The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance

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The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance Page 7

by Claire Cullen

  Luke bit his lip, considering Matt’s words before pushing slowly to his feet with a wince. Stepping closer, he eyed James with more than a little wariness.

  They all picked up on it, Zack quietly suggesting James wait outside.

  “I’ll be out in the hallway if you need me,” he assured them, going out to stand outside the door but leaving it ajar.

  It was Matthew who coaxed Luke to lie on the bed, who helped him out of his clothes and covered him with a blanket so Zack could check him over. Afterward, Matthew stayed with Luke helping him dress while Zack came out to talk to James.

  “Any idea why he’s so freaked out by you?”

  “I’m an Alpha, I’m unbonded. He was scared of you, too, until we introduced him to Matt.”

  “Alphas are bogeyman territory. This sounds familiar.”

  “It does.”

  “Have you let Glenoak know?”

  “Ben knows. He doesn’t want to bring Adam here until we’re a little more secure in our standing.”

  “I checked out the bruising on his hips. That seems to be the extent of it, there’s no further evidence he was mated but I didn’t try to examine too closely, given he was so distressed already.”

  James let out a breath. “That’s a relief. And the burn on his neck?”

  “An act of exceptional cruelty. It’s got to be causing him almost constant pain right now. They’re some of the most sensitive nerves in the Omega body. It’s a second-degree burn so the nerve endings are still live. It’ll heal but we’re talking weeks. Maybe a month or two.”

  “And age-wise?”

  “Nineteen or twenty. Maybe younger.”

  “If we’re right about who he is, I suspect Tobias would have sold him once he could potentially go into heat. So he’s twenty or near enough.”

  “If he goes into heat right now…”

  “It’ll be a disaster. Is he strong enough to survive a heat without bonding?”

  Zack looked alarmed. “You’re not planning on mating with him?”

  “I’m the bogeyman, remember? He can barely look at me without shaking.”

  “So, spend some time showing him not all Alphas are bastards like Jeremy.”

  And James hadn’t the first clue how to go about doing that.

  Luke couldn’t take his eyes off Matthew. The Omega sat on a chair next to his bed, one hand resting on his rounded stomach, seeming content to sit there with him.

  “That must have really hurt, what they did to your neck.”

  “Jeremy did it,” Luke murmured. Zack had given him an injection for the pain, it made him sleepy.

  “Who’s Jeremy?”

  “My Alpha.”

  Matthew faltered at that.

  “You and he mated?”

  Embarrassed, Luke shook his head. “He almost but they called him away.”

  Matthew sat back, looking relieved.

  “Then he’s not your Alpha.”

  “Tobias gave me to him. I was a present.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything, not anymore.”

  “Is James my Alpha now?”

  “He’s the Alpha of Eagle Creek and the head of Fenrir’s Warriors. You’re under his protection. But that’s different from him being your Alpha. Unless that was something you both wanted.”

  Luke didn’t know how to answer that question. He didn’t think anyone cared what he wanted. He hardly knew himself.

  Underneath Matthew’s heartbeat, he could hear another, faster one.

  “Is that a baby?” he asked, staring at Matthew’s rounded stomach.

  “Yeah, it is. Zack’s and mine. It’ll be our second. We have a little girl, Rosie.”

  Tobias had told them about babies. That they’d carry them for their Alphas.

  “Are they heavy?” Matthew’s stomach looked big.

  Matthew smiled at that. “Yes and no. This little guy knocks my balance off and getting around is a little harder than it was before. But it’s worth it. Children are pretty amazing.”

  Luke didn’t know what to say to that. His knowledge of babies was only what Tobias had told them. It seemed very distant from the reality of Matthew.

  “He’s kicking,” Matthew said, reaching to take Luke’s hand and press it against his belly. “Can you feel it?”

  Luke wasn’t sure what Matthew was talking about at first and then he felt it, and again. A slow smile spread across his face. “Why is he doing that?”

  “He’s stretching his legs. It’s almost time for him to come out, his head is right down. There’s not a lot of room in there anymore.”

  “How will you know when it’s time?”

  “The contractions will start.”


  “A kind of pain to help push the baby out. You do most of the hard work though.”

  Luke yawned. The pain had finally eased a little.

  “I think that’s enough chatting. Wouldn’t want to scare you off childbirth. Besides, you look exhausted.”

  Luke lay back on the bed and Matthew tucked a blanket in around him.

  “You’re in safe hands, here, Luke. James is a good man, he’ll keep you safe.”

  “He gave me back to Jeremy.”

  Matthew looked down at his hands. “You’re right, he did. I’m not sure he’ll ever forgive himself for that. But maybe, one day, you’ll be able to.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Every time Luke woke, a different person was sitting in his room with him. Sometimes it was Matthew, which he liked. Sandra, he didn’t mind because she always offered him food. He pretended to be asleep for everyone else, though James and Zack always seemed to know. Zack would talk to him but keep his distance. James would sigh, pull his chair closer, reach over and touch him sometimes. Luke wasn’t sure if he liked that, though the Alpha hadn’t hurt him.

  He woke on the third day to find a glass of water on his bedside. He sat up and reached for it, gulping down a few mouthfuls. For once, he was alone, but not for long. There were footsteps on the stairs and the bedroom door pushed open to reveal James.

  “You’re awake, good. How do you feel?”

  Luke shrugged, his too large t-shirt slipping off one shoulder.

  “I brought you some broth. Are you hungry?”

  They fed him so often here, he never had the chance to get hungry. He wasn’t one to refuse food, though.

  James did something unexpected, sitting on the side of the bed and holding out the cup. When Luke tried to take it from him, James didn’t let go.

  “Small sips now.”

  He had struggled with each meal; not to rush, not to inhale his food but there was a constant fear that they’d change their minds about the merits of feeding him. Any moment they might take it away and Luke would go hungry again.

  Obediently, he took small swallows of the broth, hot and tasty.

  “I thought we might run you a bath after you eat. Do you feel up to that?”

  “A bath?”

  “You might like to get clean.”

  He wasn’t so sure of what that meant but after he ate, James disappeared from the room, returning a few minutes later to urge Luke to his feet and guide him to the bathroom.

  “A shower might be a little too taxing so I thought a bath,” James said, indicating the tub full of water. He reached a hand in swirling the water around. “It’s nice and warm but not hot so it won’t aggravate your injuries.”

  Luke looked from the bath to James biting his lip. “I’m supposed to get in?”

  James blinked. “Yes. You climb in and sit in the bath and the water cleans you.”

  “Even my head?” That didn’t sound like fun. Tobias had done that sometimes, dunked them into a barrel of water that sat outside in the garden.

  “No. Your head stays above the water. And your neck. Zack says we don’t want the burn getting wet just yet.”

  He went to climb in, stopped by James’ hand on his shoulder.

  “It works much better if you tak
e your clothes off first.”

  Luke didn’t like the sound of that either but James seemed set on the plan. He turned his back a little, stopping when he realized it might look like he was disobeying. Reaching for the hem of his t-shirt, he pulled it off.

  James hadn’t thought a bath would entail so much silent negotiation. Luke clearly wasn’t happy with the idea but wasn’t brave enough to argue. James was sure he’d feel differently once he was in the water.

  As Luke undressed, James breath caught as once again the Omega’s thin, bruised body was revealed. Compared to Matthew’s glowing form, Luke seemed small and pitiful. He half attempted to shield himself from James’ gaze and James turned away a little to give the illusion of some privacy. Until he realized Luke wasn’t getting into the bath. He turned back.

  “What is it?”

  “How do I…”

  “You’ve never had a bath?”

  Luke shook his head.

  “You might need some help anyway. The last thing we want is you slipping and falling. Zack would have my head.”

  He guided Luke into the bath, one leg at a time, then encouraged him to sit and stretch his legs out in front of him. Luke was scared, clinging to his arm with one hand and the side of the tub with the other.

  “Just lean back and rest your head against the rim, here,” he said, patting it with his hand. In the end, he placed a hand on Luke’s shoulder and guided him slowly back.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let you go under,” he promised.

  Once Luke was stretched out and the fear of dunking or drowning receded, he began to relax, wiggling his toes, letting the water run through his fingers.

  “Nice, isn’t it?” James said.

  “It feels like a warm blanket,” Luke replied.

  “We need to keep your neck dry, so I thought I might help you wash your hair. You’ll lean forward, we’ll put a towel across your neck and shoulders to keep it from getting wet and I’ll use this cup to pour a little water over your head.”

  Luke agreed, sitting forward, both his hands holding tightly to the sides.

  “You have strong hands,” Luke said, as James positioned him.

  “So do you,” James replied, indicating where Luke had a death grip on the bath.

  They got the hair washing part over and done with, and James encouraged Luke to relax again, before offering him a wash cloth. Luke seemed to take it as a challenge to reach every inch of his skin so James wouldn’t need to assist him. He drew the line when the Omega twisted and turned trying to reach his back.

  “I’ll get that. You’ll do more harm than good.”

  So Luke leaned forward again and let him gently clean his back. The skin had started to heal, the cuts closing, but it would be another week or two before the marks faded.

  His hand slipped a little lower as he worked on Luke’s back, the action pushing Luke forward and out of his reach.

  “I’m sorry,” he offered. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  Luke’s frightened eyes met his for a moment before he shrugged. Back to silent communication.

  By day four, he was no longer confined to his bed and instead given the run of the house. He found Andrew in the room next to him, sitting up in bed. He looked pale and tired, a far cry from the man he’d sat at a table with only days before. Andrew had given him a tired wave but Luke hadn't ventured into the room. He didn't want to disturb his rest.

  Sandra offered him food the second he walked into the kitchen. “I know James said light things, but you’ve here days and I’m sure you want something a bit more filling. You’re a growing wolf, a growing Omega.”

  She set a sandwich down next to him. Should he eat it? James had said only things that would be easy on his stomach. But the sandwich smelled tasty and he was very hungry. He took a bite, chewing and swallowing carefully. His stomach stayed settled. He made it through half the sandwich before he couldn’t manage anymore, pushing the plate away. Leon wandered in and saved him the trouble of explaining he wasn’t hungry by eating the rest.

  Sandra shooed him from the kitchen a few minutes later and Luke didn’t know where to go. He didn’t want to go back to his room unless he had to. Matthew didn’t seem to be in the house and neither did James. He peeped in through an open door and stepped inside a room with large bookshelves and a desk in the center. He was drawn to the bookshelves, row after row of books. He walked along, trying to read the titles along their spines but it had been so long since he’d done it. He was out of practice.

  A book with a shiny cover caught his eyes and he reached for it, pulling it from the shelf to get a better look. A car pulled up outside and he hurried replaced the book and ran to the door, slipping out into the hallway as James and Zack walked in.

  “Up and about, that’s good to see,” Zack said.

  Matthew followed him in the door. “Hi, Luke. Have you eaten?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, why don’t you come keep me company,” Matthew said. “The Alphas have work to do.”

  Zack and James walked past them and into the room Luke had just left, James pressing a hand to Luke’s shoulder as he passed. He did that a lot and Luke wasn’t sure if he liked it. Was he supposed to?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Luke was upstairs, watching out the window for the comings and goings of the FW. James was downstairs and he and Andrew were talking. He heard his name and dropped to the floor, pressing his ear against the floorboards. He could make out James’ voice.

  “The Pack Council have agreed to consider my claim as rightful leader of Eagle Creek.”

  “But?” Andrew asked.

  “Gray Valley have made a complaint. Jeremy and the other surviving Migones are there. Jeremy has also made a claim.”

  “A claim, for what?”

  “For Luke. Says he’s Luke’s rightful Alpha and he has a prior claim. He is insisting Luke be handed over to him.”

  “What are the Pack Council saying?”

  “Not enough. They’re investigating, looking at old precedence.”

  “Will that go in Jeremy’s favor?”

  “It depends on what Pack records they look at. And where the Council’s loyalty lies.”

  A door banged shut and their voices became muted, Luke unable to follow the rest of the conversation.

  He rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. Jeremy wanted him back.

  He waited until it was dark and the house quiet before sneaking out of his room and creeping down the hall. James’ room was only two doors down from his. He stopped outside, his ear pressed to the wall, listening intently. All he could hear was the sound of deep breathing. His hand closed over the door knob and he twisted it carefully, inching the door open. He strained to hear any change in the room, any sign the Alpha had awoken. There was none.

  Slipping into the room, he paused for a moment by the door to let his eyes adjust. He could make out James’ sleeping form in the center of the bed.

  Luke was torn. He had to do this if he didn’t want to be handed back to Jeremy but he was afraid. What if James wasn’t any better than Jeremy? But he had to try. What other choice did he have?

  He slipped off the t-shirt and shorts they’d given him to wear at night time, grimacing as they aggravated his bruised and cut skin, then approached the bed.

  His hand found the sheet and he grasped it.


  James’ eyes were open and he was watching him impassively. How long had he been awake? He was an Alpha and Luke was an idiot. He’d probably been aware of him since the second Luke stepped into the room, if not before.

  He pushed forward with his plan, lifting the covers, and sliding into the bed.

  “You shouldn’t be out of bed. Can’t sleep?” James said.

  And Luke didn’t know what to do next. He wished, not for the first time, that he was in heat. That way, James would just be taking him instead of Luke fumbling his way into the Alpha’s bed.

ssing closer, he slid his hand to touch James. James blinked at him, covering his hand with his own. “Your hands are freezing.”

  He didn’t push Luke away, so the Omega inched closer, slipping his hand down between James’ legs. That got a reaction but not the one he was hoping for.

  “Whoa.” James pulled back and sat up, knocking the cover back. “What are you doing?”

  Luke wasn’t sure how to word it.

  “Giving myself to you. For sex, for mating.”

  James frowned at him, pressing a hand against his forehead and scenting the air.

  “You’re not in heat.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m ready to be yours.” His voice trembled as he spoke.

  “Just like that, huh?” James said.

  Luke nodded, his head bobbing up and down rapidly, unable to hide how his body shook.

  “How… how do you want me?”

  When James reached for him, he couldn’t hold back his flinch. James cupped his cheek.

  “This would be a lot more convincing if you weren’t terrified.”

  “I’m sorry, Alpha. Please, I’m ready. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  He couldn’t hide his desperation. When he closed his eyes, it was Jeremy’s face, his voice, his touch, that haunted him.

  “Let’s get you back to bed,” James said, getting to his feet, and crossing to the other side of the bed. He found the clothes Luke had discarded on the floor and tossed them onto the bed.

  “Put those back on. It’s cold.”

  Defeated, Luke dressed. The Alpha didn’t want him. And why would he? Luke was nothing. An Omega who ran, who didn’t know his place. One who climbed into his bed without an invitation. By rights, he’d earned himself a severe beating but James gave no indication he was going to mete it out.

  He dressed and stood, letting James lead him back to his room. Standing next to his bed, he couldn’t hold back one last plea as James turned to leave.

  “Please, Alpha. Don’t give me back to Jeremy.”

  Startled eyes met his.

  “How did you know about that?”

  Luke couldn’t lie. He was in enough trouble already.


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