Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two

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Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two Page 1

by Michelle Houston

  Kinky Girls Do

  ~ Bundle Two ~

  An erotic short story collection by

  Michelle Houston

  Your Attention Please © copyright 2007, 2013 by Michelle Houston

  Tied With A Bow © copyright 2010 by Michelle Houston

  A Passion For Learning © copyright 2010 by Michelle Houston

  Chasing Her Dream © copyright 2007, 2013 by Michelle Houston

  Cover art © 2013 Michelle Lee

  Edited by Jenna Byrnes and D Musgrave

  Published by Unleashed Ink via Smashwords

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit and purchase your own copy or contact [email protected]. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  There was no way around it, Angela was an attention slut. Shaking her tits in guys faces, and letting them slip money into her g-string got her hotter than Nevada in July. The loud, throbbing music always got her going, as it washed over and through her. She selected her music carefully, knowing just what would allow her to show off her body in the best light.

  As she watched Bethany, a new girl, stumble up the steps behind the stage to observe her act, Angela tossed her a knowing smile. "Relax, kid. You'll knock them dead."

  Bethany smiled shyly in response. She was kind of cute. "I'm not sure that I can do this."

  Unfortunately, she was definitely too timid. "You know ballet, right?" Angela continued at Bethany's nod. "Then you already know how to captivate an audience. That'll give you an edge. Just remember, they're here to watch you, not the other way around. They're paying to see your body, so you own them. Use them and walk away. Make them want more. It's what I do."

  "…And now, here's our luscious Chantal, for her last set of the night." The voice of the DJ echoed throughout the back room.

  "That's my cue." With a flirtatious wave, Angela pushed through the curtains and stepped onto the stage.

  As it always did, the light blinded her for a moment. It was the perfect time for a dramatic pause. She could feel the gaze of the audience as if it were a living entity, caressing all over her body; they would be admiring her assets, their minds comparing her to the girls who had gone on before.

  She knew the picture she posed: long blonde hair, slim waist and very ample breasts. As her eyes adjusted to the lights, she strutted out onto the stage. With each step her peek-a-boo lace gown tightened against her torso, the trimming brushing against her thighs. A line from Pretty Woman always ran through her mind: "Work it, girl. Work it, work it." That's what she always tried to do.

  Across the room, Darren stood waiting, as he did every night she danced. Their gazes met, and she tossed him a smile before looking away. A shiver raced down her spine, as she moved across the stage. She could feel his gaze following her as he leaned up against the wall, his muscular arms folded across his broad chest.

  Looking out at the audience, she focused her attention on a spot just above their heads as she danced around the stage. Dropping to her knees, she occasionally spread her legs, a special treat for those who were seated close to the stage.

  There was an art to stripping that many never seemed to master. It wasn't about flawless movements and all the fancy shit that you see in the movies. Although she loved Flashdance, she knew what a disservice it did to many strippers. The audience for the most part doesn't care about the theatrics. They want to see tits and ass. And it's the strippers' job to give it to them.

  The song ended and another began, flowing almost seamlessly together. The DJ and Angela had worked together long enough to get the music for her set perfected. As the beat slowed slightly, she lifted her hands to the waist of her gown, pausing seductively. Hoots and hollers came from the audience. Egged on, she untied the ribbon that held the bottom half of her gown closed. Grabbing the edges she pulled it open and turned her back, looking coyly over her shoulder. They were eating it up. Tonight was definitely going to be a lucrative night.

  She flipped the skirt up over her ass, showing off her barely there thong. Giving a shimmy, she rolled her hips, drawing attention to the shapely curves of her ass. As she bent over, baring the firm globes, she could feel her thong tightening, the thin strip of her g-string parting her ass-cheeks. As she stood upright, she slid her hands up her body, caressing her legs and sides.

  Spinning around, she looked out at the audience as she did a hip rotation, judging their mood and what was catching their attention the most. Each audience was different, and she had learned to play up to what worked with each. Lifting her hands to her hair, she let the tresses slowly fall between them, fluttering around her face and shoulders.

  Again their gazes met, and even from across the room Angela could see the fire in Darren's eyes. He appeared calm and collected, but she knew the beast within him was tightly leashed, waiting to spring free. She shuddered at the delicious knowledge of what was to come.

  Grabbing the pole, Angela spun around it, her thong pulling tightly against her pussy. As soon as her heels touched the stage, she bent over and shook her ass, watching for cues from between her legs. Spotting a bill being waved at her, she stood up, running her hands up the back of her legs and over her ass. Pivoting on one foot, Angela strutted across the stage and crouched. The five slipped into her garter. Smiling at the balding man who gingerly brushed the back of his hand against her skin, she leaned forward, her lace-covered breasts a breath from his face. His eyes almost crossed and she smiled. She loved this. Despite making a good living, it was the attention that made stripping perfect for her.

  Dropping back onto her hands, she thrust her barely covered crotch into the balding man's face. Eyes wide, he slipped another bill into her garter. As he moved back, Angela gracefully flipped herself upright, grateful as always for years of martial arts training.

  Spotting her stool on the corner of the stage, she worked her way to it and pulled it to the center, while dancing around it and subtly loosening the ties on the top half of her gown. Climbing up, she hooked her feet around the legs, grabbed the back of the set, and arched. Breasts straining against the lace covering them, she wiggled to loosen the ties, and then relaxed, dropping back to a normal sitting posture.

  Parting her legs, while leaving her feet still anchored, she ran a hand over her body, and treading on thin ice, she rubbed it over her crotch, just enough to tempt but not enough to push the obscenity laws and get the club fined.

  Pumping her hips, she gave allusions to masturbating, and then allowed her hand to drop to the stool.

  Curling her fingers over the hard wood, she arched again, feeling the gown burst open, baring her whole body to the audience's view. Sliding carefully and with a sinuous grace off of the stool, she caught her lace con
fection between her body and the edge of the stool and slid free of it. Shifting to her knees, she tossed gracefully towards the back of the stage, and crawled to the front edge.

  She could feel her pulse racing. Adrenaline surged through her as her gaze flicked across the room again to meet Darren's. His lips curved into a shape with which she was intimately familiar. She was pushing all his buttons. The animal within him was breaking free and she was to be dinner. She would have purred if she could.

  The second song ended and slipped right into the third. Hard, pulsating music blasted over the sound system. The deep bass pounded into her. Her pussy clenched in need. Four minutes to go and she would head backstage. Four more minutes, and he would be there waiting for her. She would be his. But now, her audience demanded her attention.

  Reaching her destination, she stood and caressed her body, her hands running lightly over her stomach down to the band of her thong and pulled the material up into the wet folds of her pussy. Angela's lips parted for the delicate lace, allowing it to slide against her throbbing clit. Those close to the stage could see her juices glistening on her inner thighs.

  Several people held up money, eager to catch a glimpse of her pussy up close. Stepping over to them, the thin material rubbing deliciously between her lips, Angela crouched down. Those putting money into her garter could smell her sweat and essence combining into a musky tang all her own. One daring woman leaned forward, her clothing brushing against Angela's leg, as she slid a bill into the thin strap of the g-string that curved around her hip. The woman's nostrils flared as she inhaled deeply, before she moved back.

  Angela moved around the edge of the stage as the music was drawing to an end, the last minute winding down. As subtly as she could, she moved the money from her thong to her garter, as more money was added. The audience was slowly losing her focus, no longer holding her attention as much as Darren did. His gaze was steady on her, mesmerizing.

  His arms were no longer folded across his chest. Instead, he held his hands fisted at his sides. Angela knew if it was quiet in the room that she would be able to hear his growling, the deep sound welling from the dominant side of his nature. He was finished allowing other men to ogle her. Why he insisted on watching her last set of the night, when he knew it would get his desire all worked up, she didn't know. And frankly, given the pounding he would give her later, Angela didn't care.

  As the last bars of the song crashed over her, she moved to the center of the stage and dropped to her knees. Arching back to her shoulders, she grabbed the edge of her g-string and pulled it hard, snapping the thin fabric. For a brief moment, she bared every inch of her body to her audience, as the last beat of the song echoed against the walls of the bar. The lights above the stage went dark.

  Dropping to lie flat, Angela took a few deep breaths, and then rolled over and stood. Her legs a little shaky after the fifteen minutes of non-stop mental foreplay, she quickly grabbed her outfit and stool, and stepped off the back of the stage, into the back room, and moved aside as the next dancer's name was called.

  Lily paused at the edge of the curtain. Swatting her ass, Angela told her to knock 'em dead. The first song of the next girl’s set started, and she stepped onto the stage.

  Angela watched Bethany for a moment, smiling as she stared hypnotized at Lily's antics on stage. Gently, Angela clasped her shoulder in her hand and whispered in her ear, "Just remember, it's all about you."

  She nodded shakily and Angela turned away to grab her robe off the back of a nearby chair and hurried to the dressing room. Several of the women were back there, chattering as they took their break, but they all knew she wasn't interested in pausing to wind down.

  With sly smiles, lots of winks and comments while she hurriedly dressed, they bid her goodnight.

  Grabbing her purse from her locker, she rushed out of the back room. Pushing through side door, Angela exited the building into the parking lot. There Darren was, waiting for her. His dark-eyed gaze trailed over her as she moved towards him, his hot eyes fairly burning through her clothes. He turned the key and started the engine on his bike as she moved to stand beside him. She climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding tight to his muscular body.

  Her breasts crushed against his back as he guided the machine out of the parking lot and into the busy traffic. The vibration of the motorcycle was working its way through her system. Angela loved it when the night was clear and he could pick her up this way, rather than in his car. She knew she would be dripping wet by the time he peeled her jeans down her legs.

  Wind rushed past them, whipping through her blonde hair, as he effortlessly guided them down the street and around corners. Time no longer had meaning, what seemed only a heartbeat later, they pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex.

  After pulling into his slot, he slid down the kickstand and killed the engine. Angela sat behind him, her breath coming in little gasps from the exhilaration of the ride. It was the best way to wind down from a night at work.

  "Come here," Darren rasped the first words he had spoken all evening. Lifting her foot, she wrapped it around him, and with his help, slid around in his lap, so that she was facing him. All around them, apartments faced the parking lot. Any one of his neighbors could be watching them, but she didn't care. It was all part of the rush.

  Threading her fingers through his hair, Angela pulled his head down to hers. With a growl, his lips pressed against hers, his tongue sweeping past to claim her mouth. His arms tightened around her waist, crushing her against his chest.

  Her hands slid down to his shoulders, gripping them as she leaned back, breaking the kiss. His lips moved to her neck, and he bit her. She knew that he was claiming her, marking her as his in the most elemental way. In his way. Shivering at the delicious sting, she ground her crotch against the hard bulge of his lap. His hands cupped her ass and he stood. Swinging his leg over the bike, he climbed off. Angela unlocked her legs from around his waist, and slowly slid down his body. When her feet touched the ground, the top of her head barely reached his chin.

  It always made her feel fragile, standing against him. Despite her years of martial arts training, she knew if it came down to it, he could easily overpower her. Yet he never made her feel threatened, just... conquered. Even now, when she could feel the effort it took for him to hold himself still rather than throw her to the ground and thrust into her, she felt safe.

  As she stepped back, the street light cast half of his face in shadows. The other half seemed chiseled from stone, with its strong jaw line and sharp cheekbone. Clasping his hand in hers she led the way to his apartment, making sure to add a little sway to her walk.

  A delicious tingle worked down her spine as she mounted the steps, slowly moving closer to her destiny. She was going to be fucked. Judging by the way he had looked at her in the club as she had danced, it would be hard and hot as hell.

  When they arrived at his door, he reached around her and unlocked it, pushing it open for her. Angela stepped into the dark hallway, and the instant the door closed, he was on her. His arms slid around her waist and held her trapped against him. She could feel his hot breath against her neck as he fought for control. "I want you," he breathed.

  Almost frantically she worked at the buttons of her jeans. Bending over, her ass rubbing teasingly against his groin, she slid her jeans and panties down her hips and kicked them off. Turning in his arms, she reached for the buttons on his shirt and worked them free; pressing little kisses against his chest as she slowly bared his smooth skin.

  He didn't show as much restraint with her shirt. He raised his hands, grasped the edges of the fabric, and pulled, popping the buttons off. They hit the wooden floor with tiny little pings. Then his mouth was on her, his teeth rasping against her breasts as he tugged at the edge of her bra.

  As Darren yanked the material down, Angela's left nipple sprang free. Nipping at the hard bud, his hands clasped her hips and pulled her tight against him. His zi
pper rubbed against her clit, generating a sweetly painful friction. Arching against him, she teased herself against him as she reached behind her and tugged at the clasp on her bra. Sliding her arms free, Angela let it fall to the floor.

  Darren's hands cupped her ass and pulled her up against him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she climbed into his embrace. But instead of carrying her to the bedroom, he moved over to the sliding glass doors that lead to his balcony.

  He set her down in front of the doors and stepped away. "Wait here," Darren ground out, his voice deep with need. Then he stepped away. In the near dark, with moon light behind her, she couldn't see what he was doing until he flicked on a light beside the sofa.

  He was breathtaking standing there in the dim light, completely naked, his cock sheathed in Latex. As he moved towards her, her heart started to pound. He moved like a panther, slowly creeping up on its prey before pouncing. Then he was there, a breath away from her.

  Suddenly, he gripped her hips and spun her around, pressing his body against her back. Holding her hips, he guided her to lean against the door. "You're a cock tease, and you know it, right?"

  "Mmmhmm," Angela murmured.

  "And you love it. Showing off your body, getting men all hard and horny, then leaving them wanting you."

  "Yes." She knew what he was doing, and she craved it. She could feel her juices trickling down her thighs

  Darren hand gripped her hair tightly, pulling her head back. "But you're not going to get away with it Angela. Tease."

  His other hand tightened its hold on her hip, pulling her back into the curve of his hips. His cock slid along the cleft, brushing against her pussy lips. Reaching down, Angela parted them and gently guided his cock head in, then reached up to hold onto the door.


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