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Logan Page 9

by Theodora Lane

  “Just telling it like it is.” Maddie laughed. “I can act proper if I have to, just like my mamma taught me.” She sniffed and turned her nose up.

  “I think you’re going a little stir crazy, honey.” Shae had often told Maddie she was happy Maddie had gone into a safe, sane part of the legal business. “Maybe you should rethink your career path before you wind up breaking a few laws yourself. I’d hate to have to bail you out of jail.”

  Maddie sobered. “Actually, I have been thinking about that lately.” She fell back against the mound of pillows behind her. “I hate my job. It’s so boring. I hate contract law!” she shouted to the ceiling, her hands slapping the bed.

  “Wow. Tell me how you really feel.” Shae stared at her best friend. “What brought that on?”

  Maddie shuddered. “Nothing. I shouldn’t complain, I know. Business is good, but I’m drowning in the monotony of it, that’s all, but yeah, I need a change.”

  “Is that why you were so easily convinced to stay here and babysit the garage?”

  Maddie shrugged. “Forget marketing. You should be a shrink.”

  Shae glanced at her phone to check the time. “Speaking of changing. We need to leave in thirty minutes to make it to the restaurant. I have no idea how long it’ll take to get there.”

  “Right.” Maddie got out of the bed, rummaged in the drawer for her clothes, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

  Shae hit the remote and watched TV while Maddie dressed. Maddie was right about those lumberjacks. Damn. They were hot. If you liked that sort of big, burly, beard-wearing flannel-wearing man.

  She smiled. She was more into the military type of guy.

  Twenty minutes later, Maddie emerged in a tight black tunic-length top and skin-tight blue jeans over black and silver trimmed cowboy boots. “Too much?” She turned in a circle.

  “For Travis? He’s going to swallow his tongue when he sees you.”

  “That’s my plan.”

  “Just be careful.” Shae sobered. With the look Maddie threw her way, Shae sighed. “I will too.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan and Travis grinned as they walked through the door of the Texas Angus Steakhouse. Logan didn’t know about Travis, but this was the first real date he’d had in ages, not counting the kind where drinks and a bar were involved. He’d dressed in his best black jeans and boots, a plain white button-down crisply starched shirt, and his lucky belt with the silver engraved buckle.

  Travis cleaned up pretty well too. By the way he’d fussed and primped at his apartment when Logan picked him up, he wanted to make a good impression on “Miss Maddie” as he called her. Logan had to laugh at how Travis slipped into his good ole country boy routine around Maddie, but he had his suspicions Maddie wasn’t fooled one bit.

  The ladies waited at a table for them.

  Travis made it there first, nearly knocking down a waiter with a tray of plates.

  “Evening, Miss Maddie.” Travis gave her an almost bow, and if Logan had been drinking, he would have sprayed it across the table. “Miss Shae.”

  Logan brought up the rear. He reached the table and froze. Shae looked so damn good. He stared at Shae’s breasts displayed in the low-cut blouse. Damn, she was luscious, and he wanted to cup them, lick them, press his face between them and…

  Maddie cleared her throat. “Evening, boys.”

  Logan pulled out a chair. “Evening, Shae. Maddie.” With a quick nod to both he sat.

  Travis stood, frozen in place. Logan swatted the man’s belly. “Travis.”

  Travis snapped out of it and sat. Maddie blushed.

  Shae looked at Logan, and they burst out in laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Travis frowned.

  “You.” Shae winked. “You’re just so damn cute. Like a puppy.” She nudged Maddie. “Isn’t he, Miss Maddie?”

  Maddie drawled in a thick Texas accent, “Cute as a little speckled hound dog puppy. You know, my daddy had this hunting dog?” Shae nodded. “Well, that little bitch had the cutest puppies. All round and roly-poly and fat as a tick. One of them was speckled all over, and he was the—”she leaned in and gazed at Travis—“the cutest damn thing I’d ever seen.”

  Travis gaped at her. “Did you keep that little cute pup?”

  “Or did you give him away because he was a pest?” Logan intruded.

  Maddie shifted her gaze from Travis to Logan. “Well, I don’t rightly remember what happened to the pup.” She put her finger on her chin like she was thinking hard. “I think some coyote got him. Or maybe a rattler. Or a bobcat.” She shrugged, picked up her menu, opened it, and said, “What looks good?”

  Travis nearly fell out of his chair. The way his eyebrows shot up, his mouth hung open, and his eyes blinked, Shae knew Maddie had him on her line like a river catfish. All she needed to do was reel him to the bank and hit him in the head with a hammer.

  Logan laughed, deep and hard, his shoulders bouncing up and down. God, it felt so good to hear him laugh. The low rumble rolling around in his chest sent shivers down her spine, straight to her pussy. She wanted him to laugh with her like that, share more funny stories, maybe even, if she was lucky, stories about Billy.

  And just like that, her heart went from elation to sadness.

  Logan leaned across the table and touched her hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “What?” She blinked at him.

  “You were laughing, and then all of sudden you got this sad look on your face. Aren’t you having a good time? Do you want to leave?” Logan’s dark gaze, furrowed brow, and the way he ducked his head to hers got to Shae.

  She turned her hand up, laced his fingers in hers, and squeezed. “I’m fine.” She smiled and pulled her hand away. “What’s good here? I like a rib eye, but a strip steak can be delicious.” She picked up her menu and buried her head in it.

  Logan looked over his menu. “I’ve had both here, and both were good, but I wouldn’t get either of them any more cooked than medium.”

  Shae nodded.


  The waiter approached, took their orders for drinks, and left. None of them ordered alcohol. Logan didn’t want booze on his breath, and he figured if no one else did or ordered the fried onion rings with their meal, it meant everyone had certain ideas about after dinner.

  God. He hoped Shae wouldn’t order onions. Because more than anything, he wanted to kiss her. A lot. All over her body. He sneaked a look at her as she perused the menu. She was so beautiful.

  And yeah, she looked like Billy, but she was all Shae. Dark hair, with lovely brown eyes and dark lashes, and he’d just bet she wasn’t wearing any lipstick because her lips looked so natural. So kissable.

  His cock followed where his mind was taking him and perked up. Logan swallowed and tried to move the tablecloth over his lap to hide the visual evidence.

  The waiter returned with the drinks, all sweet iced teas, and took their orders. Travis and Maddie decided to share a large rib eye, with an extra baked potato on the side and mushrooms. No onions mentioned.

  Logan held his breath as the waiter asked for Shae’s order. She went with a small filet, cracked peppercorns, butter. Potato with butter. No onions.

  He almost leaped into the air and did an end zone dance, but controlled his urge. For now. He ordered his rib eye, potato with butter—he didn’t want to be too top heavy—and a side of mushrooms.

  The food arrived, and it looked and smelled great.

  They talked as they ate, mostly the usual conversation. Where they lived. What college they attended. Of course, in Texas, your college was about the most important thing about you. Both Travis and Logan had enlisted at eighteen, and since getting out, they’d been working at Maximus Garage.

  Neither Shae nor Maddie made a big deal of it, thank God, saving him and Travis the embarrassment. But despite not having a college degree, Logan had a way with investing, and with his father’s money, he was part owner of the garage.

  And desp
ite Travis’s lack of formal training, his military training assured him of working magic on a computer.

  Shae had gone to Baylor, that Logan knew, graduating last year and taking her dream job at a marketing firm. Shae told them about taking a leave of absence from her job to find her father. But she only had a month, without salary, and then she had to return. She’d given up a lot for this mission. It was up to Logan to make sure she stayed safe and they found her dad.

  Maddie had gone to Rice for her law degree. She might have acted like a sweet little country girl, but Rice cost a lot of money to attend, so either she was rich, had a scholarship, or was in debt up to her ears.

  Logan figured she was rich, but from what he’d seen of her, she was good folks. And she was Shae’s best friend, so that counted for something. He just hoped Travis didn’t get hurt. A woman like her, a lawyer, might think Travis was something to play with, not someone for keeps.

  That was Travis’s problem. Right now, Logan’s problem was Shae. What a beautiful, complex, sexy problem.

  How the hell was he going to separate how he felt about Shae from doing his job on this mission?

  After the waiter cleared the table, they ordered coffee, making small talk as they sipped. When the bill came, the men split the tab.

  Now came the awkward part. Figuring out how to take the women back to their hotel and get an invitation up to Shae’s room. Maddie had let it slip they’d gotten separate rooms with king beds. Logan’s cock stiffened at the thought of Shae stretched out on a king bed, naked, waiting for him to join her.

  He swallowed. “So.” He looked at Shae, and she smiled back at him. “Can we escort you to your hotel? Travis can take Maddie in my truck, and I can ride in your car.”

  Maddie shrugged. “Sure. Shae?”

  Shae nodded. “Fine with me.” She tossed Logan her keys. “You drive.”

  He caught them in the air with one hand. “Okay. Let’s go.” He took her by the elbow and guided her out the door, which Travis held open for them and Maddie.

  In the parking lot, they divided with a wave and a “see you there.”

  Logan really didn’t want to see them there. He didn’t want Travis to witness either Shae sending him home or her taking him to her room. He didn’t want to hear the ribbing and joshing in store for him from Travis.

  He got Shae in the car, closed her door, and took his time walking around the car to his side, hoping Travis would rush there and they’d miss each other. He got in, buckled up, and started the car. Instead of putting it in drive, he sat back in the seat.

  “Shae? Am I taking you to your hotel, or am I taking you to your hotel room?” He wanted to be clear up front and avoid the awkwardness of her turning him away at the lobby.

  Shae turned to him. In the dark of the car, her eyes caught what little light there was and sparkled. She smiled, her white teeth a flash, like a camera going off.

  She leaned forward, wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, and pulled him in. Logan’s focus blurred as her face drew near, until he gave up and closed his eyes and the space between their bodies.

  Fire burned in his blood as he tangled his tongue with hers. No reticent kiss, she came at him hard and fast, hot and breathy and hungry. He answered back, burying his hands in her hair, tilting her head for better access to her mouth, her throat, the soft skin of her shoulder.

  “Shae.” He sighed her name, like a whisper of a breeze through willow trees, ruffling the leaves and making them sing.

  She moaned, leaned her head back, and pulled him closer. Logan kissed his way down her neck to the heavenly space between her breasts, as far as her shirt would allow him to go. He wanted more. He wanted full access, to press his face in that dark space, inhale her scent, lick her nipples to hard points, and drive her fucking wild.

  Nothing but their clothes and the car console stood between them, and he knew if he pressed, he could make the clothes disappear, but that wasn’t how he wanted her. He wanted her in that king-size bed.

  Stretched out, hair dark against white pillows, beckoning him to her with a hungry gaze.

  He pulled away. “So is that a yes to the hotel room?”

  “It’s a hell yes.” Shae sat back in her seat, straightened her clothes, and pointed forward. “Let’s ride, cowboy.”

  He started the engine and put it in gear. “You’re sure about this? Shae, I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and regret tonight.” He glanced over at her.

  “I’ll never regret tonight.” She smiled as she stared out the passenger window.

  Logan just hoped when they found her father, she’d still not regret being with him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Logan didn’t see hide nor hair of Travis and Maddie. He let out a breath and followed Shae to the elevator, trying not to look as if he was a man going to spend the night with a woman. It wasn’t as if he’d never spent the night with a woman in a hotel, but the butterflies in his belly sure felt like the first time.

  They reached the elevator, and Logan pushed the button. He tapped the heel of his boot on the shiny marble floor. Shae leaned against him and smiled up at him.

  “Relax. No one is going to jump out from behind the plants and accuse you of anything.”

  “I know.” He cleared his throat. He forced his shoulders to relax. Shae slipped under his arm, and he wrapped it around her, tucking her in tight. God, she felt so damn good next to him. Like she belonged.

  The elevator dinged, opened, and they entered. As the door slid closed, Shae grabbed his shirt, pulled him around, and slammed him against the wall, just like he’d pushed her against the truck earlier that day.

  “Whoa!” Logan put his hands up in surrender.

  She pressed her body against his, rubbing up and down on him like a cat, wrapping herself around him. His cock hardened, and he grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter so she’d know how much he wanted her.

  The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. They jumped apart, throwing themselves against the walls, but no one was there.

  Shae laughed. “We are not teenagers.”

  “No. But…” They stepped out, and Logan followed her down the hall as she pulled out her key card.

  “Stop acting so guilty. I’m an adult, Logan.” She stopped at the door and put her card in. “You know, I’m not Billy’s little sister anymore. If you can’t get over that, maybe you should just leave.”

  The door opened, and she pushed in. Logan followed. “It’s kind of hard to keep thinking of you as Billy’s little sister when you have your tongue down my throat.”

  “That’s my plan!” She tossed her purse on the desk. “Keep your mind weakened by loss of blood.” She winked. “Is it working?”

  “Hell, yeah. In case you didn’t notice.” He glanced down at the bulge in his jeans.

  “I noticed. Nice bulge.” She gave a wicked grin.

  Logan stared at her and then shook his head. “Wow. I know we really don’t know each other, but you are not what I was expecting.”

  Shae laughed and sat on the bed, kicking off her shoes. “I get that. You have some image of me stuck in your mind. Like I’m still sixteen.”

  “Exactly.” He sat next to her.

  “Let me set the record straight, Logan. I’m a grown woman. I do what I want to do with whomever I want. I’m not innocent. I can take care of myself. I carry a gun and know how to use it.” She leaned into his space, gazing into his eyes with that wicked-as-sin smile. “I really don’t need you to protect me. Not now and not down in Brazil.”

  Logan licked his lips, unable to take his gaze from her lush mouth.

  “So, if you’ve got some sort of fantasy going thinking I’m nothing but Billy’s kid sister, you’re going to either be disappointed or shocked.” She reached over and cupped his balls. “Because I know what I want. I want to rescue my father, and I want to spend tonight with you.”

  Logan gasped as she gave him a gentle squeeze. He bucked into her hand, and she caressed his e
rection. “Christ!”

  “Is that shock?” She nuzzled into his neck, her breath hot on his skin.

  “No.” He swallowed. “That’s me, thanking God for grown women who know what they want.” He reached up, grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled her in for a kiss.

  She met him, lips parted and hungry. He could taste the desire on her tongue and the hint of coffee as he explored her mouth.

  He ran his hand up her leg, pushing past her skirt to her panties. She spread her legs, and he grazed his knuckles over her pussy. Wet. She moaned. Bit his bottom lip.

  He cupped her mound and rubbed. Shae sighed as she unbuttoned his shirt.

  “Get outta those tight jeans, Logan.” She tugged at his belt.

  Logan chuckled. “Hold on.” He pushed back and yanked off his boots, dropping them on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. Next, he whipped off his belt and shucked out of his jeans. Shae pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor, adding to the heap of his clothing.

  Now in only black boxer briefs, Logan returned his focus to Shae. He pulled the blouse over her head, exposing a creamy lace bra that barely covered her nipples. It pushed her breasts up, creating soft mounds that tempted him to stop right there and linger.

  “Skirt.” He tugged at it, but she slapped his hand away.

  “There’s a zipper, cowboy. Hold up.” She sat up and fooled with it behind her back. The sound of the zipper coming down drove Logan nuts. It wasn’t moving fast enough for him.

  “Lift up.”

  Shae did as he ordered, and he slid the skirt off her. He dropped it next to the bed.

  “Goddamn.” He exhaled. Her panties matched her bra, all cream and lace, dark with her moisture between her legs, betraying how turned on she had become.

  Logan pushed her onto her back, spread her legs apart, and lowered his head down to the V of her legs. He inhaled, drinking in the smell of her arousal. Wrapping a finger on each side of the barely-there undies, he lowered them to reveal her.

  “Logan.” Her voice quivered.

  His cock hardened in answer.


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