Pulling back so she could see him, he cupped her chin. “It’s one thing you learn in the military, Kitten. Joking is a way of dealing with things. The alternative is going nuts. And I’m serious. Jake and I have been in far worse situations than today. I was only freaking about you being in the middle of it all. If something happened to you, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I just got you back, and I’ll be damned if I lose you again.”

  He dipped his head and her breath hitched a split second before he claimed her mouth. This wasn’t the time or place for a make-out session, but he needed to give her something else to think about. And since he was constantly thinking about the two of them having sex, why should he be the only one? He kissed her hard and fast, plunging his tongue into her mouth and taking a quick taste of her. When he ended the brief kiss, he was pleased to see she was flushed, glassy-eyed, and out of breath. Soon. He had to make her his soon. But first he had to keep her safe and find out what the fuck was going on.

  “Come on, let me fill Jake in and then we’re getting on the road. I want to put as much distance as I can between us and the bad guys.” It was now after four p.m. Between the police interviews and waiting for an eye specialist, the rest of the morning and afternoon flew by. With rush-hour traffic, it would be closer to six by the time they hit Murfreesboro, if not later.

  * * *

  As it turned out, with an unplanned stop and the traffic worse than they expected, it was twenty-five after seven when they pulled into Irina Maier’s empty driveway. They both climbed out of the car and Boomer looked around. He’d been confident they hadn’t been followed.

  Before they left Jake, he’d told them to go back to the car rental place and switch cars, just in case one of the goons had tagged it. Boomer could’ve kicked himself for not thinking of it first. They’d even gone one better and returned the car to one rental place before walking across the street to get a new car from another one. And this time, he used an alias credit card and ID, which he was pissed he hadn’t done with the first rental. They hadn’t thought the Russians would find they were in Virginia less than twenty-four hours after they’d arrived. It was too late to change things now, so he had to pray the goons hadn’t memorized their license plate and traced it.


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