Guarding Lauren: Brotherhood Protectors World (Texas Guardians Book 1)

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Guarding Lauren: Brotherhood Protectors World (Texas Guardians Book 1) Page 8

by Barb Han

  Did something warm flicker in his eyes?

  “Don’t you mean if he’s still alive?” she asked.

  “He is,” Jaden said confidently.

  It was confidence Lauren wished she had, but didn’t. Max’s situation had never felt more hopeless to her. A hot tear broke loose and raced down her cheek. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Professional hunch,” he said calmly.

  How he was being so cool, she had no clue. The whole situation had her nerves jittery.

  One glance in the corner toward Gregory had her stomach churning. “Your instincts always right?”

  “I’ve only been wrong once before,” he said.

  “Let’s hope this doesn’t make twice,” she said, but he didn’t hear. He’d already moved back to the South American.

  “Where’d you take the gringo?”

  Beady Eyes’ lips thinned. He said nothing.

  “Oh, you want to do this the hard way? That works too,” Jaden said. He palmed a set of matches, lit the first one, and held it against the guy’s hairline.

  He shook his head, and then huffed out a breath. The flame flickered and extinguished. His black eyes were unreadable.

  Jaden lit another match and waved it close to the Latino. “He still alive?”

  Beady Eyes nodded.

  “Where then?”

  “I already said I don’t know.”

  “Fine.” Jaden balled up a piece of paper before setting it on fire. He dropped it in the Latino’s lap.

  Chapter 12

  Beady Eyes bucked, trying to knock the lit match off his lap. “Damn. I told you everything I know. I swear.”

  “I’m slow. Give me a recap.” Jaden stood there.

  Lauren’s body tensed as she waited for the answers.

  “He’s alive. I handed him off this morning.” His black eyes now wider with panic. “Now get that thing off my lap before you fry my nuts.”

  “You the one who beat him?”

  Beady Eyes squirmed, the heat obviously becoming too much for him. “Hurry up. This ain’t cool. Take it off.”

  “Okay. If you say so. One thing first.” Jaden dealt a blow that left the guy unconscious.

  He picked up the ball of fire and threw it in the sink. A second later, he stripped the Latin guy’s weapons, moved to the patio, and tossed all but one of the guns over the sea wall.

  “Insurance,” he said to Lauren. Then, he pulled the guy’s cell phone from his pocket and tried to unlock it. Jaden closed his fist around the SIM card. “Might be able to get something out of this at headquarters.”

  He moved to the bathroom next, with Lauren trailing close behind. He stopped long enough to tie the Latino’s arms and feet together and snatch his key ring. “That should hold him. Give us time.”

  Lauren followed him into the kitchen.

  “We need supplies. Find whatever you can. A paring knife. Fruit. Water. Anything that might keep us alive in case we don’t make it to the safe house.” Jaden approached the back door. A gust of wind smacked it against the wall as soon as he opened it. “We need to move. Our location has been compromised. More men are probably on the way already.”

  Fear gripped Lauren. Her stomach rumbled. There was no way she could eat but her stomach reminded her it had been too long since her last meal.

  A voice in her head reminded her that against all odds Jaden had kept her alive.

  She sure didn’t plan to hang around in the condo alone with a dead man in the living room, an unconscious man in the shower, and his clone close by. She trusted Jaden to get them to safety. He’d made the right calls so far, managing to keep them alive despite their circumstances.

  Thunder clapped. Before Lauren could rationalize her thoughts, she found Jaden and burrowed into his chest.

  He wrapped strong arms around her and brushed a kiss on her forehead.

  She couldn’t stop herself from wondering if he felt the same sense of comfort when they were this close as she did, not that it was relevant now. More men with guns waited out there.

  In here, they’d been safe for a little while. She wished she could linger in that feeling as long as possible. No more thoughts about her brother. No more thoughts about the raging storm outside. No more feeling empty and alone…

  “You okay?” Jaden asked, searching her face, looking at her like he couldn’t quite read what was on her mind.

  She collected her random thoughts. She hadn’t come all this way to stop now. “Fine.”

  “Let’s get out of here and get to safety. Then we’ll take care of these.” He motioned toward her bumps and bruises.

  “Meaning your safe house?” she asked.

  Jaden nodded. “Shirley Heights.”

  “Can we trust it?” Lauren asked, unsure if Jaden could honestly answer yes.

  He shrugged. “It’s our best chance of survival right now. We can’t stay here. The location’s been compromised. We have no choice but to go for it.”

  Lauren took the hand being held out to her and followed Jaden through the door.

  The brush underfoot was thick. Her foot tangled, and she nearly lost her balance. Jaden’s hand steadied her. She looked up in time to catch a glimpse of something colorful and substantial. “What’s that?”

  As they moved closer, she got a good look at the bright yellow beacon. She kept an eye out for falling debris as Jaden guided then to a yellow 4x4.

  The Jeep, a soft-top complete with window zippers, wouldn’t offer great support but was better than being completely exposed to the elements.

  Jaden pressed his face against the plastic window. “The keys are inside.”

  He secured the supplies behind her chair, scuttled around to the driver’s side, and then climbed in.

  He wasted no time cranking the engine.

  Glory of all glories, it started on the first try.

  He tapped the gauges. “Can’t be sure about the gas. Says it’s full, but these old Jeeps are notorious for floating needles.”

  “Think we’ll be alone at the next safe house?” She had to shout to be heard over the rain and wind lashing the Jeep.

  The Wrangler rocked back and forth as Jaden gunned it. He jammed the gearshift while he stomped the gas pedal. “It’s top secret. Not even Gregory knew about it. Even so, I can’t be sure until I get there.”

  He didn’t need to say more. She realized pretty quickly all that he meant.

  Cranking the wheel left, he just missed a tree branch sailing through the sky. He had to slam the steering wheel right to avoid another that nearly careened into them.

  The Jeep was old to begin with, and it was taking a beating. The windows started fogging, and the big crack across the front made it nearly impossible to see out the window.

  She looked up in time to see a thicket. A palm tree broken in half and a few other mangled trees completely blocked the road. “Watch out.”

  Jaden nailed the brake, and they both flew forward. The Jeep spit, sputtered, and fishtailed until it came to a stop at the edge of the rubble.

  Seeing the road was completely blocked, he vaulted from the Jeep and went to work quickly clearing debris and untangling branches.

  Lauren hopped from the passenger seat in time to yell, “Look out!”

  A palm tree spun around in the sky, and then flew straight into Jaden’s side, knocking him onto the mound of debris.

  “Oh. God. No.” By the time she got to him, he was slumped over on top of the heap.

  Winds howled as she gingerly turned his face around. His head moved too easily. If he didn’t survive, she’d surely die too.

  She felt for a pulse. Got one.


  The branch had probably knocked him unconscious. His forehead was gashed, and the cut was wet with rain and blood.

  Lauren couldn’t imagine the situation getting any worse. Fear ravaged her. Rain pelted her face, stinging her eyes.

  She gently tapped Jaden’s cheek with the flat of her hand. “C’mo

  With a severe shake of his head, Jaden sat upright. “I’m all right.”

  He grinned a haughty, sexy little grin, no doubt meant to abate any doubts about just how fine he felt and then bound to his feet. His gaze locked onto the road behind them. “We gotta get out of here. Now.”

  The sense of urgency in his voice skyrocketed.

  “What is it?” Sure, the weather was an issue but he hinted at something worse. .

  “Get in the Jeep and drive,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” What are you planning to do?”

  “Go. And don’t look back.”

  “What about—”

  “I’ll meet you. Don’t worry. I’ll stay back and cover you.” He wedged behind the mound of debris, pulled out his new gun, and took aim.

  Lauren turned in time to see a black SUV speeding toward them.

  Her hands shook from adrenaline. Determination welled in her chest. She refused to give up. But leaving Jaden? The one man who’d kept her alive this long?

  His plan had better work. Whatever that was. He had better find her again.

  She would not survive without him.

  Lauren hopped into the driver’s seat. She wanted to scream and cry, but what would that accomplish?

  Slamming the gearshift into Reverse, adrenaline pulsing through her arms providing a boost of octane-like strength, she practically stripped the gears trying to back up the truck.

  The motor coughed, chugged, and then stopped.

  She mashed the clutch and stomped on the gas pedal. Next, she jiggled the key.

  The Jeep growled.

  “C’mon.” She cranked they key again after giving the truck a moment to rest. Nothing. She sucked in a breath before trying again. The engine whirred but didn’t catch.

  Pumping the pedal harder, she prayed she wouldn’t flood the engine.

  Please. Don’t do this…

  Suddenly the engine hummed as the Jeep vibrated to life.

  “You got this,” she said, trying to rally. She stole a glance toward Jaden for support. He was huddled behind the debris. Tap. Tap. Tap. Flashes of light shot from the barrel of his gun. The SUV had stopped, the doors were splayed open, and men were answering the firestorm.

  She slammed the gearshift into Reverse, and then jammed it back into Drive as she nailed the gas.

  Inching the truck forward, she wretched the emergency brake when the tires spun. The last thing she needed was for this baby to roll backwards at a critical moment.

  Battling worsening weather conditions and her own scattered nerves, Lauren gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles went white. The sounds of gunfire tapped all around her.

  Inside the Jeep felt like a time tested tornado shelter compared to what waited on the other side of the thin aluminum door.

  She could do this. Just like everything else in life, when pressed, she’d found she could do almost anything. There’d been no choice then and none now. This hunk of metal on four balding tires had to roll over the barrier.

  Tires spun as she eased on the gas pedal. She released the emergency brake. The vehicle began its crawl at a frustrating pace. The wipers on the Jeep couldn’t clear slobber off a baby’s chin, and the headlights were even less effective. Water and fog combined into a thick wall that decreased visibility next to nothing.

  And she hoped like everything there wouldn’t be anything else on the road. She was straining to see past the front end of the Jeep as it was. She was thankful, at least, for four-wheel drive.

  The Jeep tires ground on top of branches as it continued its climb. Then came a loud thud. Lauren’s foot slipped off the gas. The Jeep rolled backward. She mashed the brake.

  Lauren wiped fog from the windshield. It streaked. Damn. She couldn’t see any better. If anything, she’d just made it worse.

  She nailed the gas, but nothing happened. The sound of tires spinning out reverberated in the rain, the whirring noise trapped in the space around her. No forward movement.

  Another crush of panic caught in her chest. Something slammed into the back of the Jeep. Had she been hit by a bullet? She scanned her shirt for blood. Relief flooded her when she found none.


  Chapter 13

  Panic gripped Lauren as she glanced around. No. Thank God, Jaden was fine. She didn’t even want to think what she’d do if he was hit.

  Pressing the gas pedal harder, the Jeep rocked back and forth. With a loud thump and a chug, the truck broke free, and she navigated it to the top of the hump.

  Tap. Tap. Tap.

  The sound of rapid gunfire nearly stopped her heart as she crested and then drove as fast as she could until she recognized nothing. Her pulse galloped. She had to remind herself that this was his job. This was what he did for a living.

  He’d told her to keep driving, and that’s what she intended to do. He would turn up again. A few minutes passed when she saw a dark figure in front her waving his arms. Jaden?

  God, she hoped.

  If not, she was as good as dead out there with nothing to protect her. She slammed the brake, fishtailing. The figure, head down, came to the passenger side. Lauren’s foot shook on the pedal.

  Relief fueled her when she got a good look at Jaden’s face. “You’re alive.”

  He nodded as he climbed in.

  “But how did you get that far ahead of me?” She realized that he must know the area.

  “Winding roads,” he said, repositioning to take aim out the back of the Jeep.

  “What about your forehead? You took a nasty crack before,” Lauren said, putting the Jeep in Drive and stomping the gas pedal.

  “That explains the headache.” His fingers searched his face as if making sure he still had two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. “Just gimme a minute. I can take over when I’m sure we’re safe.”

  “Are you kidding? Not with that gash.” Always the strong one who took care of himself and others around him, Lauren figured she and Jaden had more than a few things in common.

  “You’re doing great driving in this,” Jaden said.

  Her heart squeezed at the compliment.

  He pulled off his shirt, balled it up, and used it to wipe clean the inside of the windshield. Did he catch her eyeing his bare chest? He must’ve because he cracked a devastating little grin as he shrugged into his shirt. He was all calm confidence while her heart pounded her ribs painfully.

  “Are we lost?” she asked after winding along the path for what felt like half an hour.

  “No. I think if we make a couple of good turns, we can find the old military barracks,” he reassured.

  A solid wood door whisked through the air, spun around in front of the Jeep’s windshield, and then crashed down on top of the hood. Lauren let out a scream before she could clamp it down. The vehicle stopped.

  Grabbing the balled up supplies from the back seat, Jaden shouted, “We better move out.”

  He rolled out of the seat. Lauren scrambled after him, watching the Jeep disappear over a ledge.

  Jaden turned and shouted, “Get down!”

  Lauren dropped to her knees, and then fell flat on her stomach. Hugging the ground, mud squishing through her fingers, she followed Jaden as tightly as he could.

  Clinging to barren clumps of shrubbery, she clawed her way uphill. Lightning cut across the sky before plunging down with an explosion of thunder.

  “There it is,” he shouted as he crested the next mound.

  Lauren scuttled to his side. A loud crack sounded.

  Spinning around, she glimpsed a palm tree as it split in half, unleashing a torrent of coconuts. Jaden dove on top of her, shielding her with his heft. A few slammed him instead. He unleashed a string of swear words.

  Before she could utter a thank you, he was back up encouraging her to keep moving.

  Not a minute later, a brick building came into full view. A concrete silo in front flagged a large metal door with an equally oversized lock.

  They scrambled to it
while Lauren prayed for sanctuary.

  Jaden stood, angling his shoulder toward the door. Stepping back, he rammed forward with the fury of a steam engine. The door buckled, but stopped short of opening. He grunted and rubbed his shoulder.

  “We need something…,” he said before disappearing around the side of the building.

  A few moments later the front door opened and an arm, which felt more like a steel band, swept her inside. She stumbled forward, falling against Jaden to catch her balance.

  He planted his shoulder against the door, struggling to close it against the elements.

  Lauren spun around, grabbed the sliding metal latch, and bolted the lock as soon as it lined up.

  She turned, leaned against the door, and found herself once again inside Jaden’s arms. He was out of breath, she could tell by the pulsing rhythm of his chest. She was soaked to the core, and the heat from his glorious body pressing against hers was a beacon of warmth. Lauren allowed the warmth to calm her as his arms encircled her waist and pulled her in tighter, until her breath slowed to a normal rhythm.

  “Do you think we’re alone?” she asked.

  “For now.” Jaden took off his shirt, once more revealing his perfectly toned abs. He squeezed the water out and used it to gently wipe mud from her face.

  His thumb traced her cheekbone, sending warmth swirling through her.

  She didn’t move, couldn’t move. She could only stand there spellbound, waiting for the magic to break.

  “We just have to wait until the storm blows over. There are basic supplies here and secure communication equipment. This should be safe,” he said.

  A crack of thunder returned Lauren’s full focus. He might’ve saved them from the storm, but that wasn’t the only thing they were running from. Besides, if she stood there with him any longer she wouldn’t be able to resist him. “We’ll see about that.”

  His hand found hers, and next thing she knew she was being led into a large room. Teal blue paint chipped off plaster walls. The furniture, old and sparse, looked to be original and about as soft as a tree trunk, but it was something. She tested a chair and found it to be as hard as it looked.


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