The Syrenka Series Box Set

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The Syrenka Series Box Set Page 59

by Amber Garr

  I pushed the paper into her hand. She looked at it, puzzled like she held a foreign object. Without saying another word, she opened the note. I watched as her face ran through a gauntlet of expressions from perplexed to stunned to furious in a matter of seconds.

  “Is this some kind of joke?” At first I thought she’d spoken to me, but then noticed she directed the question to Marisol.

  “Mom? No! I would never joke about such things.” Marisol cowered behind me, trying to avoid the look that so many merfolk feared from their leader.

  Marguerite glanced up at me one more time, and whatever she saw on my face must have convinced her of the truth. Her eyes glimmered with unshed tears. “Kain, I’m so sorry for the behavior of my child. I…,” she cleared her throat, “I have to go take care of this.”

  For a brief moment, the Dumahl clan leader rested her tiny hand on my arm. Her disappointment mimicked my own, but now we had to clean up the mess. I wondered if Eviana thought about any of this before leaving.

  “Marisol, come on. We need to find your father.” The remaining Dumahl ladies left the room in search of answers they would never find. I needed to do something. And the first objective was to get out of this house.

  Walking through the barrage of vendors and staff nearly sent me into a fit. I felt trapped. Constricted. When I finally pushed through the front doors, I could breathe again.

  I climbed into my car without knowing where I wanted to go. Just away from here, I decided. Marguerite would call when she had a plan, which I knew would involve a clan punishment for Eviana if her mother’s looks were any indication.

  This problem belonged to Eviana now, and as I drove away from her home, I realized how much it was my problem too.

  “Come on, handsome. Just one more drink.”

  The uninhibited girl brushed her fingers lightly over my arm and up to my neck. Leaning against her touch, I closed my eyes and contemplated her offer for the tenth time.

  “If she gets to buy you a drink, then so do I.” The other female trapped under my spell attempted to pull me closer to her side. “Or better yet,” she climbed out of her chair and whispered in my ear, “we could all have a drink together up in my room.” Her long, auburn hair contrasted nicely with the tight lilac dress and olive skin. Her friend’s completely opposite short black hair and striking red halter top appealed to me as well.

  I smiled. Looking at the two humans, and knowing how little compulsion it took to get me to this place, I decided I could be a bit late to the meeting.

  “Master Forrester, it’s time,” my protector said, trying to kill the mood.

  “Master?” The dark-haired girl giggled. “Why did he call you Master?”

  Tossing a glare to the man who dared to interrupt a sure thing, I shook my head. “Richard just does that sometimes,” I explained. “It’s a little joke between us.”

  Both girls moved closer and wrapped their arms tight around my shoulders and waist. “Are we supposed to call you Master too?”

  The protector cleared his throat before I could answer. “Sir, we have to leave. Now.”

  Dropping the control, I removed their arms and stood. “Ladies, I am sorry, but I have to go to work now.”

  After several pouty looks and promises to give them a call when I finished, I finally managed to slink away from the hotel bar. Although pretending to be irritated with tonight’s Council meeting, I was secretly excited to finally see her. Big plans had been put into place, and tonight I would meet the girl at the center of them all.

  “Here,” my protector said, shoving a cloak into my hands. “You reek by the way.”

  I yanked my official uniform out of his grasp. “They expect nothing less, mate.”

  “Stop it,” he grumbled.

  Richard hated it when I gave him a nickname. We reached the double doors leading to the ballroom and he leaned forward to escort me inside. “We’re late. Again.”

  I smiled at him and pushed my way into the room. Trying to get my cloak on, I didn’t notice the scene until Richard let the door slam shut and everyone turned to look at me. I laughed, knowing he’d done that on purpose.

  “Ah, Master Forrester. So nice of you to join us.” Adele’s sarcastic tone wasn’t lost on me. I knew she didn’t approve of my behavior and she knew I didn’t care to change.

  “Thanks for waiting, luv,” I replied with a smirk. “I told my lady friends that I had an appointment to get to, but you know how irresistible I am. They just couldn’t let me go.”

  A wave of gasps and whispers erupted around me, but I ignored them. These leaders were as insignificant as the two human girls waiting in the bar. Soon, their days of power would be over and they’d be reduced nothing.

  My arm got stuck in the stupid cloak and I muttered a few words about the ridiculous garb. Stumbling down the aisle, I almost reached the front before I finally got my clothing in place. I straightened my shoulders, took a quick glance at Master Matthew, and then came face to face with her.

  Blonde hair, perfect skin, and a lilac dress that put the promiscuous human girls to shame, I suddenly couldn’t breathe. Eviana Dumahl was more beautiful than I’d been told. Yet, there was more to it than that. My pulse increased and the memory of all the other girls dissipated into the background of my mind. She called to me, whether she knew it or not, and she called to me in a very primal way.

  I stared at her blue eyes and peeked inside her head. A flurry of emotions flitted through, almost too frantic to capture. Hints of shock, fear, and lust came to the forefront of her mind and only intensified when I winked at her.

  “Well hello, luv.” I leaned forward to whisper only to her. The smell of the sea did something funny to my stomach and her blush confirmed my suspicions of our mutual attraction. “Why don’t you and me leave promptly after this affair and have a drink?”

  Her cheeks reddened even more but before I could continue my seduction, Christopher cleared his throat.

  “Graham, would you please take your seat so that we can get started.”

  Knowing I’d find a way to see her later, I winked again and walked slowly to my Council seat. I felt her eyes bore into my back and it took every ounce of control I had not to turn around.

  “Mistress Dumahl, may we call you Eviana for the purposes of these proceedings?” Adele asked the new leader who I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of. She answered and the meeting began and continued on for a while. But I found that I couldn’t concentrate.

  With a pounding heart, I panicked a little at my reaction to Eviana. I probably knew more about her than all of the Council members combined, which meant I knew what was in store for us. However, I didn’t anticipate the instant reaction I had to her presence. No female had ever grabbed me like that. Ever.

  I listened to her explain the recent ordeal with Lucian. Although her words meant nothing, her voice sang to me in a way I could only call addictive. I didn’t miss the fleeting glares of Master Matthew when he noticed my intense focus on his formally betrothed.

  Adele suddenly slammed her hand on the table, forcing me to become a part of the meeting once again.

  “We are doing something about it! That is why these two leaders are standing here in front of you.”

  I looked at Adele, face red and demanding attention. Although a tiny old lady, she could frighten the best of them. Not to mention her powers far surpassed most in this room.

  An older man jumped to his feet. “Leaders? These two? They’re barely out of diapers.” Spit flew from his mouth and he waved his hands in the air. “I certainly hope that you have something better than this!”

  I watched Eviana react to the ignorant leader and smiled when Kain laid his hand on her shoulder to keep her quiet. The two new leaders may have to worry about the reaction of the Council, but I surely didn’t.

  “I do believe you should hold your tongue, you cheeky old fool. They have both been appointed by their clans and by their birthrights. Besides,” I made a point of smiling
at Eviana, “we could use some more young blood in these dreadful political meetings.”

  Mesmerized by the pull between the two of us, I almost missed the intentions being broadcast by the old man’s thoughts. Before he could continue his argument, I pushed a silent command into his head. With his mouth hanging open, the old bastard suddenly found it impossible to form words. He forgot how to speak as I took control of his mind and forced him to sit back down. To him, it would seem like he lost a few moments due to nothing more than a lapse in focus.

  Once settled, I dropped the compulsion and winked at Eviana. Kain saw this too, and rolled his eyes, but my attention focused on the rest of the Council members. They couldn’t know I’d just controlled one of our own. That was a secret I planned to keep a little while longer.

  Adele gave me an inquisitive look but when I tilted my head in acknowledgment, she continued.

  “Enough of this. Bring them in.”

  For the next few minutes, groups of unsuspecting humans shuffled into the ballroom. I saw the two ladies from the bar, but they never noticed me. Fully enraptured by Adele’s control, they wouldn’t have been able to speak, let alone do all of the things they promised to do to me back in their hotel room.

  Surprised by the size of the challenge, I looked at Eviana. Her face had paled and she kept reaching for Kain. I knew there was power in her, but even I had doubts she could control so many.

  “Take them! This is your plan to fight against Lucian, is it not? We need to see how strong you really are.”

  Yes, we do. If Eviana could master this room, that would please a number of powerful merfolk.

  I suddenly caught her gaze. Looking at me like I held all of the answers, nothing but curiosity filled my mind at that moment. I sensed her nerves but more importantly felt the power within her. In an effort to encourage what may be, I winked at her.

  A sharp pang of jealously swept through me and I didn’t know if it came from Kain or me when I saw him touch her lower back. Their bond was stronger than I think either of them realized. We had all benefited from Eviana’s decision to run away from her wedding, thus biding us more time. But with the way she looked at Kain, I decided he’d have to be dealt with sooner rather than later to avoid any more complications.

  Over the next half hour, Eviana managed to take control of most of the humans originally under Adele’s compulsion. Impressed and proud, I couldn’t wait to tell the others about this.

  “How’s that?” Eviana asked and Adele nodded.

  “Not bad,” she said. I knew that look. Adele had just discovered a new star pupil.

  “Not bad?” Christopher yelled. “She didn’t get them all. That could mean the difference between life and death.”

  The merman’s antics had been growing old and I was surprised that his ridiculous acting job fooled the rest of the members. I shot him a warning glare and prepared to do more than that if necessary.

  “No, she didn’t,” Adele agreed, and a bit of that pride gave way to doubt. Whispers from the audience filled the din. The fear of Lucian had returned.

  Eviana looked at each Council member through frantic eyes and a determined stance. Suddenly, the humans began to move. With flapping arms, shuffling feet, and awkward gyrations, they danced. After a few moments, I recognized what Eviana had accomplished.

  I stood and clapped my hands together. I felt proud of her for showing up the Council and throwing their doubt right back in their faces. Eviana and I would get along just fine.

  “Fantastic, luv.” I opened my arms and faced the rest of the Council. “I think she’s proven herself. I’ve never seen you make them dance before.” Winking at Adele, I laughed when she glared back.

  “Enough, Eviana. Please release control so we can send them away,” Adele demanded.

  Slowly the crowd dissipated until only merfolk remained. I watched closely as Kain and Eviana carried on a private moment. He encouraged her, while she swelled with pride at his compliments. Although unable to notice it themselves, their thoughts mimicked each other. Friendship, security, love. Some emotions stronger in one than the other, but there nonetheless.

  I definitely had to make sure they spent time apart from each other before this developed into anything substantial. And it certainly wouldn’t hurt if I had more one on one time with Eviana as well. I smiled at the thought.

  Eviana caught me staring at the same time Adele dismissed us all. After making it clear the Council still had some decisions to make tonight, I began plotting and scheming in my mind. I needed to make sure their decisions included an opportunity for me to be around Eviana.

  As the leaders walked passed Kain and Eviana, I stopped to make one more impression. “Rain check, then?” Kain sighed and Eviana looked up at me in confusion. “On the drinks. Looks like duty calls tonight.”

  She nodded. I wanted to kiss her and the pull felt stronger than ever. But I needed to stay in control and continue playing my role. So I smiled again and walked away without turning around.

  Immediately after leaving the room, Adele cornered me. “She’s amazing.”

  Surprised at the wistful tone in her voice, I laughed. “She is something.”

  Adele looked up at my face and pulled me to the side, away from prying Council ears. “Don’t you dare, Graham.”


  “Don’t even think about it. She’s a clan leader and she’s already in enough trouble. She doesn’t need you complicating things.” Adele scolded me like a child. “Besides, she must marry Kain.”

  “Didn’t someone already try to force her into that once?” I asked, knowing it was a very sore subject around here. “It didn’t work the first time, what makes you think it will work now?”

  “I have a plan.”

  “Really?” I huffed.

  She glared up at me. “Yes. And ironically, that plan involves you.”

  Now I smiled for real, hope filling the air. “I’m listening.”

  “I’ll let you know later. I have to make a few calls first.” Adele turned on her heel and marched down the hall. Several of the Council members waited for her orders. “Stay nearby,” she told them. “I need to take care of a few things.”

  Used to her odd behavior, the merfolk representing the entire country shrugged their shoulders and made their way to the bar. I wondered what our leader was up to, but since I might have a chance to be involved with Eviana’s future, I didn’t worry.

  Nothing Adele could do would ruin the grand plan. I just had to bide my time.

  The gray sky glowered in the early morning light, mimicking my somber mood. Eviana slept soundly next to me as I tossed and turned in angst. With my stomach in turmoil, thoughts pounded my brain like the selkies that had attacked me several months ago.

  What was I doing? I loved her. I had always loved her. But the longer I stayed in this room and thought about last night, the more I wanted to scream. Nothing felt right.

  I’d hoped this wasn’t happening and I’d tried to ignore my instincts all evening. I promised her I would never leave her side. I’d done it once, and I refused to do it again.

  Leave now!

  My inner voice shouted at me and I squeezed my head in desperation. Go away! Shut up! I wished I could turn it off, but it grew louder every day. Eviana stirred and I looked at her peaceful face. She didn’t deserve this. She’d been through enough and there would be more to come.

  She’s not for you.

  But I want her! I shouted back in my head. For my whole life, it had just been her and me. Despite her parent’s disapproval, we made it work. She left everything for me. Why wasn’t that enough?

  It started in Seattle. At first I thought it was just a reaction to being lonely and slightly fearful of Eviana’s new powers. An attractive human caught my eye, and for the first time ever, I wanted to be closer to her. Almost instantly, it disgusted me. How could I do this to the only person I loved?

  I didn’t tell anyone, especially Julian. I didn’t want to know
what he’d think of me. After nursing me back from certain death and allowing me to crash with him, I’d already felt like I’d burdened him too much.

  Several weeks later I met with Eviana. Seeing her, standing in the coffee shop and looking like the powerful leader I knew she’d be, my heart filled again. I felt complete and I’d tried to ignore the forces pulling me away from her.

  When I decided to come back to California, I vowed to make it work. Julian questioned my intent several times, but I never told him about the voices screaming in my head. Instead I focused on my memories with Eviana and replayed them over and over each day.


  Stop! I clamped my eyes together and covered my ears. Stop, stop, stop! Lifting Eviana’s arm from my chest, I slowly slid out of her bed. Please, I begged silently. I don’t want to feel the call. Anything but that.


  Another voice entered my mind. Not my own, but I recognized it. Julian knew I needed him.

  Come to me.

  I still didn’t fully understand his ability to communicate with his selkies, but his voice brought a comfort to me that Eviana couldn’t. Pulling on my clothes and trying not to look at her lying in the bed, I thought about last night. The shower, her smile, our closeness I’d never shared with anyone else. Over and over, I recalled those memories as the voice beckoning me to mate with another screamed louder in my mind.

  I didn’t remember the walk, but in no time at all I found myself knocking on Julian’s door. Leave! Mate! She’s not for you! I crumpled in a heap on his porch, clenching the sides of my head and wishing he could make it all go away.

  “Brendan?” Julian’s calm voice did little to hide the knowing tone.

  “I don’t want this!” I cried out. Barely light enough outside to see the distant rocks, I searched the water for our sanctuary. Remember, remember, remember! I needed those memories to drown out the voice.

  “You don’t have a choice in the matter.” Julian rested a hand on my shoulder and I jumped up.


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