The Markandeya Purana

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The Markandeya Purana Page 27

by Bibek Debroy

  ‘Markandeya replied, “There are nine regions within Bharatavarsha. Listen to me. They are known to extend up to the limits of the ocean, but cannot be approached from each other. They are Indradvipa, Kasherumat, Tamravarna, Gabhastimat, Nagadvipa, Soumya, Gandharva and Varuna. The ninth dvipa is surrounded by the ocean. From the south to the north, this dvipa is one thousand yojanas. The Kiratas exist on the east and the Yavanas 628 on the west. O brahmana! There are brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras inside, engaged in purifying themselves through sacrifices, studying, trade and other deeds. They interact with each other through these deeds and obtain emancipation, heaven, merits and demerits. The seven kulachalas here are Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, Shuktimat, Mount Riksha, Vindhya and Pariyatra. Near them, there are thousands of other mountains. The peaks are tall, wide, beautiful, extensive and colourful. Their names are Kolahala, Vaibhraja, Mandara, Mount Durdura, Vatasvana, Vaidyuta, Mainaka, Svarasa, Tungaprastha, Nagagiri, Rochana, Mount Pandura, Mount Pushpa, Durjayanta, Raivata, Arbuda, Rishyamuka, Gomanta, Kutashaila, Kritasmara, Shriparvata and Kora. There are hundreds of other mountains. These are divided into habitations of the mlechchhas and the aryas. They drink from the waters of excellent rivers. Hear duly about them—Ganga, Sarasvati, Sindhu, Chandrabhaga, Yamuna, Shatadru, Vitasta, Iravati, Kuhu, 629 Gomati, Dhutapapa, 630 Bahuda, 631 Drishadvati, Vipasha, Devika, Rankshu, 632 Nishchira, Gandaki and River Koushiki, which flows from the feet of the Himalayas. O brahmana! There are Vedasmriti, Vedavati, Vritraghni, Sindhu, 633 Vena, 634 Sanandana, Sadanira, 635 Mahi, Para, 636 Charmanvati, 637 Nupi, Vidisha, Vetravati, 638 Kshipra and Avanti. All these are said to have a base in Mount Pariyatra. Shona, Mahanada, 639 Narmada, Suratha, Adrija, Mandakini, Dasharna, Chitrakuta, Chitrotpala, Tamasa, 640 Karamoda, Pishachika, Pippalashroni, 641 Vipasha, the river Vanjula, Sumeruja, Shuktimati, Sakuli, Tridiva, Akramu and other forceful rivers emerge from the feet of Mount Riksha. Kshipra, 642 Payoshni, 643 Nirvindhya, 644 Tapi, 645 Nishadhavati, Venya, Vaitarani, 646 Sinivali, Kumudvati, Karatoya, Mahagouri, 647 Durga and Antahshiva—these auspicious rivers with sacred waters flow from the feet of Mount Vindhya. Godavari, Bhimarathi, 648 Krishna, Venya, Tungabhadra, Suprayoga, Vahya, and the River Kaveri—all these excellent rivers emerge from the feet of Mount Sahya. Kritamala, Tampraparni, Pushpaja and Sutpalvati—these rivers have cool water and originate in Mount Malaya. Pitrisoma, Rishikulya, Ikshuka, Tridiva, 649 Langulini 650 and Vamshakara 651—these are said to flow from Mount Mahendra. Rishikulya, 652 Kumari, Mandaga, Mandavahini, Kusha and Palashini—these are said to flow from Mount Shuktimat. All these rivers are as sacred as the Sarasvati and the Ganga and all of them flow into the ocean. All of them are known as mothers of the world and cleanse all sins. O supreme among brahmanas! There are said to be one thousand other minor rivers. Some only flow during the rainy season and some flow in all seasons.

  ‘“Matsyas, Ashvakutas, Kulyas, Kuntalas, those from Kashi, those from Koshala, Arbudas, Arkalingas, Malakas and Vrikas—these are spoken of as those who generally inhabit the central region. River Godavari flows to the north of Mount Sahya. Among all the regions on earth, this is the most pleasant. There is the beautiful city of Govardhana, belonging to the great-souled Bhargavas. Beyond this region dwell Bahlikas, Vatadhanas, Abhiras, Kalatoyakas, Shudras, 653 Pahlavas, Charmakhandikas, Gandharas, Yavanas, Sindhu-Souviras, Madrakas, those who live along the Shatadru, Kalingas, 654 Paradas, Harabhushikas, Matharas, Bahubhadras, Kaikeyas and Dashamalikas. Families of kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras live there. Kambojas, Daradas, Barbaras, Angaloukikas, Chinas, Tusharas and Pahlavas 655—these are known as those who reside in other countries. Atreyas, Bharadvajas, Pushkalas, Kasherukas, Lampakas, Shulakaras, Chulikas, Jagudas, Oupaghas, Animadras, the class of Kiratas, Tamasas, Hamsamargas, the categories of Kashmiras, Shulikas, Kuhakas, Urnas and Darvas—these are the ones from the north. Now hear about the ones from the east—Abhrarakas, Mudgarakas, Antargiras, Bahirgiras, Plavangas, Rangeyas, Maladas, Malavartikas, Brahmottaras, Pravijayas, Bhargavas, Geyamallakas, Pragjyotishas, Madras, Videhas, Tamraliptakas, Mallas, Magadhas and Gomedas. These are known as the inhabitants of the eastern region. After this, there are those who reside in dakshinapatha 656—Pandyas, Keralas, Cholas, Kuntyas, Shailushas, Mushikas, Kumaras, Vanavasakas, Maharashtras, Mahishikas, all the Kalingas, Abhiras, Vaishikyas, Atavyas, Shabaras, Pulindas, Vindhyamaleyas, Vaidarbhas, Dandakas, Pourikas, Moulikas, Ashmakas, Bhogavardhanas, Naishikas, Kuntalas, Andhras, Udbhidas and Vandarakas. These are the ones who dwell in the southern regions. Hear about the others. 657 Suryarakas, Kalibalas, Durgas, Amikatas, Pulindas, Suminas, Rupapas, Svapadas, Kuruminas, all the Kataksharas, Karaskaras, Lohajanghas, Vajeyas, Rajabhadrakas, Tosalas, Kosalas, Traipuras, Vidishas, Tusharas, Tumburas, all the Karaskaras, 658 Nasikyavas, others who reside to the north of the Narmada, Bhirukacchas, Maheyas, Sarasvatas, Kashmiras, Surashtras, Avantyas and Arbudas—these are the ones who are at the other end. Now hear about the ones who reside in the Vindhyas—Sarajas, Karushas, Keralas, Utkalas, Uttamarnas, Dasharnas, Bhojyas, Kishkindhakas, Tumbaras, Tumbulas, Patus, Naishadhas, Annajas, Tushtikaras, Virahotras and Avantis. All these are the ones who reside on the slopes of the Vindhyas. I will now tell you about the regions that are in the mountains—Niharas, Hamsamargas, Kurus, Gurganas, Khasas, Kuntapravaranas, Urnas, Darvas, Kritrakas, Trigartas, Galavas, Kiratas and Tamasas. The norms of the four yugas, krita, treta and the others, are established in Bharatavarsha, with its four directions. To the east, the south and the west, there is the great ocean. Like the string of a bow, the Himalayas extend in the north. O supreme among brahmanas! This Bharatavarsha possesses the seed of everything. O brahmana! Depending on auspicious and inauspicious deeds, everything can be achieved here—becoming Brahma, becoming the lord of the immortals, becoming a god, becoming a mortal, becoming an apsara, being born as a domestic or wild animal or reptile, or becoming every kind of immobile object. O brahmana! This is the land of karma and nothing like this exists. O brahmana rishi! Even gods who have been dislodged from their divine status desire to be born in this land as humans. Men here can achieve what the gods and the asuras cannot do. They are bound by the bonds of karma and are eager to accomplish their own karma. There are others who are confounded by a little bit of happiness and do not undertake any karma.”’

  Chapter 55

  ‘Kroushtuki asked, “O illustrious one! You have properly described Bharata, its rivers, mountains and regions to me, and also those who live here. Earlier, you have said that the illustrious Hari lived here in the form of a tortoise. I wish to hear about this in detail. How did the god Janardana reside here in the form of a tortoise? How did the good and the bad among men manifest themselves? What were his mouth and feet like? Tell me this in detail.”

  ‘Markandeya replied, “O brahmana! The illustrious god was in the form of a tortoise, with his face towards the east. He covered Bharatavarsha, with its nine divisions. O best among brahmanas! All around him were placed nine nakshatras in nine regions. Hear about them accurately. Vedimadras, Arimandavyas, Shalvas, Nipas, Shakas, Ujjihanas, Vatsas, Ghoshasankhyas, Khashas, the middle Sarasvatas, Matsyas, Shurasenas, those from Mathura, Dharmaranyas, Jyotishikas, Gouragrivas, Gudashmakas, Vaidehakas, Panchalas, Sanketas, Kankamarutas, Kalakotis, Pashandas, the residents of Pariyatra, Kapinjalas, Kurobahyas, the Udumbura people and Gajahvayas—these are the ones who resided in the middle of the tortoise. O brahmana! For those who reside in the middle, the three nakshatras, Krittika, Rohini and Soumya, 659 are indicative of good and evil portents. O brahmana! Vrishadhvajas, Anjanas, Jambarakhyas, Manavachalas, Shurpakarnas, Vyaghramukhas, Murvaras, Karvatashanas, Chandreshvaras, Khashas, Magadhas, Shibis, Maithilas, Shubhras, Vadanadanturas, Pragjyotishas, Louhityas, Samudras, Purushadakas, Purnotkatas, Bhadragouras, those who live in Udayagiri, those who live in Kashi, Mekhalas, Mushtas, Tamraliptakas, Kapadapas, Varddhamanas and Koshalas are located in the tortoise’s mouth. Roudra, 660 Punarvasu and Pushya—these three nakshatras are in the mouth. O Kr
oushtuki! I will tell you about the countries that are in the tortoise’s right foot. Listen. These are Kalingas, Vangas, Jatharas, Koshalas, Mushikas, Chedis, Urddhakarnas, Matsyas, Andhras, those who inhabit the Vindhyas, Vidarbhas, Narikelas, Dharmadvipas, Ailikas, Vyaghragrivas, Mahagrivas, bearded Traipuras, Kaishkindhyas, Hemakutas, Nishadhas, Katakasthalas, Dasharnas, naked Harikas, Nishadhas, Kakulalakas and Parnashabaras—these are located in the front right foot. The three nakshatras, Ashlesha, Paitrya 661 and Purva Phalguni, are located in the front right foot. Lankas, Kalajinas, Shailikas, Nikatas, those who reside in the Mahendra, Malaya and Dardura mountains, those who live in Karkotaka forest, Bhrigukacchas, Konkanas, all the Abhiras who dwell along the banks of the Venya, those from Avanti, Dasapuras, people from Akarina, Maharashtras, Karnatas, Gonarddhas, Chitrakutakas, Cholas, Kolagiris, those from Krouncha-dvipa with matted hair, Kaveris, Rishyamukas, people from Nasika, those who wander in Shankha, Shukti and other limits of Mount Vaidurya, Varicharas, Kolas, those who live in Charmapatta, Ganavahyas, Paras, those who reside in Krishna-dvipa, people who dwell on Mount Surya and Mount Kumuda, Roudrasvanas, Pishikas, Karmanayakas, the southern Kourushas, Rishikas, Tapasashramas, Rishabhas, Simhalas, those who live in Kanchi, Trilangas, Kunjaradaris, people who live in Kaccha and Tamraparnis—these are the ones on the tortoise’s right flank. O brahmana! The nakshatras there are Uttara Phalguni, Hasta and Chitra, on the tortoise’s right flank. The tortoise’s right rear foot comes next. 662 Kambojas, Pahlavas, Vadavamukhas, Sindhu-Souviras, Anartas, Vanitamukhas, Dravanas, Sargigas, Shudras, 663 Karnapradheyas, Barbaras, Kiratas, Paradas, Pandyas, Parashavas, Kalas, Dhurtakas, Haimagirikas, Sindhukalakavairatas, Sourashtras, Daradas, Dravidas and Maharnavas—these habitations are located in the right rear foot. The three nakshatras are Svati, Vishakha and Maitra. 664 Those who reside in the mountains Manimegha, Kshura and Khanja, those who reside in Mount Asta, Aparantikas, Nohayas, Shantikas, Viprashastakas, Konkanas, those who live along the five rivers, Vamanas, Avaras, Tarakshuras, Angatakas, Sharkaras, Shalmaveshmakas, Gurusvaras, Phalgunankas, people who live along the Venumati, Phalgulikas, Ghoras, Guruhas, Kalas, Ekekshanas, Vajikeshas, Dirghagrivas, Chulikas and Ashvakeshas—these are the people located on the tortoise’s tail. The three nakshatras there are Aindra, 665 Mula and Purva Ashadha. Mandavyas, Chandakharas, Ashvakalanadas, Kushattas, Ladahas, Stribahyas, Balikas, Nrisimhas along the Venumati, Balavas, Dharmabaddhas, Ulukas, the people in Urukarma, Phalgulakas, Ghoras, Ghuralas, Hematarakas, Ekekshanas, Vajikoshas and Dirghapadas—these are the people located in the tortoise’s left rear foot. The nakshatras Uttara Ashadha, Shravana and Dhanishtha are there. Kailasa, Himalayas, Dhanushmat, Vasumat, Krounchas, Kurubakas, the Kshudravina people, Rasalayas, Kekayas, Bhogaprasthas, Yamunas, Antardvipas, Trigartas, Agnijyas, the Sardana people, Ashvamukhas, Praptas, the Chibidas who sport hair, Dasarekas, Vatadhanas, Shavadhanas, Pushkalas, Adhamakairatas, those who reside in Takshashila, Ambashthas, Malavas, Madras, Venukas, Vadantikas, Pingalas, Ganakalahas, Hunas, Kohalakas, Mandavyas, Bhutiyuvakas, Shatakas, Hematarakas, Yoshamatyas, Gandharas, Kharasas, Gararashis, Youdheyas, Dasameyas, Rajanyas, Shyamakas and Kshemadhurtas—these are the ones who inhabit the tortoise’s left flank. The nakshatras there are Varuna and the two Proshthapadas. 666 O supreme among brahmanas! The kingdom of Kinnaras, Pashupalas, Kichakas, Kashmiras, the kingdom of the Abhisara people, Daradas, Tvanganas, Kulatas, Vanarashtrakas, Sairishthas, Brahmapurakas, Vanabahyakas, Kiratas, Koushikas, Nandas, the Pahlava people, the Lolana people, Darvas, Damarakas, Kuratas, Annadarakas, Ekapadas, Khashas, Ghoshas, Svarga-bhoumanavadyakas, Yavanas, Hingas, Chirapravaranas, Trinetras, Pouravas and Gandharvas—these are located on the tortoise’s front left foot. O supreme among sages! The three nakshatras on the foot there are said to be Revati, Ashvidaivatya 667 and Yamya. 668

  ‘“O brahmana! In due order, when they are in the ascendant, the nakshatras cause hardships in those regions and there are times when the planets are propitiously placed. O brahmana! O best among sages! When the nakshatra and the planet that is its lord are unfavourably placed, there is fear in that country. When they are favourably placed, benefit results. O supreme among brahmanas! In each of these regions, the respective nakshatra and planet cause fear among people and also lead to the auspicious. If the nakshatra is unfavourably placed, people generally confront fear. However, depending on how inauspiciously placed the planet is, that hardship may be limited. In that way, if the planet is inauspiciously placed, the good may also be limited and there may be little benefit to men. The learned know about the regions and the respective ascendancies. When the planets are unfavourbly placed, even men who are auspicious in their deeds, and their possessions, cattle-pens, servants, well-wishers, sons and wives, may face fear. Those who are limited in their auspicious deeds are themselves extremely tormented in every possible way. However, those who are not sinners never suffer from any fear. Depending on the direction, the region, the king, the general people there and he himself, a man experiences good and ill fortune. When the planets are favourably placed, there is mutual protection. O Indra among brahmanas! This is the way the good and the bad come about. I have spoken about the location of the tortoise and the positions of the nakshatras. In general, in different regions, these bring about the good and the bad. O excellent person! Therefore, an intelligent person must bear in mind popular sayings and know about the region, its nakshatras and the planets, and the hardship that can be caused to him. He must act to pacify these. When the good and bad wishes of gods and daityas descend on earth, people come to describe these as popular sayings. 669 Therefore, a learned man should not ignore a popular saying. He should act so as to counter the ill effects. O supreme among brahmanas! Thereby, the good will be ensured and the evil will be contained. Unless this is done, harm will be caused to possessions and other things. Therefore, a wise person pays attention to popular sayings and seeks to pacify popular sayings and hardships caused by planets. A learned person practises non-violence, fasting, praise and worship of the gods, meditation, offering of oblations, donations, bathing, avoidance of rage, lack of malice and friendliness towards all creatures. He avoids falsehoods and excesses in speech. O supreme among brahmanas! A man must worship the planets. Through that, everything terrible and all the hardships are pacified. Men must seek to calm the planets and the nakshatras. I have thus spoken to you about the illustrious lord who is in Bharata in the form of a tortoise. He is the immeasurable Narayana and everything is established in him. Resorting to the respective nakshatra, all the gods are also here. O brahmana! The bearer of oblations, 670 the earth and Soma are in the middle. Three, Mesha and the others, are in the centre, with Mithuna and the other in the mouth. 671 Karkata and Simha are in the south-eastern foot. 672 Simha, Kanya and Tula 673—these three rashis are located on the flank. Tula and Vrishchika are in the south-western foot. 674 Vrishchika and Dhanvi are on the back. 675 Starting with Dhanvi, three are in the north-western foot. 676 In that way, Kumbha and Mina are on the other flank. 677 Mina and Mesha are located on the north-eastern foot. 678 O brahmana! The regions are located on the tortoise and the regions are associated with nakshatras. The nakshtras are based on the rashis. Depending on the hardship determined by the positions of nakshatras, grahas and rashis, the hardship faced by the region is decided. O brahmana! When this happens, one should bathe, donate, render oblations and perform the other rites. In the midst of the planets, what exists is Vishnu’s feet. He is spoken of as Narayana, immeasurable in his soul. He is the lord who is the origin of the universe.”’

  Chapter 56

  ‘Markandeya said, “O sage! I have thus spoken to you about Bharatavarsha. The four yugas, krita, treta, dvapara and tishya, 679 exist here. O brahmana! It is here that the yugas and the four varnas exist. O brahmana! Depending on the progression of the yugas, krita, dvapara and so on, men here live for four hundred, three hundred, two hundred and one hundred years. Bhadrashva-varsha is to the east, to the east of the great-souled Indra among mountains, Devakuta. Hear
about it. It has five kulachalas—Shvetaparna, Nila, the excellent mountain Shaivala, Kouranja and Parnashalagra. Many minor mountains lead from these. These are distinguished by thousands of habitations, of many different kinds. They 680 are like water lilies and their summits are pure and auspicious. Other than these, there are hundreds of thousands of other mountains. Sita, Shankhavati, Bhadra, Chakravarta—there are these and many other extensive rivers. They have flows of cool water. In this varsha, men are as pure as conch shells, with complexions like that of gold. They are auspicious and associate with the gods, with lifespans of one thousand years. They are impartial in their outlook and there is no one who is superior or inferior. They naturally possess the eight qualities, fortitude and the others. 681 The four-armed god, Janardana, exists there in the form of Ashvashira, with head, chest, penis, feet, hands and three eyes. He is the lord of the universe and this region should be known as belonging to him. Ketumala-varsha is to the west of this. Hear about it. Vishala, Kambala, Krishna, Jayanta, Mount Hari, Vishoka and Varddhamana—these are the seven kulachalas there. There are thousands of other mountains inhabited by people. The gigantic Mouleyas, Shakas, Potas, Karambhakas, those known as Acchulas and hundreds of other kinds of people reside there. They drink from the great rivers Vamkshu, Shyama, Svakambala, Amogha, Kamini, Shyama 682 and thousands of other rivers. The duration of life is the same as in the earlier one. 683 The illustrious Hari is in the form of a boar, with feet, chest, back, flanks, mouth, nose, teeth, throat and tail. There are three nakshatras in this region. O excellent among sages! I have thus spoken to you about Ketumala-varsha. After this, I will tell you about Uttarakuru. Listen. The trees there yield sweet fruit and are always full of fruits and flowers. The fruits provide garments and ornaments. The trees yield all the objects of desire and yield fruit in all the seasons. The earth is full of jewels and the fragrant breeze is always pleasant. Men who have been dislodged from the world of the gods are born there. Couples are born at the same time and like chakravaka birds, remain devoted to each other. Their lifespan is fourteen and a half thousand years. The kulachalas in this varsha are Chandrakanta, Indra among mountains, and Suryakanta. Between them flows the great river Bhadrasoma, full of torrents of sacred and clear water. There are thousands of other rivers in Uttarakuru. These other rivers have flows of milk and ghee. Among the other smaller mountains, there are lakes full of curds. There are many kinds of fruit with a taste like that of amrita. There are hundreds and thousands of beautiful groves there. The illustrious Vishnu is in the form of a fish, with his head facing the east. O brahmana! There are nine nakshatras, divided into three groups of three each. O supreme among sages! Accordingly, that region is divided into nine parts. O great sage! The sacred islands known as Chandradvipa and Bhadradvipa are in the ocean, located inside the ocean. O brahmana! I have thus spoken to you about Uttarakuru-varsha. I will now tell you about Kimpurusha and the others. Listen.”’


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