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by Michael Shelden

Gladstone, Herbert, 32

  Gladstone, William, 2, 63, 178, 269

  Glasgow, Scotland, emigration from, 233

  Globe Theatre, 272

  Goliath, HMS, 316

  Granby, Lady, 19, 121

  Grant, Duncan, 123

  Great Britain:

  in Agadir dispute, 255, 258, 259

  American stereotype in, 35

  arms race in, 198, 199–201, 203–4, 263, 296, 297, 298–99, 301

  capital punishment in, 222–25

  class snobbery in, 62

  Conservative leadership of, 40–41, 44, 46, 66–67

  German relations with, 256, 263–264, 266–68, 297

  Liberal leadership of, 116, 172, 202, 218, 234, 239, 251, 302, 303, 308, 309, 316, 317, 318

  political violence in, 65, 66

  Victorian prosperity of, 39

  war planning in, 257–58, 259–60, 299–300, 301, 307, 308, 312, 318

  in World War I, 305, 306–18

  see also British Empire; Edwardian era; Victorian era

  Greece, 288

  Grenfell, Ettie, 51–52, 54–55, 150, 151, 188, 229–30

  Grenfell, Francis, 286, 298, 299, 300

  Grenfell, Julian, 53, 229–30

  Grenfell, Robert, 298

  Grenfell, Willie, 51, 54, 150

  Grey, Edward, 119, 249–50, 255, 256, 257, 310, 311, 315

  Grey, Spenser, 292

  Grimsby, England, 219–20

  Gwynne, H. A., 311, 318

  Haldane, Richard, 119, 260–61, 265, 267, 303, 310

  Halley’s comet, 228

  Hamilton, Ian, 222

  Hamilton, Jean, 222

  Harcourt, Lewis, 252, 308

  Harcourt, William Vernon, 39, 48

  Hardie, Keir, 177, 235, 242

  Hardy, Thomas, 250, 294

  Harlow, Jean, 155

  Harris, Frank, 112–14

  Harris tweed, 43

  Harrow, 7

  Hatfield House, 40, 41

  Healy, Tim, 47

  Hess, Rudolf, 298

  Hicks Beach, Michael, 71, 72

  Highbury, 61–62, 103

  Hirst, Francis, 296

  history, Churchill’s view of, 5, 6, 45, 56, 266

  History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), 280

  Hitler, Adolf, 297, 298

  Hobhouse, Charles, 194, 204, 216

  Hobson, J. A., 218

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 54

  Home Office, Churchill’s leadership of, 221–25, 229, 233–37, 239–242, 243, 246, 251–52, 253–54, 255, 258, 260, 261

  Hong Kong, British administration of, 132

  Hooligans, 42–43, 44–45, 46, 50, 54–55, 67, 68, 70, 74, 80, 85, 91, 96, 183

  House of Commons:

  army reform debate in, 47–49

  Balfour’s leadership of, 28, 48–49, 63

  Chamberlain’s reputation in, 62, 63, 69

  Churchill’s 1908 re-election to, 170, 171–73, 174–77, 178

  Churchill’s Colonial Office representation in, 120, 136–37, 158

  Churchill’s Conservative allies in, 41, 42–43

  Churchill’s first election to, 2, 10, 18–19, 20, 21, 26, 61

  Churchill’s maiden speech in, 2, 27–32, 33

  Churchill’s opponents in, 2, 48–49, 76, 77, 86, 87–88, 91, 93, 94, 136–37, 243–44, 254, 283–84

  Churchill’s party switch in, 96

  Churchill’s second election to, 124–27

  debating in, 2, 28, 29, 88

  Irish Home Rule debate in, 282–283, 302, 303

  Labour Party’s rise in, 177

  Ladies’ Gallery of, 2, 32–33, 248

  “Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister’s Bill” in, 46–47

  naval expansion debate in, 200–201

  1910 realignment of, 203, 220, 221, 239

  Parliament Bill debate in, 248–50

  “People’s Budget” in, 202–3

  Randolph Churchill’s career in, 2, 30–31, 32, 42, 57, 72, 321–22

  social reform measures in, 193, 196

  South Africa policy debate in, 136–37

  tariff policy debate in, 69, 76–77, 86, 87–88, 89–90

  Tory walkout in, 87–88, 93, 94

  World War II destruction of, 1–3

  see also Parliament, British

  House of Lords:

  Churchill’s position on, 213, 214, 217, 226, 227, 230, 238, 248, 250

  exclusivity of, 97

  Lloyd George’s feud with, 203, 211, 212–13, 216–17, 218, 226, 227–28, 230

  reform of, 226–28, 230, 237, 238, 247–50

  social reform measures in, 196

  veto power of, 217, 226, 230, 238, 247, 250

  see also aristocracy; Parliament, British

  Hozier, Bill, 184

  Hozier, Blanche, 167, 182, 188

  Hozier, Kitty, 167

  Hozier, William, 167

  India, Churchill’s military adventures in, 7, 15

  Irish-Americans, 21

  Irish Home Rule, 220, 268–70, 280–284, 296, 302–5

  opposition to, see Unionists

  Irish Nationalists, 220, 221, 239, 268

  Italy, 140–41, 188

  James, Henry, 85

  Jellicoe, John, 265

  Jerome, Leonard, 36

  Jerome, Leonie, 53, 111

  Jews, Nazi persecution of, 298

  Johnson, Elizabeth Ann, 225

  Johnson, Samuel, 184

  Joynson-Hicks, William, 124, 125, 172, 174, 188

  Keith, George E., 111

  Kenya, 161, 162

  Keynes, John Maynard, 195

  Khartoum, Sudan, 161, 163

  Kilmarnock Arms Hotel, 190

  Kingsley, Mary, 129

  Kipling, Rudyard, 242

  Kitchener, Herbert, 34, 67, 309, 311, 314, 316

  Knebworth House, 53, 121, 122

  Knollys, Lord, 226

  Labour Exchanges Act, 193

  Labour Party:

  Churchill’s criticism by, 289

  Liberal relations with, 220, 239

  in mining strikes, 235–36

  rise of, 177

  “Land of Might Have Been, The” (Novello and Marsh), 123

  Landor, Arnold, 85

  Langtry, Lillie, 42

  Lansdowne portrait, 46

  Lee, Arthur, 166, 305

  Lee, Ruth, 166

  Leicester, England, 214, 215

  Liberalism and the Social Problem (Churchill), 218

  Liberal Party:

  anti-imperialism of, 59, 120

  Boer War opposition of, 30, 59, 64

  Chamberlain’s mocking by, 90

  Chamberlain’s split with, 63, 77

  Churchill’s defection to, 91–93, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104, 115–16

  Churchill’s friends in, 44

  Churchill’s status in, 116, 119–20, 137, 147–49, 157, 178, 217–18, 253

  Churchill’s view of, 178, 202, 218

  Conservatives’ bitterness toward, 66–67

  downfall of, 324

  European war opposition in, 296, 301

  F. E. Smith’s criticisms of, 209

  free trade position of, 74, 75, 87, 98

  in House of Lords crisis, 203, 213, 217, 226, 227, 238, 247, 248, 249, 250

  Irish Nationalist alliance with, 220, 221, 239, 268

  leadership of, 93, 116, 119–20, 156, 164, 165, 168–70, 172, 178, 194, 202, 217–18, 249, 302, 303, 308, 309, 316

  Lloyd George’s prominence in, 100

  in Marconi scandal, 285, 286, 287

  in naval expansion debate, 203, 301

  in 1906 election, 104, 116, 126–27

  in 1910 election, 203, 217, 218, 220, 221, 239

  post-Victorian aims of, 99, 194, 218, 296

  South African position of, 158–59

  strikes’ effect on, 234, 237, 251, 253, 254

  Unionist attack on, 283

  women’s suffrage opposition within, 172, 230
  World War I leadership by, 308, 309, 316, 317, 318

  see also Cabinet, Liberal

  Limehouse, 210

  Lindsay, Lionel, 234, 235

  Liverpool, England, rioting in, 251–52

  Llanelli, Wales, rioting in, 253

  Lloyd George, David, 208, 238, 277–78

  ambition of, 100, 169–70, 203

  Birmingham mob attack on, 64–66, 81, 82

  at Board of Trade, 119, 194

  Cabinet appointment of, 119

  as Chancellor of the Exchequer, 169, 193, 195, 201–3, 210–13, 286, 297, 301–2

  Churchill’s relationship with, 66, 92–93, 96, 98, 99–101, 169, 173, 188, 193, 194–95, 197, 199, 204–5, 206, 214, 215, 217, 221, 236, 263, 285, 286, 298, 300–302, 303, 317, 318

  Conservative government opposition by, 67, 75, 82, 87, 88, 92–93, 96, 98, 99, 100

  death of, 324

  European war position of, 255–56, 296–97, 300, 302, 308

  extramarital affairs of, 100, 285–86

  financial scandal surrounding, 285, 286, 287

  Gallipoli campaign position of, 314, 317

  House of Lords’ fight with, 203, 211, 212–13, 216–17, 218, 226–28, 230

  Hugh Cecil’s opinion of, 96

  land taxes of, 212

  Limehouse speech of, 210–13, 214, 215

  modest background of, 100

  in naval expansion debate, 199, 200, 298–99, 300–302

  in 1910 election, 219–20

  “People’s Budget” of, 201–3, 206, 210–15, 216–18, 226, 227–28

  political philosophy of, 101, 254

  political sidelining of, 324

  political skill of, 204

  premiership of, 324

  social reform efforts of, 193, 194, 195, 201–3, 256, 262–63

  strike arbitration by, 252–53

  suffragette attack on, 174

  in tariff policy debate, 75, 87, 88, 92

  Third Reich’s defense by, 297–98

  Welsh support of, 236–37

  in World War II, 2

  Lloyd George, Margaret, 100, 286

  London, England, 27

  armed standoff in, 239–42

  dockworkers’ strikes in, 251

  World War II destruction in, 1

  London Journal, 105

  London to Ladysmith Via Pretoria (Churchill), 17

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 24

  Lonsdale, John, 198

  Loreburn, Lord, 296

  Lugard, Flora, 129–31, 132, 166

  Lugard, Frederick, 129, 130, 131–32, 162, 166

  Lutyens, Edwin, 272

  Lytton, Constance, 229, 230

  Lytton, Edith, 122

  Lytton, Lady, see Plowden, Pamela

  Lytton, Neville, 122

  Lytton, Victor, 53, 122, 229, 230

  Macarthur, Mary, 193

  McKenna, Pamela Jekyll, 179, 217, 277

  McKenna, Reginald, 148, 149, 179, 198, 199–201, 256–57, 259, 261–62, 265, 301, 308

  Macmillan, 114

  McNeill, Ronald, 283, 284

  Macready, Nevil, 235, 236

  Madame Tussaud’s, 98

  Malcolm, Ian, 42, 46, 58, 68, 183

  Maloney, Mary, 175–76

  Malta, 279, 288

  Manchester, England:

  Churchill’s by-election campaign in, 171–73, 174–75

  Churchill’s parliamentary election in, 101, 124, 125, 126

  free trade movement in, 125

  slums in, 127–28

  Manchester Chronicle, 157

  Manchester Guardian, 96, 116, 256

  Marconi Company, 285, 286–87

  Marlborough, Duchess of, see Vanderbilt, Consuelo

  Marlborough, Duchess of (Randolph’s mother), 113

  Marlborough, Duke of, see Spencer-Churchill, Charles Richard John “Sunny”

  Marlborough, 1st Duke of, 56, 57

  Marne, First Battle of, 257–58

  Marsh, Edward, 227, 229, 245, 258

  on African tour, 161, 162, 163

  Churchill’s relationship with, 121–124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 161, 163, 178, 181, 241, 269, 294, 322

  “Mary Morison” (Burns), 106

  Massingham, H. W., 218

  Masterman, Charles, 165

  Maugham, Somerset, 123–24

  Mausers, 240, 241


  Churchill’s Admiralty tours of, 279–80, 288

  Churchill’s Colonial Office tour of, 160–61

  see also Gallipoli

  Mencken, H. L., 138

  Merchant Shipping Act, 194

  Merseyside, strikes in, 251–52

  Metternich, Count, 254, 256

  Middleton, William “Bay,” 167

  Midland Hotel, 124, 125, 127

  Milner, Lord, 136–37


  in South Africa, 136

  strikes by, 233–37, 239

  Minimum Standard, 164

  minimum wage, 193

  Minto, Lady, 23, 243

  Morley, John, 80, 92, 148, 168, 308

  Morning Post, 311, 318

  Mountbatten, Edwina, 102

  Mowatt, Francis, 72

  music halls, 9, 146–47

  My African Journey (Churchill), 162–63

  My Early Life (Churchill), 10, 324

  My Life and Loves (Harris), 113

  Naples, Italy, 278, 279

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 266

  Churchill’s interest in, 7, 45, 92

  National Insurance Act of 1911, 193, 204, 213, 262

  navy, German:

  Churchill’s comments about, 266–68

  North Sea position of, 262, 275, 296, 297

  strength of, 197–98, 200, 201, 203, 255, 263, 276, 296, 297, 312

  Nelson, Horatio, 274, 275

  New York Times, 34, 84, 151, 273

  New York Tribune, 274

  New Zealand, in Gallipoli campaign, 315

  Nicholas, Grand Duke of Russia, 314

  Nicolson, Harold, 204

  Nigeria, British administration of, 129, 130, 131, 132

  Nile, 7, 70–71, 161

  see also Omdurman, Battle of

  Noel, Annabella, 109

  North Sea, 262, 275, 296, 297

  Novello, Ivor, 123

  oil, 264

  Oldham, England, Churchill’s parliamentary representation of, 18, 61, 101

  Omdurman, Battle of, 7, 31, 143, 163, 240, 266, 298

  Orkney, Earl of, 56

  Ottawa, Canada, 23

  Palace Theatre, 215

  Palazzo Giustinian, 160

  Palmer, William Henry, 223

  Pankhurst, Emmeline, 173, 175

  Panther, 254, 296

  Paris, France, 140

  Parker, Dorothy, 155

  Parker, Louis, 272

  Parliament, British:

  Churchill’s career in, 2, 3, 10, 18–19, 20, 21, 26, 27–32, 33, 40–41, 42–43, 44, 46–49, 67–69, 70, 74, 76–77, 83–84, 85–86, 87–89, 91–94, 96, 97–99, 101, 115–16, 120, 124–27, 135, 136–37, 149, 170, 171–77, 178, 192–94, 195–197, 198–99, 200–202, 213–15, 217–18, 220, 221, 239, 243–44, 246, 254, 283–84

  constitutional crisis in, 203, 211–215, 216–18, 226–28, 230, 237, 238, 247–50

  Edward VII’s opening of, 27

  social decorum in, 97–98

  see also House of Commons; House of Lords

  Parliament Bill, 247–50

  see also House of Lords, reform of

  Parthenon, 120

  Patents and Design Act, 194

  pensions, 203

  Pentland, Joseph, 66

  Percy, Lord, 42, 68, 70

  Plowden, Pamela:

  Churchill’s friendship with, 121, 122, 123, 160, 182, 188, 307

  Churchill’s romance with, 15–17, 18–19, 20, 23, 26, 38, 51, 52–54

  extramarital affairs of, 53, 229–30

  marriage of, 53–54, 122

  Poë, Edmund, 280

  police, 234, 239–40, 241, 251

  polo, 265

  Pond, James, 21–23

  Port of London Act, 194

  Portuguese East Africa, 25

  Posen, 198

  Poverty: A Study of Town Life (Rowntree), 92

  press, American:

  Churchill family’s portrayal in, 144

  Jennie Churchill’s mentions in, 273, 274

  press, British:

  Churchill’s portrayal in, 7, 11, 29, 31, 49, 73, 88, 89, 98, 104, 111–12, 115, 120, 122, 125–26, 142, 143, 147–48, 157, 158, 176, 179, 192, 195, 243–44, 289, 291, 304, 311, 318

  Churchill wedding news in, 185, 187–88

  Gallipoli campaign’s portrayal in, 11

  Jennie Churchill’s divorce in, 290, 291

  Lloyd George’s portrayal in, 220

  Violet Asquith incident in, 189

  Primrose, Harry, 147, 180

  prison reform, 233

  Punch, 40, 49, 120, 143, 289

  Quantrill, William, 22

  Queen Elizabeth, HMS, 314, 315

  Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars, 141, 210, 321

  Rafter, Charles, 65

  railway workers, strikes by, 251, 252, 253

  Real Soldiers of Fortune (Davis), 146–47

  Reid, Whitelaw, 116, 175

  Revenge, 271, 272

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 298

  Richmond, Herbert, 313

  Riddell, George, 253, 278, 300, 317

  Riley, Tom, 34

  Rivals, The (Sheridan), 89

  River War, The (Churchill), 17, 41, 71

  Roose, Dr., 110, 111

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 6

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 24

  Rosebery, Lord, 44–46, 63, 67, 85, 91, 110, 183

  Rosslyn, Lord, 85

  Rossmore, Lord, 34

  Rowntree, Seebohm, 92

  Royal Marines, 310

  Royal Naval Air Service, 293

  Royal Naval Division, 310

  Royal Navy:

  alerting of, 256–57

  aviation in, 291, 292–94

  Churchill’s view of, 48

  dreadnought fleet of, 197, 198, 199–201, 203, 211, 262, 263, 264, 275, 296, 298–99, 300–302, 314, 315

  Elizabethan, 272

  European war role of, 300, 307

  15–inch guns in, 264, 278, 314, 315

  government spending on, 201, 202, 203–4, 286, 301

  mobilization of, 306, 308

  modernization of, 10, 11, 259–60, 264–65, 275, 280, 288, 300

  oil use by, 264

  supremacy of, 197, 200, 255, 256, 262, 264, 266, 297

  in World War I, 312, 314, 315

  see also Admiralty

  Russia, in World War I, 306, 313, 314

  Russian gangs, 239, 241

  St. Helier, Mary, 166, 167, 168

  St. Paul, Minnesota, 24

  Salisbury, Lord, 40–41, 46

  Chamberlain’s relationship with, 62

  Churchill’s relationship with, 40, 41

  death of, 80

  resignation of, 70

  Sargent, John Singer, 160


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