Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel

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Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel Page 10

by Edwards, Nicole

  “This? What’s this, Travis?” Kylie’s pretty blue eyes darkened with anger, and he knew he officially crossed the line. “You walked out on me, remember? And after that, you left it up to me to get the divorce. I had to relive the pain all over again just so I could muster up the courage to get a lawyer.”

  Her harsh words were only a decibel above a whisper, but loud enough to echo around her small porch. Travis kept his hand on her arm, terrified that she would run as soon as he let go.

  “Calm down.”

  Kylie’s face turned red and she yanked her arm out of his grasp.

  “Fuck you, Travis Walker. Fuck. You!”

  Travis didn’t move for what felt like an eternity, but he knew it had only been a few seconds. Before the screen door could slam behind her, Travis followed her into the house, ignoring his own curiosity and keeping his attention on her.

  Without thinking, he grabbed her, turning her to face him as he held her shoulders, keeping her at arm’s length.

  “Don’t touch me!” Kylie yelled at him, trying to pull away, and damn it all to hell if the little hellcat didn’t turn him on when she did that. Where the hell was the fire in her back then? Why didn’t she fight to keep him when he would’ve done anything for her to stop him from walking out the door?

  Travis released her shoulders, but managed to crowd her between his body and the wall, not touching her. How he managed that tremendous feat was beyond him.

  “Don’t walk away from me, Kylie. Give me a chance to talk to you.”

  “You say that like you deserve that chance, Travis,” Kylie retorted. “I don’t owe you anything.”

  Travis shook his head, standing to his full height but not moving away from her. Looking down at her mouth, he fought the urge to eliminate the few inches left between them and kiss her. He wanted to know if she tasted as sweet as he remembered. He’d dreamed about her kisses, the soft way she used to mewl when he drove his tongue deep in her mouth.

  For years after he walked away, he found himself reliving those stolen moments the two of them had somehow managed to find together. Despite their odds, Travis had fallen for this woman during a time when he should’ve been keeping as far away from a sweet girl like her as he possibly could.

  He should’ve given himself that same lecture now. Kylie was right. He didn’t deserve anything from her. Not her time and certainly not her understanding.

  “Do you want to walk away?” he asked her. Based on what he could read in her eyes, Kylie hated him with a passion, but there was still some interest there on her part.

  After what happened to Zane several months ago, Travis had promised himself he’d look forward in life, not wanting to let another moment pass him by because he wasn’t sure he’d have many more if he did.

  This was his moment.

  Kylie was the moment he didn’t want to let pass him by.


  Was he out of his ever lovin’ mind?

  Or was she that transparent?

  Kylie desperately wanted to convince Travis that she didn’t want to have anything to do with him. She really, really did. She wanted him to believe that she wanted to walk away. No, she wanted him to believe that she wanted to run screaming from him.

  Only that wasn’t the case, was it.

  Damn it all to hell!

  Kylie let some of the tension escape as she stared up into Travis’ familiar face. Familiar, yet different in so many ways. He still had the same angular jaw, his nose was still slightly crooked, and his lashes were still dark and thick and… Why did he have to be so beautiful?

  “Tell me you don’t want to walk away from me, Kylie.” His words, although quiet, sounded like a demand, but for some reason, she felt as though there was a plea in there as well.

  Did he not want her to walk away? If so, why? What was his intention? Hell, she’d already learned that she knew absolutely nothing about this man. Six brothers?

  “I don’t know what I want, Travis,” she told him honestly, reminding herself not to let go of the anger. It was her only defense against him.

  “Let’s go talk. There’s a reason we’re standing here today and damn it, I don’t want you to walk away yet. We both deserve closure, Kylie. Can you just give me that?”

  She closed her eyes as her heart recognized what he’d said. There wasn’t a reason for hope to flourish because he wanted closure. He wanted to be able to walk away without the guilt. Again, Kylie didn’t know why she would owe him anything. He deserved to feel guilty – if in fact he did.

  But no matter how much she wanted to be the stronger person, to tell him to go to hell and not look back, that naive, broken hearted young girl he walked out on all those years ago started jumping up and down inside her, screaming “Give him a chance! Maybe there was a good reason!”

  She knew she shouldn’t listen to that stupid girl anymore, but she felt as though she didn’t have a choice. He was right on one thing. At the very least, they did deserve closure.

  But she also knew she was way too emotional to deal with it or him right now. Being this close to Travis reminded her of things she’d let go of, desires she had no business harboring. He was irresistible, always had been, and it appeared she was just as affected by him now as she was then.

  “Tomorrow,” she told him, putting her hand on his chest and pushing. He didn’t budge.

  “Tomorrow, what?” Travis asked, obviously obliging her by taking a small step back.

  He was too close. So close she was overwhelmed by the spicy, rich scent of him. A musky combination of clean sweat and that sexy cologne he favored, apparently still the same as it was back then.

  “I’ll meet you tomorrow.”


  “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet,” she mumbled, trying to figure out whether this was a good idea or not. Surely it wasn’t, but for some reason, she wanted to hear what he had to say.

  Kylie stared up into Travis’ face, forcing her eyes to remain on his, refusing to glance down at his perfect lips, resisting the urge to wonder what they’d feel like on hers. She noticed how his features had softened from a few minutes ago. His eyes sparkled with what might be interest, and she knew there was no way she could say no to him. She had never been able to say no to Travis. From the moment she met him, Kylie had fallen head over heels in love with this man, willing to give him anything.

  “I’ll pick you up,” he offered.

  “Ok,” she finally replied, knowing that arguing with him wasn’t going to get her anywhere.

  When Travis turned to go, Kylie watched, her eyes glued to his perfect body. The way his wide shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist. Not to mention, his better than perfect ass. Suddenly it was getting way too hot in her house.

  “I’ll be here at ten. That work for you?”

  Kylie almost laughed. She wasn’t sure why he even asked the question. His initial statement was more of a command than anything else. But ten would work for her. “Ok.”

  “See you in the morning, Kylie.” With that Travis strode out the front door. She was grateful for the glass pane because she was able to watch him until he disappeared around the other side of his truck.

  And that’s when it hit her.

  What the hell did she just do?

  Ten minutes later, as she was walking across the living room like a zombie, Kylie stopped, glanced around her house, just realizing where she was. Pressing her hands to her forehead, she headed toward her bedroom, her brain stuck on Travis. Since the second he walked out the door, she’d been reliving the scene from ten long years ago.

  “What do you mean you’re sorry? What the hell does that even mean?”

  The look on Travis’ face devastated her long before he even attempted to explain himself. He couldn’t possibly be saying what she thought he was saying.

  He was sorry? For what?

  Kylie’s heart was thumping painfully hard against her ribs, an ache suddenly so powerful, she had to clutch her che
st. Three weeks. They’d only been married for three weeks, and he was sorry?

  “Look,” he started, but before he could continue, Kylie felt the tears begin to stream down her face.

  Travis moved closer, pulling her up against him, pressing his lips to her forehead as she breathed in his scent, knowing without even hearing his explanation that this was going to be the last time. She saw the intentions on his face when he blurted out his apology moments ago.

  Shaking off the memory, Kylie headed to the bathroom. Maybe a long, hot bath and a good book would do her some good. At this point, she desperately wanted to escape reality if only for a short time.

  After all, her own reality seemed to be changing drastically from one day to the next. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Hey, sugar. What’ll it be?” the waitress asked, but as the familiar voice raked across his raw nerve endings, Travis didn’t even glance her way.

  “Scotch neat,” he told her, turning his head to glance toward the back of the small, dingy bar that he’d frequented more times than he could count. Since the day he turned twenty one he’d been coming here, hanging out with friends, then his brothers as they became old enough. Seemed like so long ago, but at the same time it felt like just yesterday.

  Two minutes later, the waitress brought his drink and he retrieved it before heading to the back, avoiding the playful sweep of her hand across his back. He wasn’t interested, plain and simple.

  “Well, look who showed up to the party,” Zane said, clapping Travis on the back.

  He hadn’t expected any of his brothers to be at Moonshiners, but he’d seen Zane’s truck in the parking lot before he came in. He’d like to think that’s why he stopped. He didn’t want to admit that he’d been looking to drown his thoughts in alcohol or anything crazy like that.

  “Who’s winning?” he asked just to make conversation.

  “Well, it sure as shit ain’t me,” Zane laughed, his eyes tracking the beautiful brunette currently sweeping the pool table clean as she took shot after shot, dropping balls into pockets left and right.

  “Hey, V,” Travis greeted Zane’s fiancé once she finished.

  “Hey, Trav. You look like hell,” she told him.

  Damn, the woman had gotten pretty fucking mouthy in the last few months. Not that he could say anything to her because Zane was an overprotective mother fucker. Travis might enjoy giving his brothers a rash of shit, but he knew better than to pull their women into the fray. Not that he would. Travis liked to think his father had raised him well. He might’ve pulled some stupid stunts in his day, but he always put women first, ensured they were respected and all that.

  “Thanks,” he said, tipping his glass toward her before downing what was left.

  “You wanna play her?” Zane asked, knowing good and damn well Travis wasn’t going to say no.

  “Lady breaks,” he muttered as he set his empty glass on the table, signaled for the waitress and then took the extra pool stick from Zane’s hand.

  “Good luck,” his brother whispered loudly.

  “Right. Like I’ve got a chance in hell.” Travis knew better than to think he was going to beat Vanessa Carmichael. He’d seen her wipe the table clean one too many times, including against his brother Brendon who, up until V shamed his ass, had been the reigning billiards champ in their neck of the woods.

  Ten minutes later, Travis was resuming his position at the table, taking his fresh drink in hand and watching as Zane gave it another shot. Rather than watch a repeat of what just happened, he spent a few minutes just observing others in the place.

  “You looking for company tonight?” the sultry drawl came from behind him, but Travis didn’t turn to look. He knew the voice, also knew he wasn’t interested. Just like he wasn’t interested when she came onto him a little while ago.

  “Have I ever said yes to that question?” he asked, keeping his back to her.

  That didn’t last long because Ellie Franklin eased her way around to his side, pressing her large, fake tits against his arm. Yeah, he was so not interested. Considering she’d been with at least two of his brothers over the years, maybe more, and half of the rest of the male population, Travis wasn’t going to touch her with a ten foot pole.

  Much to his relief, Zane chose that moment to saunter up beside him, pretending he didn’t notice that the waitress was practically dry humping Travis’ leg. “Can we get another couple of beers over here?”

  Ellie frowned, but apparently the woman knew she had a job to do and she disappeared. Travis thought about leaving, knowing she’d be back any second with the beers and probably an offer for a hand job in the bathroom. As much as he needed a release, he’d prefer to stick with his own hand, thank you very much. At least he knew where his had been.

  “What brings you in here tonight?” Zane questioned as V came to stand beside him, tucking herself perfectly against Zane’s body as though they were made for one another.

  And from the looks of it, they actually were.

  Travis thought about Kylie and the way she would fit just as easily against his body, her soft gentle curves pressed so intimately against his chest, his stomach, his... Then, like a sucker punch to the solar plexus, another image appeared, overriding the censored version. This one included Gage, and he was opposite Kylie, sandwiching her between them.

  Oh, shit.

  “Hey, E.” Zane’s voice jarred the image from his mind, and Travis glanced up to see their brother Ethan walking toward them. Beside him was the guy who’d taken Zane’s place as the mechanic for Walker Demolition.

  “Slummin’ again, Trav?” Ethan joked, slapping Travis on the back as he moved around, squeezing between V and Zane. If Travis didn’t know better, he would’ve sworn Ethan was trying to get as far away from Blake as he possibly could.

  Considering the rumor Travis had heard, he would have expected the two men to be all over each other. Then again, Ethan was a private person, much like Travis, never hinting at his relationships – current or former – so it made sense that he was trying to put some distance between them.

  Didn’t mean Travis liked the idea of his little brother hiding.

  Fuck. Like he had room to talk. He was a damn hypocrite is what he was.

  “How’s it going, Blake?” Travis asked, not wanting to chat, but figuring it was the polite thing to do and much better than letting his own thoughts take over. Since Blake was technically employed by Walker Demolition, he sort of had no choice. Besides, if he didn’t, Ethan would rip him a new asshole as soon as the opportunity arose.

  “It’s goin’,” Blake answered. “What brings you down here?”

  Shit, what was with everyone and their questions? It wasn’t like Travis didn’t hang out at Moonshiners at least once a week, sometimes more. Granted, he’d been avoiding the place for the last few weeks because he’d preferred to brood in privacy.

  “Just checkin’ on the young’n.”

  Zane obviously knew Travis was referring to him, which earned him a one finger salute. Of course, he returned it with a grin.

  “All right, boys,” V said, grinning as all four of them looked her way. “Who’s my next victim?”

  Travis settled in for the duration. No sense in going to the house. It was empty. No one waiting for him there. In fact, the only thing that might possibly greet him were the divorce papers he was avoiding like the plague.

  “I’m in,” Travis barked, downing the rest of his second Scotch before heading for the pool table.


  Gage picked up his cell phone.

  Put it down.

  Picked it up again.


  As he pushed his truck up to eighty, Gage forced himself to keep his eyes on the road, to ignore the inner voice telling him to call Kylie. He was just a few minutes outside of Killeen, and it would be so easy to just veer off at the next exit and head her way. If only he had
a valid reason to show up on her doorstep one more time. Since she hadn’t called him one single time in the two months after he’d walked out of her house with his heart in his throat, he didn’t think it would go over well.

  But Gage wanted to talk to her. Hear her voice. See her smile and listen to the sweet southern cadence of her voice. God, he missed her so much, and he knew he had absolutely no right to. He just couldn’t get his mind off of her. No matter how hard he tried. He didn’t expect to see or hear from Kylie again, but he couldn’t help but wish something would happen that would give him one more opportunity to try and make it up to her. Despite his better judgment, hope still sprang eternal in his fucking chest when it came to her. Hell, if he didn’t know better, he’d think he had actually fallen for the woman.

  But she wasn’t the only person he’d been thinking about. And as much as it pissed him off, Gage wanted to see Travis, to hear his voice and know that the man might harbor some sort of feelings for him, even if it was hatred. Feeling ultimately alone in the world, Gage was more than willing to believe someone was thinking about him, wishing that he was there.

  Only he didn’t believe it.

  Nor did he deserve it.

  He should’ve been worried about facing the music and explaining himself to those who knew him best. The very same people he’d lied to all these years about who he really was. At this point, his secret life had been shattered and he had nothing else to hide from anyone. Not only was Chance Reed officially dead and gone, his separate life as a cop had also been revealed after he apprehended Jake Sanders months ago. And he couldn’t even blame Travis for that one. If he had to make the choice all over again, although he hadn’t been given much of one at the time, he’d have stepped in to ensure Zane was protected the same as he had before. Only this time, he wouldn’t need Travis to threaten him with bodily harm.

  Fucking asshole.

  Taking the ramp that would take him from I-35 just outside of Austin to Coyote Ridge, Gage turned his truck toward home. Pressing his foot on the gas, he pushed the truck up to eighty five, just a few miles over the speed limit on the toll road that would lead him right where it all started. Part of him was anxious to get back, to take some time to think and maybe decide what he wanted to do next.


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