To Bedevil A Beauty (Southern Sanctuary - Book 5)

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To Bedevil A Beauty (Southern Sanctuary - Book 5) Page 24

by Jane Cousins

  He winced as the engine roared to life and the drifting boat suddenly came under the pilot’s control. Great, they were headed out to sea. Limbo beside him didn’t look exactly thrilled by the idea as they both contemplated the climb up from the bow of the boat to the upper pilot deck. It could be done, he would just need a distraction.

  He turned and looked at the cat crouched beside him. “I’m going to need a favour buddy.”

  Limbo flicked his tail in Ramsey’s face in response.

  “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He picked up the large black cat as the cruiser cleared the moored boats in the marina completely and started to move through the control channel, with retaining rock walls on either side, headed out towards the open sea.

  “Okay.” He whispered in Limbo’s ear. “Try and do as much damage as you can. I’ll be right behind you.” With that he heaved Limbo up and over the glass Perspex of the pilot station. Ramsey swung himself up to follow, ignoring the yelling and the attack cat screeches as he swung his legs around the side of the pilot station and kicked out. Managing to catch Carlyle on the shoulder. Reacting to the blow, rather than aiming, Carlyle squeezed off several bullets wildly in reflex. Fuck, Ramsey ducked and punched the conman as hard as he could in the gut. A blur of black fur streaked passed his face and a few more lines of blood joined the ones already torn into Carlyle’s cheek and forehead.

  Ramsey grabbed for Carlyle’s gun, the two of them scrabbling for control. Their feet sliding out from beneath them abruptly as the cruiser slammed into one of the retaining walls. Shit, tight space, desperate man. It made for a bad combination. Ramsey wrenched Carlyle’s body around and bought his leg up to kick Carlyle hard in the head… once, then again.

  Carlyle was a creepy fuck, despite his shredded face the man was grinning and incredibly tenacious as he managed to bring his gun up once more. “She belongs to me now! She’s mine!”

  Ramsey didn’t fucking think so. No more mister nice guy. Ramsey kicked him hard this time, right in the mouth. Carlyle yelled as teeth and blood went flying.

  Then Ramsey yelled as the boat suddenly tilted on to its side, he found himself sliding across the floor, Carlyle heading towards him. They grappled again.

  Carlyle was making grunting sounds, spraying blood and mucus into the air. Even with all that damage though he still managed to sound one audible word. “Mine.”

  Ramsey reared his head back, bringing his forehead smashing down on Carlyle’s head. Carlyle instantly went limp. “No she’s mine, asshole.” Ramsey shoved him away, taking deep ragged breaths. He climbed awkwardly to his feet, staring down at Previn Carlyle’s unconscious body. The man wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. He reached over and turned the key, instantly silencing the unhappy engine, then he looked around for Limbo, the cat wasn’t in sight.

  Berry! He almost broke his neck scrambling down from the pilot’s level. With the cruiser on an angle it made it hard going. On the main deck he paused for a moment, noting approaching lights along the top of the retaining wall. Good, his human back-up were on their way. Now to make sure Berry was safe.

  He raced down the steps into the main cabin to find three water logged pissed off looking cats shivering on a high counter away from the rapidly rising water that hit Ramsey just above the knee as he slogged across the cabin.


  She turned from where she was standing, bent over Joanne. Her face deathly pale, her lips quivering and practically blue. She was visibly shuddering in cold, soaked from head to toe, hair dripping, her black dress with the sparkling beads plastered skin tight, her hands trembling so badly she was in danger of dropping the kitchen knife she had in her hands. “Ramsey.” Her instant look of relief was replaced with terror. “You have to help me. Joanne’s hurt and I can’t get her ropes untied… the water.”

  Joanne Granger’s eyes were open but clearly dazed as she lay on her back, bound tightly still. The water level hadn’t quite reached the top of the bench yet and for the moment she was relatively dry. Ramsey tamped down hard on the need to grab Berry and never let her go. Instead he waded through the water, plucking the knife from Berry’s trembling hand. He glanced down, it was way too dull to cut through the ropes. How had Berry gotten herself free? He glanced back at the bedraggled cats… ah, of course, his feline rescue team.

  “Come on.” He scooped Joanne up into his arms. “You grab the cats. We need to get out of here now.” There’d be plenty of time to free Joanne when they were on dry land. He glanced over at Berry, why was she hesitating? Maybe she was in shock. “Berry… the cats, come on.”

  Berry managed to nod and get her frozen feet to move. She prayed for the Goddess to give her strength as she scooped up two wet felines in her arms, groaning softly, they were so heavy, doubly so since they were wet. How was she going to manage Limbo as well?

  Ramsey sloshed over to her, taking extra care with Joanne in his arms and the weird angle the boat was tilted on. Limbo eyed Berry’s full arms and then turned his head and meowed at Ramsey.

  “I’ve got you buddy.” Ramsey turned his back and Limbo leapt nimbly on to Ramsey’s broad shoulders, settling around his neck like a collar.

  Even through the haze of cold and her chattering teeth Berry instinctively winced. You couldn’t pay her enough money to let Limbo near her face like that. Even if he, Puffball and Cicero had saved her ass by chewing through her ropes with their eerily bionic teeth. No wonder they had made fast work of her ugly cheap clothes and frumpy discount shoes in the past.

  She jumped slightly as Cicero made an unfamiliar sound in her arms, it sounded like… no, it couldn’t be. Would this night never cease to amaze her, Cicero had just purred in her arms. She finally got her sluggish limbs in motion, heading towards the stairwell and the sound of loud voices and bright lights. Good, the cavalry had arrived. She could get off this boat, drop the cats, make sure Joanne was okay and above all else, avoid being alone with Ramsey Hughes. She had been insane to contemplate continuing a relationship with him. The man didn’t love her. And all too soon, a relationship based on nothing but physical attraction on his part wouldn’t be enough for her. No, she couldn’t be that selfish, she needed to set him free. If she loved him, she needed to let him go, let him find true love. He deserved nothing less in his life than to be loved, and to love in return.

  Finally, it was official, she was sworn off men for life. Not because of what happened with Robert and her disastrous marriage but because after being with Ramsey… loving him, no one else would ever measure up. Goddess, she really needed to avoid being alone with Hotshot Hughes, before she did or said anything stupid. Like begged him to stay in her life.

  * * *

  “This is…ki… kid… kidnapping.” Berry’s teeth were chattering so badly she could barely get the words out. She pulled the police issue blanket tighter around her shoulders but it was too thin and offered little warmth.

  “You should call the police.” Ramsey offered, turning the heater up in his car full blast as he drove away from the now bustling marina; full of police, medical staff and curious onlookers (a good many of them with swords strapped to their backs or belts). “Oh wait, I am the police… problem solved.”

  Berry shot him a weak glare, oh… she felt like a block of ice, her head literally aching from the cold, her bones feeling like brittle popsicles. “I… I…” She clenched her teeth together tightly so she could get the words out. “…should stay with Joanne.”

  “Joanne is in the capable hands of your Great-Great-Aunts, who are more than happy to have someone to fuss over.”

  “But… but her… h..h.. head injury?”

  Ramsey pressed his foot down harder on the accelerator. “The paramedic gave her the all clear. Don’t worry, your Aunts will keep watch over her.”

  Damn, another avenue of escape thwarted. “How are they g… going to explain to her… about Previn and… and the… magic… he called me a witch?”

  “While we were waiting for the a
mbulance to arrive I tried to convince her that Carlyle was looney tunes. That the man had an unhealthy fixation with magic and was clearly insane.”

  “You d… did? Wh… wh… where was… I?”

  “You were busy rubbing down the cats.”

  Now there was a memory she’d always treasure. At least the little bastards hadn’t scratched her, not that they’d been particularly grateful either. Bounding off to her Great-Great-Aunts the moment the three of them arrived. “What did J… J… Jo say?”

  “She laughed at me.”

  Berry frowned, she pushed away a hank of wet hair with the back of her trembling hand. “She laughed?”

  “Told me if I didn’t believe in magic after living in this town… meeting you… then I was the crazy one.”

  If Berry hadn’t been clenching her teeth together, her mouth would have dropped open in shock. “She knows?”

  “She knows something, that’s for sure.”

  “I should t… t… talk to her.”

  “Not right now you shouldn’t.” Ramsey directed his cruiser down the ramp of the underground parking garage of his apartment complex.

  Oh Goddess, he was taking her home with him. She couldn’t be alone with him. “Wh... what a… bout… you… you? Don’t you want to que…question Previn C… Carlyle?”

  Ramsey chuffed a harsh laugh. “Carlyle won’t be talking to anyone for a few days yet. I’m pretty sure I broke his jaw and knocked out over half his teeth. My team will keep a close guard on him in the meantime. He’s not going anywhere.” Ramsey eased the car to a stop in his reserved parking space and turned off the engine.

  “I… I don’t have my things here. You should take me home to Tally’s place.”

  Ramsey ignored her and exited the car. Berry attempted to get out, but her fingers weren’t working right. She looked up suddenly as Ramsey yanked open the door for her, looming over her. “I believe all your things are in the back of your Aunt Adelaide’s car anyway.” He scooped her up, bedraggled mess, damp thin blanket and all. “Couldn’t get away from me fast enough, hey?” He breathed the last sentence directly into her ear.

  Berry winced as a spike of heat shot down her spine to do battle with the layer of ice she was pretty sure was encasing her bones. “Thou… Thought the bad guy… was caught…”

  Ramsey poked the elevator call button hard. “Yeah, I need to apologise for that. For not listening when you said Granger wasn’t behind all this. I suppose I just wanted it too badly to be him.”

  Berry just frowned at him, too cold to ask why.

  Luckily, Ramsey continued talking. “I wanted to punish him… for hurting you. My judgement was clouded… shit, when it comes to you Berry, I’m pretty sure my judgement will always be clouded. But I’m sorry you got hurt tonight because of me, because I didn’t listen to you.” The elevator door opened and he stepped in, shifting her slightly in his arms so he could stab the button for the second floor.

  “Not…” Berry managed to shake her head emphatically. “… your fault.”

  Ramsey gave no response. She was pretty sure he didn’t believe her. Well, she couldn’t afford to tempt fate by hanging around to convince him differently. Once in his apartment she was determined to have the quickest, hottest shower in the record books, steal some of his clothes and make a sneaky escape whilst his back was turned. It was a cunning plan in its simplicity.

  Ramsey shifted her again slightly so he could haul out his house keys… oh, the man was so warm, it was all she could do not to moan and snuggle into him. No way… Berry, remember the plan. Be strong.

  Ramsey strode through the apartment, making a beeline for the guest bedroom and the connecting bathroom. Gently, as if she were made of glass he set her down on her decidedly wobbly legs. Berry straightened her spine determinedly, she would not cling to him, she had her pride… the man didn’t love her. She wasn’t going to confuse the issue by letting any further misunderstandings of where they stood with one another continue.

  “Thanks.” She managed to mutter.

  “I don’t suppose you need any help in here?” Ramsey gave her a decidedly heated, slate grey look, looming over her making her feel protected, and more than a little turned on despite her frozen core.

  Berry managed a full on scowl. “Not even a little bit. You can go about your business Hotshot. Once I’ve showered, I’ll get out of your way.” She went to close the door in his face but he stopped her, the sexy smile never wavering from his face.

  “Now where exactly would I go? I intend to wait right out here until you’re done.” He seemed to get taller all of a sudden, looming even further over her. “Then you and I… Berry mine, we’re going to talk.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Okay, new plan. Berry had the longest, hottest shower on record. Standing under the heated spray until the hot water began to run out. Then she used the hairdryer left for guests to dry her hair into a mass of wild curls. Following that, she spent several minutes warily contemplating the only piece of clothing available to her. A long plush, dark green velvet robe that was hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

  She’d never seen it before. It must have come from Etta’s stash of clothes and the Great-Great-Aunts must have missed it when they packed for her… except, she’d showered before she’d left for the party and she couldn’t recall it hanging there. After much dithering she finally put it on. Almost moaning out loud as the luxurious soft velvet encased her. Her prayers had been answered, she no longer felt like a human popsicle. Still, it wouldn’t pay to let her guard down as she pulled the belt of the robe tight and tied a triple knot. She was ready… no she wasn’t. She paused at the bathroom door, even closed she could sense… feel, Ramsey standing on the other side, waiting for her. Oh Goddess, give her strength to get through the next ten minutes.

  Enough Berry, stop with the time wasting, she could do this. She just had to take control of the situation. With that in mind she squared her shoulders, flung open the door, shouldered guard-dog Ramsey aside and stomped passed him.

  “Well?” She sent him a death glare. “You wanted to talk, so let’s talk.” She marched out to the living room on stiff legs. No way was she having a conversation with Ramsey Hughes with a bed less than three feet away.

  Damn the man, he must have left his post some time whilst she was in the shower as the gas log fire was roaring and two glasses of what looked like whisky were warming on the stone in front of it. She didn’t pause, didn’t react to the all too cosy little scene in front of her. Instead she stormed over, swooped up one of the glasses, lifted it and emptied the contents in three big swallows. Slamming the glass back down before proceeding to park her rear on the nearest sofa with a distinct flounce, her scowl never wavering.

  “Talk.” She demanded, watching through narrowed eyes as Ramsey’s smile amped up to a full on grin, his slate grey eyes trained on her.

  She fought not to roll her eyes as the man - swear to the Goddess - the man actually ambled forward, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Picked up the second glass of whisky and settled his tight rear end on the coffee table directly in front of her. He’d discarded his wet shoes and changed trousers some time whilst she was in the shower, his jacket, belt, holster and gun were also gone and he was looking all too relaxed and amiable now for her liking. And way too close… why did he have to crowd her? She refused to comment on it though. Let him know that his nearness affected her? No way.

  Ramsey took a healthy slug of whisky. Damn, Berry was looking sexy in that robe, her hair tumbling down around her shoulders, her cheeks pink with anger and good health. She’d lost that pale blue tinge she’d had since her dunking in seawater. And her eyes were flashing and sparking chocolate bursts directed straight at him. She was mad. Angry as hell and he couldn’t believe how turned on he was, how hard his cock was. His fingers itched to unwrap his velvet covered present.

  “Hey, Hotshot.” Berry snapped her fingers in front of his face. She was in dangerous wa
ters. The way Ramsey was looking at her made her heart race and her libido quicken. She needed to move this conversation along, short and sweet. Thanks for the week long affair… let’s just be buddies. “Look Ramsey, we had a convenient… arrangement. But the unfortunate circumstances that brought us together have been resolved, so ergo, the arrangement, likewise, has finished. I would have thought that was kind of obvious. Having a discussion about it strikes me as superfluous.”

  Ramsey swallowed laughter. Ergo? Superfluous? No doubt about it, Berry was riled… just the way he liked her. “Is this a country versus city kind of thing again? Fast, small-town girl gets her rocks off and leaves the naïve city boy in a ditch on the side of the road, with a kick to the head and no explanation what so ever?”

  “First off.” Berry straightened, leaning in towards him, pointing a finger at his chest for emphasis. “The last thing you are is naïve. And I did not physically or metaphorically kick you in the head. And for the record, our arrangement was temporary. No explanation required, if one of us chooses to end it.”

  Ramsey was tempted to grab that finger of hers that was all but stabbing him in the chest and haul her on to his lap, but too much was at stake here. They were good at the physical side of things, he would bet his life that he could convince her to change her mind about continuing to have sex with him. But that wouldn’t be enough, sex with Berry wasn’t enough, he wanted the whole package. And to achieve that goal he was going to have find the words to convince her, some flowery speech that would let her know how much he needed her.

  Where was a book of poems when you needed one? But even then, that would be some other guy’s words; they couldn’t possibly express the depth of his feelings for Berry. Damn, if only he could write a song or start a war in her honour. Words, what were the words? And just like that he knew. Simple, straight forward, heartfelt. He felt foolish for not saying them earlier. With that in mind he looked her straight in the eye and jumped…


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