Warm and Sweet, Vol. 1

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Warm and Sweet, Vol. 1 Page 17

by Jolene Avonn

  In that instant, I knew I wanted more than that. I nuzzled against Master and glared at anyone who dared approach. I clung to him and wouldn’t let go, not for a long time, not until he carried me back to my room and the Gathering was officially completed.


  I held my daughter Cass in my arms as I sat with Alex in Master’s large office two months after the Gathering. The room was different than any other on the compound – decorated with sparse, modern furniture and lit by floor-to-ceiling windows that faced the Gathering field.

  Master sat in a chrome-framed chair and stared at us with a placid expression. His hair looked grayer. His eyes were partially hidden behind the glare of a small pair of glasses. He was clean-shaven and tan. A perfect specimen.

  “You two have met your obligations,” he said. “You are free to go.”

  Neither of us said anything.

  “But I suspect you both have realized that you could have left before. Before all of this. Am I correct?”

  I looked over at Alex. I couldn’t read his expression. But I knew what was in my heart.

  “Yes, Master,” I said.

  “Yes, Master,” Alex added, to my surprise.

  “And seeing how you appear to have enjoyed your stay, I’m going to offer you an alternative. A contract, if you will. Stay with me. Join the compound. You’ll live like a king and queen here. I’m growing old and tired, too tired, and perhaps one day one of you will actually succeed me. Continue on our tradition. In exchange, you will continue to serve in any way I see fit.”

  Master shuffled a stack of papers and slid them across the desk. He placed a black fountain pen on the top sheet.

  My face warmed at the thought of signing the papers – not so much to succeed Master, but to remain near him. It was a contract I was willing to take on. After all, I’d been going along for over nine months already; mainly, I realized, because the mere thought of Master had convinced me to undergo his series of tests and sensual sessions.

  “We’d love to stay, Master. We’d love to help in any way.” I reached for the paper and scratched my signature on the first available line.

  “Excellent,” Master said. “And you, Alex?”

  “I am in agreement,” Alex said softly. “I just want to stay with Rielle...and you.” He added his signature below mine.

  Something passed between Master and Alex in that moment. Their eyes met as Alex pushed the contract back to our leader. I have no idea what they had done together while I was kept in my room, but it must have been significant. I’d expected to see Alex at some point during my pregnancy; however, aside from an occasional visit, he’d been nearly invisible. My care was left to quiet doctors and nursemaids.

  I sensed a deep affection between them. It made me wonder. But that’s another story altogether.

  “Very well, then,” Master said briskly. “You’ll have new quarters in my special section of the compound. The entire floor below mine, just for you and your new gift, the beautiful Cass. You will, of course, continue to participate in events. And Rielle, I believe you’ll make the perfect mentor for our newest initiates. One of them is waiting eagerly for her very first application of salve at this very moment.”

  I do not need to tell you how much that excited me. I only had to finish nursing Cass, and then I’d be on my way to carefully guide another young woman into service. I raised my shirt and brought Cass to my chest. Both men watched in wonder.

  It was the best ending I could have imagined. And life would only get better. I’d finally found my calling, something far more satisfying than anything offered by the life I’d previously constructed. I would serve on Master’s compound. I would join with Alex, again and again. I would rest easily at night knowing that, more than anything else, I was able to provide flashes of great pleasure in the darkness of what could often be a cruel and unforgiving world. Night after night. Day after day.

  What could be better than that?



  Ellie Saxx

  It wasn’t the apocalypse everyone expected. No nuclear war, no space invasion, no quick-spreading plague. In the end, the world simply ran out of most of its water. Fertile land dried up. The human population dwindled to almost nothing.

  Jamie Starr, through blind luck, or fate, was born near one of the few remaining water centers in what was once Juneau, Alaska. Her parents raised her in a small cabin her father built. Unaware of a world that had been any different, she had a happy childhood.

  Her parents kept their sorrow well-hidden, for they knew that one day Jamie would be called to serve. She’d be given a quick and efficient career examination and be whisked away to help her disappearing nation, either in the Mining Centers, the hospitals, or elsewhere.

  The agents came when Jamie turned 20. Taught early on about the floundering society’s expectations, Jamie understood the sacrifices adulthood would necessitate.

  Given her ample breasts, curvy hips, and plump bottom, she was immediately marked as a candidate for one of several positions at a facility called Rays of Hope. The screening agent attached three electrodes to her chest and presented her with several samples and scenarios. When she encountered a fresh vial of semen and was asked to inhale its intoxicating scent, the agent’s meters went wild.

  Jamie tested off the charts in all arousal factors, fertility indices, and breeding performance metrics. Secretly, she wasn’t surprised. She’d had an overwhelming interest in her body, and sex, and boys, for as long as she could remember.

  “Have you ever had intercourse?” the agent asked.

  “No?” Jamie said, bashful.

  The agent stared, her gaze icy.

  “Yes,” Jamie admitted.

  “How many times?”


  “Two? That’s all? You’re twenty years old?”

  “Yes, twice. And yes, I am twenty. Is that bad? Should I be a virgin? Is it okay if I’ve masturbated? A lot?”

  “Masturbation is perfectly fine, Miss Starr,” the agent sighed. “It’s probably why you’re in such prime condition. You’re right on the edge of eligibility, Miss Starr, but your results are, quite frankly, extraordinary.”

  A week later, an agent arrived bearing Jamie’s assignment package. She was marked as a “Golden One,” and was required to report to Rays of Hope on January 1.

  “Rays of Hope” was also called a “Garden Haven for Women.” Residents of Juneau knew it for what it was: a breeding center. Given the slim chances of humanity’s survival, everyone revered those who chose to serve.

  Jamie’s parents dropped her off at the Admittance Center on January 1. Eleven other women joined her, and eleven other families left in similar states of tearful pride. Jamie entered the building feeling honored and special.

  If she had to work for her country, after all, this would be a pleasurable way to do it.


  “Fit as a fiddle,” Dr. Span said, flipping a notebook shut. “Ripe as a peach! You are doing blessed work, Miss Starr.” He stood in Jamie’s tastefully decorated suite and watched casually while she pulled her clothes back on. All of the women were given the best possible accommodations, luxuries nobody else in the world would ever experience in their lifetimes: clean bedding, carpeted floors, hot water, private bathrooms and spa tubs, fresh food, and round-the-clock medical care.

  Jamie was still extremely nervous. It had been her first examination since she arrived. Dr. Span was a large man, physically imposing, and even though he touched her very softly, she flinched often as he explored. She was petite, and felt tiny next to him. His large hands had completely covered her breasts as he evaluated her body with the care of an old world fine arts appraiser.

  “Yes, yes,” he had murmured, running a hand along the small of her back, cupping her ass, pushing in, and releasing to watch the taut flesh rebound and jiggle. “Perfect.”

  Jamie’s chest and neck had flushed a deep red. Her nipples hardened and a warmth b
loomed between her legs. She’d never had a man study her body quite like Dr. Span. He measured her hips and chest with a cloth tape measure that brushed her like a feather. She felt tipsy. Was he letting the tape linger across her nipples on purpose? Did he mean to lean into her like that, pressing into her with his thighs?

  Dr. Span was good-looking, so that hadn’t helped Jamie’s building dizziness. He was clean-shaven and tan, his eyes an unusual shade of green, his shoulders broad and seemingly quite powerful. Even with a white lab coat covering him up, Jamie could tell Dr. Span was lean and fit. He smelled faintly of pine and spices.

  Sensing her arousal, he’d reassured her: “Don’t worry, Jamie,” he said. “It’s awkward for everyone initially. You’re doing just fine.”

  She’d sucked in her breath quickly when his hand brushed the light patch of hair above her pussy. He guided his hand along her outer lips and held it there for a second, then three, then ten, until she thought she’d tip over. The more she tried, the harder it became to contain the heat and wetness. It took all of her concentration to keep from sliding her pussy along his palm.

  Then he moved on, always maintaining a calm, reassuring tone and never seeming affected by his work.

  Jamie, now pulling up her soft cotton shorts, wondered why Dr. Span didn’t act like Rodney, the one boy she’d ever slept with. Whenever Rodney saw her naked, his excitement was betrayed immediately by the bulge in his pants and the quick pace of his breath.

  Of course, half of that thrill was knowing Jamie was supposed to remain untouched.

  But still, Dr. Span was awfully composed, she thought. Jamie was small but well-proportioned, and she knew her appearance was pleasing to men: her ass was ripe and round; her breasts sat pertly on her chest, bra or no bra; her long brown hair had only improved with Rays of Hope amenities like luxurious conditioners; and her bee-stung red lips were pouty and soft.

  Dr. Span should be staring at me harder, she thought.

  “So, any questions?” he asked, heading for the door.

  “No, sir,” Jamie said. “Well, one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do I...start soon?”

  A nurse had explained the process earlier. When Jamie began her service, she’d receive one male visitor each night starting on day 9 of her cycle. The government no longer had the resources for artificial means; all breeding sessions were private acts between chosen men and chosen women. The idea, though frightening, also thrilled Jamie. She already knew that she enjoyed sex. She had a million questions, though. The anticipation was driving her crazy.

  “Didn’t Nurse Albright tell you?” Dr. Span said, surprised. “Your first session is tonight. This is day 9, right?”

  Jamie’s eyes widened. “No!” she said. “I mean, yes! Um, good? I guess?”

  Dr. Span smiled. “Absolutely, Miss Starr. Very, very good. We’re all very eager to get you started.”

  He closed the door softly behind him, leaving Jamie to finish dressing with her heart skipping beats and her cheeks warm. Later, she would realize that the way his face twisted into that final smile was wolfish and not altogether kind.


  At 8 p.m. that night – The Hour – Jamie checked herself in her bedroom mirror. She had on the required minimal sleepwear: a sheer negligee that barely reached her thighs. It was so small across her chest that after resting on her nipples, the gauzy fabric barely touched her body. She could see the outline of her sex, the darkness of her peaked nipples, and the fluttering of the fabric as she breathed.

  The entire scene, these last moments before she began her service, already had Jamie aroused. Her face wasn’t just flushed – she was glowing. Her breasts, constantly teased by the negligee, burned with a pleasing heat. The naughtiness of wearing nothing else – no panties, in particular – made her wet. Already. She blushed harder. What would it be like? Who would her first partner be? Would he be...big? Eager? Shy, like her? Would he have huge muscles? Would he lift her and carry her and press her hard against the wall and...

  So many questions.

  Jamie straightened the fluffy duvet on her king-sized four-post bed one more time. She patted the large pillows, and then lit the assortment of candles on her nightstand. They smelled of vanilla and gardenia, a heady perfume that filled her with calm.

  Then she walked to the living room and perched eagerly on the couch, awaiting a knock on her door.

  At 8:30, Jamie checked her small diary. She’d definitely noted 8 p.m. as The Hour. It was a firm rule, the nurse said. Her partner must be running late. Maybe he was just as nervous as she was.

  At 9, Jamie checked the candles in the bedroom and decided to blow them out. Thin puffs of smoke spread into the living room.

  She waited. The anticipation made her ears buzz. How would her partner want her to behave? Innocent? Slutty? Quiet? Loud? With at least two weeks and more than a dozen partners ahead of her, she supposed she’d have plenty of practice. She couldn’t resist wriggling her hips, pressing herself against a ridge in the couch cushion. She was so aroused, and so nervous, that all she wanted to do was slide her fingers between her legs and ease the building tension.

  At 9:20, Jamie lifted the hem of the negligee and smoothed a hand along her thigh.

  Just a touch, she thought. Just...a little...touch.

  She closed her eyes and sighed as she traced the outline of her pussy with one index finger. Up and down she went, no more than that, no more pressure, and slowly her fingertip grew slick and warm and her thighs trembled.

  Is this what his hand would feel like?

  Is this what his tongue would feel like, parting the lips just so?

  Would he keep tasting her until she came?

  Would she slide down on his cock slowly, or urgently and quick?

  Would he be surprised if she greeted him by leaping into his arms and mounting him, fucking him right there in the doorway?

  Two loud bangs on the door snapped her to attention. Finally!

  Before she could take three steps, the door burst open. In walked a surprisingly familiar figure: Dr. Span. He wore dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His hair looked messy. He slammed the door shut behind him, a completely different man than before.

  “Dr. Span!” Jamie said, instinctively covering herself. “I wasn’t expecting you! I thought – ”

  “You thought wrong,” he said, his voice cold. He strode right up to Jamie and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Don’t you have something to tell me? Huh? You little slut!” He shook her as he spoke.

  “What? I don’t...I don’t know what you mean,” Jamie stammered.

  “Sure, sure,” he said. “Save it. I’m your partner tonight, Miss Starr. And you should feel lucky. If anyone else here knew you’d already been fucked, you’d be thrown out on your ass.”

  “But not everyone here’s a vi – ” Jamie’s next word was cut off when Dr. Span tossed her on to the couch.

  “I only work with virgins, Miss Starr,” he hissed. “You should be in the section with the commoners. You were supposed to be rare!”

  Jamie was stunned. “Do I have to go somewhere else?”

  “It’s too late now,” he scolded. “I’ll have to take care of this myself. Understand?”

  She realized Dr. Span was acting odd, but she knew she should comply. “Um, yes. Yes, sir,” Jamie said softly. Her shoulders still stung from his grip. What was he doing? Why was he so angry? Was the Rays of Hope virginity “suggestion” more than that? Did he only want virgins in his section?

  Was this...all about him?

  Jamie didn’t have time to think.

  “Are you prepared for your Day 9 session?” Dr. Span said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Dr. Span unzipped his jeans and slid them down to the floor, freeing himself in two quick steps. He wasn’t wearing underwear. Jamie gasped at the size of his half-erect member, which was much, much bigger than Rodney’s had been.

  “Prove it, then,” Dr. Span said.

  “I don’t understand,” Jamie whimpered. She was still staring at the cock growing to life in front of her.

  Dr. Span leaned forward, leering. “Show me how wet you are,” he said nastily. “Show me that wet little pussy, you slut. I know you understand me, don’t you?”

  Jamie stayed quiet, leaning back on the couch.

  “Say it!” the doctor demanded.

  “I understand,” Jamie said meekly.

  “What do you understand?!”

  “You want...to see my pussy.”

  “And is it wet?”

  Jamie paused again, then whispered, “Yes, doctor.”

  “Well, how wet, then? Show me.” He was still leaning forward, now inches from her face. He smelled like something savage. His cock was stiff and straight and looked like it couldn’t possibly fit inside her.

  Jamie moved further back on the couch and slowly spread her legs. Her negligee rode up above her hips, and her pussy was instantly exposed. It was hot, so hot, down there. Despite her fear, and her pounding pulse, she placed two fingers on her outer lips and slowly spread her pussy open. She heard soft, slick sounds as she pressed on each side and began to work her hand up and down. She closed her eyes and let out a long, slow breath. She tried to pretend she was pleasuring herself in front of Rodney. If she could just think about him...

  “That’s it,” Dr. Span said in a low growl, destroying Jamie’s attempt. “Show me that pussy. Spread it wide.”

  Jamie continued massaging and, as she did, widened her two fingers. Her innermost folds blossomed full and pink, and she felt her wetness growing as she opened herself in front of the doctor. She started to rock her hips, unable to keep from writhing against her hand.

  “You are a dirty girl, aren’t you?” Dr. Span said. “Look at that sopping pussy. You must really be looking forward to this.”


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