The Forbidden Billionaire

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The Forbidden Billionaire Page 5

by Lexi Aurora

  “Cocktails every day,” I said.

  “And the food,” she gushed. “You should get on that, bro.”

  He chuckled. “Any time you want to come to visit, ladies, it’s yours.”

  “I love having a rich brother,” Casey said.

  “You’re spoiled,” he teased.

  “You owe me for all the times you tormented me when I was a kid,” Casey said with a grin. “You used to break the heads off of my dolls.”

  I laughed. “That’s weird, Travis.”

  “It was only because she used to steal my CDs and never give them back. It was revenge.”

  Alice exchanged a glance at her husband and rolled her eyes.

  “They never really grow up,” Alice said.

  “That’s not true,” said Travis. He looked over at me with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. “Jenna here is all grown up.”

  I blushed when he said the words, knowing that he was referring to the very grown-up things we had done together last night.

  “I am,” I said after a moment. “So maybe I should be the one getting spoiled.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that,” said Travis, looking back, into my eyes, and I knew that he meant every word.

  I felt a foot against my ankle, stroking it gently, and knew from the look on Travis’ face that it was him. For some reason, that subtle, secret touch made my body feel like it was burning with embers, about to burst into full flames at any minute. He touched me as the rest of dinner continued, and by the time we were sitting and waiting for dessert, all I wanted was to be alone with Travis. I wanted to ride him, and taste him the way he had tasted me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and I knew that he was having the same problem. I had forgotten that anybody else was in the room until Casey said my name. I snapped my eyes away from Travis to look at my friend.

  “Jen, you wanna hang out tonight? Girl time?”

  “Sure,” I said with a smile, sure not to show any disappointment. I felt guilty for wanting to be with Travis so much when I was here to spend time with my best friend. I glanced over at Travis, then back at Casey. “What do you have in mind?”

  She shrugged. “I just want to hang out after today, maybe watch a movie.”

  “Yeah, we can hang out in my room. There’s a TV in there.”

  “Okay,” she said brightly. “I’m going to go take a shower. I’ll be down to your room in a few minutes.”

  I nodded, then watched her disappear up the steps before I looked over at Travis again. We were alone in the room—his parents had retired upstairs and Casey was going to be occupied for a few minutes. I glanced around me, then hurried over to him across the room. I took his face in my hands and pulled him in for a kiss that was full of heat and hunger, molding my body to his. I felt almost breathless with the desire for him that had been building up all day.

  “Come to my room later,” I said to him. “When Casey’s gone.”

  He grinned at me. “I’ll be there.”

  I kissed him one more time and left the dining room, going upstairs to my own room and sitting down on the bed. I changed into a nightgown, one that was cool and light and comfortable for the weather.

  Casey came down into my room a few moments later wrapped in a robe, carrying two bottles of wine. She handed the one that had already been uncorked to me and then opened one for herself, sitting beside me on the bed.

  “So how are you feeling?” Casey asked. “You seem kind of distracted this whole trip.”

  “I’m just thinking about how much work I have to get done at home,” I said, hoping the lie didn’t show. Truthfully, I hadn’t thought of school since the moment I had seen Travis leaning over me, waking me up on the beach. It had been the last thing on my mind.

  “Don’t think about that,” said Casey, gesturing that I should start drinking the wine. I laughed and downed a big gulp straight from the bottle, just like we used to do. She did the same, and we laid in my bed hanging out while we drank.

  “Do you have a boyfriend back home?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not—I’m not interested in having a boyfriend. Men just aren’t worth it.”

  Casey sighed. “You’re right. You’re totally right. I haven’t met one. There was somebody that I thought I might bring along on this trip but it turned out that he was married.”

  “He was married?” I asked.

  “I didn’t know about it.” There was a miserable, annoyed look on her face.

  “So now you’re single,” I said.

  “Yep,” she said, sighing, taking another long, long swig of the wine. She was more than halfway done with the first bottle but I had barely touched mine. I didn’t want to be drunk for my meeting with Travis whenever he crawled into my bed later.

  “Do you think we’ll be single forever?” Casey asked, staring up at the ceiling.

  “No,” I said, thinking of Travis. “I hope not.”

  “Maybe tomorrow we should go cruise the island for boys. Find some hot hookups.”

  I laughed. “Maybe.” It was something I would have done two or three years ago, maybe, but only for flirting. I had been carrying the torch for Travis so bright and so fast that no other man had really tempted or affected me enough to give myself to him completely.

  “I doubt there’s anything hip on this island,” she said. “Seems like mostly rich people and old folks.”

  “Yeah, but rich people definitely know how to party.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet your future husband there,” Casey said. “So he can pay off all your loans.”

  I didn’t answer her, but instead reached for the remote and turned the TV on. She continued to drink, and when she was done with her bottle of wine, I passed mine over to her. She thanked me and downed it, giggling at every little thing that happened on the TV. It was good to see my friend Casey so happy; she hadn’t always been this way. In high school, she’d been on the quieter side, shy and sad. But she had blossomed into someone who could make friends with anyone, who was the life of the party in any room.

  There was a knock on the door and I tensed, glancing over to see that Casey was asleep. I crept out of bed, careful not to wake her, and went to the door. I slipped out and shut it behind me, leaning against it as Travis stood in front of me. He put his hands to my waist, pulling me against him as he took my mouth in a slow, relishing kiss.

  “Casey’s in there,” I said. “We can’t—”

  “We’ll just go to my room,” he said, kissing my neck then. The touch of his lips on my sensitive skin spread pleasure throughout my body. I kissed him again, unable to help myself.

  “If Casey wakes up, she’ll get suspicious if I’m not here. And we can’t do it with her in the room.”

  He shook his head, a small frown on his lips. “I wish we didn’t have to hide this.”

  “But we do,” I said, looking up into his eyes. “Just imagine how good it’s going to be once we’re alone again.”

  “You have no idea, baby,” he said, leaning in to kiss me one more time, his lips lingering on mine. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” I said, and went back into the room, turning off the TV and lying next to Casey in my bed. Travis was running through my mind, not only his touch but the fact that it seemed like he was genuinely interested in being with me. I was hesitant to believe that, though. He had said before that he wasn’t interested in a relationship at all—why should I be any different?

  Chapter 12: Travis

  My eyes were on Jenna all night. It seemed like I couldn’t stop looking at her, though the threat of it being noticed by my family was a real risk that I shouldn’t have been willing to take. Still, it felt worth it to look her over, drink her in even when she wasn’t watching. Her eyes often found mine, though, and I could tell that she was thinking just what I had been thinking. We’d spent most of the day together just relaxing at the beach and things had built up between us, especially when there was a moment when Casey went back up to the house to use the restroom, l
eaving me alone in the water with Jenna. I had stroked her thighs, touched her pussy through the outside of her bikini as I dared to sneak a kiss that couldn’t last as long as I wanted it to.

  I turned to Casey as we walked up the beach. “So, Case, there’s someone I was thinking of inviting over tonight who I think you might find interesting.”

  Casey exchanged a glance with Jenna, who had her eyebrows raised. I had a feeling she knew that something was up, though I hadn’t made plans with her earlier in the day. I had something private and personal ready for later tonight, something that I knew Jenna would never forget.

  “Oh yeah?” asked Casey. “Who?”

  “A friend of mine. Very rich, good-looking, loves pretty girls.”

  “Sounds like my type,” said Casey, almost gushing already. “Is he smart?”

  “He graduated top of the class at Harvard,” I said. I knew that I was feeding right into what she wanted. The plan was to distract her with Jack so that I would have time to sneak off with Jenna later that night. I hoped that it would work—I didn’t think I could go another night without touching her.

  “Perfect,” Casey said. “What do you think, Jen?”

  “I think you need to get laid,” Jenna said, and Casey laughed while I rolled my eyes. That particular part of Casey’s plans was something that I did not under any circumstances ever want to hear about.

  “So should I give him a call?” I asked her, knowing the answer already.

  “Yes,” said Casey, and she and Jenna went ahead of me as I pulled out my phone. I waited until I heard their voices dissolve until I dialed the number.

  “Hey, Jack,” I said when he answered the phone.

  “Hey, man,” said Jack. He was a good guy, always friendly, otherwise I wouldn’t be setting him up with my sister.

  “You know how you always said you wanted to meet my sister?”

  “Yes,” Jack said, his voice immediately perking up. He had seen my sister once and had carried a thing for her since.

  “Want to come over tonight? I can introduce you two. Have a few drinks, get to know her.”

  “Sure,” said Jack, and I was thankful again that he was always down to have a good time. We made plans for him to come to my house in about an hour, and by the time I got upstairs the girls were in their room showering after having been at the beach.

  We all went downstairs, me behind Jenna with my hand on her waist, guiding her subtly just so that she could feel the heat of my skin there. We sat down on the couches until the doorbell rang, and when I got up to answer it, my friend Jack was there. I clapped him on the back, inviting him inside. Casey stood up when he walked in.

  “Casey, this is Jack,” I said, and I saw the look on her face before she even shook his hand. I had done good—I knew my sister very well, and Jack was just her type.

  “Casey,” said Jack with a charming smile, gesturing for them to sit down next to each other. They started to talk and I glanced over at Jenna, gesturing for her to meet me in the dining room.

  “We’re going to get some water,” I said to Jack and Casey, who didn’t even look over at me. I got up and followed Jenna into the kitchen, where I took her hips in my hands and pulled her against me. I kissed her once, then twice, each kiss growing deeper. I couldn’t help but to taste her mouth, to tease her tongue with mine.

  “You should say you’re tired and go to bed early.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because I’m trying to leave them alone. Go up to your room and wait. I’ll be up there soon.”

  “But if Casey’s still awake, we can’t—”

  “I’m going to try to convince them to go out,” I said with another kiss. She nodded then and we left the kitchen, going back outside to the living room where Casey and Jack were sitting even closer than before. I took one look at them and knew that I was going to have no trouble convincing them to go for a night out together.

  “I’m really tired,” Jenna said from behind me, yawning and stretching in a way that made her body look lean and limber. “I think I’ll go to bed.”

  “Goodnight,” said Casey, without even looking away from Jack. I sat down on the couch with them but they were distracted with each other. I was eager to get them out of the house.

  “Why don’t you guys go out tonight?” I asked them. “There’s that new bar—”

  “I’ve been wanting to try that place since we got here,” Casey said, filling me with relief that she caught on so quickly. “Would you want to go?”

  “Sure,” said Jack. “Let’s have a couple more drinks first and we’re out.”

  “Okay,” said Casey.

  “Okay, guys,” I said, unable to wait. I was going to start my plans for my night with Jenna now, whether they were lingering or not. “I’m going upstairs.”

  “No problem,” said Casey, her voice dreamy, and I disappeared around the corner. Instead of going upstairs, though, I dipped through the back hallway that led to the side door of the house. I closed it quietly behind me and looked around outside. There was a window I had crawled through a few times when I’d locked myself out that I knew led directly into her bedroom. I started to climb the lattice work, careful not to put too much pressure on any of my limbs, and lifted myself onto the roof. I scrambled up in and sat outside her window, tapping on it with the backs of my knuckles. There was a sheer curtain covering the window but I could see her outline through the creamy, opaque fabric. I laughed when I saw her scramble off the bed before she got up and came over to the window, pulling the curtain aside.

  When she saw me, she smiled, opening the window.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

  “I need to sneak you out. I was going to wait until they left for their date but I feel like I can’t wait any longer, so we have to sneak out.”

  She looked at me, a look of playful amusement in her eyes.

  “Okay,” she said. I climbed back out the window and helped her through, then we slid down the roof until we got to the bottom ledge. I held onto her hand as she swung down to the lattice, scaling it down to the ground. I climbed about halfway and dropped, then wiped off my knees and took her hand as we started in the direction of the alcove I had set up for her earlier that day. It was a private place, my favorite on the island, and I had a feeling that the beauty of it would take Jenna’s breath away just like I wanted it to.

  “Where are we going?” she asked. I looked over at her as we walked, pressing in through a thatch of trees that led to the private alcove.

  “It’s a surprise,” I said. I took her hand once I knew that we were past the safety of the trees and laced our fingers, glancing over at her face just to see that smile I knew I’d put there. We walked for a few moments in silence, picking through the trees in some places until we came upon a narrow path that squeezed between two rocks. I slipped between them into the alcove and she followed me, looking around in wonder at the private area of the beach and the hanging rock that would shelter our fire. There was a blanket set up in the alcove on the sand, as well as a cooler with a bottle of champagne and fresh fruit inside.

  “You can go sit in there,” I said to her as she looked around in wonder. “I’ll light a fire.”

  She nodded, going into the alcove. Instead of sitting down, she looked around at the stone walls, tracing her finger along the smooth rock as if it was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. I set about to lighting a fire, carrying out some of the wood I had brought in that morning when I’d decided to set up the picnic. As soon as I had a fire going, I stood up to see that she had moved closer to the shore and was sitting in the sand, her bare feet being lapped at by the water. She was so beautiful in the light of the moon and the shine of the stars that I thought, for a moment, I would never be able to look away from her. I thought she was perfect.

  Chapter 13: Jenna

  Travis sat down next to me at the beach while I gazed at the sky, the bright stars that twinkled and flic
kered on a cloudless night. We were far away from the lights of the house and the town on the island; nothing obscured the view of the brightness of the stars. The whole moment was perfect, especially when Travis put his hand over mine in the sand. He began to stroke my skin with the pad of his thumb, rubbing in slow circles that teased with little effort. Even that touch of his hand after the past couple of days was enough to make me squirm on the sand. I turned my face to look at him, saw that he was staring at me with an intent look in his eyes.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked him, my voice trembling from that simple, sensual touch of his hand. He tilted his face in close to mine, taking my bottom lip between his.


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