The Syrenka Series Box Set

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The Syrenka Series Box Set Page 50

by Amber Garr

  “No! I told you that it makes me feel weak.”

  He looked at me for a long moment. Stared into my soul. “You’re almost there. Just a few more days.”

  Days? In a few days I hoped to be back home in California with my family and Kain. Another round of butterflies danced in my stomach and warmed my body with love. I was so ready to get home and start this new life together with him. We already ruled as one, now we could be one.

  “Eviana?” Lucian interrupted my daydream.


  “Did you hear what I said?”

  “No.” Not that I really cared.

  “I told you that you will need to get past your aversion for what Graham has done. I think he really, genuinely cares for you.” Lucian’s tone seemed sincere.

  “I don’t care. I want to know what you’re doing to me. Why do you have to ‘set me free’?” I used air quotes to enhance my sarcasm.

  He remained silent for a long time and I thought that maybe I blew it. I’d stayed behind so that I could learn more about his plans and personality so that the rest of my kind could defeat him. And now, I may have messed it up.

  “Do you recall what I said yesterday? About there being others more powerful than me?” I was surprised that this is the direction he went. “You have that potential, Eviana. As a product of your mother’s and my love, you inherited a tremendous amount of power. There aren’t very many like you out there.”

  I chose to ignore the love part. “But I’m not anywhere near where you and Graham are when it comes to water control or compulsion.”

  “You will be. Soon.”

  “Why?” Not that the idea wasn’t intriguing, but I needed to know why it mattered.

  Lucian didn’t answer at first. “It was always your birthright. Not to be just a clan leader, but to be a leader of all kinds. Merfolk, selkies, sprites, humans…there are only a few who can do it.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I certainly didn’t want to rule over every living creature in this world. Is this what Lucian had planned all along?

  As if answering my question he added, “I can’t do it alone.”

  “I won’t follow The Legacy.”

  “You will do more than that, Eviana. You will make everyone believe in its effectiveness and necessity. And you will do this very soon.”

  “Stop trying to tell me what I will and won’t do. I am not one of your selkies.” I was so irritated with his arrogance and sureness of his master schemes.

  “You are much more than a selkie to me. You will understand that shortly.” He stretched back in his chair and yawned. “Well, it’s been an eventful evening and now I shall retire to my room.”

  “I’m not finished with this conversation,” I said and stood.

  “I am. Goodnight, daughter.” He quickly reached forward and kissed the top of my head before I could pull away.

  His ridiculous silk shirt billowed out behind him as he made his way inside. I was left alone to wallow in my thoughts. Lucian’s mind worked within a system that I couldn’t interpret, and that worried me to no end. What was he planning? Why was I the key to his success?

  In two days, we would meet with the Council. I’d finally discover what he was up to and then I would leave with Kain. Until then, I needed to play along and learn what I could. I needed to survive.


  Unfortunately, I couldn’t discover anything about Lucian when he disappeared. As soon as I awoke each day, I looked all over for my estranged father. Much to my disappointment, I was told that he was out, but I knew he was hiding. He didn’t want to speak to me before the Council meeting. I don’t know why exactly, but I just knew that was true.

  We arrived at the Dallas/Fort Worth airport shortly before sunset. I’d never been to Texas before, and although Dallas seemed like a sprawling city, I wasn’t a fan of the dry heat we encountered on our way to the meeting. Instead of a hotel, we were driving to a country club. Where better to ensure exclusivity and privacy for a secret merfolk meeting? Apparently one of the clan’s had a long history with the club and when requested, they got anything they needed.

  Lucian forced me to dress in a ridiculous gown. It wasn’t that the design was horrible, quite the opposite actually. The long, form fitting indigo dress complimented my hair, and the slit up the side of my right leg was sure to draw attention. It was strapless and surprisingly quite comfortable. I had to wear long gloves that reached the top of my elbows, and despite my best protests, Lucian demanded that I wrap my hair up off my neck and into a bun. His obsession with the way I looked made the whole ordeal quite ludicrous to me. That, and I knew I would look like a trophy on his arm.

  Sparkling lights and fiery torches lit the path up to the main entrance of the club. The ancient oaks hovered over the road like an embrace. Branches reached and crawled toward each other effectively creating a tunnel of foliage. We sat on opposite sides in the back of a black limousine, since Lucian insisted on making a dramatic appearance. His dark blue suit complimented my dress and he even pulled his long blond hair back into a ponytail. We looked like a couple of movie stars begging for attention. Exactly what I didn’t want.

  “You will behave tonight,” Lucian suddenly said.

  “I’m not three,” I snapped.

  “No, but sometimes you act like it.” It was such an insulting, fatherly thing to say. He had no right. But before I could protest, he continued. “You will only speak when asked a direct question. Do you understand?”

  I didn’t say anything. He didn’t deserve an answer.

  “If you don’t obey, I promise you there will be consequences,” he said.

  “What, like you’ll beat up Graham some more? No one is left for you to use against me.”

  At least I hoped there wasn’t. All I needed to do was get inside and find Kain. I wanted to find out more about Lucian’s plans, but I hoped that we would get enough information from the meeting tonight. I assumed he was going to place some kind of demand on the table. Would it involve me? I didn’t doubt that it would. The Council hadn’t been real anxious to help save me. Perhaps that would be his angle. They back off completely and he stops the senseless killings.

  As much as that would be the ideal situation, I sincerely doubted it would ever happen. Lucian wouldn’t honor a truce, but he still might convince them otherwise. These were leaders of the American and international Councils. If they had an opportunity to make a deal in the name of peace, I bet they’d take it. Regardless of my situation.

  Then suddenly, I had a panicked thought. Not about the Council all but signing me over to Lucian, but about Kain and his role tonight. This would for sure be a closed meeting, privy to only those deemed fit. Would Kain be one of them? He and Adele had worked closely together over the past several months, but Kain wasn’t a Council member. My breath caught in my throat in the complete terror that I wouldn’t be able to leave with him tonight.

  Then I remembered who I was thinking about. Kain wouldn’t leave me this time. He’d find a way to free me from my father’s grasp no matter what it entailed. Kain was reliable.

  “Eviana?” Lucian asked and his tone implied it wasn’t the first time he spoke. His hand extended into the limo, waiting for me to join him outside. “It’s time.”

  I placed my gloved hand in his and let him help me out of the car. Must play along, I reminded myself. The hot and stuffy nighttime air suffocated me. Or maybe that was just my life.

  I took a few steps forward, thankful for that slit in the dress. Three club employees greeted us, followed by four protectors. They belonged to the Council, and I watched closely as they eyed up Lucian and me.

  “Sir,” the security team leader said. “They may wait outside.” He looked at the two selkies Lucian brought with us. There were more here, just staying out of sight.

  Lucian pushed past the protector as though he were an annoying insect. “They come with me.”

  “But sir…” the man said. Lucian stopped so suddenly,
he nearly yanked my arm off. He stared at the merman and narrowed his eyes. My head began to hurt.

  “You will not speak to me again, nor will you prevent any of my security team from entering this building. Nod if you understand.” The man bobbed his head up down like a marionette. “Excellent,” Lucian finished. He turned and pulled me through the doors, the selkies following close behind.

  Lucian was an incredible threat. He’d just controlled one of his own without breaking a sweat. We weren’t supposed to be able to do that. Although both he and Graham tried it on me, I thought maybe it wasn’t possible since they hadn’t succeeded. Now I realized how badly I’d misjudged his abilities. Another round of nerves prickled over my skin. I really needed to get away from him.

  It appeared that most of the club was closed to the regular members as only merfolk filled the meeting area. A few dressed in long gold, dark green, or black robes symbolizing their presence on an international Council. These ruling organizations were littered all over the world, with several on each continent. Well, except for Australia who only had one Council, and Antarctica where no merfolk resided at all. I didn’t see any of the maroon cloaked members representing the North American Council.

  But I did see someone else.

  “I’m going to the ladies room,” I said polite and sweet to Lucian, and loud enough for others to here. Certainly he couldn’t deny me that request. He smiled and dropped his arm, allowing me to move by myself. Freedom. For at least a few moments.

  “Don’t be too long. We are about to make our announcement,” he added. What announcement? The sheer look of malice in his eyes made my legs shake in fear. So much was riding on tonight going smoothly, and yet Lucian wouldn’t think twice about disrupting everyone’s plan.

  We were here for him. He’d convinced the Council to bring those that best represented each clan so that he could discuss the next steps with them. It was reasonable, and he pretended to go along with the charade. But in reality, they’d be fools to think he didn’t have an ulterior motive.

  As did I. Making my way around the corner and out of his sight, I noticed a door slowly closing. Running as discretely as I could, I reached the men’s bathroom a few seconds later. Nice. I looked up and down the hallway and quickly pressed my back against the door to slip inside. Hopefully no one else would follow me in.

  There was a second entrance, and as soon as I pushed through, my heart rate increased and my mouth turned up in a smile too big for me to control. Kain waited there with arms outstretched, a smile as wide as my own reflecting back at me.

  “You’re here,” I said and jumped into his embrace. I felt him laugh and squeeze me tighter.

  “There was no way Adele could stop me,” he said. “Plus she owed me after what I told her about Graham.”

  My muscles stiffened at the mention of his name. “I’m so sorry Kain. I didn’t know.”

  He kissed my forehead with the lightest of touch. “I know. We didn’t get very far before he revealed himself.”

  “Was anyone hurt?” I asked, suddenly remembering what Graham could do. I was fairly certain that he faked the loss of his powers among the many other things he’d lied about.

  “Troy got it the worst, and he took control of the selkies. But Abhainn was the one who is the most upset.” He looked down into my eyes and moved his hands to the side of my face. “It doesn’t matter though. You’re here and you’re coming home with me.”

  Those words had so many different meanings, that if I hadn’t noticed the desire in his eyes, I could have misinterpreted it. He wanted me to come home with him, but not in a protective kind of way. No, it was much more intimate than that.

  I closed my eyes when I felt his lips press against mine. Once again, every errant thought disappeared and it was all I could do not to lose control. Reaching up, I grabbed his head in my hands and lost myself in the feel of his sun-bleached hair. Still longer than normal, I decided right then that I liked it that way.

  My fingers caressed the strands while his hands traveled lower on my body. Much lower. I felt his timid brush against the slit in my dress that almost reached the top of my thigh. Goosebumps erupted all over my body and I shivered in anticipation. We’d never been this close before.

  And although we should have stopped, it was quite obvious that neither of us wanted to. When he pulled his lips away from mine, I almost screamed until I felt them again, moving down my neck. The strapless dress left plenty of kissable skin, and Kain hit every spot. Twice.

  If I could’ve had a conscious thought, I would have wondered why I couldn’t seem to get enough of him. It had only been a little more than a week since Brendan broke my heart, but those few days felt like a lifetime. So much had happened since then. So many lives had been lost or almost stolen from me. It took those experiences for me to realize what I truly wanted out of life and who I wanted in it. My heart swelled with so much love for Kain, I swear it would explode.

  “Ah, if ye keep this up, we are going to ‘ave to find ye a private room. And fast.” Abhainn’s voice scared me so much I bit Kain’s lip.

  “Oh no! I’m so sorry,” I said, trying to reach for his face.

  He wiped his mouth and chuckled when his hand came away with blood on it. “It’s okay. Barely scratched the surface. Besides, you can do that any time you want.”

  I knew my face blushed, especially if Abhainn’s snort was any indication. His foot-high frame floated above the gold sink, where I presumed he had entered the facility. “I’m glad that yer ‘aving a happy reunion, but we must be leaving soon. The place is crawling with security.”

  “We’re leaving now?” I asked Kain, still standing a few feet away out of sheer embarrassment.

  “It would be best. Adele told me that we should sneak you out during the hoopla that’s sure to go on once the meeting starts.”

  I nodded my head, knowing that I should trust in them. “Okay then. Let’s go.” I was grateful for the Council leader’s concern. Especially after they decided to leave me trapped at Lucian’s.

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, daughter.” Lucian stood in the doorway with a sinister look on his face and his left hand outstretched toward the sink. Abhainn made several choking sounds before falling silent. The sprite had his own hands around his throat as he fought with himself. He was suffocating.

  “What are you doing to him?” I yelled.

  “I’m controlling the water. Every molecule that makes up these creatures can be manipulated to do as I command. I find it amusing that the sprite is choking himself, don’t you?” Abhainn’s wide eyes doubled in size, and I feared they may pop out of his head.

  “Kain, do something,” I begged. His water control skills far surpassed mine. But the moment he acknowledged what I said, Lucian was on him. His fingers wrapped around Kain’s throat and although the two men were equal in size, Lucian lifted him off the ground like he weighed nothing.

  “It’s a shame your parents held you back, too.” Lucian looked up into Kain’s eyes and cocked his head like a hawk eyeing up prey. “I can see the power in you. Feel it. Too bad you two won’t have the chance to be together. What a commanding couple you’d be. Maybe even more so than my arrangement.” Kain struggled against his hold and just as he was about to tear Lucian’s hands away, the merman spoke. “Sleep.”

  Kain’s body relaxed and Lucian dropped him to the floor with little regard. Abhainn gasped for air while fighting against his own hands.

  “Please stop this!” I screamed. And then I got mad. Lucian was facing Kain so I leapt forward and jumped onto his back. It was difficult in the dress and I think I heard the slit tear higher up my leg.

  Lucian spun around and slammed my back against the wall. The bone crushing blow forced all of the air out of my lungs, yet I still held on. He took a few steps forward and then ran back into the wall again. My head crashed along the marble tiles as he continued to beat my body. Within a few seconds, I couldn’t hold on anymore. My grasp loosened and
I fell to the floor.

  “Finally,” Lucian said, shrugging his shoulders and pulling his jacket back into place. “I’ve had quite enough of this.” He flicked his hand at Abhainn and the sprite shattered into a thousand different pieces. The droplets plummeted into the sink and onto the counter. Unlike all of the other times I’d watch them move back together to form his body again, the water stayed still. In the next second, Lucian pulled Kain up by his throat and slapped him hard across the face with his free hand. I screamed again then covered my mouth when I saw Lucian’s glare.

  “Shut up!” He looked back to Kain who seemed to be waking up. “And be quiet or I end this now. I want both of you to listen carefully.” Squeezing his throat, Lucian didn’t give Kain an option. Kain’s eyes found mine while Lucian simply glared at me. “If you don’t stand with me before the Council tonight, I will kill him in the most horrible way you can imagine.” To emphasize the threat, he twisted his wrist and Kain’s face turned red.

  “Stop!” He’d already killed Abhainn, I believed Kain would be next. “Why are you doing this? What’s wrong with you?”

  He tossed Kain into the wall and marched over to me. Grabbing my upper arm, he yanked me to my feet. “I told you that you would convince the Council to follow The Legacy, and now I’m gathering my insurance.” His mouth was so close to my face that I felt his hot, angry breath. For the first time since all of this began, I was really, truly afraid of this man.

  “How…how am I supposed to do that?” I could barely speak.

  He started to push me toward the door. “You will tell them that you discovered the error in your ways, and now you see the need for us to take control.”

  I looked up at him with uncertainty. “But I don’t feel that way. How am I supposed to convince them otherwise?”

  Before I knew what happened, I felt my cheek burn and tasted blood in my mouth. Lucian had slapped me so hard, it took seconds before the pain settled in.


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