Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 6

by Nikki Rose

  My heart sank. My earlier question of which category of girl Lacy fell into now answered. She didn’t say a word as she set up the drinks and food. When she turned to leave, Mikhail slapped her ass hard enough to make both me and her jump.

  He chuckled and placed his hand higher on my thigh. “No need to be so jumpy — as long as you behave. Right, Andrew?”

  “I like her a little jumpy.” Drew moved my hair to expose my neck and lightly ran his fingers down the sensitive flesh, sending shivers down my body and making my breath hitch. “It keeps her on her toes.”

  Mikhail seemed to enjoy laughing at my expense. He let out an amused chuckle. I, on the other hand, was disturbed by how much that simple touch had affected me.

  “Please, let's drink.” Mikhail motioned toward the shots and I reached out to take one. “Do you allow her to drink?” Mikhail looked to Drew. My hand froze mid-air and I looked at Drew who nodded at me. I eagerly picked up my shot, wanting the alcohol to help calm my nerves.

  The men raised their glasses and I did the same as Mikhail made a toast. “Vashe zdorovie, to your health,” he exclaimed before downing the shot.

  To which Drew replied “vashe zdorovie” and we followed.

  Mikhail ordered Lacy back to the pole and I frowned as I watched her retreat. The men laughed and drank many more shots. I was grateful after the second, Drew denied me permission to continue drinking. I didn’t know much about the Russians, but I knew had I refused the drink it would have been seen as an insult and my head was already buzzing. Drew not allowing me anymore was him looking out for me while maintaining the image of control.

  Being at this club, with these people so different from who I was used to, sitting next to Drew of all people — the whole night felt like I was trapped in some strange dream.

  I caught Drew sneaking his vodka into the wastebasket as time went on but he acted as though he’d drank every last one. Mikhail became more and more relaxed with each shot, letting his guard down slowly.

  “Lacy, come over here and dance for me. I want an up-close show.” She timidly returned. I’d been watching her. While dancing, she seemed looser, almost free but the moment she was within his reach, her demeanor shifted to become tense and timid. She began to dance for him. His grimy hands grabbed her and pulled her to straddle his lap. “There. Now, dance for me.” He commanded, sitting back with his arms draped over the back of the couch. She began to give him a lap dance all the while Drew and I sat uncomfortably close to them.

  “I think it's about time I get back home. I want some time with this one before it gets too late.”

  “Ah, you should stay have a little fun in one of our VIP rooms.”

  “Maybe another time. Tonight, I plan to go until we pass out and it's not easy carrying a lifeless woman home. People give you funny looks, you know” Drew chuckled and Mikhail followed. I didn’t see the humor and was more than ready to leave.

  “Until next time, my friend.” Drew patted Mikhail’s shoulder and stood up, taking my hand and guiding me out in front of him.

  I’d never been so glad to see Drew’s apartment in my life. Being on edge, never knowing what might happen or who might say what was exhausting. I felt like I’d just ran a marathon by the time I collapsed on the couch.

  I laid down with my head in the middle of the couch. My legs thrown over one end. The light in the apartment was dim but still hurt my tired eyes. I threw my arm over my face to shield them. “I don’t think I can move,” I mumbled.

  “That tired?” I heard the amusement in his voice and the clinking of glasses as he poured himself a drink at the cart in the living room. The couch shifted as he sat down on the one cushion I wasn’t on.

  “How can you drink more tonight? You two probably put away a gallon of vodka.”

  “Probably, but I only drank two.”

  “What did you do with the rest?” I uncovered my eyes to look up at him.

  “I dumped it in the planter. That’s why I always sit right there.” He laughed.

  “You’re going to kill that poor plant.” I chuckled.

  “No, I’m not,” he said, so sure of himself.

  “What? Russian plants drink vodka too?”

  “No,” He laughed and looked down at me. “It’s fake.”

  I burst out laughing at that. Maybe it was the vodka still in my system or the whole situation in general, but something about Drew watering a fake Russian plant with vodka hit me as hilarious.

  “Okay, I think you’ve officially lost it. It’s time to get you to bed.”

  “But I don’t want to go to bed. I’m comfortable right here.” I stopped laughing, remembering the conversation we had earlier about the sleeping arrangements. While Drew and I had been getting along fairly well under the circumstances, it didn’t mean I wanted to climb into bed with him.

  “We already talked about this. Bed. Now.”

  “You’re so bossy and I don’t remember actually agreeing to anything.” I sat up and crossed my arms with a huff.

  “Are you going to walk or am I going to have to carry you?” He gave me a challenging stare.

  “You wouldn’t.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Try me.” He leaped up and before I could do more than squeal, Drew threw me over his shoulder and carried me to his room.

  “Drew, put me down.” I squirmed, kicking and hitting his back with my fists.”

  “You had your chance.”

  “Put me down. Now.” I hit harder.

  “Now?” He said as if just realizing what I’d been telling him all along.

  “Yes, now,” I demanded.

  “Okay.” He slapped my ass hard enough to elicit a yelp before tossing me off his shoulder.

  My whole body tensed and I was flailing threw the air ungracefully as I screamed before hitting the soft, fluffy mattress of his king-sized bed. Drew laughed and I wanted to hit him. So, I did, right in the stomach with the heel of my bare foot.

  He doubled over but only for a moment before he was pouncing onto the bed. He sat on top of me, pushing my thighs to the bed with his weight and pinned my arms above my head with one strong hand. I tried to twist and turn to get out from under him but I was efficiently restrained.

  “Now, that wasn’t very nice. Perhaps I should teach you a lesson.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “You know if we were in front of Mikhail or his men, I’d have to rough you up for something like that.”

  “But we’re not, and I was good when we were around them tonight.”

  “You were. You were very good.” He rubbed the back of his hand down the inside of my arm and I shivered under him.

  “Drew, let me up.”

  “Put you down. Let you up. You don’t know what you want do you?” He brought his smirking face close to mine. Drew’s eyes softened. His hand gently stroked down my cheek and I swallowed hard.

  This man affected me more than I cared to admit. Even after all these years, just a simple touch sent my heart racing and my body igniting. How was I ever going to keep my cool and do what we needed to do to take down Mikhail when he touched me like that? I needed some distance. I needed to get out of his bed.

  “I need some fresh air.” I pushed him off of me. That time he let me and I jumped off the bed.

  “Hailey...” His concerned voice faded as I hurried from the room.

  I made my way through the living room and had just reached out to open the balcony door when Drew snatched my arm and twirled me around.

  “What’s wrong?” He looked down at me with intent eyes studying my expression. I fought to keep cool.

  “Nothing. I just need some fresh air.”

  “Bullshit. You ran out of that room like the place was on fire. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just — I need to remember why I’m here. We need to remember why we’re doing this and not let our history muddle things up.”

  “Not let our —.” His expression hardened. “So, you’d rathe
r me treat you like any other cover?”

  “Yes.” I crossed my arms, suddenly needing to feel protected. “I think that’s best for everyone involved.”

  “Fine. Have your air then come back to bed. We still need to keep up appearances.” He snapped, turning away from me before I could respond.

  He disappeared back into the bedroom before I retreated to the balcony. I couldn’t bear the thought of climbing back into bed with him how he was acting. Had he thought I’d just forget what he’d done to me in the past? Did he think I was going to give him another chance to break my heart all over again?

  I needed time to clear my head so I made myself comfortable with a large fuzzy blanket out on the lounge chair and stared up at the night sky. I had no idea why I cared that he seemed upset. I had to remember why we’d broken up, to begin with. It was time to refortify the walls I’d built around my heart.

  Chapter 8

  “Get up, you need to get ready.” Drew’s voice was cold and commanding as he sat on the foot of the bed to put on his shoes — so different from his usual warmth.

  “Where are we going?” I sat up in bed, not remembering how I got there and rubbed my eyes.

  “I have to meet Mikhail for some business. He said to bring you along. We leave in half an hour.”

  “Half an hour? I haven’t even had a cup of coffee or a shower yet.”

  “Well, I suggest you move quickly then.”

  I rolled my eyes and threw the covers off of me before climbing out of bed. I was still in my dress from last night.

  I was almost into the bathroom when Drew spoke up. “By the way, if you want to kill yourself by freezing to death out on the balcony, find another balcony to use. It’s not something I want to have to explain to people. And, if you’re that desperate not to sleep in the same bed I’ll have a place set up for you in my office.”

  I turned around in the doorway and gaped at him. I couldn’t believe how cold he was acting. “I didn’t try to kill myself. Don’t be ridiculous and what about what you said about keeping up appearances by having me in your bed?”

  He shrugged as if none of this concerned him one way or another. “I’ll come up with some excuse to not want you in my bed.”

  Fury built up inside me for reasons I wasn’t sure. He was being such a jackass. This is what you wanted — to remember who he really is. Anger was better than pain from letting my guard down.

  “Fine,” I snapped as I turned back around and hurried to get ready.

  I was out of the shower in ten minutes and was brushing my hair when Drew came into the bathroom without even knocking. “We’re going to be going to Mikhail’s club to handle some business. After lunch, we’ll be driving out to his place in the country for an event tonight.”

  “An event?”

  “Yeah, so pack what makeup you’ll need to make yourself presentable. I’ve already packed an overnight bag for you.”

  “We’re staying overnight with them?”

  “Yep. Most of his events are overnight.”

  I had so many questions but before I could organize them into rational thought Drew retreated out of the bathroom. I emerged a few minutes later dressed casually in a fitted pair of skinny jeans, calf-high boots, and a long sweater. Drew eyed me up and down before shrugging. “I guess that will do. I’m glad you left your hair down but tonight I want it up. I already sent our bags down to the car. Let’s go.”


  As we rode the elevator down, I couldn’t handle the silent tension any longer. “So, are you going to keep acting like an asshole the rest of the day or are you just not a morning person?”

  “You wanted me to act like you were any other cover, so I am. What? Now you want something different? Why am I not surprised?”

  “I assumed you wouldn’t act like you couldn’t stand your cover.”

  “You obviously don’t want to be here. You don’t want to be near me. Let’s just get this whole thing over with so we can move on with our lives, okay?”

  That hurt and the fact that it hurt made me angry. I shouldn’t care how he acted toward me. This was just to help bust these guys and protect everyone involved. This was not about Drew or about our history. I should just let it go and do what has to be done but somewhere deep inside, I wanted to hurt him just as bad as he’d hurt me.

  “Fine by me. The sooner the better.”

  We rode to the club in complete silence. Drew didn’t even look at me as we pulled up at the curb and he climbed out. I slid over to his side to get out the same way he had when he stopped me.

  “Stay here and let the men handle their business. I’ll be back shortly.” He turned to one of Mikhail’s men standing by the door and motioned back toward the car with a jerk of his head. The man nodded and Drew disappeared into the club.

  I sat there gazing out the window as people walked around so casually having no clue what shady business was going on all around them. Then again, neither did I since Drew hadn’t told me any details.

  A knock on my window made me jump. It was Mikhail’s guy. The one who’d fought Drew the other night. He motioned for me to roll down the window. I didn’t want to but knew I needed to do what he said even though he made me nervous.

  I rolled down the window and looked at him expectantly.

  “Drew asked me to keep an eye on you while he’s in with the boss.”

  “I figured.”

  “You two don’t seem on as good of terms today. Last night you couldn’t pry you from his side with a crowbar. What’d you do?”

  “What makes you think I did anything?” I snapped irritably at him.

  “It was that attitude wasn’t it? A girl in your situation would do well to learn not to challenge the man who holds your fate in his hands.”

  I crossed my arms and scooted away from the open window back to my side while pretending to be interested in something outside my window. I heard a quick succession of the door clicking open then slamming closed. I looked over to see my babysitter now sitting beside me in the backseat which suddenly felt much smaller.

  “What are you doing?” I leaned against my door for maximum distance between us.

  “It’s cold out there. Not as cold as Russia but I like it better in here.” He rolled up the window and turned to look at me. His eyes dragged up my body slowly until he finally came to my eyes. “You know, some guys don’t like to be challenged. Weak men see a strong woman as a threat.” He motioned his head toward the club.

  I raised a brow, curious about where he was going with this. It was the most I’d ever heard one of Mikhail’s men talk. “Weak men...like Drew?”

  He let out a snort. “He’s just a trust fund boy. He can’t handle a woman like you. I can see that fire you possess even as you try to hide it.” He scooted his large frame closer to me and the car suddenly felt suffocatingly small.

  He rested his hand on my upper thigh sending my instinct to run or slap him into full gear. My hand reached for the door but he grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me to face him. “You know, I make a good living doing what I do. I could help you pay off those debts for a similar arrangement.”

  “I doubt that would make Drew very happy.”

  “I don’t care if pretty boy is happy or not.”

  I’d never heard anyone refer to Drew as a pretty boy. He was ruggedly handsome but with a great sense of style. He pulled my wrist, forcing me closer to him until he could snake his arm around my waist and press me against his hard chest.

  “I would have fun breaking such a willful thing.” He rasped into my ear.

  I tried to pull back but his strong arms wouldn’t allow me to budge. He continued whispering in my ear as his hand slipped down to squeeze my ass hard. “I’d have you trained so well by the time your debt was repaid, you’d beg me not to give you away and I might even consider keeping you for a little while as long as you behaved to my liking.”

  “Drew isn’t going to like this. Let me go.” I pounded on his ches
t and he finally backed off but not because of anything I’d done.

  He pressed a finger against his ear and listened before responding into his sleeve. “You got it, boss. I’ll have them bring the car around.” He lowered his hand and opened the car door to climb out. “You’re lucky the meeting is done and your boyfriend is coming out. Maybe I’ll start playing nice with him so I can convince him to loan you to me once he’s finished with you.”

  I was left gaping at him as he climbed out and shut the door, returning to his post and talking into his sleeve again.

  When Drew came back into the car, he began speaking to me in that cold tone once more. I realized then, I was completely on my own here. I was surrounded by strangers — none of which I could fully trust to be around in one way or another.

  “We’re going to a little pub for lunch before we hit the road.” He spoke without even fully looking at me. I nodded and looked out the window. After my little encounter with the man he’d put in charge of watching me, I wasn’t feeling particularly chatty.

  “What’s the matter with you?” I felt the seat shift as Drew turned to face me.

  I shrugged as I glanced over at him and back out the window.

  “Hey, I’m serious. What’s wrong?” Drew forced me to turn toward him. Tears stung my eyes but I refused to let them escape down my face.

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  I could tell by his sigh; he wasn’t satisfied with my answer but he didn’t push. It was only a few minutes down the road to the small pub where we were going to have lunch. I was dreading being in the same room as all these men again. I felt so on edge.

  Drew placed his hand on the small of my back and led me into the pub. The little bar and restaurant was cozy with dim lights and Irish decor. I was surprised that the Russians would be going to an Irish pub.

  We sat at a large corner booth in the farthest corner of the room. A handsome red-headed guy a few years younger than me came up to the table to take our order without ever giving us a menu. I opened my mouth to order something from the chalkboard behind the bar that listed the specials when Drew interrupted.


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