BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories) Page 3

by Raeden West

  Niq let out a low growl that sounded more like it came from his belly than his throat. Alissa gave his cock a gentle squeeze and Niq tried to focus on her body. He placed one finger at her opening and began rubbing her clit with the other hand circling her opening with the finger he had placed there.

  Alissa bowed her back in pleasure as he began pushing his finger inside of her. He felt cum dripping down his cock and it was caught by Alissa as she used it to lubricate his shaft allowing her to move her hand up and down it faster, keeping pace with him pounding his finger into her pussy.

  Niq knew that she was ready to cum, but he was not going to allow that just yet. He pulled his finger away from her clit and slid it up her stomach, grabbing her breast as he teased her nipple. He slid his other finger into her pussy a few more times enjoying how she reacted to his touch before he took both hands away from her body and removed her hand from his cock.

  He wrapped his hand around his cock and gave it a few quick jerks, allowing Alissa to watch before he placed himself back between her thighs. She thought that he was done, that he was just going to stop as he did earlier, but when she felt the tip of his cock pressing against her opening she knew she was wrong.

  Niq took his time as he slid into her knowing that he could easily hurt her, but doing his best to avoid causing her any pain. He could see the discomfort on her face as he inched inside of her and bent down whispering into her ear, “Relax, it will take a while for your body to get used to it.”

  After several minutes he was completely inside of her and as bad as he wanted to pound into her he knew she needed time to adjust to his size. He began gently sliding out, taking his time, then pushed himself back inside of her a bit more quickly. He continued until she began matching his thrusts with her hips. He reached down and began rubbing her clit quickly and hard. He was going to make her cum around his cock and he needed her to do it quickly because he was ready to cum himself.

  Alissa bucked and began to moan. Niq could feel her pussy clenching against his cock and he allowed himself to completely relax and poured his cum into her. As he did, he let out a roar like Alissa had never heard before, almost causing her heart to stop. She could see the animal inside of him coming out, but Niq quickly took control. He bent down and gently kissed Alissa as he slid his softening cock out of her body.

  Niq sat on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Alissa was not ready to move yet, she just lay on the ground looking at Niq.

  “I guess I don’t have to worry about dragons ever again,” she giggled.

  “Only this dragon,” Niq said, bending down and flicking her nipple with his tongue. He wanted to take her again and again, but knew her body would not be able to handle it. He reminded himself that there would be other nights. He was not letting her get away from him this time.

  “Get dressed and I will drive us to a hotel,” Niq said gently.

  “But you don’t sleep,” Alissa said with a confused look.

  “But you do,” Niq answered. “If I am going to try and understand you, I guess I am going to have to get used to your human activities, aren’t I?”

  He was smiling and that was what mattered to Alissa. If the other hunters ever found out what Niq was they would kill him and probably Alissa as well, but she was not going to let that happen. That life was behind her and her new happy life was the only thing she wanted to focus on.

  She slowly sat up and began getting dressed. As she picked up her pants her cell phone fell out. Alissa picked it up and saw that there was a text from the hunter she had called earlier. All it said was It’s dead. That was all she needed to know. She finished dressing and took Niq’s hand. They headed back to her car and he helped her inside.

  It was not long before they were pulling into a hotel parking lot. Niq asked for the best room they had and handed Alissa the key. They walked to the elevator with their arms around each other. Once they were on and the doors closed behind them it took everything the both of them had to keep their hands off of each other. Niq was squeezing Alissa’s rear and her breasts. She had her hand on the front of his pants sliding up and down his shaft.

  The ride was much too short as far as Alissa was concerned and they quickly made their way to their room. Niq knew that Alissa needed to sleep, but he wanted her one more time before she went to bed. He wanted her more than he had the first time.

  He quickly removed Alissa’s clothes and his. Alissa stood completely naked in front of him, staring at his cock. To her it was beyond beautiful and she wanted to do everything she could to please him. As she reached out to take it into her hands Niq stopped her. He reached down and picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom of the hotel room. This time, for the first time in his life, he was going to make love to a woman. This time it was not about lust and desire, but sharing his feelings with her.

  Soon after he had finished Alissa fell asleep. He lay beside her watching her chest move up and down her beautiful pink nipple peaking out of the sheet begging to be sucked. He wondered what lay ahead for the two of them, if she was really willing to give up hunting and if he would be able to control the beast that was within him. All he could do was try and hope for the best. Both of their lives were changing and Niq hoped it was for the best.

  He knew his clan would have issues with him being with her, but he was the Alpha, they would do as he said and if they did not like it they could fend for themselves.

  Niq watched as Alissa smiled in her sleep as if she were reading his thoughts. He smiled down at her and placed a kiss on her forehead. He was ready for the changes that were coming for the both of them.

  Alissa slept peacefully, knowing that Niq would never cause her harm and she dreamed of a life where she did not hunt monsters. She had done a lot of thinking on the way to the hotel and decided that if a hunter really needed her help to save a life she would go but her days of searching for monsters to hunt were long behind her. She hoped that Niq would understand if she needed to go but she would face that if and when the tie came. Happiness was what her future would hold and she was determined to make sure of that.


  Please enjoy this free collection as a gift for reading!

  Claimed by the Shifters

  An Alien Shifter Romance Collection

  By: Midnight Moon Publishing

  Mated by my Alien Prince

  Spring was coming and Maggie knew what that meant. Each year on the first day of spring all of the adults over the age of eighteen had to take part in the lottery. This was Maggie’s first year and although she knew her chances of getting chosen were slim she was still nervous.

  Maggie was a beautiful young woman, not the type that would fair well if she ‘won’ the lottery. She stood just a bit over five feet tall and had long blonde hair that had soft curls. She had dark brown eyes and an olive complexion. She stood out among other blondes because of her complexion, but she was grateful that she did not have the same fair skin as others.

  Maggie was also a very curvy young lady with plump breasts and large round hips. Several of her friends had what was known as the ‘thigh gap’ but Maggie knew she would never be one of them. When she walked her thighs touched, her breasts jiggled, her butt moved and she loved the way her body looked. No, it was not what mainstream media would call beautiful, but it was what she called beautiful.

  She had never known anyone who had been chosen for the lottery. The fact was that she had only heard about it recently. It was kept a secret from the kids as long as it was possible. Of course, those children who had parents that were chosen knew about it to an extent but the rest of the children had no idea what was going on.

  Maggie had been told that those who were chosen had to leave and go with the Watchers. The Watchers had come to Earth years ago, before Maggie was ever born. They were the ones who made all of the choices. Maggie had heard about a time when people ruled themselves and she had trouble believing that there was life before the Watchers. They provided everythin
g for the people of Earth. They even had the ability to stop the rain if the humans were not behaving properly.

  No one really knew what it was like with the Watchers, but it was said that when you joined them, you would be nothing more than a slave to them if you were lucky. Others, those who were not so lucky were used for breeding. The Watchers were trying to integrate their genes into the human race and create a super being.

  The Watchers here extremely intelligent and had taught humans, many amazing things from technology to healing. In return for all of this the humans had to provide one person from each community each year to give to the Watchers. Those that ended up being slaves for the Watchers did not have a long life. They were transported to the Watchers planet which was much like Earth and were forced to work in fields, become carpenters, and take care of the Watchers every need.

  The Watchers were not known for their mild temper which meant that if they were upset they had no problem ridding themselves of their human slaves. They knew that there would be more the following year and would not put up with anything less than perfection.

  One thing that the Watchers had no patience for was the weakness of humans. They knew humans were flawed and their minds were small but they did not think that it was an excuse for them to not live up to the Watchers expectations.

  The breeders had a much different life than the workers. They were kept in sterile containment away from the other humans. This was to ensure that they were not impregnated by a human and to document all of the progress with each fetus.

  To date, there had been no successful birth, but the Watchers were working hard to ensure that this year would be different from the others. If you were chosen as a breeder you knew that you were probably being sentenced to death. There had been many abnormalities in each of the pregnancies from babies growing at twice the normal rate to them taking all of the nutrients from the host and killing them within a few months from conception.

  Maggie knew that if she did ‘win’ the lottery she would be one of the breeders. They always chose the healthiest looking females, those with large hips and breasts. The Watchers knew what it took for a human to carry a baby and although Maggie knew that it would change the world if she were able to carry a Watcher baby she also knew the chances of survival were small.

  The day of the lottery soon came and as it was tradition Maggie woke up early and began to prepare herself. She wore her best clothes and made sure that she looked beautiful. If a human was chosen and was decided to be unwanted by the Watchers they were disposed of and another human chosen to take their place. Maggie was unsure of what disposed of meant, but she knew that she did not want that to happen to her.

  There had been announcements recently telling all of the humans how far the Watchers had come with their breeding techniques and it that this year the Prince Watcher would choose one breeder to carry his offspring. They were sure this year would be a success.

  Maggie wondered what the Watchers looked like. She knew that they were able to shift their form into human form and that no one on Earth had ever seen them in their natural form. She wondered if they allowed the humans that were taken to their planet to see their natural form or not.

  As Maggie prepared for the lottery, she tried to put the thoughts of the Watchers out of her head. She was sure that her day would end just like any other after all, so few people were actually chosen on their first year. Each year, each community gathered and had a huge celebration. There was food, games, socializing and lots of fun. Maggie assumed it was their way of trying to forget about what was coming for the ones who were chosen and it was a way to celebrate the Watchers.

  Everyone was grateful for the Watchers and many people hoped to be chosen. It was seen as a privilege by many. When they had first appeared the people of Earth were going through the worst time they had in history. Governments were failing, there was no more money, people were starving and war was rampant. It was the Watchers that brought peace and order back to the Earth.

  Maggie had not known the world before the Watchers, but had heard the stories over and over. It was her grandfather that had lived during that time and his dying wish was that at least one member of his family would have the privilege to serve the Watchers.

  Maggie shook her head as she thought about her grandfather and his wishes. It seemed so odd to her that he would wish that fate on someone he loved, but she knew it was something she would never really understand. She had not lived in “The Time Of Trouble” and therefore was not as grateful for the Watchers as her grandfather had been.

  Soon Maggie was ready, she grabbed the desserts she had prepared for the festivities and headed out of her front door. For the first time in her life she was not looking forward to the gathering. As a child it had been a day of fun and pleasure, but now at the age of eighteen it brought nothing but fear.

  Maggie tried to enjoy her day, but as the hour approached for the lottery to be played fear began to envelope her. She could see the fear in the eyes of each adult and it only made her feel worse. She felt especially sorry for those who already had children and she was grateful that she did not have any.

  Each adult had to take part in the lottery up to the age of forty-five when the Watchers allowed the person to remove their name from the list of participants if they so desired. Maggie could not wait until she reached that age… If she reached that age.

  Maggie heard the sounding of the bells which signified that all of the adults should gather in the center of the park. The children continued with their games, playing and enjoying the food that had been provided while the adults gathered for the drawing.

  In order to be fair, each person had been given a stone with a number on it. Their name had been assigned to that number and would be until they were able to withdraw from the lottery or until they were chosen. It was their job to take care of the stone and bring it with them each year.

  As everyone lined up Maggie rubbed her stone. It was smooth and the numbers on it were coated in pure gold. She remembered a story that her parents had told her about how at one time people used gold to pay for the things they needed. She smiled as she thought about a time when people used a silly rock to buy the things they needed. Gold had no value any longer. It was abundant on the Watchers planet and now everyone had everything they needed provided by the Watchers and they were assigned jobs.

  “Welcome to the Choosing,” a man stated as he stood on the stage in front of Maggie. “I hope you have enjoyed the festivities of the day and that you continue to do so. As you know, each year we choose one of our own to become servants to our providers, the Watchers.”

  The crowd began to cheer and Maggie looked down at the ground. She prayed that she could go home safe that night, but something inside was telling her otherwise.

  “This year our lucky winner is number 5842,” the announcer said.

  Maggie looked down at her rock and froze. The gold glistened back at her and her breath caught in her throat.

  “Number 5842 please make your way to the stage,” the announcer asked as everyone looked around.

  Maggie tried to take a step forward, but she could not move. The world spun around her and suddenly everything went black. The next thing that she knew was that she was on stage and everyone around her was cheering. She was being held up by a few of the men in the community and everything was blurred. She could only make out shapes and no details.

  “Number 5842,” the announcer said above the cheering crowd, “congratulations.”

  Maggie was taken to the back of the stage and sat in a chair. One of the men gave her a glass of water and she could hear the announcer telling everyone to enjoy the rest of their day. As Maggie took a drink of her water, she looked around and realized she was no longer sitting behind the stage, but in a metallic looking room sitting on a hard metal chair. There were others in the room and as her vision began to return to normal she could tell that some looked as confused as she did while others looked happier than they had eve
r been.

  Maggie felt as if she were in a dream and did her best to focus on what was really going on. It was difficult for her to understand that she was no longer on Earth that all of this really was real. A man walked into the room and Maggie could tell that he was a Watcher by the color of his eyes. Unlike humans, Watchers eyes were completely white. They had to iris and no pupil.

  He walked around the room looking at all the women and telling several to stand. When he got to Maggie he told her to stand and she did as she was told. Once he had looked at all of the women he told them to follow him. No one dared to argue or ask any questions. They all simply fell into line and followed the Watcher.

  Each of them was led to a separate room that contained nothing more than a table. The Watcher left Maggie in the room she had been led to and she began to look around. The room was cold, it was made of mostly metal as was the table. It was dimly lit and made her feel as if she were in a cage.

  Maggie passed around the room not sure what she should do, but it was not long before the same Watcher opened the door again. “Remove your clothes,” he said flatly, staring at Maggie. She knew that she had no choice and did as she was told. Once all of her clothes had been removed, she placed them on the table only to be surprised by the Watcher picking them up and leaving the room once again.

  Maggie shivered as the cold air kissed her skin. She wanted to be home, she wanted more than anything to feel the sunshine. She wanted to wake up from this terrible nightmare. Tears began to roll down Maggie’s cheeks, but she did not have time to focus on the way she was feeling.

  A small door slid open on the side of the wall and as Maggie peered in she realized what she was looking at. Crawling into the room through the small door was what appeared to be some type of huge spider.


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