Razor's Edge

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Razor's Edge Page 71

by Lisanne Norman

  He was right, dammit. In her current state, she doubted if she could make it to the Lesser Hall without collapsing. She’d expected nothing like this, though. Searching through the memories inherited from both Rezac and Zashou, she’d realized it was what Kris had said, Link deprivation, but on a level comparable with a full Leska Link.

  Taradain got up and came over to her. “Let me at least get something to settle your stomach from Arnor, even if you won’t see him,” he said. “I have to take you back to your friends and I can’t when you’re this bad.”

  She nodded, instantly wishing she hadn’t as the pounding in her head increased. As he left, she knew she’d no option but to contact Rezac and ask for his help. She no longer mattered, but their plans for escape were in shreds, and Railin had to be contacted before his caravan left.

  There was no way she could relax enough to mind-speak Rezac, but she could open their Link again. Gradually she released the block she’d put on his presence. His response was instant.

  Gods, Jo, you should have called me sooner! His tone was gentle, something she’d not expected. You thought I’d be angry with you? Now she felt his remorse, but more importantly, she could feel his strength flowing into her, pushing the weakness back.

  Rezac, what I’ve done’s been for nothing. Killian has increased the security again because of the violence yesterday. Taradain refuses to help now.

  Is he holding you against your will? His anger flared briefly but was as quickly smothered.

  No, but …

  The Link deprivation, he sent. You’re too ill to come to me! Gods!

  I’m better now, she sent hastily, just speaking to you …

  I know. The suddenness of his love surrounding her caught her unaware, and she began to cry.

  Jo, for the Gods sake, get him to bring you back now! I can’t help you at this distance!

  She scrubbed at her face with her hands, ashamed at her weakness.

  Not weak! Never that! What you’ve tried to do, Jo … His sending was fierce and threatened to overwhelm her. Sensing this, he immediately toned it down.

  I can’t, Rezac. He won’t take me through the castle like this.

  Then make him! Take over his mind!

  I can’t! She was shocked at the suggestion. To control his mind, force him to do what I want …

  What’s he doing to you? Rezac demanded. He’s threatening your life, Jo! Let me do it if you won’t. I can control him through you, if you’ll let me.

  She rested her head against the back of her chair. She was sick and tired, and all this was too much for her.

  You can’t give up now, he pleaded, his tone gentle again. A few minutes, that’s all it will take, no more. Get him to bring you to us at the stables. I’m there. They had to allow me out to test the circuits. Their weapon is almost complete.

  The laser? We’re leaving them a working laser?

  The first time he uses it will be the last. Rezac’s tone was grim. We’ve rigged it to blow in a controlled explosion. Kris insisted as few lives be lost as possible. If you can come here, even briefly, I can make you better—until we have the time to be alone again.

  But our escape? she asked. How will we escape?

  Kris talks to Railin now. Trust us, Jo, as we’ve trusted you. I know you’re our leader, but the best of leaders suffer injuries and have to pass command to their seconds.

  He was right. She wasn’t fit to lead them now. The thought of passing command to them was so tempting. The constant stress and worry were not making her present condition any easier. To give it over to Kris and Rezac, if they could bury their differences, their lack of trust of each other …

  I’ll work with him, you have my word on it, Jo. To step down is no weakness. Rather it’s a strength, as when you came to me just now. She could feel his respect for her, a respect he let her know she’d earned despite his prejudices.

  Do it, she sent, surrendering her mind to his with a relief that went to the heart of her being.

  In the stable, Rezac waited impatiently for Jo and Taradain to arrive. It took ten heart-stopping minutes, but at last they heard the voices of the guards outside.

  “Link with me now, Kris,” murmured Rezac from where he stood against the stable wall. That’s it. Now this is what you must maintain. Can you sense it? Have you his pattern? When I tell you, just hold him like this so he can’t regain control of his mind. Seeing to Jo will take me perhaps five minutes, then I can work directly on him.

  The door opened and Jo came in first. Davies was at her side, supporting her as he helped her over to Rezac.

  Now, sent Rezac, letting his grip on Taradain’s mind go. He monitored Kris for a moment, then, satisfied, he nodded to Davies and reached out to take hold of her.

  Rezac’s presence, which had dominated her mind while he controlled Taradain, began to fade and once more she was herself—but the Link to him remained as intense as ever. His arms closed round her and he drew her out of sight of the others into the adjacent stall.

  At his touch, the cool fire surged through her, blending their minds into one. Memories flowed between them as frantically he licked at her face, catching her tears of relief even as they fell. Gradually the merging slowed, leaving them once more to their own separate identities.

  In its wake came the compulsion, but Rezac worked to push it aside, knowing there was no time for that now. Sit, he sent, urging her down onto the pile of clean animal bedding that lay on the floor. I need to try and heal you. Jo, no matter what happens, never shut me out like this again. You only make matters worse by depriving us of our Link.

  This isn’t supposed to happen, she sent, stumbling to her knees, the voluminous skirts of her dress tangled round her legs. It’s too strong, too intense!

  I know, he replied, catching hold of her and easing her down onto the yielding surface. It’s because you shut me out. Now be still, we haven’t long. Let me work.

  She rested her head against his chest, the coarse wool of his robe rough against her cheek. Needing to touch him, she pushed her hand along his arm, up inside his wide sleeve.

  Rezac was finding it almost impossible to control the compulsion as her scent, stronger because she’d been feverish, began to make him light-headed. Reality, though, kept him focused on their predicament. With a grunt of discomfort, he moved her so she wasn’t pressing against his groin.

  No! We can’t do that now! she sent, suddenly as aware as he of his arousal.

  Be still, Jo! He tightened his arms as she began to pull away from him. Do you think I’m some youngling unable to control myself? Time for that later—when we can enjoy it. There was a flash of humor from him. I want a hurried pairing as little as you do, believe me. But we must take this a little way to complete the healing.

  She forced herself to relax, feeling his presence within her mind increase again as gently he tilted her face up to his and began to kiss her.

  Link with me. Remember our last time together, he sent. Relive the memories. It should be enough. As she did, between them grew an echo of the compulsion and carefully he fostered it, using it to simulate their joining till she began to respond as if it were real. It was unfair, a liberty he had no right to take, but he could think of no other solution. Her actions had created the need for them to pair and that was impossible under these circumstances.

  His only consolation was that his torment was worse as he dared not get swept up in her pleasure. He still had Taradain to deal with and he couldn’t do that if he allowed himself to be drained by making love to her.

  Rezac, you said we wouldn’t … Her thought was a wail of anguish as she lay poised between the imaginary sensual world he’d created for her, and the reality of the stable with the others only a few feet away.

  Hush, he sent, knowing it needed only a small push for it to be over for her. His frustration would take longer to go. We aren’t. This is not real, it’s only within your mind. Then he pushed her, gently, lovingly, over the edge, stifling her cries a
nd her body against his so the others would not know.

  When at last she was still, he let her go. Are you better? he asked anxiously, wiping her forehead with his hand. I’m sorry, Jo, I could think of nothing else that would dispel the Link deprivation.

  She lay there, clutching his robe, exhausted but clear of head, the nausea and the Link-induced fever gone.

  “Jo, are you better?” he repeated, ears flattening with his anxiety, afraid she might never forgive him for what he’d done.

  She nodded slowly, avoiding his eyes. That was unfair.

  Would you rather have …

  No! She hid her face against him, beginning to cry silently, her shoulders shaking with the violence of her sobs, her thoughts a confusion of jumbled emotions.

  “Jo,” he said softly, holding her tight. “A little longer and we’re done here. We’ll be on our way home, trust me. We can do it, I know we can. You can.”

  “I’ve had enough, Rezac,” she said, her voice indistinct through her sobs. “This place, you, our Link, it’s too much for me!”

  “Hush,” he said, rocking her gently, trying to still his own rising panic because he didn’t know what to say or do to comfort her. “It’s strange for me, too. You’re strong, I know you can cope just a little longer.”

  “I can’t, not any more!”

  Davies appeared at the side of the stall, the concern obvious on his face. “Kris needs you to hurry,” he said. “Can I do anything?”

  Rezac shook his head, gesturing to him to leave. When he’d gone, he lifted Jo up till she faced him. “This is my leader?” he asked, lacing his voice with sarcasm. “This sodden Human, dressed in female clothes that reveal more of her body than they conceal?”

  He felt the anger surge through her as she pulled away from him, trying to fold her arms over the low neckline of her dress. Before she could, he tightened his grip. “Use that anger, Jo! Use it to strengthen yourself, as I do!”

  She stopped, realizing what he’d done.

  “Gods, Jo, you’re a warrior as fiery as any I’ve faced,” he said, putting everything he could of his feelings for her into a sending. “You hold us together, Sholans and Humans both. Don’t fall apart on us now. When it’s over,” he took a deep breath, “then you can call on us for everything you want. Rant and rave at us if you must, but until then, we need you! I need you!” He tightened his hands round her arms and pulled her close enough to nip at her lips before kissing her.

  The hair growing at the sides of his neck was grasped firmly as she pulled him away. Letting out a short yowl of pain, he looked down at her.

  “What am I supposed to do about you?” she demanded. “That stunt you pulled was utterly reprehensible, manipulative, seductive …” She stopped, having run out of words.

  He grinned and leaned forward to lick her nose. And worked! “If you’ll let me go … ?”

  She released him, and with his help, climbed to her feet.

  “I have to work on Taradain now,” he said, his voice deepening with a rumble of anger.

  She put a restraining hand on his arm. “Rezac, he did nothing to hurt me,” she said. “What he offered, it was because of his father’s ridicule of him. He only wanted to prove him wrong. He was concerned for me. His intentions were to help us.”

  “More than the body can be hurt,” he said, his hand tightening briefly on her arm. “You’d only just begun to forget the past, Jo.”

  She leaned against him, reaching up to caress his face. “Rezac, I’m all right. We are all right. Treat him gently, he really did try to help us. We still have a chance because of him. God knows, what he’s going through now is punishment enough!”

  His rumble continued as they began to walk back to the main area. “You’re our leader, Jo. I’ll do as you wish, but don’t ask me to like it!”

  “Rezac!” she whispered. He stopped, looking round at her questioningly. “I love you Rezac.”

  He smiled, a slow one that lit his whole face and was transmitted to every line of his body. I swear you’d distract the very Gods themselves, Jo Edwards, he sent.

  The demands of their Link would not be put off, and it was late morning before they were able to try and search for Jo. Kusac helped Carrie pull the pillows and blankets from the beds to make a nest for themselves on the floor. Leaning against the bed, once again Kusac provided the physical support for his mate.

  Do you remember Jo’s mental pattern? Hold it in the front of your mind. That’s good. Now we search for it. Range wider, Carrie, wider than we have before.

  Slowly, they widened their search, letting the power of their Link blend their minds once more into one.

  We must change the wavelength, came their thought. Allow for the drift caused by the la’quo.

  It was as if they were reaching for the impossible, this searching for one mind in an area so wide and full of the violence of the alien drug.

  Filter it. Rise above these thoughts.

  The portion that was Carrie grew impatient and reached within them for the power that was the gestalt. It erupted instantly, surging through their mind to be grasped by Carrie and flung outward like a signal, looking for the tiny spark that was Jo.

  From what had seemed a dark and barren landscape, suddenly a faint glow of energy emerged. Like a beacon it began to slowly pulse, guiding them toward it.


  The glow swelled, filling their mind until Jo’s presence was suddenly with them.


  Hesitantly, she answered them. Carrie? Kusac? Recognizing them, the contact flared and strengthened as Rezac joined her.

  Jo, you’re Linked! To Rezac? A Triad with Rezac and Zashou?

  Thank God you’ve found us! We need your help, Carrie!

  Let me, Jo, came Rezac’s thought, and within seconds they knew all that had happened.

  Follow your plan, they sent. We travel to Galrayin ourselves tomorrow. We’ll meet you outside the city. Keep listening for us, we’ll contact you again tomorrow with the details.

  You’ll be waiting? sent Rezac. Zashou is bad. I fear for her.

  We’ll be there, they sent as they let the contact fade.

  Chapter 17

  “As well as contacting Jo, we told Quin to head for the Port,” said Kusac, helping himself to more bread from the plate in the center of the table.

  Kaid nodded. “We’ve got news, too,” he said. “Kishasayzar found out for us that shuttles, piloted by the Sumaan, collect the Port town’s food supplies from Lord Tarolyn and occasionally run the odd errand for Bradogan. There’s a landing pad outside Galrayin.”

  Kusac sat up. “Really? Then we’ve an excuse to take our shuttle there.”

  “We have. Kishasayzar says he’ll provide us with a pilot. Ashay’s his name. All we have to do is see to the Landing Controller, make sure he thinks we’re doing a favor for Bradogan because we broke the law in landing the ship here.”

  “Not a problem,” said Carrie. “If I can get a clear view of the man, I can link and make him believe what we want.”

  “T’Chebbi and I worked out a plan while we were waiting for you. You leave as arranged with the caravan—you’ll be outriders on riding beasts—and once you’re a decent distance from the Port, you head off on your own to rendezvous with the shuttle. You then head straight for Galrayin.”

  “On the way we can contact Jo and make sure we meet up with her,” said Kusac nodding. “Not at the landing pad, I think. We don’t want to attract attention to ourselves.”

  “It should be all right. It’s apparently in the middle of nowhere. Just a hard surfaced area capable of supporting a shuttle.”

  “I take it I pull the same trick to get us back into the Port,” said Carrie, picking up her mug of coffee. “That takes care of Jo and the others. What about Tesha, Jeran, and Tallis? To say nothing of the missing Miroshi?”

  “We need a diversion to get them out. Jeran is the easiest. We can leave him till last as he’s in this area. Tesha is a little more diff
icult. It’s Tallis that’s going to be the problem,” said Kaid.

  “Came up with solution that should see to both,” said T’Chebbi, getting up and going over to the dispenser. She punched the buttons, waiting for her drink to be served. “Incendiaries in the Haven. We go there early tomorrow morning. Is open then for drinks. Plant devices where cause fire that seem worse than is. Then when you return, we trigger them by remote and in confusion get Tesha out. We also burn the place,” she said, her tone one of grim satisfaction as she turned back to collect her drink.

  Carrie looked to Kaid questioningly, but he shook his head. Don’t ask, he sent to her and Kusac. When she wishes, if she wishes, she’ll tell you.

  “How does that get Tallis out?” she asked instead.

  “When you signal us you’ve arrived at the Port, I’ll send to Tallis, telling him that when Bradogan sends his men out to deal with the fire, he’s to make his way to the shuttle landing pad and wait for one of us. We’ll have Kishasayzar and two of his crew posted at the gate on this side waiting for him. Conrad and Quin could wait there on the Jalnian side. It’s my bet that the fire will cause the town to be evacuated anyway. The spacers will certainly want to get back to their craft because of the danger of sparks and secondary fires. And there’s a fuel dump out in one of the warehouses.”

  “I take it there’s no real danger,” said Kusac.

  “I can mix the incendiaries very precisely,” said Kaid. “We brought everything we need. I’m including an explosive effect so when they ignite, it’ll sound far worse than it actually is. However, the danger is real. If they have inadequate fire fighting facilities, which I doubt in a complex this size, then it could get out of control.”

  “At end of day,” said T’Chebbi, sipping her drink, “we take every precaution, but our responsibility is to our own.”

  “So we land our shuttle right outside here, get everyone off, then what?”

  “No, it lands inside Hkariyash, and you don’t unload. Leave it to the crew,” said Kaid. “You join T’Chebbi and me outside and we head for Jeran.”


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