Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 11

by Nikki Rose

  I took a deep breath and fought back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes because if they came, I didn’t know if I could ever get them to stop.

  “I don’t love you.” I nearly choked on the words and Drew looked as if I’d just slapped him in the face.

  “You’re lying.” He yelled. “You love me. I’ve seen it in the way you look at me. In those moments before you guard yourself again.” His loud roaring voice made me back up but he stepped forward again, enclosing me between him and the wall, with one hand on either side of my head.

  “What you saw was concern and care for someone I used to love.” It was so hard to speak with the lump in my throat but I pushed on.” I don’t want to see you get hurt. Which is why I have to do this.”

  Drew turned away. I gasped as he slammed his fist into the drywall.

  “Drew!” He didn’t look at me. He just pulled his bloody hand from the wall and stormed out of the room.

  I waited, not wanting to follow him so that he could cool down. He locked himself in the bathroom probably cleaning up his wounds.

  I went to the living room and sat on the couch. About ten minutes later, I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up but only saw his back as he shut the office door behind him. There was a click of the lock and that was it.

  I curled up on the couch and hugged a pillow while I cried. I let the tears finally fall freely. I loved him but I couldn’t let myself ever be that vulnerable again.

  Drew was worried about me sleeping with Mikhail because I’d be vulnerable with an evil man who could hurt me. What he didn’t realize was that he was the real danger. He was the one that could hurt me more than anyone else ever could.

  A random, emotionless hook-up I could do. I’d been doing that for years. It helped dull the pain and kept me numb.

  I laid down on the couch and cried some more as I thought about Drew and the whole mess, I got myself into. If I hadn't gone out that night, if I'd stayed home eating ice cream instead of trying to find some random guy to hook-up with everything could have been different.

  But if I hadn't gone out, I would have never seen Drew again. The irony is that what happened between us in the past is what drove me there that night. And finding him that night, finding myself in this position is what had me regretting being this way.

  I heard the buzz of the door and hurried over to the intercom as I've seen Drew do.


  “Ms. Reid?” I recognized the voice of the night doorman.

  “Yes. Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I was just buzzing you to let you know that your Chinese delivery has arrived. I paid using the designated credit card and the food has cleared security. I'll be sending it up momentarily.”

  “Oh, okay. Thank you.” I hadn't realized just how much trouble it would be to simply order takeout. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Elliott, from the front desk. I'm delivering your dinner.”

  I opened the door and the man from the front desk offered the bag to me.

  “It's already been cleared so you're good to go. I hope you enjoy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Have a good evening, ma’am.”

  He left me standing in the doorway as he headed back toward the elevators. I shut and locked the door behind me before going back to the couch.

  I sat the food on the coffee table and hurried to Drew’s office door. I've been wishing for an excuse to talk to him but had yet to build up my nerve. This was the perfect opportunity.

  I knocked gently but there was no answer. So, I knocked a little harder.

  “Drew? The food’s here. Can I come in?”

  No answer.

  “Drew, please answer? I'm worried.”

  “Eat what you want of the food and stick the rest in the fridge.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don't have anything to say.”

  “Well I do.”

  “You’ve said enough, Hailey.”

  I let out a loud frustrated sigh and stomped back to the living room. I had barely eaten in two days. I was angry but I was still hungry. If he wanted to stay in there and starve, let him. I was going to sit and watch television and enjoy my dinner. Or so I thought.

  I sat on the couch alone in Drew’s large living room. I watched TV and ate my dinner. But I couldn't tell you what it tasted like. I couldn't tell you what I even watched. The minutes and hours ticked by and Drew never came out.

  It was late and exhaustion took over. As much as I wanted to stay awake to wait up for him, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

  I climbed into the big king size bed alone. I clung to his pillow which smelled like him and cried until my eyes ran out of tears. My mind finally shut down letting me drift off into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Early the next morning, I was startled awake by a loud banging from the living room. I jumped out of bed, nearly tripping in the tangle of sheets as I rushed into the entryway. The banging started again coming from the front door.

  The building security wouldn’t allow just anyone to get in. I worried that there might be something wrong.

  “Who is it?” I called through the door.

  “Jason and Rebecca. Open the door.” Jason barked. What the hell?

  I swung the door open and they both stormed in. I had to step out of their way or risk being trampled. “What’s wrong?” I shut the door and followed them into the living room. I froze when I saw Drew sitting in his overstuffed chair with his arms draped casually over the back and one ankle resting on the opposite knee. “Drew, you’re out.”

  “Drew called us early this morning and told us what you want to do. Have you lost your mind?” Jason’s face was red. I’d seen him angry before but this was the first time it had been directed at me.

  “Let me explain.” I scowled at Drew but he just smirked and crossed his arms.

  “Hailey, seriously what were you thinking to even consider sleeping with Mikhail? He’s a dangerous man.”

  “You think I don’t know he’s dangerous? You think I didn’t watch as his men beat Drew until he was barely conscious or when his men beat Conrad until his ribs broke? I damn well know he’s dangerous. That’s why I need to do this.”

  “That makes no sense,” Rebecca spoke with a calmer tone, trying to diffuse the situation as she stepped closer and led me to sit on the couch with her.

  “Becs, you didn’t see those other girls. There’s one girl, Lacy, her story is terrible and she’s trapped there being Mikhail’s punching bag if she doesn’t want them to kill her brother. Her brother is a good guy. He’s going to school to be a doctor.” Rebecca and Jason both opened their mouths to argue but I stopped them.

  “No, listen. I know what you are going to say. You’re going to say it's too dangerous. That I don’t know what I’d be doing. That I’d be sleeping with some strange man. But here’s the thing, I was going to sleep with him before I ran into Drew that night. I was trying to pick him up at the club because I wanted a random hook-up. Would I sleep with him knowing who he was now if I didn’t need to? Of course not. But my point is, at least this time it could be for a good reason. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I want to change. I don’t want to keep on with the meaningless sex but I do want to do this.”

  “Hailey...” Jason started.

  “Do agents sometimes have to sleep with targets to get close to them for a mission?”

  “Sometimes, but those are trained agents. You’re—”

  “I’m not going into this blindly. I’ll have undercover agents nearby in case I need to scream or something but this is the perfect opportunity. Drew said before that you guys were close to busting them and that his role is vital. He said that he just needed to earn Mikhail’s trust. If Drew lets Mikhail sleep with me, just one time — just one night out of my whole life that I’d have to sacrifice — then there’s no way he’d sus
pect Drew was anything less than totally loyal. I know what I’m getting into but I don’t care. I want to help those girls and if giving this guy what he wants for one night is how I can do it, well hell that’s what I want to do.”

  Once my rant was over, I sagged back onto the couch and took a deep breath. “So, will you help me to bring down this guy or not?” I looked from Rebecca to Jason, not bothering to look at Drew. After his professed love, I knew he’d never agree on his own.

  “Hailey, this is... You’d be sleeping with this guy...and it's not even a guarantee it would work.” Rebecca said, taking my hands in hers.

  “It will work,” I said confidently.

  “How do you know that?” Jason stepped forward. He was interested and not completely shutting down my idea now which was good.

  “Mikhail likes control but he doesn’t like to take it — usually. He prefers to manipulate and control that way. That’s what Drew told me and I’ve seen it firsthand. Mikhail sees me as a challenge. He won’t stop until he’s put away even if you take me out of this, he’ll keep trying to find me and he’ll be more suspicious of Drew than ever.”

  “How close are you to busting this guy?” Jason asked Drew.

  “Pretty close. He’s got a major shipment coming in soon. I can tell because all the guys get this anxious buzz about a week before a big shipment.”

  “Can you get back in good with Mikhail before the shipment?” Jason continued his questions while Rebecca and I sat listening.

  “He never invited me in on a big shipment before. He’s always been too skeptical. I’ll admit, having Hailey there has helped him see me more as one of them. I felt like I was close but I think the other night probably shattered that.”

  “How long will it take to recover?”

  “Knowing him? Months.”

  “Damn it.” Jason let out a loud sigh. “One of our friends in Russia said he suspected they were planning to bring in a large shipment of girls sometime soon.”

  “When they get a good-sized shipment, they usually hold a big auction but they’ve always kept a tight lid on the details of when and where. I’ve never been invited.”

  “It could be next week or it could be next month. We need an inside man sooner rather than later so we don’t miss it.”

  “Shit.” Drew jumped up and started pacing. “If I hadn’t brought Hailey in, in the first place — if I hadn’t put her in danger I’d still be in his good graces.”

  “Chances are he wouldn’t have involved you. Let’s not forget it was bringing Hailey into the fold that built his trust in you. You just need to regain his trust somehow, get in there and find out the intel on when and where that auction is taking place. Mikhail is known for having all the big players at his events.”

  “There’s no faster way to earn back his trust than by loaning me to him for a night — as a peace offering.” I interjected. “These are innocent girls that are going to be sold to those deplorable men.”

  “And what are you? You’re innocent too and you’re wanting me to give you over to the monster all those deplorable men fear.”

  “I’d have back-up ready just in case. Those girls would be on their own.”

  “We can find a female agent willing to do this,” Drew argued.

  “He’s right.” Jason added.

  “But he wants me.”

  “Don’t be so arrogant. You aren’t special to him. You’re just another body he wants to claim.”

  “I’m not saying I’m special. I’m saying he’s got this fascination with me because he saw your protectiveness and that made me a challenge. He likes challenges so he’s going to be less likely to suspect anything when he’s focused on winning against you.”

  Jason looked from me to Drew. “She’s got a point.”

  “Damn it.” Drew roared and turned away to the window. “No. You cannot ask me to do this.”

  “Do you really think I want to send one of my best friends into a situation with that man? Of course, I don’t. I also don’t want to see a dozen innocent girls sold off. Hailey understands the risks. She also understands what’s at stake and we will make sure she’s got people ready to charge in if she needs them.”

  My ears began to roar and my heart pounded in my chest. Jason had made up his mind. It was happening. Drew dropped his head and pressed it against the window.

  “Can you do this?” Jason asked, studying Drew.

  “Yeah.” He murmured.

  “Are you sure? Because if you can’t then this whole thing —.”

  “I can handle it.” Drew’s voice rose with added determination.

  “Good. We have to go get the kids from my parents’ house. Keep me updated as things progress.”

  “I will.”

  “Call me if you need to talk.” Rebecca said as she wrapped me in a tight hug. “Be careful.”

  “I will.” I forced a smile to reassure her and Jason before walking them to the door.

  I closed the door and whirled around at the sound of Drew’s voice right behind me, “You’re really going to go through with this.” He spoke quiet and eerily calm compared to just moments ago.

  “It’s the best option with such a short timeline.”

  He stepped forward until I was pressed against the door. “We can find another way.”

  “Don't do this. Do you really want to see Mikhail get away? Do you really want to let all those girls be shipped and sold like cattle?”

  “Of course not. You know I don’t.”

  “Then why are you trying to sabotage the only hope we have of nailing this guy?”

  “Nailing?” He raised a brow and looked irritated.

  “Poor choice of words.”

  “No kidding.” He snapped and turned away from me.

  “Drew, this is just one night. I’ve had a lot of one-night stands. I’ve never been ashamed of them but at least this time it's for a good reason.”

  “You’ve already convinced Jason. I’m going to go along with it because he’s my boss and my friend but I don’t have to like it.”


  “We’ll do it tonight. I’ll take you to him and tell him I overreacted and that he’s welcome to borrow you for the night.”

  “So soon?” The reality of it all sank in my stomach like a rock.

  “Is that a problem? We don’t want to waste time. If it's going to happen, we might as well get it over with.”

  “Well yeah, I just thought —.”

  “Having second thoughts?”

  “No, I just —.”

  “Then it's settled. Tonight, it is.” He turned away and walked off.

  I wanted to follow him. To yell at him and ask him why he was acting that way but it wouldn’t help anything. Drew said he loved me — that he’d always loved me. I couldn’t go there again. How could you love someone and still do what he’d done to me? The sooner this was over the better. The sooner they took down Mikhail and saved those girls, the sooner I could move on with my life and get back to normal. I wanted to put him in the back of my mind where he’d been all these years. Or better yet, I wanted to forget all together so I could finally move on with my life.

  Drew went back to his office so I went into the bedroom and back to bed. If I was going to pull the plan off tonight, I needed some sleep to clear my head. I laid in bed and tossed and turned. Sleep didn’t come easy with all the thoughts running through my mind.

  Chapter 15

  The whole day went by so fast and so slow all at the same time. I dreaded what I had to do that night, but I wanted the whole ordeal to be over with. By the time we were ready to go, my nerves had my insides tied into a million knots. My hands trembled as I put on my makeup but I somehow managed to pull it together enough to look presentable.

  I kept it simple with a short black dress, my hair in loose curls, smoky eyes, and red lips. Nothing could seem off. Nothing could make Mikhail suspicious or it would all be for nothing.

  I took a deep breath and walked o
ut of the bedroom. Drew was in the kitchen pouring him a drink of whiskey. His shoulders were slumped. He looked wary.

  “Is that a good idea? Don’t you need to be sharp for tonight?”

  “I’ll be fine but if I’m going to get through this night, I’m going to need a little something. You want one?”

  “No thanks.”

  “Since when do you turn down a drink?”

  “Since I want to keep my wits when dealing with a psycho Russian mob leader.”

  “I thought you’d want a little liquid courage before jumping into his bed,” Drew said coldly and downed his drink.

  I fought the urge to start an argument. It wouldn’t have done any good. “We should be going.”

  “Sure, let’s go.” Drew slammed the glass on the counter with enough force that I was surprised it didn’t break.

  The ride to the club was silent, tense, and completely uncomfortable. By the time we pulled in, I was ready to do a tuck and roll to get out of the car.

  Philip opened the door and we climbed out. I felt like I was doing my last walk on death row as we walked down the red carpet and into the club without being stopped by security.

  They must have alerted Mikhail’s men because the three of them met us just inside the door.

  “Well, look who’s come crawling back.” Dmitri sneered.

  “I need to see the boss.”

  “After how you left things last time, I’m not sure he’s still considered your boss.”

  “Just take me to him.”

  “I don’t work for you, asshole.” One of the other men gave Dmitri a warning glance and he sighed. “Follow me.”

  Dmitri led us while the two other men followed behind. It was a power play to intimidate and although I couldn’t speak for Drew, for me it worked.

  We walked single file up the stairs to his regular VIP balcony. Mikhail sat on the couch taking up as much space as possible with his arms spread along the back of the couch.

  “Andrew, so good to see you. You are looking well — all things considered.” He smirked and looked me up and down. “And you look as lovely as ever.” He reached to kiss my hand and I tensed, forcing myself not to pull away. He must have synced my reaction because he took my hand with a little more force and held it at his lips for a beat longer than usual.


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