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Seduce Me

Page 17

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘You’re a right Contrary Mary,’ he said. ‘Come on let’s send a PM back to Jayne and Mike,’

  ‘Ok, are we going to do it together?’ she asked.

  ‘We are,’ he said. Standing up, he took hold of her hand and led her out of the bedroom.

  She sat down in front of the computer, with him behind her, sharing the chair.

  Starting to type, she wrote: Dear Jayne and Mike ‘Whoa,’ Pete said. ‘That’s far too stuffy.’

  ‘Would Dear Sir or Madam be better?’ she asked cheekily.

  ‘Any more remarks like that, young lady, and you’ll be over my knee, saying thank you Sir after each spank.’

  ‘Sod off,’ she said.

  With language like that, I owe you a spanking,’ he promised her. ‘But for now, let’s get on with this PM.’

  After a few stops and starts, Merrilee read their joint effort aloud.

  Hi Jayne and Mike

  It was great hearing from you. We would love to meet you too. As you say, you can’t accommodate, so you’ll be very welcome to come over here. Maybe we can chat – get to know each other better before we meet. Our phone number is 123 4567 or better still we can, if you wish, chat online. Our nickname is,

  ‘Does that sound OK darling?’ she asked him.

  ‘Yes, my sweet, come on send it off.’

  She tapped on the Enter key.

  ‘Wonder how long it’ll be before we hear from them,’ she said.

  ‘Time enough for me to give you that spanking I promised you.’

  ‘You’ll have to catch me first,’ she giggled, while still squirming about in the chair.

  ‘This is not like you, being a sitting target.’ He laughed. ‘Oh well, as I don’t have to waste energy chasing after you, come on out of that chair, I’m going to need it.’ Taking hold of her arm, he yanked her out of it. Then sitting down, he hauled her over his lap.

  She lay draped over his knee, head hanging down. ‘I think we should get a new carpet,’ she said.

  He stopped, his arm in mid air. ‘Now, what’s going through that pretty head of yours?’

  ‘Well, I do so much carpet studying, I’m bored with this carpet.’

  ‘Is that all?’ he asked. ‘Here’s something to look at.’ He tossed a glossy magazine on to the carpet, almost under her nose.

  ‘Hey, that’s my Janus you’re throwing around,’ she protested.

  ‘Hmmm! My mistake,’ he said. ‘I shouldn’t be distracting you from what’s happening.’

  ‘Why, what’s happening? Owww! You louse,’’ as he brought his big hard hand down, again and again, on her bouncing reddened cheeks.

  The Nerd Herd

  by Sommer Marsden

  I stared at the error message and tried not to scream. I hit the mouse again. Clicked randomly over the screen. Put my head down and gnashed my teeth. Nothing. The computer was completely useless. And me with a deadline.

  I dialled my cell, fighting back the tears that threatened. I wasn’t worried I had lost today’s work. I had just backed up my data on CD before eating my lunch. I was worried that I was staring at a two thousand dollar paperweight and not a back-up computer in sight.

  “Deb!” I barked, “What’s the name of those guys you use? The computer guys. The Geek something?”

  “Uh-oh,” my best friend giggled. “Problem?”

  “I have just suffered a terminal fatal error or something and my computer is frozen. Now what’s the name of the company?” I was doing my best not to yell.

  “I take it you have a deadline for your edits?” More snickering.

  I think I growled.

  “OK, OK, hold on. The company is the Nerd Herd and the number is …” I could hear her pages ruffling. “Ah! Well, I should have remembered that. The number is 1-800-NRD-HERD”

  “Thanks,” I sighed and hung up. Hell, even I should have remembered that from their commercials.

  I made the call, tried not to scream at the operator as I explained that this truly was an emergency and I needed someone here immediately and not a moment later. Then I sat back and chewed my fingernails waiting for my own personal nerd to arrive.

  What they really needed to do was get a bunch of hunky men and send them out on calls. They could call them the Steam Team. I was busy coming up with stupid names for a roving band of handsome men when the doorbell rang. I reminded myself to add “Go out on a date” to my to-do list.

  I steeled myself to not giggle at the impending nerd in the required outfit. The company actually made their employees dress as they are portrayed in the televisions ads. Poor thing, I thought, as if it’s not bad enough to actually be a nerd, let alone be forced to dress like a cliché.

  I flung open the door and nearly gasped. Yeah, he was dressed like a nerd. Too short black pants, white socks, black lace-up shoes. He even had the short sleeve, white button down and the pocket protector. And the glasses, with tape! But oh Mother Mary, he was the furthest thing from a nerd I had ever seen. I read his name tag. Tony. Tony was my own personal nerd. With big biceps and deep brown eyes and lips that made me want to …


  “Yes!?” Damn. I sounded like I’d been sucking the helium out of a party balloon. I cleared my throat and tried again. “I’m sorry. Come in, um, Tony. The computer is in the den.”

  I pointed a finger, seemingly frozen on the spot, and he followed my asinine directions to the den. It was only after his perfectly formed ass rounded the corner and he was out of sight, that I realized I was still in giant grey sweatpants, a yellow tank top and my wildly abused fuzzy bunny slippers.

  I groaned out loud when I saw my tank sported a coffee stain.

  “Ma’am, are you OK?” he called.

  And a gentleman, too. Double groan.

  “Fine!” I yelped and then I bolted upstairs. I threw on my low slung jeans and a T-shirt that said GEEKS LOVE ME. Then I reconsidered. Then I figured, screw it.

  He was working on my computer when I entered. “These things really aren’t as bad as the computer indicates,” he said without looking up. Then he did look up. His eyes grazing first the juvenile print screen and then the braless breasts underneath. “That true?” he asked, indicating the slogan.

  I stuck my chest out further and said, “For the most part.”

  What the hell was I doing? Was I that desperate for male attention? I did a mental review. Last date two months ago. Last sexual encounter, sadly, two and a half months ago. Yes, I was that desperate. On my own terms, obviously. Tony fit my terms.

  I took a step toward him and tried to breathe deeply. I couldn’t keep my eyes still. They skittered over his broad shoulders that strained against his too tight T-shirt. Dark hair cut short and neat. Nice jaw with just a hint of stubble. The stubble sealed the deal.

  I was pleased to note that his eyes were just as busy. Skimming the small swatch of skin that was exposed between the waistband of my jeans and the hem of my T-shirt. I watched them run languidly over my hips and travel down my long legs. The look in his eyes felt as intense as if his hands were on me and my white cotton thong got a quick and sudden bath as my body responded to that look.

  “How long do you average per job?” I asked, my voice a little breathy.

  “About an hour and a half.” He gave me a smile that sort of made his top lip crinkle just a bit. My nipples went hard.

  “How long is this job, do you think? Roughly speaking?” I moved closer to him.

  “Less than an hour,” he said. He looked up at me from my own computer chair, then spun the seat so that our knees nearly touched. That smile started to blossom just a little more.

  I noticed he wasn’t lagging behind me in the arousal department because those snug geek pants sheathed a beautiful bulge. He caught me looking and gave a soft laugh. He patted one broad thigh and stared me dead in the eye. I laughed, too, and then settled onto his lap before I could reconsider. Had I lost my mind? Apparently, so, but what a way to go. I could
n’t resist rubbing my ass against his cock as I shifted to find a comfortable perch.

  “Now that is just fighting dirty,” he growled and cinched me tight around my waist, big hands splaying over the naked skin of my belly. It was my turn to growl.

  His lips found the back of my neck and he kissed a trail down to my nape. I shivered then jumped in his arms as his hand slid beneath my waistband. His long lean fingers hovering just an inch or so shy of where I really wanted them to be.

  “Now who’s fighting dirty?” I sighed and wiggled my ass again. Pushing and grinding against his erection.

  “You win.” His fingers found my clit and stroked lightly. I sort of puddled in his arms. How could I have forgotten to do this? How could I have neglected myself so terribly? The questions vanished as he slowly circled my clit again and then, sliding his hand down further, hooked two big fingers into my already twitching pussy.

  I splayed across his lap like a hussy and whimpered.

  “That feel good?” he chuckled.

  “Huhhhhhhhh,” I said. Whatever the hell that meant.

  A few more delicate and deliberate strokes and my body demanded more. I yanked open my top desk drawer, found a foil packet and slithered out of my jeans. I opened the packet. Tony reached for it.

  “No,” I said and turned on his lap. I freed his cock and tried not to whoop victoriously. His cock was long and broad. The perfect tip nearly purple. It strained against my hand. “Enthusiastic, isn’t it?” I laughed.

  Tony could only nod because I couldn’t resist taking one long stroke against his skin with my fist before I rolled the condom on. I turned in the chair, my knees braced inside the leather arms and sank down onto him as slowly as I could bear.

  He groaned and shoved my shirt up, sucking first one tightly beaded nipple, then the other. “You are the best customer ever,” he sighed and we both laughed.

  It wouldn’t take much. I could feel my body coiling for release. Each time I sank down on him, I grew tighter. Each movement more pleasurable. He was with me, too, I could feel his body jerk up to meet mine as his big hands roamed my ass. He gave me a brisk slap on my ass cheek and that did it. My pussy clenched and groped for each last blip of pleasure it could grab as I came. Moisture wet my thighs with each spasm. Tony thrust up against me, smacking me once more. He kissed me as he came, his tongue as demanding as his cock. His big hands anchoring me to him.

  We sat together panting as he feathered his nice long fingers over my nipples. I shivered. Then rested my forehead against his. He surprised me by giving me a long slow kiss before I grabbed my jeans and slid them on.

  “Love that T-shirt,” he said gruffly as I pulled it over my breasts.

  “If you come back again, I’ll wear a different one for you.” I couldn’t help but smile.

  “What’s that one say?”

  “Nerds Rock My World.”

  Leading Lady

  by Alex Severn

  Thirty-five today. Maria could hardly dispute the calendar but inside, she knew she was really 22. She stopped checking her e-mails and her mind began to float into a whole series of what-ifs.

  What if she had gone around the world when Kim had wanted her to? What if she had married Mike when she had the chance and not ended up with Neil? What if she …

  “Morning, birthday girl. Let’s have a look at your cards then.”

  Terri was the closest colleague she had in the office, much more than a colleague, a proper friend. A couple of years younger than Maria, she attracted more interest from the men in the office than Maria, but then the short skirts and low cut blouses helped. Maria stopped herself, Terri had supported her when she needed it, and anyway she couldn’t help but notice a rather flashy-looking card in her hand.

  “Here it is then. Not just a card but a present as well.”

  Maria tried to hide her disappointment. So there was a gift voucher or a token inside. Wonderful. Terri normally had more imagination than that and, this particular birthday, Maria really needed something expensive and pointless to cheer her up.

  Smile firmly in place, she opened the card. It was filthy, no change there then but inside was an oblong shaped, scarlet coloured envelope. Funny token, she thought.

  Feeling Terri’s eyes on her, she slid the flap open and read the stiff card inside.





  An address she vaguely knew was given at the bottom.

  “Thank you, I..I’ve never heard of this place, what exactly …”

  “Oh no, I’m not spoiling the surprise. Let’s just say that I have a friend who has a friend, etc. You’ve always fancied amateur dramatics. Well, now you can indulge yourself. And spice up your life as well.”

  With a truly filthy giggle, she was gone, leaving Maria to wonder.

  Well, she had to go. A present is a present after all. She had a horrible feeling that she had been sent to a porn cinema society but Terri had more class than that. She also had lots of money and was very generous with gifts so it couldn’t be a cheap night out.

  Maria had to descend a short flight of stairs from the street to a scarlet painted door. The brass plate looked expensive and somehow professional. An attractive young woman let her in and showed her to what looked a reception area of a hotel. Almost immediately a middle-aged woman who looked disconcertingly like Prunella Scales arrived and asked, very politely, for her admittance details.

  She went into what was clearly a well-rehearsed speech to explain what it was all about.

  In essence, Maria was to choose one of three scenarios to take part in as, in effect, a leading lady. But she was only given sketchy details of the way the scene would go. Her fellow ‘actors’ had the same details but it was her show, she was a kind of director and could influence the proceedings. She had one hour, after which the entertainment stopped. Costumes were provided for all.

  Almost anything went but there were a couple of fixed rules. No violence, nobody gets hurt, and she could stop the show anytime she liked by the use of a single codeword which would be enclosed with the envelope of whichever scenario she decided on. Did she understand? Yes, she did.

  She actually began to shiver with anticipation as ‘Prunella’ handed her the three envelopes. Yes, of course they were scarlet.

  The first one was a Viking drama. Maria would be a Saxon maiden in a village near the coast when the marauding hordes swept in. In her scene, she tried valiantly to fight off a particularly blond, particularly muscular, Viking, who carried her off and kept her as his plaything. Sounds promising, she thought.

  The second was set in Roman times and revolved around a mini-orgy (perhaps the budget didn’t stretch any further). The details seemed a little lame to Maria.

  But the third one somehow struck a chord. She would be the Khadine, the Sultan’s favourite wife. A new young girl had been brought to their palace and she was to help him decide if he would keep her. There was a final note:

  The actor playing the sultan is 25, with the body of an athlete and of genuine Jordanian descent. Maria had always been turned on by Arabian looking men and the choice was a simple one.

  She was shown to where she could change, given a costume by an uninterested looking girl, and minutes later was admiring herself in the full-length mirror provided.

  Maria saw herself wearing a robe, a very tiny bra and an almost sheer pair of loose trousers with an embroidered band that tapered to a V at the front and the back. The trousers fitted very low on her hips, exposing her navel, and exposure was very much the theme of the upper half of her body. The delicate robe was little more than a couple of skimpy strips of chiffon attached to narrow satin ribbons. She actually looked more provocative than if she had been completely naked and she felt a thrill of excitement as she went through the door that had been pointed out to her.

  The lights were dimmed low on
her side of the room but the far end was lit by a series of spotlights and Maria saw a small podium. As she turned her head to the right, she saw her ‘sultan’. He was cross-legged on the floor and, even in the dim light, she could see he was darkly handsome, looking younger than his 25 years. He was wearing a black velvet robe from his chin to his feet, fastened at the throat by a large, crown-shaped ornament, with what must have been fake emeralds. He beckoned her to sit next to him, and, knowing she would be able to see him better, she was happy to oblige.

  But before she had actually settled next to him, a figure entered the room and stood under the spotlights. Both Maria and her sultan watched as the young girl began to dance.

  She must have been in her teens, with long blonde hair falling onto her shoulders. She was wearing a tan-coloured bikini that left little enough to the imagination. Her neck and wrists were liberally covered in jewellery that glinted as she swayed her body to the eastern rhythms that were now being piped through to them. Maria had read that belly-dancing was great for keeping fit and this girl could have been the teacher, given her age and the firm, well-proportioned body, any dance movements would have been easy for her.

  The girl began to run her hands over her breasts and then she ran her fingers along the inside of her thighs. Maria half turned and saw the excitement and arousal in the sultan’s eyes. She had to admit she was being turned on by his reactions. Or was she also aroused by the girl herself? She would never have dreamt that seeing a young woman posing and pouting in front of her would excite her, but it certainly did. Her admiration was laced with envy towards a kid who was probably young enough to be her daughter, but her emotions were running this show, not her head.

  Instinctively, she reached out and allowed her left hand to stray between her male companion’s legs, and her heart quickened to feel, even through the velvet of his robe, his growing hardness. He jerked his head towards her and she was rewarded with a deep smile and a flash of eyes that were almost black. She wanted to touch him properly so she moved her right hand to the hem of the robe and lifted it up towards his stomach. She was delighted, although not surprised, to find he was naked underneath and in seconds her left hand was caressing the tip of his spectacularly large penis, while her right hand was alternately squeezing him around his balls, then circling his shaft. Maria was gasping herself at how she was controlling him with her hands and was astonished and disappointed when, with a sudden, almost violent movement, he moved backwards, pushing both her hands away with his own.


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