Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 15

by Nikki Rose

  “Who knows?”

  “Just Jason right now. We plan to tell our parents together this weekend.”

  “You guys are trying to make a football team, aren’t you?”

  Rebecca laughed. “Oh God, no. This will be the last one for a while. I’m going on the pill after this. I need a break from mood swings, heartburn, and swollen ankles.”

  “I’m just so happy for you.” I hugged her again until I heard Jason’s voice.

  “Just couldn’t wait to tell her, huh?” He smirked at Rebecca and she went to him.

  “You knew I couldn’t.”

  He laughed and kissed her head as he held her close and looked at me. “Drew’s going to have to stay here for a while until we get this whole thing sorted out so we are going to send you to another safe house until then. I don't want you to be anywhere the Russians might think to look while you aren’t with Drew.”

  “How long is that going to be? Drew has to be back for the mission within a week or he’ll miss his chance.”

  “I know. Trust me, I want to get this sorted out just as bad as anyone but I have to go by the book on this. One of my men is dead.”

  “I understand. I just don’t want these bastards to get away.”

  “Daniel is one of my agents. He’s going to take you to your temporary safe house.”

  Jason motioned down the hall, summoning Daniel, an extremely large man who looked like a bodybuilder squeezed into a suit.

  “Hello Ms. Wood.”

  “Hi. And, it’s Hailey, please?”

  “Of course, Hailey. Are you ready to go? I’ve already had your bags moved from Agent Caraway’s car to my own.”

  “Can I see him before I go?” I looked at Jason but his sympathetic frown told me the answer before he could.

  “I’m afraid not. We’ll get this mess sorted out as soon as possible though, I promise.”

  I nodded and hugged Rebecca before Daniel escorted me out to the waiting SUV.

  Chapter 20

  Daniel escorted me into the small safe house that would be my home until things with Drew were sorted out. It was a cute place. A small two-bedroom ranch with a white picket fence. It was not my style at all. I’m not sure exactly what I expected of a safe house but this was not it. That place looked more like where you might find the Cleavers living.

  Daniel placed my bag on the queen size bed that nearly filled the small master bedroom. There wasn’t room for much in the way of furniture, just a chest of drawers and a chair in the corner. He showed me around to the spare bedroom made into a small office with a worn desk.

  “There’s a hidden gun in the second draw down. There’s also one in the nightstand drawer and one under the sink in the bathroom.”

  “Guns?” I blinked.

  “Just in case. Better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Right,” I sighed.

  “You going to be okay here?”

  “I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”

  “It won’t be for long.” He looked at me with pity.

  “I’m just ready to get back to my normal life.”

  “Understandably so. But until then, here are the codes to the security system, Wi-Fi, and a new phone. Jason had me program your new phone with his number, Rebecca’s, mine, and the line to our security team. We’ll also have surveillance drive by at least every two hours. If you need anything — or if anything looks off — call us.”

  “Another new phone?” I sighed.

  “Just in case the Russian’s tampered with the old one, which I need to take.”

  I handed over my old phone, pocketing the list of codes and new cell before walking Daniel to the door.

  “We’ll get everything cleared up and get Drew out of there soon.”

  “He didn’t do whatever it is they think he did.”

  “Then he has nothing to worry about. Trust the system.” And with that Daniel left me to my solitude.

  I took my laptop out of my bag and to the office where I set it up on the desk. I’d barely been keeping up with work in the short bits of downtime I’d had. I logged into the secure network and started checking emails but I couldn’t focus.

  I shut my laptop and went to the small farmhouse themed kitchen. Jason must have known he was going to put me here because he had stocked some of my favorite foods and snacks. I pulled out the pint of cookie dough ice cream and after searching through several drawers, finally found the spoons. At least I wouldn’t go hungry. I plopped down on the couch and switched on the small T.V.

  It’d been five days that I’d been stuck in the tiny house. Time moves slowly with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I was used to a fast-paced life so sitting around indefinitely started to wear on me from the first day.

  I’d binge watched my favorite shows until I was completely caught up on every episode. I’d finally caught up on all my work emails, and started using the treadmill I found tucked in the corner of the living room.

  I was losing my mind in the house. I had to do something. It was already dark outside but I wasn’t hungry enough to bother with dinner yet. I turned on the radio and started to dance around the house. It was probably the most fun I’d had since being there.

  After dancing, I didn’t really feel like cooking so I fixed myself a turkey sandwich and hopped in the shower. The water was a little testy so I had to adjust it multiple times to get it just right. I dried off and changed for bed. I was super tired. I checked the clock and about dropped my glass of wine when I saw it was only 9:30 at night.

  Staying three was making me old. I vowed to make up for it once I was back to my old life. Then I turned off the lights and crawled into bed — to sleep — at 9:30.

  The loud squeak of a floorboard in the hall woke me from my dreamless sleep. Someone was in the house. I shook my head to knock off the haze of sleep and listened again. There was definitely the sound of a heavy boot on the hardwood floor.

  I held my breath and reached into the nightstand where my hand landed on the cool metal of a small pistol. I’d only shot a gun in the range with Rebecca, Jason, and Liam. I knew how to use a gun — in theory.

  I checked that it was loaded and climbed out of bed. I sidestepped a creaky board and listened by the door. The footsteps stopped just outside the door. I could hear the rattle of the doorknob as my finger twitched on the trigger.

  I readied the gun as the knob turned and the door slowly opened to expose a large shadowy figure.

  “Don’t move or I’ll shoot.” I yelled and the figure startled.

  “Hailey, jeez. Don’t shoot, it’s me.” I recognized Liam’s voice in the dark.

  “Liam? What the hell are you doing here?” I lowered the gun to my side.

  “I volunteered for surveillance. Only wanted the best looking out for you.”

  “Looking out for me includes breaking in and scaring me half to death while almost getting yourself shot?” I moved over to the bed and flipped on the small side lamp for some light.

  “I was driving by and saw all the lights were off. It was too quiet. I got worried something might be wrong so I wanted to check it out. Then when I saw your security system wasn’t on, I got really worried.”

  “Shit, I must have forgot to turn it on before bed.”

  “Bed? It’s only ten.”

  “What can I say? Being here all alone for days with nothing to do is making me old before my time.” I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Are they any closer to sorting this mess out? Time’s running out for Drew to make it back for the big bust.”

  “I don’t know. They are keeping things really hush-hush for now and since it doesn’t directly involve me, Jason hasn’t really mentioned much. He’s been working himself to death over this case.”

  “I feel bad for him, but I also feel bad for Drew.”

  “Yeah, this sort of thing can’t be easy.”

  “I’m about to lose my mind here, Liam.”

  “Do you want me to stay here tonight?”

/>   “Really? Could you? It wouldn’t get you in any trouble or anything?”

  “Nah. I’ll sleep on the couch. I’m just going to let Jason know what’s going on, so he’s in the loop.” He pulled out his phone and started texting.

  “Okay,” I yawned. “Want to watch some TV in here with me for a little while? I know it’s a little early for you to be going to sleep.”

  “Sure.” Liam slipped off his jacket and shoes and crawled into bed still in his jeans and black tee.

  He leaned against the headboard and I curled up in the crook of his arm. There was nothing romantic about it. Liam was like a big brother to me. And, after all the craziness of the past couple weeks, I needed the familiar safety he provided.

  The clearing of a throat woke me from a dream I couldn’t remember. I rubbed my eyes, feeling a hard chest under my cheek which made me freeze. I had to think for a minute who would be in my bed. Then, the flood of memories came back to me. I almost shot Liam. Me pulling a gun on him somehow seemed humorous now and I couldn’t help but grin.

  I heard a throat clear again. It wasn’t coming from Liam; it was from across the room. I finally fought the haze of sleep, opened my eyes and looked across the room to see Drew standing in the doorway. He had a broad stance, arms crossed, and an angry scowl but what sent a chill shooting down my spine was the rage burning in his stare.

  I shot up in bed when the possibilities started racing through my mind. “Drew, what are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” He let out an angry laugh. “You’re asking me what’s wrong while you’re lying in bed with another man?”

  I was an idiot. Of course, this wouldn't look good to anyone who didn’t know mine and Liam’s friendship. “It’s not—.”

  “What’s going on?” Liam’s groggy voice rumbled.

  Drew ignored Liam’s demand for an explanation. His gaze never leaving me. “I guess this explains why you can’t love me back — why you fought the attraction between us.” He turned to leave.

  “Drew, wait.” I jumped out of bed and ran to him just as he was reaching for the front door. I grabbed his taut arm and tried to pull him around to look at me but he fought against my advances. “There’s nothing going on between Liam and me.”

  “Save it, Hailey. A picture is worth a thousand words, and that picture in there...” He whirled around and jabbed his finger in the direction of the bedroom. “That one was worth a hell of a lot.”

  Liam came swaggering lazily from the bedroom still in his jeans and wrinkled tee from the night before. “Man, listen to her. There’s nothing —.”

  “You stay the hell out of this.” Drew pointed at Liam and took a step toward him.

  “You came in here yelling and waking me up from my beauty sleep like you own the place so as far as I see it, I’m already in this.”

  Drew charged forward, knocking me to the side. I spun around just in time to see his fist make contact with Liam’s jaw. I yelled out for him to stop but he didn’t respond.

  Liam staggered back having not expected the blow. He lunged at Drew, throwing punch after punch until the two of them were nothing more than fists, shoulders, elbows, flying around, stumbling, knocking into the furniture of the small house.

  “You guys, stop it. Stop. Liam. Drew.” I yelled but no one was listening to me.

  A lamp shattered to the floor but they wouldn’t stop. Liam got in a really good punch, knocking Drew on his back on the wooden coffee table and its legs gave out, crashing onto the floor.

  I thought that was it, but Drew leaped right back to his feet, ready to attack when there was a knock at the front door that made us all freeze.

  No one knew we were here except for Jason and Rebecca and the few surveillance guys. If it were any of them, they would have charged in at the sound of all the fighting inside. No — this was someone else.

  Liam nodded for me to answer the door while he stood to the side, out of sight, ready to pounce. Drew stood near me and wiped the blood from his busted lip.

  I slowly opened the door and peeked out. There was an older lady dressed in a long brown wool jacket and thick scarf around her neck and head.

  “Hello, may I help you?” I opened the door a little wider so that my body just blocked the entrance.

  “Oh, hello dear. I’m Edith from next door.” She pointed with a shaky hand toward the house I assumed was hers. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was out getting the mail when I heard the most awful ruckus. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”

  “Oh — yes ma’am. Everything is fine. Just a little mishap. I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”

  “No problem, dear. I’m glad everything is okay. You take care now. I have to get out of this cold. It’s hard on these old bones.”

  I smiled and waved as she left. Shutting the door, I scowled at the two of them as if they were children. “No more of that. I don’t know why men think everything needs to be settled with a fist fight.”

  “It didn’t settle much but it sure felt good,” Drew said, perched on the arm of the couch.

  “Then let me settle this for you.” I snapped at him, stalking toward him until I was right in his face. “There is nothing going on between me and Liam. He was on security detail last night and ended up staying to keep me company because I’ve been going crazy in this house for five days. Liam is like a brother to me. Nothing happened.”

  Drew looked from me to Liam who gave a confirming nod but he snapped his head back to me. “Then why were you two in bed together?”

  “We fell asleep watching T.V.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “You think I usually sleep in jeans and a tee-shirt?” Liam pointed out his wrinkled clothes.

  “I guess — damn.” Drew looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. “Guess I screwed up.”

  “You think?” I motioned toward the shattered lamp and broken coffee table.

  “Hey, the table was on him.” Drew chuckled and crooked his thumb at Liam.

  It amazed me how quickly these two could go from fighting to buddies in the blink of an eye. Once the fighting had calmed, something important dawned on me — Drew was there.

  “So, how are you here? I thought you weren’t allowed to see anyone until this was sorted out? Did they finally clear you?”

  “Yeah, Jason made the announcement this morning. I’d planned to come surprise you.” Drew gave me a sheepish grin. “Surprise?”

  I couldn’t hold back the laugh “Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise. That’s for sure.”

  “Not as big of a surprise as I got last night when I showed up unannounced. Be glad you came this morning after she was already unarmed.”

  “Unarmed?” Drew looked from Liam to me with a quirked brow.

  “Uh— yeah, I kind of almost shot Liam.”

  Drew laughed and slapped Liam on the back. “Man, and I was jealous of you. I should have been pitying you.”

  “No kidding, this one’s already got a fiery temper. The last thing we need is for her to be armed too. And she’s a good shot too.”

  “You’ve seen her shoot?”

  “Yeah, we usually go once or twice a month out to the range.”

  Drew’s smile dropped, though he tried to hide the shift in his mood. “Nice. I’m glad she’s learning. Too much bad shit in the world not to know how to defend yourself.” I knew him better than that. His jealousy was back.

  “I’ve never been much of the damsel in distress types.” I smiled, trying to shift the conversation. I continued, “So, what did Jason find out about the case? Who was the mole?”

  “Martinez.” Drew frowned and his shoulders slumped.

  “You mean, the dead soldier from your team?”

  “Yeah. Turns out he was leaking some intel to the cartel. Once things went badly, they blamed him and took him out.”

  “That’s awful. But I am glad you’ve been cleared.”

  “Yeah.” Drew sighed again. He looked like someone just
kicked his puppy.

  “What is it?” I walked over and placed my hand on his arm.

  “I just never saw this coming. I never would have suspected him. He’s a good soldier — was a good soldier.”

  “Do they have any idea why he changed sides?”

  “They found correspondents with the cartel. They threatened his family. He’s got a wife and a new baby. Now the kid is going to grow up without a dad. They don’t even get his pension after all this.”

  “That sucks. Is there anything that can be done to help?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Maybe we can figure out a way to help. A fundraiser?”

  “We’ll see. We should probably get going. The sooner we can get back, the sooner I can quell some of Mikhail’s suspicions about me.”

  “Okay, give me fifteen to pack and throw on some regular clothes?”

  “Anything I can do to help?” Liam asked.

  “You can grab the ice cream from the fridge. I’m not leaving that behind.”

  Their rumbling chuckles faded as I disappeared into the back bedroom.

  Chapter 21

  Walking back into Drew’s apartment felt so strange. The place was so much bigger than the safe house. Switching lives then switching again was starting to make life seem surreal. I was afraid, when I got home and attempted to go back to normal, I may not know what normal was.

  Having lost five and a half days due to the investigation, Drew and I couldn’t waste any time. We’d discussed the details of our cover story about his mom being ill while on the drive back to the city. Drew had also called Mikhail and let him know we were heading back and they arranged to meet at the club.

  I went to the kitchen and poured a drink. Drew came up behind me. His hand slipped around my waist, pulling me back against him. He swept my hair to the side, exposing my neck and trailed his warm lips down the tender flesh from my ear to the crook of my neck.

  “Drew, what are you doing?” I tried but failed at trying to sound scolding.

  “We’re stuck in this situation for a while longer. We might as well have a little fun. You know the sex was always incredible between us.”


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