Again! Again! (Fox River Romance Book 1)

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Again! Again! (Fox River Romance Book 1) Page 9

by Zach Jenkins

  Linda hung up, leaving Levi smiling at her enthusiasm.

  He jumped when he heard the back door bang open.

  “How’s your kid?” Inigo asked.

  Levi took a minute to really look at Inigo. The mohawk was an easy thing to notice, but he had never noticed the scar under his left eye. While acknowledging that Linda might have a point, it was hard to stare at Inigo for too long without wanting to kiss him.

  “Stay there for a second.” Levi aimed his phone at Inigo. Just before Levi snapped the picture, Inigo made a kissing face.

  Levi quickly texted the picture to Linda before he forgot, and then rushed forward to steal that kiss. Inigo let Levi press him against the brick building as their lips met.

  Whatever inhibitions had been holding him back earlier in the night were crushed beneath the weight of the kiss. He slid his mouth down over Inigo’s smooth chin and then down to his neck where he sucked and licked until Inigo said, “Dude. Careful or we’re going to end up fucking right here in this alley.”

  Levi breathed against Inigo’s neck while deciding whether that would really be such a horrible idea.

  “We wouldn’t want Magnus to catch us out here,” Levi finally said, pulling away from Inigo and turning to lean against the wall next to him. “He’d be traumatized.”

  Inigo laughed. “He’s seen worse. Hell, he’s probably caught me doing…never mind.”

  There it was again, the reminder of the wild past. Levi refused to let it ruin the night. “Hey, that band’s something else. Those are quite the personas they use up on stage.”

  “What do you mean?” Inigo asked, threading his fingers through Levi’s.

  Levi brought the fingers to his lips and gave them a light kiss. “Nothing bad. It’s just those guys backstage are just so calm, and, well, different than the guys on stage. That’s all. All that energy and anger they channel. It’s quite a show.”

  “It’s no show. Those boys have plenty of anger. What gay guys don’t, if they’re being honest, right? Every time straight couples stare when we’re holding hands when they just got done making out. Tell me that doesn’t piss you off?”

  Levi nodded. “Sure. That makes sense. So they just bottle it up and unleash it on stage. It’s cheaper than therapy.”

  “We all do, I think. I mean, they get it out while performing, and I do basically the same thing while dancing or during the derby. What’s your release valve?”

  Levi didn’t answer right away. He’d been so out and proud about his bisexuality to anyone he actually talked to for years and had never really paused to think about how the reactions from others made him feel.

  “I’m not sure,” he finally said. “I think I’ve hardened myself to it all so much that it just bounces off of me.”

  “Does it bounce off? Or does it all just get trapped inside until you are almost sick from all that filth? Don’t you sometimes just need to get drunk, scream, and crash your body into shit and yell, ‘Fuck the world!’”

  Levi nodded again and whispered, “Fuck the world.”

  “Man, that’s the worst protest shout ever. That sounds like the protest of a man who had the bagger at the grocery store tell him that he’d need to use plastic because they were out of paper.”

  Inigo held a bottle of tequila up to Levi.

  He wanted to take that drink and start the path toward one night to drown out all the repressed societal bullshit that he usually refused to acknowledge. The frowns when people saw him holding another man’s hand. The women who dumped him when they found out that he liked men, too. The men who did the same when they learned he dated women.

  Fuck them all.

  He grabbed the bottle from Inigo’s hand and drank several swallows at once until the burning forced him to cough and shout, “Woo, tequila! Fuck the world!”

  “There you go, Levi. That sounds like punk metal.”

  Levi took another deep swallow and wiped his mouth on his arm. “Gotta catch up.”

  “At that pace, you’ll have me lapped before you know it.”

  The back door opened and Willie popped his head out with his hand covering his eyes. “We’re about to go back on stage.”

  Inigo said, “We weren’t fucking, Willie. We were just shouting ‘Fuck the world!’”

  Willie smiled and shouted it too, while holding his hand over his head with his index finger and pinkie up.

  Back in the bar, Levi still couldn’t make out any of the words that Peter was singing, but it didn’t stop him from grunting along. He slammed against Inigo and strangers like they were all in a chaotic square-dance that had gone horribly wrong.

  “This is great!” he shouted in Inigo’s ears as they passed by each other on their way to opposite corners of the mosh pit.

  The next time they crossed paths, Levi reached out and tugged on the only thing he could reach, Inigo’s mohawk.

  Caught off guard, Inigo punched Levi just below his eye. “Shit, sorry, man. I didn’t know it was you.”

  Levi didn’t care. He felt alive. He tugged on the mohawk again to pull their bodies together in the crowd and kissed. Inigo bit his lip hard enough to draw blood before someone shoved him in the back.

  Levi turned, ready to fight at the interruption, but it was just Magnus, who’d already turned to shove more guys with his massive bulk.

  “Shouldn’t you be working?” Inigo asked.

  Magnus flashed a grin wide enough to be seen behind his thick beard. “I love my job. What better place to see fights and break them up than right in the middle of it all?”

  “Shit, man, you’re going to be the one starting the fight,” Levi said, giving Magnus a shove strong enough to knock him into the man behind him.

  The stranger turned and threw his fist at Magnus’ stomach before realizing how large his opponent was.

  Magnus, moving way quicker than seemed possible for a man as fat as he was, caught the fist and held it in his while turning to Levi and Inigo to say, “You guys might want to head home before the cops get here. This might get ugly quick if someone does anything stupid.”

  Magnus punched the man in the face. Blood immediately spilled from his nose.

  Magnus pushed Levi toward the door. “See, someone almost always does something stupid, me. Have fun tonight, fellas.”

  Levi was so riled up from the mosh pit that he turned to join back in the quickly developing brawl, but Inigo pulled him toward the door.

  “Let’s get home and fuck while we’re still pissed at everything.”

  Levi wasn’t going to argue with that logic. “You still have that tequila?”

  Inigo handed him the bottle. Levi took the drink that pushed him over the edge where he would only remember the rest of the night in little snippets.



  “I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk in the morning,” Levi boasted while swaying dangerously and struggling to remove his socks.

  Inigo’s dick twitched at the words.

  During the entire walk home from the bar, Levi had been taunting him with all the ways they were going to fuck when they got home. They’d also been freely passing the tequila bottle back and forth, so half of the ideas were silly and bordering on impossible, but Inigo was having a blast listening to the cocky bravado as Levi’s mouth got looser and looser.

  “And I’m going to ride that ass of yours until the sun comes…this fucking sock.”

  Inigo had no idea why Levi had started taking off his socks. The whole thing was making it very difficult for Inigo to get the front door open. He couldn’t stop watching and giggling. When Levi sat down right in the middle of the porch and started tugging on his socks, Inigo lost it, and laughed so hard he dropped his keys.

  “Don’t laugh at me, asshole,” Levi said while glaring at his feet. “Just grab it and pull.”

  “Are we still talking about your socks?”

  Levi waved his middle fingers at Inigo and his socks. “Screw it. I�
��ll fuck you with my socks on and it’ll still be the best lay you’ve ever had.”

  Inigo loved the trashy person that Levi turned into when he was drunk.

  Inigo frequently got quiet and moody when drunk, even in the middle of a mosh pit, but it was impossible to stay somber when Levi was acting like such a ridiculous fool.

  “Did you lose your fucking keys? Help me up and I’ll smash down that cocksucking whore of a door. I do it all the time at work when there’s a fire. It’s no big thing. And then I’ll teach you not to keep me waiting. When I get done swatting that ass of yours, you’ll think the house is burning down.”

  Remembering the spanking Levi had given him the morning at the hotel, he considered pretending he had lost his keys, but figured the neighbors would call the cops if they made much more noise. “No, I’ve got them. And if you think you’re fucking me with your socks on, you’ve got another thing coming, mister. I have standards, and socks are not allowed in my bed.”

  As soon as Inigo managed to get the door unlocked, Levi hopped up and tossed him over his shoulder like he weighed no more than a feather.

  “Which way to your bedroom?” Levi asked.

  “Down the hall to the right.”

  It only took a couple of seconds for Levi to carry him through Inigo’s tiny ranch house. “Nice place,” he said, tossing Inigo onto his bed. “I’ll have to give it a closer look once we’re done fucking.”

  Inigo stretched out on the cool blanket. “I hope your body can cash the check that drunk mouth of yours is writing. Can you even still get it up?”

  Levi was busy hopping on one foot. He’d managed to remove one sock, but was still working on the other. When it finally came free, he tossed it across the room. “Aha. There we go. What’d you say?”

  He quickly shrugged out of the rest of his clothes and turned to face Inigo, stroking his already very large and erect dick.

  No sense in accidentally starting an argument when he’s clearly having no trouble with his blood flow.

  “Nothing, Levi. I was just saying how handsome you look.”

  “Thanks. You too. You ready for this?”

  Inigo shook his head. “Not without a whole bunch of lube, man. Damn, you’re a monster.”

  “You too,” Levi said again, making Inigo wonder just how much of what he was saying Levi could hear.

  Levi opened the drawer to Inigo’s bedside stand, reached inside, and held the lube and some condoms over his head like he’d just pulled a magic sword from the stone.

  If I was ever going to say a man had a magic penis, Levi would be the one.

  “Thanks,” Inigo said, jokingly holding up his hand for the condom.

  Levi looked at the condom in his hand, shrugged, and tossed it to Inigo.

  “Oh, really?” After all the trash talk from Levi on the way home from the bar, Inigo had been prepared to take a good fucking and was slightly disappointed.

  It only took him a second to regain his composure and unroll the condom over his own hard-on, though. After all, there was no such thing as bad sex with a man like Levi. “God, I’ve been thinking about you all night, you sexy bastard.”

  He started sitting up, preparing to swap spots with Levi.

  But Levi had different thoughts on the matter. He shoved Inigo back down on the bed. “No, you stay right there.” He spread plenty of lube over his fingers, and reached between his own legs to apply it to his ass. “Okay, porn star. You wanted the condom. Let’s put it to good use. Show me what you’ve got.”

  He licked up the inside of Inigo’s thigh and quickly worked his way up to Inigo’s chest as he climbed up his body. Inigo tried to tip his head forward for a kiss, but Levi held him down with a hand on his forehead.

  “Don’t distract me,” Levi said, his voice a deep rumble that made Inigo’s back arch as he tried to find Levi’s ass with his desperate cock.

  Inigo whimpered when Levi firmly grabbed his dick and carefully aligned himself over it. With no further hesitation, Levi lowered himself slowly and steadily until he had taken Inigo’s entire length.

  Inigo cried out. “Motherfucker.”

  “Too fast for you?” Levi asked. His eyes were closed, but there was a look on his face that said he had no intention of giving Inigo more time.

  Inigo, unready for such decisiveness, reached down and squeezed Levi’s knees as if touching them would somehow be enough to give him control over the pace.

  Levi had his own thoughts on the matter, though.

  He opened his eyes and smiled at Inigo. “Hold on. Things are going to get bumpy really quick.”

  Before Inigo had a chance to find his own sexy words to throw back at Levi, Levi began rocking his hips, sliding mercilessly up and down Inigo’s entire length.

  With no further warning, Inigo thought he was being ridden by a runaway bull. The image made no sense to Inigo other than the fact that Levi was huge, wild, and frighteningly strong.

  The bed shook and squeaked under the force of their sex. Inigo worried that the entire thing might collapse, not that Levi would probably even notice. He’d continue his wild ride through anything, Inigo was certain.

  He didn’t know if Levi was chasing a demon or being chased, but whatever was happening, Levi seemed to be wrestling to keep it under his control, and failing.

  Inigo gently rubbed his hand up Levi’s thighs, and said, “This feels great, Levi, but if you don’t settle down, I’m not going to last much longer.”

  Instead of soothing Levi, the words brought a devilish smile to his face. “Damn straight you won’t. I’m gonna squeeze every last drop out of you, and then I’m gonna flip you over and show you what it’s like to really be fucked.”

  Inigo’s eyes went wide and his pulse quickened. If what Levi was doing to his dick was him showing any kind of restraint, Inigo had no idea how he would survive the next phase. All he knew was Levi’s ass was squeezing him so tightly that he wanted it to last forever.

  With one hand, he reached up toward Levi’s face, which was hovering just inches above his own. With the other, he reached down between their bodies to grab Levi’s cock, hoping the touch would distract him enough to slow him down for a few minutes.

  Levi wasn’t going to let himself be distracted.

  He grabbed both Inigo’s wrists and pinned his hands up near his head against the mattress.

  Inigo felt the full weight and strength of the man atop him. He didn’t even think of struggling, though. No matter how much he pretended to want to take things slower, his own needs demanded that they keep pushing toward a climax.

  Besides, the thought of being flipped over and fucked after he came was making Inigo dizzy with lust and anticipation.

  He wanted to feel that stretch. He needed to be taken with such abandon.

  He focused again on the tightness squeezing his dick, and the callused hands shackling him to his bed.

  He screamed Levi’s name as the orgasm exploded, and nerves fired across his body, sending him twitching through the aftershocks.

  “Holy fuck. Goddamn. That was incredible.” Inigo had to pause to gasp for breath between each few words. “I’m fucking exhausted. I need a couple minutes to recover.”

  “Need, or want?” Levi asked.

  Inigo was afraid to face the intensity he knew would be on Levi’s face. Instead, he closed his eyes, grasped a hold of the sheets and said, “Neither. Fuck me, Levi. Give me your best shot.”

  He didn’t care that he sounded like an actor in a bad porno. Everything since they’d left the bar had been raw and carnal. Hell, it had been like that since Levi had taken the tequila bottle back in the alley.

  I fucking bit his lip. This night’s been wild and amazing.

  The sound of the condom wrapper being torn open made his eyes open wide so he could watch Levi roll the condom down over his fat cock.

  Levi was not gentle in preparing Inigo. Inigo gasped as Levi gave him a quick swirl with two fingers before shoving them deep inside. Inigo
knew from experience just how long and thick Levi’s cock was. In comparison to what was coming, he was being incredibly tender with his two firm fingers.

  Inigo only had a second to catch his breath after Levi pulled his fingers out before Levi flipped him over, and he felt the thick head of his dick press against his opening.

  “Damn, man. You sure do take some getting used to.”

  Levi didn’t bother answering.

  He felt Levi’s legs press against the outside of his own, and then Levi’s right arm reached around to clinch against his stomach and pull him back against the dick.

  Inigo caught himself breathing too rapidly and forced himself to focus on relaxing.

  In one brief moment of tenderness, Levi asked, “You good?”

  Levi had filled him completely. “Couldn’t be better.”

  The bed squeaked its complaint as Levi began pounding against his body.

  Inigo had to drop to his elbows to brace himself. “Come on, you big fucker,” Inigo said between grunts. “Is that all you’ve got?”

  Inigo wasn’t sure if he could take any more, but he definitely wanted to try as long as Levi had anything left to give.

  Levi’s strong hands squeezed his ass tight enough that Inigo knew the red outline of his fingerprints would show for long after they were done.

  I’ll be marked as his.

  Inigo nodded to himself. “That’s good. I can take it. I think.” He didn’t have time to ponder the idea for long.

  Levi’s next thrusts were stronger and faster than any before until he suddenly grunted. Their bodies slapped together one last time before the room was left in silence.

  Inigo wanted to reach behind and pull Levi tight against his body to make sure he didn’t pull away. The irony of him being the one who had fled the other night was not lost on him.


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