Nine Months

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Nine Months Page 10

by Beverly Barton

  Kay had also pointed out that it certainly wouldn’t be a hardship to spend an evening with a handsome and incredibly fascinating guy. Someone even L. J. Montgomery would consider a worthy opponent.

  “If Jared won’t listen to what I have to say, then maybe I will tell him about Martin.” Paige admitted to herself that, if the circumstances of her personal life were different, she might find Martin Smith irresistible. Big, blond and sexy as all get out, he was more than a match for Jared.

  “There’s no time like the present, is there?” Kay’s mischievous smile broadened.

  “You’re right. I’ve put this off long enough.” Despite the queasy unease in her stomach, Paige stood, smiled halfheartedly at Kay and walked toward Jared’s office.

  She swung open the door, marched into his office and stood in front of his desk. She planted her hands on her hips. “We have to talk.”

  “Is something wrong? Are you sick? Are you in pain?” Jared rounded his desk in two seconds flat and grabbed Paige by the shoulders. “Is Angela all right?” He placed one hand on Paige’s tummy.

  “I’m fine. Angela— The baby’s fine.”

  He guided Paige to the leather sofa in his office. “Sit down, honey, and tell me what’s wrong. Whatever it is, I’ll fix it for you.”

  She allowed him to assist her, and when he was seated beside her, she turned to him and laid her hand on his arm. “Thank you, Jared. You’re the only one who can fix things, because you are my problem.”

  Lifting her hand in his, he gazed into her eyes, his face etched with amusement. “I know that I caused your problems, Paige, but I’ve been doing everything I can to convince you that I have the solution to those problems.”

  “Your campaign to convince me has become the problem.” She pulled her hand out of his grasp. “You’re smothering me. You’ve tried to take over my life. You even set up an appointment with Dr. Petrocelli to discuss my pregnancy.”

  “He refused to tell me anything, except that mother and baby are fine,” Jared said. “He sympathized with my predicament, but ethics prevented him from revealing more specific data on you and Angela.”

  “That’s another thing. Stop calling my baby Angela. I haven’t decided what to name her yet.” Glancing down at her tummy, Paige laid a protective hand over her unborn child. “Besides, if we give her a name now…and start calling her by that name…and something happens…It would be easier if she wasn’t already a real person, with a real name and—”

  Jared placed his index finger over Paige’s lips, silencing her. “Our little girl is already very real to me, and I suspect she’s just as real to you.”

  Sitting up straight and squaring her shoulders, Paige looked directly at him. “We’ve gotten sidetracked from what we need to discuss.”

  “Which is?”

  “I want you to cease and desist. Immediately. Today.”

  “Too many roses? Too many little gifts?”

  “Too many and too much. Of everything,” she said. “I’ve accepted the fact that as my child’s father, you have certain rights, but—”

  “That’s good of you.”

  Jared grinned. Paige groaned.

  “I promise to keep you posted on my physical condition, and if I need anything, I’ll let you know. But no more lunches. No more red roses. And no more gifts! And most important…” She paused for effect. “I want you to live your life the way you did before we met, and I’ll live mine.”

  “Exactly what do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, stop hovering over me all the time. Stop sending Greg on business trips you should make. Start dating again.”

  “Start dating again?” Narrowing his eyes, he glowered at her. “Are you planning on dating someone else?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am.”

  “You can’t date someone else. You’re four-and-a-half months pregnant with my baby.”

  “So? I’m not showing. Much. Other men still find me attractive.”

  “I’ll just bet they do. I’ll bet they find you very attractive.” Jared’s nostrils flared, and his jaw tightened. “You are not going to date anyone else. I forbid you.”

  He reached for her as she shot up off the sofa. “You forbid me? You forbid me?”

  When Jared rose to his feet, Paige punched him in the center of his chest with her index finger.

  “You’re mine,” he told her. “And that’s mine.” He pointed toward her tummy.

  “Wrong,” she said. “I do not belong to you. And you may be the father of my baby, but she doesn’t belong to you, either. And for your information, Martin Smith is taking me to dinner at Josephina’s tonight, whether you like it or not.”

  “Martin Smith? Who the hell is Martin Smith? And how did you meet him?”

  “Kay introduced us. He’s—”

  “Hell, he’s not that guy Greg told me about, is he? The mystery man nobody knows anything about?”

  “I know that he’s good-looking, charming and—”

  “The man could be a criminal or an escapee from a mental institution or a bigamist or—”

  “Well, whatever he is, tonight he’s my dinner date.”

  Paige turned to leave, but before she could take a step, Jared grabbed her shoulder and whirled her around to face him.

  “Don’t do this, Paige.”

  “From now on, I’m going to do whatever I want to do. Date whomever I want to date. Live my life on my own terms. I suggest you do the same.”

  * * *

  He wasn’t jealous. He couldn’t be! Jealousy implied a certain lack of self-confidence. The very thought that Lawrence Jared Montgomery lacked self-confidence was ludicrous. And in order to be jealous, he’d have to be afraid of losing something he cared for deeply, even loved. And that wasn’t the case at all. Yes, he liked Paige. And hell yes, he desired her greatly. But love wasn’t a word in his vocabulary. He didn’t know what love was—that all-consuming, romantic passion Paige claimed she prized above everything else. Even if love existed, he doubted he was capable of the emotion, of truly loving a woman, or completely trusting one, for that matter.

  He’d been fond of his parents, as they had been fond of him, but he’d never felt that they loved him. He had been their son, their possession, the heir to the family millions. The only person Jared had ever cared for deeply had been Grandpa Monty. He supposed some people might call what he’d felt for the old man love. But the word hadn’t been one either of them had used.

  No, it wasn’t jealousy that had driven him to take such drastic actions. There was a simpler explanation for why Jared had commandeered a rather reluctant Kay Thompson into accompanying him to dinner tonight at Josephina’s. He was concerned about Paige. That was all there was to it. Plain and simple concern for the well-being of his child’s mother. After all, no one seemed to know anything about Paige’s date, this Martin Smith. The man could be dangerous. It was Jared’s duty to keep an eye on her and make sure she was safe.

  And he had to admit that in a dark corner of his mind, he suspected Paige was using this Martin Smith to manipulate him in some way. He didn’t want to distrust Paige, didn’t want to question her motives. He wanted her to be just what she seemed—an independent, stubborn, honest, young working girl. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the notion that maybe Paige had deliberately trapped him. That she’d known who he was that night in the elevator.

  Kay sipped her chardonnay, then set the flute down on the table. “I think you’re making a big mistake coming here like this. When Paige sees you, she’s going to be furious.”

  Jared swirled the wine around in his glass. “I didn’t ask for your opinion, did I, Ms. Thompson?”

  “No, sir, you didn’t,” Kay said. “All you did was order me to come to dinner with you tonight.”

  Ignoring Kay’s comment, Jared glanced across the room where Paige and Martin Smith were enjoying their meal and obviously enjoying each other’s company even more. Jared didn’t like the way Paige kept smi
ling at her dinner companion, and he hated the way she occasionally laughed at something the guy said. But more than anything, he despised the way the big blond man was looking at Paige, as if she were tonight’s dessert.

  “How naive can Paige be?” Jared slammed his glass down on the table. Wine sloshed over the side of the flute. “Smith is practically drooling all over her. Doesn’t she know what that guy’s after? Or doesn’t she care?” Despite what Paige had told him, Jared really didn’t know how many men there had been in her life before he met her.

  “I assume you think he’s after the same thing you were after the first time you met Paige.” Kay picked up her fork and speared a piece of lettuce from her salad plate. “A woman who looks like Paige has that effect on men, doesn’t she. Well, at least Martin’s buying her dinner first.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that?” Jared glared at Kay. “You don’t actually think Paige would…I mean she wouldn’t… Dammit, she can’t. She’s pregnant.”

  “I didn’t say that Paige is going to do anything. You’re the one who assumes that Martin is out to seduce her…or vice versa.” Kay crunched on the lettuce, then speared a tomato slice. “But if you think being pregnant prevents a woman from having sex, then it’s obvious you don’t know the first thing about pregnancy. There usually aren’t any restrictions on sexual activity until the last few weeks. Besides, I understand that some women get very horny while they’re pregnant.”

  Raging anger suffused Jared, heating his body. “Dammit all!” If Paige was going to have sex with anyone while she was pregnant, she’d have it with him. Not some muscle-bound blonde. “Why did you introduce her to him anyway?”

  “I thought they’d make a nice-looking couple,” Kay said. “And since Paige has made it perfectly clear that she isn’t going to marry you, I thought—”

  “You’re damn lucky I don’t fire you!”

  “You can’t fire me. I’m an essential member of your organization.” Kay twirled an onion curl around on her fork. “Besides, I’m simply telling you the truth. It’s not my fault if you don’t like to hear it. Sooner or later, Paige is going to meet Mr. Right. He’s going to adore her for the person she is and not want to change her. And then they’re going to fall madly in love and get married.”

  Paige married to someone else? No way. Another man raising his daughter? Never!

  Paige was his. Angela was his. His, by God, and he’d kill any man who tried to take them away from him.

  Ignoring Jared’s heated glare, Paige hoped Martin didn’t notice that someone was staring daggers at him. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised that Jared had followed her to Josephina’s. The man was capable of anything.

  “Is something wrong?” Martin asked. “Is your prime rib—”

  “Oh, no, the prime rib is delicious.” Reaching across the table, she covered his hand with hers. “I’m sorry. I’m afraid I let my mind wander. I was thinking of something unpleasant.”

  “I see.” Martin clasped Paige’s hand. “Was your mind wandering several tables over to the left? And was the unpleasant thing you were thinking about the scowling man sitting with Kay? The man who looks as if he’d like to kill me with his bare hands?”

  “Oh, Martin. I am so very sorry.” Paige squeezed his hand. “I had hoped you wouldn’t notice Jared. He has no right to follow me around and try to intimidate my date.”

  “What’s with him, anyway?” Martin asked. “Are you two involved?”

  “We were,” Paige admitted. “And to be honest, we still are. In a way. He’s asked me to marry him and I’ve said no, but he refuses to take no for an answer.”

  “Ah, a man in love. What’s the problem? You don’t feel the same way about him?”

  “He’s not in love with me. He just wants me.”

  “Well, I can’t say I blame him for wanting you,” Martin said. “But there must be more to it than that. I know a jealous, possessive man when I see one. Your Jared obviously thinks he has a claim on you.”

  “He’s not my Jared. Oh, no, he’s coming over this way.” Paige groaned. “Please, Martin, ignore anything he says or does. And whatever you do, don’t let him goad you into doing something stupid.”

  Leaning forward, Martin brought Paige’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “I won’t strike the first blow, I promise.”

  Pausing beside the table, Jared bestowed his devastating smile on Paige, then, still smiling, he gave Martin a deadly stare before returning his attention to her. She eased her hand out of Martin’s.

  “Hello, Paige. I hope you’re having a pleasant evening,” Jared said.

  “It was very pleasant. Until now,” Paige told him.

  Kay slipped up behind Jared. Looking directly at Paige, she nodded her head and shrugged apologetically.

  “You aren’t drinking wine, are you?” Jared surveyed the table. “You know that in your condition, you aren’t supposed to drink any alcohol.”

  Martin gave Paige a quizzical look. Her face flushed. Kay punched Jared in the ribs.

  “I’m drinking water.” Paige lifted the glass. “Would you care to do a taste test?”

  “Of course not, honey. I trust you.” Jared turned to Martin. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your date?”

  “Sure. Martin Smith—” she extended her open palm toward her date in an introductory manner, then pivoted it toward Jared “—L. J. Montgomery.”

  The two men nodded, each eyeing the other. Jared glared at Martin and Martin glared right back, not giving an inch. Paige sighed.

  “Make sure you don’t keep Paige out too late, Mr. Smith,” Jared said. “Pregnant women need their rest.”

  “Pregnant?” Martin’s gaze jumped from Jared’s self-satisfied smile to Paige’s startled brown eyes.

  Jared patted Paige affectionately on the shoulder. “You know I don’t mind your going out and having a good time, as long as you remember to take good care of my baby.”

  “Baby?” Martin asked. “Paige, is this guy for real? You’re pregnant?”

  Paige nodded affirmatively.

  “With his baby?”

  Flinging her napkin down on top of her dinner plate, Paige shoved back her chair, stood and ran away from the table.

  “Now look what you’ve gone and done,” Kay said.

  “Paige, honey, wait!” Jared called after her as she rushed past the curious customers staring at her.

  Kay grabbed Jared’s arm, halting him before he could chase Paige. “You’ve done enough for one night, Mr. Montgomery. I don’t think Paige is in the mood to listen to anything you have to say.”

  “Maybe I should go after her,” Martin said. “I can take her home and—”

  “If anyone is taking Paige home, I am.” Jared’s harsh glare dared Martin to disagree.

  “Neither of you are taking Paige anywhere,” Kay said. “I’ll make sure she gets home. You—” she pointed an accusatory finger at Jared “—stay away from her tonight.” Kay ran, catching up with Paige just as she walked outside.

  Jared realized that everyone in Josephina’s was staring at Martin Smith and him. He’d made a complete fool of himself in public, but he had accomplished his goal. He had ruined Paige’s date. But at what cost? He had also antagonized her. He wondered if she’d ever forgive him.

  “If you don’t marry that woman, you’re a fool,” Martin said. “It’s plain to see that she’s one in a million.”

  “You don’t have to tell me she’s one in a million. No one knows better than I do how special Paige is.”

  Jared’s declaration startled him. Did he truly believe what he’d said? Was Paige really special to him? Yes, dammit, she was. Somehow that little earthy redhead had gotten under his skin. She’d caught him in a trap from which he didn’t really want to escape.

  Either she was the most naive innocent he’d ever known or the shrewdest, most conniving, calculating female he’d ever met. His gut instincts told him that Paige Summers was exactly what she appeared to be. But his
male ego warned him to be cautious.

  Chapter Six

  No roses had been delivered to her office on Friday nor any gifts sent to her home during the weekend. Jared hadn’t taken her out to lunch on Friday because Jared hadn’t come into the office. He had left a message for Greg Addison, telling his partner that in case of an emergency he could be reached at his Texas ranch.

  Paige had been prepared to confront Jared and rake him over the coals for the idiotic, macho, jealous scene he had created at Josephina’s on Thursday night. But with his conspicuous absence, he had given her time to cool off and to wonder just what he was up to now. Kay thought he might have gone away to regroup, to reorganize his strategy, since his first plan of action had failed so miserably.

  Paige didn’t care why he’d chosen to fly off to Texas, she was just glad that he had. She’d never been as angry with anyone as she’d been with Jared. If for one minute she thought that his foolish actions had been prompted by love, she could forgive him his jealousy. But the only thing that had prompted Jared was a fear that he might lose something he considered his personal possession. He didn’t love her; he wanted to own her. He thought that she and their baby belonged to him.

  Kay laid two sandwiches, a couple of bananas and a carton of milk on the table in the employees’ lounge. “No sign of the boss man again today. It could be he’s too ashamed to show his face after his performance at Josephina’s. People here in Grand Springs will be discussing that little fiasco for weeks to come.”

  “I doubt he’s ashamed of what he did,” Paige said. “He accomplished what he set out to do. Embarrass me in front of Martin, ruin my date and warn off anyone else who might show an interest in me. All Jared cares about is getting his own way, and he doesn’t care who he hurts.”


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