The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance

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The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance Page 10

by Claire Cullen

  “And how will that decision be made?” James asked.

  “We will have to look at Pack precedent and decide based on that,” Arnold said. “What we’ve examined so far suggests Jeremy’s position is strongest. His father was Alpha. He was second in line. Your father was never Alpha. You were never in line to lead Eagle Creek.”

  James didn’t point out the obvious. That his father had been forced from Eagle Creek because any attempt to assert a claim would have gotten him killed.

  “And if I challenge Jeremy, single combat, no weapons, as per old Pack law?”

  There were murmurs of surprise.

  “That law would be applicable. But you would be forcing Jeremy’s hand. If he refuses a direct challenge, he loses precedence in the Pack line,” Alanna said.

  James’ extensive study of old Pack law had told him that years ago. A few of the Council were glaring disapprovingly at Alanna.

  “It doesn’t automatically mean Jeremy wouldn’t be awarded Pack leadership,” Arnold started to argue.

  “Of course it would,” another man objected. “It’s in the laws, in black and white. Refusing a challenge like that is a sign of weakness. It makes you less fit to lead.”

  There was some back and forth among the Pack members.

  “We’ll put your challenge to Jeremy and see what comes of it,” they concluded eventually. “For now, we would request no significant movement of people in and out of the territory.”

  “We’ll also be taking custody of the Omega,” Arnold announced. “For his own safety.”

  “As I’ve recently learned Gray Valley have had negotiations with Jeremy Migone about being gifted this Omega in return for their support, I’m afraid I don’t trust your impartiality on this matter,” James said smoothly.

  “We will ask Luke where he wants to stay until this is resolved,” Alanna interjected.

  Luke was brought in by Etta, standing a little behind her.

  Alanna took him aside and spoke with him before returning to the room.

  “He confirms your story about Gray Valley. And he requests to remain here in Eagle Creek or, if that is not possible, to go and stay in Glenoak.”

  “Glenoak would be happy to accommodate that request if it becomes necessary,” Seb said.

  “Good, then that’s settled. The Omega stays here for now.” Alanna seemed happy with the arrangements. Arnold did not, glowering at everyone around the room as he left.

  “She wasn’t so bad,” Luke said as an aside to him as they watched the council leave. “Who? Alanna? No, I’d say not. She’s from Raventree. Excellent negotiators, but fair, too. Favoritism without any appearance of it.”

  Luke sighed and leaned against him and James wrapped an arm around him, relieved things hadn't gone the way he'd feared they might.

  There was another Omega there. He’d arrived with the tall, dark-haired Alpha from Glenoak. Etta had whispered their names to him. Sebastian was the Alpha and Ro the Omega. They were a little different than Matthew and Zack. They stood close but not touching and Luke had the sense that when they looked at each other, more was being said than the words that passed between them.

  Now that the Council were gone, he felt more at ease. James had kept his word. He hadn’t let them take him. As Sebastian and Ro passed by them on their way from the room, Etta spoke.

  “Hello, Robert. It’s been a long time.”


  The Alpha stopped when Ro did, one hand on his Omega’s shoulder. The look he gave Etta was positively icy and Luke shrank back. Who would want to be mated to someone so cold? James called him and he was glad of the distraction. It was time to eat.

  After lunch, he stepped outside into the sun. They didn’t mind him leaving the house, as long as he stayed within sight of the shifters standing guard.

  As he walked around the house, he came upon Ro and Sebastian again. Sebastian was holding Ro in his arms, whispering words to him, his voice low and soft.

  “I know how hard it must be to be back here. You’re so brave, my love.” Gone was the icy demeanor from before.

  A branch snapped under Luke’s foot and two pairs of eyes found him, Ro’s red and wet with tears.

  Ready to beat a hasty retreat, he stumbled back a step.

  “Wait, don’t go,” the Omega called to him, wiping his face with the back of his hand. “It’s Luke, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, edging back another step.

  “I’m Ro, and this is Seb. It’s good to meet you.” And he stepped forward, holding out a hand. Luke forced himself to move toward them, surprised to find Ro’s grip strong.

  As soon as Ro let go, Seb’s hand slipped into his. It was cool and firm.

  “It is very nice to meet you at last, Luke,” Seb said. His eyes were warm and held none of the coldness they’d had before.

  “You’re upset,” he said, wincing at his own bluntness.

  Ro gave him a watery smile. “It’s just hard being back here. I grew up in this Pack and the memories… let’s just say they aren’t good. But I’m so glad to see James here at last. He’s family and finally he’s home.”

  “You and James are family?” The words sent a pang of longing through him. He wanted his brother. Maybe he could ask James to help him find Adam?

  “Yes. Though I didn’t know that for a long time. Do you have family, Luke?”

  “I have a brother,” he whispered, watching as Ro and Seb exchanged a look. Ro seemed about to say something when James called him again.

  “We’d better head back inside,” Seb said and the three of them returned to the house together.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Luke watched Matthew pace back and forth across the bedroom floor later that afternoon.

  “Why does it hurt?” he asked, watching the pain flit across Matt’s face.

  “It’s fine,” he assured Luke. “It’s just a few twinges, that’s all.”

  But as more time passed, it became clear it wasn’t just a few twinges. Matthew knelt on the bed, breathing in fast pants. Luke went to get some help. They needed Zack.

  But there was no Zack to be had. And no Etta or Andrew. The front door opened and James came in.

  “What is it?” he asked, catching sight of the expression on Luke’s face.

  “Matthew’s baby is coming. Zack’s not here.”

  James cursed, pulling out his phone.

  “Zack is hours away, at least. I’ll try and get help from closer to hand. Go back up to Matthew, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He hurried back up the stairs, hearing James’ voice on the phone.

  “Help is coming,” he said to Matthew who was groaning audibly when he came back into the room.

  “Unless they’re just downstairs, I think they’ll be too late.”

  Luke tried to stay calm. “What do you need?”

  “Towels would be good. And something to tie the cord and cut it.”

  Luke went out to get some towels, trying to make sense of the rest of what Matt had asked for.

  He had an armful of towels by the time James came up the stairs.

  “Matt needs something to tie and cut a cord,” he parroted to James, hoping the Alpha knew what Matthew had meant.

  “I’ve got it covered,” James replied, showing him the first aid kit.

  When they went inside, Matthew had taken off his pants and covered himself with a blanket, though he couldn’t seem to stay still, moving up onto his knees, the blanket slipping.

  “If it’s just for our sake, I think you can forgo the modesty,” James said gently. “Alicia is on her way here from Glenoak.”

  “Unless she can fly, I think she’ll be late to the party,” Matt said with a groan.

  “Then Luke and I are here to help you through it.”

  “Have you delivered a baby before?”

  “I’ve helped out at a delivery or two,” James replied. The tension in Matthew eased at his words. “Good. The most important thing is to keep the ba
by warm once they’re born. And to clamp and cut the cord.”

  “All prepared,” James said, indicating the blankets, string, and scissors neatly lined up on the dresser.

  Another wave of pain hit Matt.

  “I think I’m close.” He moved onto his back with a wince.

  “Do you mind if I take a look?” James said.

  “Please,” Matt replied, leaning back, bending his knees. Luke watched with fascination as James peered under the blanket to see between Matthew’s legs. “You’re right, I can see the head. He’s very close to being born. Luke, do you want to see?”

  Luke looked to Matthew who nodded. “See what color hair he or she has.”

  Luke mimicked James, frowning at what he saw.

  “The hair looks dark,” he said.

  “Not a blonde then?” Matthew grinned at him. The grin faded as the pain returned and James took over.

  “Nice, big push now, Mattie. Let’s get this baby on its way.”

  “Where, to college?” Matt panted.

  “Who knows, the sky’s the limit.”

  Luke watched Matt push. It seemed to take an awful lot of effort for not a lot of progress. Two more rounds of pushing followed before the head was finally born.

  “Pant, now, Matthew,” James said. “The shoulders are almost out. Good, one last push and your work here will be done.”

  Matthew gave it all his effort, his cheeks red, sweat beading across his skin, and the baby slid out, James’ hands catching it deftly and lifting it towards Matt.

  “Congratulations, it’s a boy.”

  Matt lifted his shirt and they settled the baby into his chest, wrapping a towel on top of him. James then tied the cord in two places and used the scissors to cut between them. The door pushed open, an unfamiliar woman stepping inside.

  “Am I too late?” she asked.

  “It depends on your definition. The baby has just been born and I’ve cut the cord.”

  “Nicely done, James. I’ll take over from here.”

  The woman confidently stepped forward, taking a quick look at the baby first, curled quietly against Matt’s chest before turning her attention to between Matthew's legs. Luke crept closer to Matt, peering down at the baby. Matthew was holding him close, watching him with a face that was happy but sad.

  “He’s an Omega,” he said quietly.

  Alicia and James exchanged a look.

  “Congratulations, Matt. Another addition to our next generation of Omegas.”

  But Matthew didn’t seem happy and Luke had an idea why.

  James went down to the kitchen to get Matthew some tea and Luke came with him. The more he thought about it, the sadder he felt.

  “What’s wrong?” James asked him.

  Luke just shook his head, watching him boil the kettle.

  “It must be strange seeing a birth for the first time.”

  Luke looked away.

  “That’s not it, huh? Then what?”

  “He’s an Omega, like me. Like Matt.”

  “That’s right.” James turned and leaned against the counter, watching him closely. “What do you think about that?”

  Luke shrugged, surprised and ashamed to find tears in his eyes that he couldn’t hold back.

  James’ arms were suddenly engulfing him, holding him close.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Just tell me, whatever it is.”

  “I’m just sad.”

  “Sad about what?”

  “Matt’s baby. He’s an Omega.”

  “Yeah, it seems like he is. I don’t understand why you’re so upset.”

  “You’ll have to give him to Tobias and Matthew won’t see him again and… and there won’t be a lot of food and he won’t be allowed to shift and there will be punishments. But he’s so small.”

  James pulled back, catching his chin with two fingers.

  “You think, because Matt’s baby is an Omega, that we’re going to give him to Tobias?”

  Luke nodded. “That’s his job, to raise Omegas.”

  “Well, I suspect I, and many other Alphas, have words to say about that. And I can promise you now, Luke, that no child of Matthew’s or anyone else’s in my Pack will ever be placed in Tobias’ hands. That goes for you too. Children deserve love and care within their family, especially Omegas.”

  “So you won’t give him to Tobias?” Luke had to double check, to be sure.

  “Over my dead body. And Zack’s. And Matt's, I expect. Omega children are very precious. They deserve to be raised with care and kindness and not… not the harsh and unfair way Tobias treated you. No child of yours will suffer the same fate.”

  “Because you’d keep them safe?” Luke ventured.

  “I would, always.”

  They went back upstairs. Matthew caught sight of Luke’s reddened eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “James said you weren’t going to give the baby to Tobias.” The words had Matthew cuddling the baby closer.

  “No, that man is never getting his hands on any child of mine. Why on earth would you think that?”

  “Because he’s an Omega. It’s what we deserve.”

  “No,” Matthew said, shaking his head adamantly. “It’s not what anyone deserves, Luke. No-one.”

  He looked down at the baby in his arms. “Would you like to hold him?”

  Luke wasn’t sure but James was nodding determinedly. He found himself sitting on the bed next to Matthew, while the other Omega placed the sleeping baby in his arms, showing him how to support his head and neck. He was soft, his skin pink. Every part of him was tiny, from his hands and feet to his fingernails. Luke stared down at him, trying to get his head around how Matthew had done this, had brought such a beautiful, precious thing into the world. Could he do that too?

  Zack arrived back in record time, rushing past Luke and James and up the stairs to Matthew. The baby had been crying but it stopped almost immediately when Zack entered the room.

  “Will he mind?” Luke asked James.

  “Will who mind what?” James was finding it tough to follow the train of Luke’s thoughts.

  “Will Zack mind that the baby is an Omega?”

  “I don’t think so. Zack loves Matthew and I don’t believe he’ll love that baby any less for being an Omega.”

  “Would you?”

  He was starting to get the sense Luke was testing him, testing what James had told him the night Luke had come to his bed. Looking for proof, perhaps?

  Zack had broken speed limits in his rush to get home. He knew before he stepped foot in the house that he'd arrived too late for the birth. There was the soft cry of a newborn coming from the second floor. When he pushed open the door to the room, Matt glanced up at him, a tired smile on his face.

  "Come and meet your son," he said.

  Zack sat beside him on the bed, taking the blanket wrapped baby into his arms. His eyes were open, blinking slowly.

  "He's beautiful, Mattie."

  Zack gently pulled back the blankets to get a better look at his son. He could tell from the way Matthew was watching him that there was something to find. The birthmark on his thigh might have looked small and insignificant but it would determine the path his little one would take through life, as it had for every Omega Zack had met.

  He wrapped him back up, cuddling him closer.

  "It won't be like it was for you and any of the others, Matthew. He'll be raised to know love, not fear, and we'll give him as much freedom and as much choice as we can."

  Matt nodded, a few tears escaping. "I know. It was just so hard for me. So lonely. I don't want him to go through that."

  "He won't. Already there's Noah. Soon there'll be others. He'll have many Omega brothers, kin and otherwise."

  "You're right, I'm being silly."

  "You're being a parent. What parent doesn't worry for their child's future? What parent doesn't want to avoid the mistakes of the past?"

  "It's just, we've been alone too. Separated fr
om the other Omegas and their Alphas. Hiding from the Packs. Working with the FW has been great. They'd been so good to us. But now, with two children, with an Omega son, I need more."

  "And you'll have that. Here, in Eagle Creek. We're right next to Glenoak with Ro and Adam. From the look of things, Luke may well be staying here, with James."

  It was more than he’d have been able to offer Matthew when they first met. Back then, he’d been exiled, alone, and so very bitter. He didn’t think he’d ever lose that longing for his own Pack but with Matthew and their children as his family and Fenrir’s Warriors as their Pack, things were getting better.

  The baby began to fuss, turning his head, mouth seeking food. Zack carefully handed him over, helping Matt hold the baby against his chest.

  "My milk hasn't come in yet, but he's got the hang of latching on."

  "Smart like his parents, huh?"

  "Are you still happy with the name we picked out?"

  "What, you don't think he looks like an Oliver? He has the Brown family nose." They had decided to call him after Zack's grandfather. Zack didn't see any reason to change that just because he was an Omega.

  "Oliver," Matt echoed, stroking a finger across the baby's cheek. "I think it's perfect."

  "I think he's perfect. Just wait until Rosie meets him."

  Matthew opened his mouth to ask but Zack anticipated his question. "Adam and Ben will bring her with them with they visit tomorrow."

  "I can't wait."

  "Me, neither." He wrapped an arm around Matt as he spoke, tugging his mate close as they both watched their newborn son.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “There’s someone coming to see you today,” James announced during breakfast.

  “Coming to see me?” Who’d want to do that? “Are they from the Pack Council? Do I have to go back to Jeremy?”

  “No, nothing like that.” James kept his tone even though Luke saw the flash of anger in his eyes.

  “Is it an Alpha who wants an Omega?”

  “No, not that either. It’s two people actually, an Alpha, named Ben, a good friend of mine who helped us fight the Migones, and his Omega.”


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