Iron Melting (Legend of the Iron Flower Book 6)

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Iron Melting (Legend of the Iron Flower Book 6) Page 20

by Billy Wong

  Finn met Rose in the lobby after she arrived at their tower, since she didn't feel comfortable taking him upstairs. He gaped when she uncovered her prisoner. "You actually captured him."

  "Me and Alicia did. Now Justin, if I remove your gag you won't try to do anything but talk, right?"

  Slowly, he nodded, no doubt knowing he would have a lot of trouble escaping with both of them ready to stop him. The gag came away, and Justin bared his inhuman teeth in an ugly sneer. "This is stupid. You should kill me while you have the chance."

  Gripping his mace tightly, Finn seemed inclined to agree, but Rose said, "You have to stop looking at this like killing is the only solution. I told you, we can help you."


  "There's a pool in Volston which might be able to remove the magic from inside you, but we have to wait a little until Alicia gets us the directions. Can't you spare my children until then? You've still got control of your actions. You don't have to be evil."

  "Evil? I'm trying to save everything, don't you understand that? Maybe you would if you were less selfish."

  "Maybe we are a little selfish. But you're trying to take the easy way out—the easy and wrong way."

  Justin fell silent, and Finn said, "Rose, let's just kill him now. He doesn't want to stop. You say we can help him, but can we really hold him for that long?"

  Fear for her kids gnawed at her enough to make her consider finishing him. "I don't know. Justin please, can't you promise to leave my twins alone until we try the pool? If it doesn't work, then you can decide whether or not to resume trying to kill them."

  He didn't respond, and Finn demanded, "Why are you so determined to spare him? You have no trouble killing enemies in battle, and most of them didn't try to kill our children!"

  "But he didn't do that for purely evil reasons. I spared Lawrence too, remember?"

  "Yes, but one—Lawrence is our regent. Two—Lawrence doesn't blame you for bullshit like Justin here. And three—Lawrence backed off on killing our kids while he hasn't."

  She looked away and sniffed. "I feel guilty and sorry for him, okay? I always fail to protect members of his family when they fight by my side. So this time, for once, I want to save one."

  He took her face in his hands, turned it so that her moist eyes met his own and smiled. "If you want to save him so bad, then I'll help you."

  "Thanks, Finn. I knew you'd never let me down."

  "Yeah. So where are we going to put him? Not in the tower, right?"

  For all she wished to help him, she definitely didn't want him near her kids. But on the other hand, where else were they going to send him? Prince Lawrence would unquestionably have him killed on the spot if he knew what was going on, and while some of their allies like Sierra or Count Brandon might be more understanding, asking them to hold onto Justin would probably be asking too much. Even Alicia had been in a hurry to get Justin the hell off her island.

  Rose groaned. "I really don't like it, and it scares the crap out of me... but I think we might have to keep him in the basement."

  "You know, I actually agree with Justin," Finn muttered.

  "What? What do you mean?"

  He grinned. "Like he said, this is really, really stupid." At her frown, he added, "But we'll do it anyway, just for you.

  "So, I hope somebody in this capital has a bear cage they're willing to lend or sell us!"

  Over the next weeks, the couple learned that Sierra had saved Prince Lawrence's life during the battles to bring Baron Prouw to justice. She had also slain the baron himself, further elevating her in the eyes of Lawrence and the nation. Victor, who had also been there, reportedly seemed none too pleased. Some people were surprised that Rose and Finn hadn't gone along, but then, they had their own very big problems. Finally Kestrel stopped by late one night to deliver the map they'd been waiting for. They thanked him and went downstairs to visit Justin...


  Justin was surprised to see the scholar walk up to his cage well past normal center hours and unlock the door. Then he realized it was John Silk, who had somehow managed to get in minus his distinctive eyepatch. "You're pretty good at this sneaky stuff, aren't you?" he asked after the man removed his gag and started to free him from the network of chains around him.

  Silk grinned wolfishly. "I am the master of a mysterious secret organization, after all. Now it is time we finish your mission, yes?"

  "I don't know, maybe we should leave first and regroup. I'm not too keen on facing Rose and Finn again at my current level of power." He looked curiously at his rescuer. "What happened to you during that fight in Weith, anyway? Did you abandon us?"

  "It's no use to keep fighting a hopeless battle. Besides, who else would save you?"

  Justin finished casting off his chains, and the two of them walked out of the cage towards the stairs. "How many of The Lost—excuse me, The Found are there left, anyway?"

  "There is only me for now. But The Lost—I've decided to stick with that—will not be finished. More are waiting out there for the purpose we offer. We are an idea, and as long as there is one of us to spread that idea-" He gasped and looked down to see claws sticking into his body under the ribs, for Justin had spun to stab them into him. "W-what are... you doing?"

  "I've decided I no longer wish to cooperate with evil. As of this moment"—he ripped Silk's heart from his chest, and he collapsed—"The Lost are now The Fallen."

  He turned from the corpse and continued towards the exit. Before he could make it, Rose and Finn descended the stairs to face him. "Trying to escape?" Finn said. "Good thing we got here when we did. Wouldn't want the kids to see when I bash in his head."

  Rose spotted the body behind him and blinked. "Is that John Silk? He must have been helping him escape, but why's he dead?"

  Justin held up bloody claws. "Because I killed him. The Lost have finally met their end."

  Her eyes dared to grow hopeful. "You turned on The Lost... but do you still want to kill our kids?"

  "I never wanted to kill them. I thought I had no choice. But I suppose I can give your way a chance first."

  "That's just what we were coming to talk to you about. We have the map we needed. So you're willing to come with us peacefully, then?"

  "I am."

  "Can we trust him?" Finn asked. "I think we should put him back in the chains and gag before we go."

  He bowed his head. "I understand why you would be wary of letting me move freely. Fine, put them back on, then."

  Some sympathy showed in Rose's look, but they bound him anyway and went to make arrangements for their children's care. Taking him outside under the same big cloak as before, they got a wagon to put him in and started the long journey south.


  Having returned from the campaign against Baron Prouw, Prince Victor stomped unhappily into Gustrone. He felt much regret, and disappointment in himself. That stupid prophet had been right after all, and Victor really should've listened to him. By not acting to save his brother, he'd thought to let Lawrence be killed so he could snatch his position of power; but instead all that had done was to let the pretty cyclops steal more of the glory for herself. Victor would have eviscerated her if he could get away with it, but alas, it wasn't the time yet. That time had probably been delayed, sad to say.

  Trying to distract himself from his aggravation, Victor decided to research current news having to do with warfare and weaponry. He learned of an auction being held for what the sellers claimed to be the ultimate weapon. Though he doubted how "ultimate" it was, such a thing would likely have at least some magic to it and moreover, an interesting history. Perhaps the story of its famous wielders, some of whom might be accomplished rulers, could give him inspiration as to the next step towards his goal.

  Heading to the auction, he found it was to take place in a shabby old warehouse. The majority of the bidders consisted of would-be great warriors who had little grasp of proper speech and scant more money. Victor wondered if he was as much a sucker as these
despicable rabble for coming here, but if nothing else the white trident looked unique, and he won it from his unworthy rivals for a relatively tiny sum. The fat old seller slowly extended it to him, as if hesitating at the last to give up a longtime companion and reminder of his glory days. Victor's hand closed around its haft, and the unexpected effect jolted him wide awake. His mind seemed to expand at the touch, allowing him to see very detail around him that much more clearly. He felt more aware of everything, the world and his own thoughts. He felt so... alive.

  Suddenly an androgynous, but perhaps slightly more male voice spoke into his mind. You have ambition. Good. I have been waiting for such a wielder for the longest time.

  Victor stared at the trident. "What on earth..? Are you talking to me?"

  If by you you mean the trident, you are correct. My name is Clearsky. Like my creator Kayla, who reluctantly drenched her hands in the blood of those she conquered, you have doubts about your path to your rightful goal. Let me show you the way.


  The trip to the barbarian land of Volston was uneventful yet tense, as despite Justin's passivity Finn found himself unable to let go of his suspicions. Even if he expressed fairly understandable human motivations, he had been transformed by a powerful evil essence within him. No one could know how much his mind had really be affected along with his body. Rose's inclination to trust him could prove a dangerous mistake, and it might be up to Finn to protect her from his possible betrayal.

  Volston's grasslands were rather hostile territory, populated mainly by savage tribes. But though the wild men and women they passed might've had few qualms about attacking the average traveler, Rose and Finn's size, scarring and armament made even them think twice. They had almost arrived at the supposed location of the magic-draining pool when Rose stopped the wagon and asked, "You hear that?"

  "Yeah," Finn said. An erratic rattling like some eerie music grew from mild to loud in his ears, but he had no idea what it could be. The source revealed itself moments later when it burst from a nearby clump of tall brown brush, a lime green beast the size of a house with a toadlike body and an oversized hippo's head with a mane of fleshy tendrils surrounding it. "What is that?"

  "Might be the guardian of the pool." Rose shrugged. "Or more likely, probably just some animal warped by the magic within it." The monster leaped forward, lashing out with scores of appendages which carried a electric charge like the eels they reminded Finn of. Taking numerous shocks as she rushed to meet it, she spun away to the creature's side. "Ow! This beastie's got some bite."

  That perhaps wasn't quite the right word as it now demonstrated its actual bite, scooping up their horse in its mouth to tear it apart on gargantuan tusks. Finn struck its nose with his mace, driving it back with a wail of pain. "You okay down there?" he asked Rose, who had fallen to her hands and knees.

  "Yeah, fine!" She stood, charged the beast and cut deeply into its left foreleg.

  Finn jumped off the wagon and hit their opponent on the underside of the jaw, pushing it back. Too bad they couldn't trust Justin to join the fight, but they didn't need him. A huge paw reached for Finn and he smacked it aside with his mace. Having run around to the monster's side while he occupied its attention, Rose plunged her sword deep into its torso. It screamed, tried to turn to face its attacker. Rose stood her ground and its own momentum began to cut it open as the blade she held in place was dragged through its body. The thing slowed while blood poured from its mouth. It opened its huge jaws wide, and its rattling grew deafening. Sensing something bad about to happen, Finn cried, "Look out!"

  Rose tried to pull out the blade, but was too late as the creature retaliated, discharging all of its stored electricity into her through her embedded sword. Her body jerked and she sank to the ground with a pained groan. The monster turned with frenzied speed, slammed a great paw down on her shaking form. Taking his mace in both hands, Finn smashed its knee so hard the limb completely snapped backwards. It crashed onto its belly and Rose was up, ramming her sword into its head as it tried to rise. It stopped moving with purpose and twitched wildly before falling still.

  "That was some shock," Rose said, her wig badly frizzled. "Before you ask, I'm okay. I am used to this kind of stuff."

  She looked unsteady, but after leaning on the wagon for a bit regained her balance. Without their horse, though, they weren't going to keep pulling the vehicle by hand. They helped the bound Justin off it and walked on. Rose's stride still seemed uneven, but she insisted she was fine, if a little thirsty. They reached the marked spot on the map, and saw before them a large hill. "I don't see any pool," Finn said.

  "Maybe it's inside the hill? Let's see if we can find an entrance."

  They walked around, and eventually spotted a white, perfectly square stone slab on the hillside beyond which a stream ran. Finn looked at Justin. "Looks like that might be the door to your salvation, if you're lucky. Let's go and find out."

  Chapter 12

  Lifting the slab aside, Rose uncovered a narrow passage which seemed to lead into the heart of the hill. "Ladies first?" she asked with a smile.

  "Sure," Finn replied with a hint of anxiety, staying behind Justin as they followed Rose down the tunnel. She felt eager to finally cure her acquaintance, but also worried a little. What if the magic was so entrenched in him now that removing it would kill him? She hoped they could get him out of the water in time if it had an adverse effect. A couple hundred feet in, the passage opened up into a wider semicircular chamber. At the back of it, they saw a dull pool of murky water whose surface lay about ten feet below its rocky edge. "This is it?" Finn asked dubiously. "Looks a bit underwhelming for something so supposedly powerful."

  "Maybe we could test it for magic?" Rose suggested. She did by looking through the old lens they called a "magesight" and saw that indeed, the water practically burst with arcane energy. "It is quite magical. Seems like anything the pool drains out, probably stays there..."

  "So are we going to untie Justin so he can dive in?"

  She thought about it, but said, "Let's err on the side of caution and lower him in with a chain."

  They fidgeted with his chains some to get a length sticking out and used it to lower him slowly into the pool. Keeping his head above water, they waited...


  Most of him just under the surface, Justin too waited. At first he felt nothing, and thought the pool would not work, but then he sensed the start of energy being transferred between his body and the water. Yes, it was working! He wouldn't have to kill Jacob and Amber after all, and felt grateful towards Rose and Finn. Even if he had his issues with them before, he'd have to apologize sincerely for the trouble he had caused them. He couldn't wait to resume living as a human again...

  Then he realized something was wrong. Instead of energy being drawn out of him, it entered him instead—leaving the water for his flesh. The demonic essence was overpowering the pool, and gaining strength rather than losing it. He felt a destructive urge grow within him along with his power, and flexing his arms outward snapped his chains.


  All of a sudden the chain was slack in Rose's hands and Justin flew straight up out of the pool to hover before her and Finn. The whole chamber began to shake and split, debris falling all around them. "Justin! What the hell?" She saw that his form not only looked no more human, but in fact seemed bluer and bulkier than before. "It didn't work? What's happening to you?!"

  "I have power!" he shouted, tearing off his gag.

  Finn stared. "Well, if that isn't a stereotypical villain line, I don't know what is."

  "No, I mean, the pool's energy went into me! Instead of taking the demon out of me, it fed it, making it stronger!"

  "Is that why the room's falling apart?"

  Rose figured it likely. The pool's energies must have been vital in keeping the chamber intact, and with them gone... She felt like she was in one of those fanciful stories of legendary heroes, and realized with dread that if the situation progressed
like it would in those tales, she'd soon be in a battle.

  "Well, come down, Justin," she said meekly, "and we'll escape together."

  The demon's eyes narrowed. "No. It is too late, I see now. I gave this a chance in case I could avoid killing needlessly. But it's only made the demon's power grow, and pushed me further along the path to destruction! I must destroy the two of you, and then your children, before they cause me to lay waste to all the world!"

  "But maybe that's not what the prophecy meant," Rose proposed in desperation. "Maybe it's your obsession over killing our twins that will drive you to embrace evil, and if you give it up, you won't have to walk that road."

  "So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy? I would be a fool to believe you! I didn't want to kill you but I have no choice—today is the day you die!"

  She looked down for a moment. "No," she whispered, "if anything, today's the day you die."

  Rose rushed to meet him as he streaked at her through the air like a comet. She blocked his first strike with her shield, the impact like a catapult stone's, took a set of claws to her abdomen and sent him tumbling aside with her sword's return blow. He rolled up bleeding from the arm and charged Finn, ducking a mace swipe at his head. His shoulder slammed hard into Finn's chest and hurled him across the room onto his back. Justin turned back to Rose, claws dripping red.

  She looked down to see she'd almost been gutted already, the cuts deep and pouring blood. "Justin, don't! We can still help you!"

  "Deep inside," he said with a scowl, "I knew all along this would never work. What I hold is the ultimate power, even if I have not mastered its use, that the very King of Kings feared! But I wanted so much to believe I could free myself of it, I needed to see this failure to accept it... Now that I have, there is no hope for you."


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