The Mistress of Hanover Square

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The Mistress of Hanover Square Page 11

by Anne Herries

  ‘Is she another of your lame ducks, Amelia?’ Susannah laughed teasingly.

  ‘Marguerite’s situation is more difficult. Her parents are not poor. Indeed, they have money enough to give her a Season in town if they wish—but they refuse to allow it. Marguerite never goes into company without her mama. She is kept very strictly at home.’

  ‘That is such a shame. Poor girl! What has she done to deserve such a fate?’

  ‘She is hardly a girl. I believe we are of a similar age. She may be a year or so older. Marguerite has done nothing to merit her fate, which is why I feel for her so strongly. Her parents blame her for something that happened to her sister and that is unfair.’

  ‘You must ask her to stay with you,’ Susannah said. ‘Perhaps you could find her a husband. After all, she is old enough to marry without permission, is she not?’

  ‘Yes, but her father is a bully. I think she is afraid of him. However, I do have something in mind, though I am not sure she would wish to accept. I did invite her to stay with me in Bath, but her father would not allow it at that time.’

  ‘That is so unfair, especially if she has done nothing wrong,’ Susannah said and hugged her again. ‘She is lucky to have you as a friend, Amelia. I am sure you will do something to help her if you can.’

  ‘I have written to Marguerite with my suggestion. I wrote as soon as I knew Lisa would need a new nanny. Marguerite’s parents will not allow her to have a Season in London or Bath, but they may allow her to stay with me in the country to help to care for a motherless child. If Lisa were in her care, I should feel that we could safely leave her sometimes.’

  ‘And you entertain a great deal so she would have company and make friends.’ Susannah clapped her hands. ‘How clever you are, Amelia! It is exactly the thing. I do not see how her parents could object to such a suggestion for their daughter.’

  ‘Well, we shall see. Marguerite may not like the idea of becoming a child’s nanny—but she will live as one of the family and have the opportunity to meet all my friends. In time she might meet someone suitable that she might marry.’

  ‘I do hope it all works out for her,’ Susannah said. ‘And now you really must go, because I can see Gerard in the hall and he looks impatient.’

  ‘Farewell for now, dearest Susannah. I shall write to you and you will join us at Coleridge within the week.’

  Amelia parted from her friend and went into the hall where Gerard was in close conversation with Harry. He turned as soon as she came up to him, looking relieved.

  ‘We must go, Amelia. I am sorry to hurry you, but I wish to reach Coleridge before dark. We shall change the horses, but we shall not stop for refreshments. Harry’s chef has put up a picnic for us and we may eat on the road.’

  ‘Yes, of course. I understand perfectly.’ Amelia glanced at Harry. ‘You will not forget what I asked of you, sir?’

  ‘The matter is already in hand. I have the details and my agent will deal with it as a matter of urgency.’

  ‘Thank you. I am in your debt.’

  Harry bowed over her hand. ‘No, no, Amelia. You brought Susannah to me. I shall forever be in your debt.’

  Amelia shook her head and smiled as she followed Gerard outside. He looked at her oddly.

  ‘What was that about, Amelia? If you need the services of an agent, I could have arranged it for you.’

  ‘I know and I would have asked, but you have enough worries as it is—and it is a matter for someone else, Gerard. It is not personal and need not concern you.’

  ‘Very well,’ he said but there was a jut to his chin, as if it had not pleased him that she had asked Harry to execute her commission.

  Amelia was prevented from saying more because Emily was standing by the carriage. She could not tell Gerard that she had asked Harry to see if he could find Emily’s daughter at that moment. Besides, though she had been forced to confide the details to Harry, she had done so in confidence and would not speak of it more than she need, even to Gerard.

  He looked a little serious as he handed both ladies into the carriage. Amelia wondered if she had offended him and regretted it. She did not wish anything to overshadow their wedding. Gerard’s careless words had given her a restless night, but eventually she had told herself that she was being foolish. Gerard cared for her safety, which meant she was important to him. It was foolish to wish for the romantic love of their youth. Had she not already decided that a marriage of convenience would do very well?

  She was impatient for their wedding so that they could begin their new life together. This threat hanging over them was unpleasant, but she had perfect faith in Gerard and his ability to protect her. She could not help feeling relieved that he no longer believed her brother had been trying to murder her. Michael would not be pleased when she wrote to him to tell him that she intended to marry the man he had expressly forbidden her to wed. She frowned as she wondered just why her brother was so much against the marriage. He had gone to great lengths to prevent it when she was younger, but Gerard had inherited an estate he had not expected to inherit. He was not as wealthy as Harry Pendleton or Max Coleridge, but he was certainly not a pauper and his estate was free of encumbrances. It was unreasonable for Michael to be so against the marriage now.

  Amelia turned to her companion as they settled in their seats. Gerard had chosen to ride behind the carriage for the first part of the journey and the ladies were alone, Amelia’s maids following in the second coach with Lisa’s nurse and the child.

  ‘Nurse insisted that Lisa ride with them for a while, but I think when we stop I shall tell her to come in with us—you will not mind that, Emily?’

  ‘Of course not. She is a delightful child, intelligent, and seems older than her years, though she is almost five now…’ The shadows were in Emily’s eyes, though she was no longer weepy and was clearly making an effort to be cheerful.

  ‘Are you sure you wish to come to Coleridge? If you would prefer to go to Bath until I am settled at Ravenshead, I would understand.’

  ‘Of course I wish to come. I am looking forward to seeing Helene.’

  ‘You know that Toby Sinclair may be there for the ball?’

  ‘We are bound to meet in company,’ Emily said. She lifted her head; her face was proud though her mouth trembled a little. ‘I have accepted that he has rejected me. I am in control of my feelings now, Amelia. I shall not break down again.’

  Amelia reached for her hand and squeezed it. It was Emily’s hurt that had prompted her to have a search made for her child. If she could arrange for Emily to visit her little girl now and then, it would be something.

  ‘I think you have behaved with dignity, my love. It is natural that you should weep for your lost hopes. I must tell you that Mr Sinclair is not the man I thought him.’

  ‘I cannot blame him. I should have told him the truth when I first knew he was becoming interested. It was my own fault for allowing him to think me something I am not.’

  ‘You must not think of yourself as a fallen woman, Emily. The fault was not yours.’ Amelia saw that her companion was unconvinced. ‘I told you of my friend Lucinda, did I not?’ Emily nodded. ‘Lucinda took her life because she was too ashamed to have her baby. You were braver. I am proud of you, my love. ’ She touched her hand. ‘Now, I have a request to make of you…’

  ‘Anything. You know I am always happy to oblige you,Amelia.’

  ‘Lucinda had a sister. She was a year older than Lucinda and not as pretty. When Lucinda took her life and her parents understood that she had been seduced, they became much stricter with Marguerite. They refused to let her go to dances or anything where she might be alone with gentlemen. She is taken out only when her mother goes into company with her friends, which is, as you can imagine, a tedious life for a young woman.’

  ‘Poor Marguerite.’ Emily smiled. ‘I can guess what you mean to ask me, Amelia. You are going to invite her to live with us.’

  ‘I have written to her parents and asked if she m
ay be allowed to live at Ravenshead to help carefor Lisa. I am not sure Marguerite will wish to come, but if she does I hope you will make her feel at home with us.’

  ‘Naturally I shall. It is most unfair that she should be denied the pleasures of society just because her sister was seduced…I know just how she feels.’ Emily’s voice quivered with passion. ‘She has been treated most unfairly!’

  ‘Of course you know, dearest,’ Amelia said and smiled at her. ‘I thought you could help Marguerite to find her way in society again. She may find it a little frightening after so many years of being almost a prisoner in her parents’ home.’

  ‘I shall do all I can to help her,’ Emily said and looked thoughtful.

  Amelia felt a warm satisfaction. Emily would find some ease for her own pain in thinking of others—and perhaps soon both of her friends would find happiness.

  In the meantime, she could only hope that their journey would be accomplished peacefully. She could not help but be aware that they were surrounded by grooms, far more than she would normally dream of travelling with—and all of them armed. Gerard and Harry were taking no chances and she could only be grateful for their care of her.

  They stopped briefly to change the horses, and, in the case of the ladies, to relieve themselves in private at a good posting inn. Lisa transferred to the main carriage and was as good as gold, perhaps because Amelia had thought to bring along a book filled with bright pictures. The ladies ate a picnic in the carriage and fortunately did not need to get out again at any point. In consequence, they were able to make good time and it was not yet dark when they arrived at Coleridge.

  Helene came to greet them eagerly, kissing Amelia and then Emily. She looked radiant and very happy, as she told her friends that she was increasing.

  ‘I believe Max thinks it is a little soon, but he is merely concerned for me,’she said as she led the way upstairs. ‘Your rooms are adjacent and there is a connecting door should you wish to use it. I hope you will both be very comfortable with us. I have been looking forward to your visit so much. Did you enjoy yourselves at Pendleton?’

  ‘Susannah made us very welcome, as always,’ Amelia said. ‘I am delighted at your news, my love. I must tell you that I have a little news myself. I am to be married.’

  ‘Amelia! I am so pleased. You must be promised to the Earl of Ravenshead?’

  ‘Yes. Gerard asked me to wed him at Pendleton and I agreed. However, I fear there is someone who does not wish us to marry and has already tried to prevent us.’

  ‘Amelia?’ Helene looked at her in alarm. ‘Are you speaking of your brother?’

  ‘Michael does not wish for it. Indeed, he forbade me—but this is someone else: someone who would prefer to see us dead rather than happy. As yet we are not certain of his identity, though we believe he may use the name of Lieutenant Gordon.’

  ‘How can that be? Who would wish to see you dead?’ Helene looked shocked.

  ‘We are not certain.’ Amelia frowned. ‘I do not wish you to worry, Helene—especially in your condition. If you would prefer that we leave…’

  ‘Certainly not. How could you think it? After all you have done for me, Amelia, I would never close my door to you—and I am sure that Max will wish to help Gerard in whatever way he can.’

  ‘Thank you, dearest.’ Amelia smiled her gratitude. ‘I was sure you would feel that way. We have decided to announce our engagement at the ball.’

  ‘I am so happy for you. I must admit that I thought you might never marry, but now you are to wed the earl and I know you will be content—he is a good man.’ Helene turned to look at Emily. ‘How are you, dearest? I have thought that you might also have some news for me.’

  ‘No, I fear I have not,’ Emily replied, avoiding Helene’s bright gaze. ‘Besides, I should not dream of leaving Amelia while she had need of me.’

  ‘I could not bear to part with you,’ Amelia told her, guessing how much it was costing her to keep her smile in place. Helene would never deliberately hurt Emily and she could have no idea how much her careless remark had wounded her. ‘I expect you will have many guests for the ball, Helene—but I hope you will find room for one more. I mentioned Marguerite to you in my last letter, did I not?’

  ‘Yes—and I sent her an invitation, Amelia. I have had no reply.’

  ‘I dare say her father would not permit it. However, I have appealed to her mama to let her come to help me with my stepdaughter. You have not yet met Lisa, Helene. Her nurse took her straight upstairs, as you may have noticed. She is lovely and also a little charmer.’

  ‘I shall look forward to meeting her,’ Helene said. ‘You know that I once wished to find a position as a teacher in your orphanage, Amelia. Lisa is so much luckier than the children you help, because she has you and Gerard.’

  ‘She will also have Emily and possibly Marguerite to make a fuss of her.’ Amelia laughed softly. ‘It will be a wonder if she is not utterly spoiled—but she lost her mama when she was a small child and the nanny Gerard employed when he brought her to England was not kind to her. I want her to be content and I think it will be a happy release for Marguerite to come to us. I told her we should be here until a day after the ball and then we shall go down to Ravenshead. If I find the house acceptable, and Gerard assures me I shall, we shall spend most of our time there. We shall visit Bath and London in the Season, naturally, but our home will be at Ravenshead.’

  ‘Will you not miss your home?’

  ‘Perhaps at first—at least the garden. However, I shall make a garden of my own at Ravenshead. We shall keep my aunt’s estate for our second child.’

  They had reached the upper floor, which housed the bedchambers. Having seen Emily installed in hers, Amelia looked at her own with pleasure.

  ‘This has been freshly refurbished in the colours I love, Helene.’

  ‘Yes, it has. It was done especially for you—for the best friend that I could ever have.’ Helene reached forwards and kissed her cheek. ‘You are such a generous person, Amelia. I cannot imagine that anyone would wish to harm you.’

  ‘Well, it may be all a storm in a teacup,’ Amelia said and laughed in a dismissive manner. ‘Gerard and Harry took great precautions to safeguard us on the way here, but nothing happened. I dare say having made a blunder once the rogue has decided it is not worth the effort to try anything of the sort again.’

  Helene was clearly puzzled. Amelia told her about Emily being kidnapped and then restored to them by the Marquis of Northaven.

  ‘He told you that Emily was taken in mistake for you?’ Helene was amazed. ‘Oh, Amelia—it is almost like when attempts were made on Max’s life and we thought it might be his cousin, but in the end it turned out to be his cousin’s physician. When someone wishes you harm, it is difficult to know who they are.’

  Amelia nodded but looked thoughtful. ‘I hope this will not distress you, my love. I wonder if perhaps it would be better if we did not stay for the ball…’

  ‘I should be most distressed then.’ Helene lifted her head proudly. ‘I was not frightened when that awful man threatened to kill me in order to get to Max…at least only a little and not until it was over. I do not want you to leave, Amelia. Max will help Gerard discover who this wicked rogue is. Gerard helped us—as did Mr Sinclair…’ She frowned. ‘I had thought that Toby Sinclair might propose to Emily.’

  Amelia hesitated, then, ‘In actual fact he did at Christmas, but she turned him down.’

  ‘Emily turned down Mr Sinclair? Why? He is perfect for her.’

  ‘She has her reasons, I dare say. It would be best if you did not speak of him to her, Helene—unless she takes you into her confidence, which she may. I know you were good friends.’

  ‘We still are. Emily writes to me once in a while.’ Helene looked thoughtful. ‘I know she has a secret. I shall not ask you or her to reveal it, but I have seen the sadness in her eyes.’

  ‘I shall tell you only that she had had an unhappy life before she came to me. I t
oo had hopes of Mr Sinclair for her, but it seems that it was not to be. He left the same night and we have not heard from him since.’

  ‘Then you do not know that his father died?’

  ‘Oh, no! That is sad news indeed. I had wondered why he went so suddenly. Susannah told me he had an urgent summons to return, but I had no idea it was so serious.’

  ‘Extremely serious. I know Max had a letter only this morning. Toby gave us the news and said that he was not sure if he could attend the ball. His mother and sister are in great distress. I dare say he cannot leave them immediately, especially for a ball. I am sure Toby will have written to Harry and Susannah, but perhaps the letter had not reached him before you left.’

  ‘No, I dare say it had not, for he would have mentioned it,’ Amelia replied. ‘It is a sad time for the family and I do not expect that Toby will feel able to attend your ball. Indeed, it would look wrong if he did. I think too that Harry’s sister will need him at her side at this difficult time.’

  Helene chattered on for a while, but Amelia was thoughtful. She might have misjudged Mr Sinclair somewhat. She had thought him cruel and rude to abandon Emily so abruptly, but if he had received terrible news and then arrived home only in time to see his father on his deathbed, it was not to be expected that he would write immediately to Emily.

  ‘His mother and sister must come first—and of course there will be business to be done. He must be very distressed, I imagine.’

  ‘Yes, very sad. I am sorry that Emily refused him—but perhaps she will reconsider.’

  ‘I should be happy to think she might. However, at the moment I do not think it possible.’

  Left to herself, Amelia took off her pelisse and furtrimmed bonnet. The news about Mr Sinclair’s father was shocking. She did not know if his family had expected it, but even so it would have devastated them. Susannah had certainly not expected it. The very fact that Toby Sinclair had intimated that he might come to Coleridge even now made Amelia think that he had not completely given up the idea of wedding Emily. She would tell her companion the sad news, but she would not speculate about Toby Sinclair’s intentions.


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