Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel

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Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel Page 25

by Edwards, Nicole

  And he was also making a mental note to request that she go without a bra. Always. Ok, no, not always. He wasn’t that barbaric. But definitely when he was around.

  Gage fell into step behind Kylie, his shoulders slumped forward as he went and the sight of him made Travis’ good mood fumble a little. It was clear Gage didn’t want to be here, but Travis knew it was better than the alternative. Although watching Kylie’s sweet ass in those jean shorts was giving him some other ideas on how to get Gage’s mind off of the disaster he’d endured tonight.

  Travis forced himself to follow, and when they stepped inside the dimly lit bar, he was glad to see the inside resembled the outside. Except for a few guys in the back shooting pool, a couple of regulars sitting at the bar and a couple of women sitting in a booth near the front, they were practically alone.

  With his hand on the small of her back, Travis led Kylie toward one of the booths in the far corner which would offer them a little privacy. As soon as she was seated, Travis moved in beside her, leaving her very little space between him and the wall and if he wasn’t mistaken, she was smiling. For some reason, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her, so he slid one arm around behind her, propping his elbow above her head, and ensuring he was close enough to feel her arm against his side.

  When she smiled up at him, he almost forgot where they were. The spell was broken when the waitress made her way over.

  “What’ll you boys have?” she asked, smiling sweetly at Travis and then over at Gage.

  Travis glanced at Kylie, waiting for her to respond.

  “I’ll take a Corona with lime, thanks.”

  Travis then looked up at Gage.

  Gage didn’t say anything, just tipped his head as though he were agreeing with what Kylie was ordering.

  Travis then ordered a scotch on the rocks before dismissing the woman without another glance. It wasn’t like he wasn’t used to the way women flocked to him and his brothers, or their friends, but it irked the shit out of him right then. Ellie had ignored Kylie, and he had half a mind to have a chat with her about respect. Then again, that would require him to initiate conversation, and he knew how well that would go over. This particular woman would take it as an invitation.

  Not that he was one to be preaching about respect. He wasn’t known for his glowing personality in these parts. In fact, most women just looked him over and then went about their business because they knew Travis wasn’t interested. Not since he was a teenager, had he indulged in a woman from their home town. After learning how fast those rumors flew, he’d decided to take his needs elsewhere, and it’d worked for him for the most part. Unlike his brothers, he didn’t have scorned women chasing him around like he owed them something.

  Or men, thinking of Ethan.

  “When is the resort supposed to open?” Kylie asked, sounding as though none of the events of the night had occurred and they were all just old friends here to talk.

  Forgetting what he’d witnessed between his brother Ethan and the mechanic while they were in Vegas, Travis turned his attention to her. And then he smiled. There was a reason he loved this woman. Shit that almost sounded like present tense. What was worse, realizing it didn’t make Travis’ smile disappear.

  “My goal is early next year,” he said after clearing his throat. Where the hell was the waitress? “At the rate we’re going, I’d say we’re right on the money. Maybe a little earlier if we’re lucky.”

  “Are your brothers going to –”

  “Here you go, sweetie,” the waitress cooed as she set the beers on the table in front of Gage and then putting the scotch close enough to Travis that she leaned over and shoved her tits right in his face. In an extremely catty move, she didn’t bothering to push Kylie’s beer toward her. “Anything –”

  “We’ll let you know,” Travis barked, cutting her off before she could say “else”. She’d rudely cut Kylie off midsentence, and it would’ve been one thing if it was an accident, but Travis could tell by the smirk on her lips that wasn’t the case.

  Travis retrieved Kylie’s beer and handed it to her at the same time she thanked the waitress politely, a knowing glint in her eyes.

  Then, as though they hadn’t been interrupted, she picked up where she left off. “So, let’s try this one more time. Are your brothers going to work at the resort also?”

  “That’s the plan. At least a couple of them anyway. Right now, just Kaleb, Sawyer and Zane are on board, each of them taking on certain duties.”

  The tension at the table intensified as Kylie seemed to search for something else to ask. Glancing over at Gage, Travis frowned. The man had his hands wrapped around his beer bottle, using his thumbnail to pick at one corner of the label. It was obvious he would rather be anywhere but there.

  The uncomfortable silence was interrupted when the front doors of the bar opened and the need to find something to talk about drifted right out with some of the cool air. Sawyer was standing in the door, grinning from ear to ear like he owned the place. By his stance, it appeared he was waiting for a roaring welcome. He didn’t appear to be fazed when none came.

  It didn’t take him long to notice the three of them sitting in the back, and from that moment on, he seemed to be on a mission.

  “Ellie, darlin’ you got an extra beer over there for me?”

  Travis rolled his eyes as his younger brother flirted with the waitress while sauntering across the room as though all eyes were on him. And they probably were. Sawyer was an attention whore, always had been, and clearly he was in one of his moods tonight.

  For the first time in a long time, Travis welcomed Sawyer’s irritatingly cheerful attitude. Anything if he could get the shadows to disappear from Gage’s eyes.

  “What’s up, bro?” Sawyer asked, sliding into the other side of the booth with Gage as though he were invited. It didn’t even bother him that Gage had to move over for him to do so.

  Travis raised an eyebrow.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Sawyer greeted Kylie as though they were long lost lovers. “Glad to see these boys came to their senses.”

  “Why’s that?” Kylie asked, clearly confused.

  “Well, considering their noses are intact, it’s safe to assume they haven’t beat the hell outta one another and I’m guessin’ you’re the reason,” Sawyer said with a huge grin, his straight white teeth gleaming.

  The waitress chose that moment to walk up to the table, another Corona with lime in her hand and a grin as broad as Texas plastered on her face.

  Hmm, Sawyer and Kylie had something in common. Great.

  “Thanks, baby. Come check on us in a bit, would ya?”

  How Sawyer dismissed her and still sounded as though he were anxious to see her again was beyond him. Travis never did understand his brother, but the one thing he knew for a fact, the man was good with the ladies.

  “Hey, bro, sorry to hear about your house,” Sawyer said, filling the silence as he spoke to Gage.

  A nod was all he got in return.

  “Guess now you’ll be movin’ into your grandma’s place, huh? You line up someone to reno it for ya yet?”

  How the hell did Sawyer know what was going on with Gage when Travis hadn’t been able to get a bead on where the man was for the longest time?

  “I’m working on it,” Gage said, his eyes landing on Kylie.

  “Ahhh, that’s right. You’re the little darlin’ who’s supposed to be handlin’ that for him, aren’t ya?”

  Travis groaned. Sawyer was laying it on thick tonight, his Texas drawl coming out in spades. And he was flirting like the devil he was.

  As though Sawyer didn’t expect any answers to his questions, he continued to talk while the three of them sat there staring at him. “So, I’ve been thinkin’ about names for the club.”

  “That right?” Travis had been on Sawyer for months to come up with a name for the club that he’d be running at Alluring Indulgence. Up till now, he’d been met with shrugs and noncommittal comments from both
him and Zane where his request was concerned.

  “Yup,” he said as he tipped his beer to his lips. “What do y’all think about Debauchery? Or maybe Hedonism?”

  Gage nearly choked on his beer, and Travis groaned out loud, the smile he was trying to fight winning.

  “Are you serious?” Travis asked.

  “No? Don’t like those? What about Depravity? Or Carnality? How ‘bout Lechery?”

  Kylie joined in the laughter and Travis found he loved the sound. He met Gage’s eyes from across the table and in that moment, something transpired between them. No matter what they wanted from one another, it was clear, they wanted her. And there was no way in hell this was at all casual.

  “Have you been sleeping with a fucking thesaurus?” Travis finally asked, turning his attention back to his brother.

  Sawyer’s mouth tipped up in a sly grin as he brought the lip of his beer bottle to his mouth, then winked at Kylie. Travis’ body went rigid, a possessiveness that he’d never known taking hold of his muscles and not letting go.

  “What about Crave?” Kylie asked, glancing between Travis and Sawyer. All three of them stared back at her for long seconds before she spoke again. “What? Based on what you showed me today, I think it would be fitting.”

  Travis grinned even wider. He liked the fact that she had given this some thought.

  “And maybe Covet for the other one?”

  Sawyer was staring at Kylie like she had a third breast. On her forehead. “How’d you do that?”

  Travis watched in silent fascination. It would seem that Sawyer was speechless, which was damn near impossible. Travis wasn’t sure the boy had stopped talking ever since he said his first word at the age of two.

  “Well, as much as I like the names you came up with, I’m thinking there might be some unsavory characters checking you guys out. So, unless that’s what you’re going for…” Kylie let her sentence hang as she smiled brightly.

  “How unsavory?” Sawyer asked, another wink to go along with it.

  Travis growled. Literally growled.

  “Chill, bro. S’all good.” Sawyer downed half his beer before turning his attention back to Kylie. “No, seriously. I’ve been thinkin’ about names for months and hadn’t come up with a single one. I like your ideas,” he assured her, glancing back to Travis. “I think we’ve got names.”

  “Don’t you think you oughta talk to Zane first?”

  “Hell, no. He’s stumped too and was trying to push that off on me anyway.” Sawyer looked back at Kylie. “Covet and Crave. It’s fantastic.”

  Travis let his arm slip around Kylie’s shoulders, pulling her against him and placing a kiss against the top of her head. He hadn’t even realized what he did until it was too late. Gage, Kylie and Sawyer were all three staring at him like he’d just announced that he was running for president or some bullshit.

  Kylie’s warm hand landed on his thigh beneath the table, and he sucked in a breath, her reassurance doing wonders for his temper. “Quit fucking staring at me,” he barked at Sawyer.

  “Sorry, bro, it’s just –” Before Sawyer could complete his sentence, he stiffened, his head turning to watch a woman as she passed.

  Travis glanced behind him briefly, noticing how the familiar blonde strutted by their table without stopping.

  Kennedy Endsley.

  “Ain’t that your woman?” Gage asked, the first words he’d said since they walked in the place aside from answering one of Sawyer’s questions.

  “Fuck you, Matthews,” Sawyer muttered. “If you’ll excuse me.” With that, Sawyer got up and left the three of them alone.

  Crisis averted.

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  Two beers later and Kylie was ready to call it a night. Sawyer’s presence had at least summoned somewhat of a smile from Gage, but as soon as he disappeared so did any sort of emotion on Gage’s face. Kylie couldn’t imagine it was easy for him right now. And yes, being in the dark, dusty bar was a temporary escape from reality, but it wasn’t enough to keep his troubles from bearing down on him.

  But she couldn’t leave. She had a little dilemma.

  No wheels.

  Since Travis had picked her up that morning – wow, had it only been that morning? Well, because he picked her up, she didn’t have a way to get home unless she were to ask one of them. And that wouldn’t be so difficult if she wanted to go home.

  Kylie’s cell phone vibrated in her pocket, and she jumped.

  “Vibrator in your pocket?” Travis smirked, leaning in close.

  For the last half hour, he’d been sitting even closer than he had when they arrived, and at some point, she’d gotten downright comfortable leaning against him. Although the conversation revolved around her questions about the resort and Travis’ short answers, she’d still been content to be there.

  But now, she just wanted to get Gage somewhere and try to take his mind off of the fact that his house burned to the ground tonight. She knew he didn’t want to talk about it, and she didn’t blame him. Before long, reality would set in, and he’d have no choice but to deal with the aftermath. Until then, it was easier to procrastinate.

  Been there. Done that.

  Pulling out her phone, Kylie saw she had a text.

  “Oh my God! My sister.”

  “What’s wrong?” Travis asked, turning in his seat, worry etched on his too handsome face.

  “Nothing. I just can’t believe I totally forgot about her.” A delirious laugh escaped, and Kylie rubbed her eyes. Yep, she was tired.

  She typed a quick text back, letting Jessie know she’d be home soon and then set her phone on the table beside her empty beer bottle.

  Not even a minute later, the phone did a little dance on the table, and she grabbed it.

  I’m out tonight. See you in the morning.

  Her fingers flew over the keys as she typed a response.

  What do u mean? Where r u?

  The response came quicker this time:

  Don’t worry about me. All’s good sis. Get some sleep.

  “Ugghh!” Kylie let her phone drop on the table.

  “What’s up?” Travis pulled his arm from around her.

  “Jess is out tonight. Said she won’t be back until tomorrow.”

  “Well, that’s good news,” Travis grinned. Kylie was tempted to look down and see if her panties went “poof” right off her body. That was a devious smile, and there was no mistaking what he was getting at.

  “You ready?” Travis whispered against her ear, sending a chill racing down her spine. Ready for what, she wondered. Instead of asking, she nodded her head in agreement.

  When Travis moved to get out of the booth, Gage followed suit and then they both waited for her to stand. Once she was on her feet, they flanked her as though she were something they wanted to protect. A foreign sensation twitched in her chest, something she hadn’t felt in far too many years.

  “Leaving already?” A familiar, saccharine sweet voice called out from behind them as they walked toward the door, and when Gage stopped, so did Kylie and Travis.

  Turning, she noticed the pretty dark haired waitress coming their way. The same one who had shunned Kylie the entire night, but went out of her way to ensure Travis and Gage were aware of the crater between her boobs. What she had going on was so much more than mere cleavage.

  What happened next made Kylie’s stomach turn.

  With a long, perfectly manicured fingernail, the waitress ran the tip of her finger down Gage’s chest as she stared up at him. “I’ll be home all by my lonesome tonight if you feel like stopping by. You remember where the spare key is, don’t you?”

  Oh, please. If it weren’t so gross, the waitress’s come on might’ve been amusing. But the humor never came and a blinding rage built in Kylie’s chest, her hands clenching into fists at her side as she watched the woman blatantly come on to Gage.

  Going completely against her nature, Kylie wasn’t able to hold back t
he words that came flying out of her mouth. “Awww, sweetie. Sorry, but in case you haven’t noticed, he’s got company tonight.” The taller woman stared down at her, one perfectly plucked eyebrow arched, but Kylie refused to back down. In fact, she slid her arm through Gage’s and then Travis’ as she smiled sweetly. “Probably more company than he knows what to do with.”

  She didn’t wait for a reaction from the woman, her anger was taking on shape, and she wanted to get out of there. Fast. Turning, she tugged at Gage and Travis, which was like trying to pull two boulders with fishing line. They didn’t move nearly as fast as she wanted them to.

  Once outside, Kylie realized the rain had stopped, but the air was damp and humid, clogging her lungs and not helping to cool her anger. She tried to pry her arms away from Gage and Travis, now that they didn’t have an audience, but neither man complied with her silent request. They held her tighter, pulling her between them until they reached Gage’s truck.

  She was so mad, she barely registered that they were looming over her rather than opening the doors so they could get in. Her irritation was mostly with herself for being so bitchy, but she couldn’t help herself. She should’ve expected that woman to come on to one or both of them. Hell, they probably had a long list of women waiting for them to sneak in through the back door in the middle of the night.


  Kylie looked up to see both Gage and Travis peering down at her. She suddenly felt as though she were being cornered by two very aggressive, very hungry wolves.

  “What?” Yep, she asked that.

  “I like the possessive side of you,” Travis admitted, his voice deeper than usual as he closed what little distance was left between them. “In fact, I like it so much, I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off of you.”

  That’s when Gage moved in as well, and Kylie was pressed fully against the truck, the door handle digging into the middle of her back, but the discomfort didn’t register because she was too busy trying to keep from spontaneously combusting.


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