Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 21

by Nikki Rose

  What the hell was he up to?

  “Multiple inquiries have come in about my girl, Lacy and it has come to my attention that I might have been being selfish keeping her all to myself. I would like to put her up for bid and I will use the money from her sale to make a new purchase here tonight.”

  It felt as though the earth had dropped out from under me. I turned to Lacy who was just as shocked as I was. She looked terrified.

  “No, Mikhail, please.” She grabbed hold of his sleeve from her seat and he shook her off.

  “Lacy is a talented dancer and already well trained on most occasions. You can see she is a loyal girl. Not wanting to leave me but it is time for something new. Men, help her up on stage for the bidding to begin.”

  My eyes blurred with tears. “Lacy, no.” I reached out for her but the men grabbed her by both arms and pulled her up on stage as she kicked and screamed. I stepped forward to follow her and Mikhail pulled me back.

  “Sit,” he ordered coldly. “I have decided you will be my new girl. Maybe a large sum of money will convince Andrew to give you to me.”

  “Doubt it.” I ground out through clenched teeth.

  “I can be very persuasive.” Mikhail brushed his jacket open to reveal a pistol at his hip. “I plan to talk with him about it after the auction.”

  I couldn't stand to look at him a moment longer and turned back to the stage.

  Lacy was forced to strip down to just her panties. As she sobbed, I cried along with her, keeping my eyes locked on hers until I couldn’t bear it any longer. I couldn’t let this happen. My ears roared until I couldn’t even hear the bidding began. I was losing it. I couldn’t keep calm. This was Lacy. How could Mikhail do this?

  I couldn't breathe. I had to find Drew. I had to make him stop this. I glanced around from side to side, looking from one guarded door to the next. Mikhail’s men would never let me get out the door even if it was to find Drew. I was trapped but I had to do something.

  I balled my fists in my lap and readied myself to jump up. I couldn’t think of what was at stake except for poor Lacy crying on the stage before all these deplorable men lusting after her. I took a deep breath to ready myself but was interrupted as a voice cut through the crowd.

  “Seventy-five thousand dollars for the girl.”

  “Sold.” The announcer looked ecstatic.

  I turned to see who had made the unexpectedly high winning bid. The man wore an expensive suit. His hair was slicked back neatly and his clean-shaven face was different than what I’d known him to look like, but I’d recognize him anywhere. Liam.

  My mind couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing as my two worlds collided into one in the weirdest of ways. Liam had bought Lacy? It wasn’t until his gaze met mine, only for a moment, that realization hit. Liam was saving her and me. He must have been undercover to offer help once things went down. He must have seen my panic and knew I was about to blow the whole thing.

  Lacy, however, didn’t know what I did. She sobbed, and screamed when the men drug her off the stage to her new owner. She looked at me for help. The pleading in her eyes gutted me. I wanted to tell her it was okay, that she was safe now, but I couldn’t. Not yet.

  Once the fourth or fifth girl is sold, we will move in. Be ready to take cover and if you can, get out of there. I remembered Drew’s instructions.

  I watched Liam lead Lacy to sit beside him, keeping a tight grip on her hand to keep her at his side. He leaned in and whispered something into her ear that seemed to calm her if only slightly. I had to pull myself together. Mikhail kept his hand on my thigh, his thumb running small circles over my skin as we watched the next terrified girl come out onto the stage.

  Two. I counted in my mind as the second girl was sold.

  After the third, I knew we were getting close. Anxiety clawed at me until I wanted to scream. I placed my hand over Mikhail’s and did my best to give him a flirty smile.

  I leaned over between biddings to whisper in his ear. “I need to go to the restroom.”

  “You’ll miss the auction. Surely you can wait.”

  “I really need to go. I’ll hurry back.”

  They brought out the next girl and Mikhail looked between me and the stage. “Fine. But hurry. You don't want to miss all the excitement.”

  “Of course. I’ll be quick.”

  I hurried toward the side exit that led down the hall of domiciles where the girls had been kept. My first stop was back to the room where I’d left my bag. I was relieved when I found the door still unlocked and my bag sitting just as I’d left it. I threw the strap over my head so it cut across my chest and ran out of the room.

  There was an exit on the other side of the hall but I knew it would be guarded. I just needed to keep away from the major action like Drew said.

  “Hey, what are you doing back here?” Dmitri barked at me from down the hall.

  “I was just looking for a bathroom.” I glanced around nervously. I didn’t trust Dmitri at all.

  “Didn’t think I'd get a chance alone with you again.” He sneered at me and closed in.

  “I need to hurry back. Mikhail will be waiting.”

  “He’s preoccupied with the auction. I’m sure we have a little time.” his lascivious smile sent a chill through me.

  I backed up until the wall was at my back. He cornered me in with his arms against the wall on either side.

  “Boss sent me to keep an eye on the girl.” Aleksey interrupted just as Dmitri leaned in to kiss me.

  “I’m keeping an eye on her.”

  “Looks like that’s not all.” Aleksey pulled him away from me and gave him a look like you’d give a child you were scolding. “Boss won’t want your grubby hands on what he has his eye on.”

  Dmitri didn’t look happy, but he shrugged it off and stomped away sulking.

  “Thanks.” I offered Aleksey a smile.

  “Where are you supposed to be?”

  “The bathroom. I told Mikhail I’d hurry. He doesn’t want me to miss the auction.”

  “No, where are you supposed to be?”

  “I don’t —.” I was interrupted by a loud commotion from down the hall where I knew the exit to be. Moments later, the hall was stormed with special forces dressed in full tactical gear and huge rifles.

  Aleksey pulled out his gun. I wasn’t sure what he might do, so I turned to run from him just as three of Mikhail’s men came down the hall aiming guns leaving me right in the middle. Aleksey lunged at me, throwing me to the ground with himself on top.

  I screamed and fought to get him off, not realizing what was going on as the bullets rang out around us. Moments later, Aleksey climbed off of me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up as well.

  Mikhail’s three men lay dead on the floor. A large growing pool of red creeping from underneath them. I recognized one. Dmitri.

  “Let’s get you out of here.” Aleksey gently grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me toward Drew’s team.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Drew wants to make sure you’re safe.”

  I pulled back on his grip and gawked up at him. “You’re one of Drew’s men?”

  “I’m one of Jason’s men.” He nodded and smiled at me. “Now let's get you out of here.”

  He pulled me past Drew's men, heading away from the impending fight.

  “But what about Drew and Liam. Lacy’s still in there too.”

  “We’ll get them out but I had strict orders to get you out of here safely.”

  He pulled my arm, almost dragging me down the hall toward the exit when two of Mikhail’s men stopped us.

  “Where are you going with the girl?”

  “Mikhail ordered me to take her somewhere out of the way to wait for him.”

  “I’ll take her somewhere out of the way.” One man ran the back of his hand down my exposed shoulder.

  “Bosses orders. I need to deliver her.” Aleksey pushed me on ahead before turning back to the men. He grabbed one by the shoulder a
nd whirled him to face him just as his gun pressed into the guys chest and fired a soft wet sound the other man turned quickly and fired but Aleksey used the first man as a shield, pushing his body at the shooter. While he was distracted, Aleksey shot the second guy square between the eyes.

  He ran over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me further down the hall, leaving the crumpled bodies bleeding out on the floor.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I need to find someplace safe for you.”

  “Drew and the team need all the help they can get. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  There was a loud explosion that shook the walls. Debris fell from the ceiling and we both covered our heads. Heavy running footfalls echoed down the hall and Aleksey readied his gun.

  Liam came running around the corner and we nearly collided.

  “Jeez. Alek. You trying to give me a heart attack? Hailey, there you are.”

  “Liam,” I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. “God, I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Me too.”

  “Where’s Lacy?”

  “She’s hiding in a supply closet just down the hall. Mikhail's men still hold the parameter on too many sides to get you out safely. We should get you to her while me and Aleksey take care of things.”

  “Have the men secured the main warehouse?” Aleksey asked Liam, all business.

  “Mostly. We still need to get the stragglers still.”

  “What about Mikhail?”

  Liam's jaw clenched, “In the wind.”

  “We’ll find him.”

  “Come on. Let’s secure Hailey then we’ll get back to it.”

  We ran down the hall back to a small supply closet. Liam opened it after a series of knocks. Seeing Lacy standing there trembling, surrounded by buckets, mops, and brooms, I was so happy. I hurried in and hugged her.

  “What’s going on?” Lacy’s voice trembled.

  “We gotta get going. You girl’s stay here.” Liam said and closed the door behind us.

  “We have to get out of here.” Lacy grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the door once the men were gone.

  “No, we need to stay here and wait for them to come back for us.”

  Lacy looked completely confused.

  I took her gently by the shoulders “They’re the good guys.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. We’re here to save all those girls, and you.”

  “You’re one of them?”

  “I’m one of them. So is Drew.”

  “I knew it. He just seemed too good to be in with the likes of Mikhail.”

  “We need to take cover in case someone comes in.”

  “What will we do if they come in?”

  I grabbed my bag and tossed it up on top of a supply box of cleaner. I dug through the secret pocket and pulled out the pistol Drew had given me. “If they come in, I shoot them.”

  “You know how to use that thing?”

  “Yeah. Liam used to take me to the range every week.”

  “So, you and Liam are close?”

  “Like brother and sister.” I nodded. “Once we’re out of this, I promise I’ll fill you in on everything.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled.

  “For what?”

  “For being a friend.” We crouched behind stacks of boxes, hoping no one would see us, but if nothing else, the boxes would offer some cover.

  Chapter 28

  “How long have we been in here?” Lacy looked weary.

  “I don’t know. Time moves slow in here, doesn’t it?”

  There was a crash from outside and we both jumped. “Shit. I just can’t take the waiting much longer.” Every crash, every footstep set us on edge. It was nerve wracking.

  “Someone’s coming,” Lacy whispered and ducked down lower.

  “Shh, they could just be passing by.” I tried to calm her but crouched a little lower myself. My hand gripped the gun until my knuckles turned white.

  Heavy boots hit the concrete at a quick pace. Someone was running then I heard nothing. We both leaned in to listen closer just before a loud explosion shook the walls and rang through our ears. Lacy and I both gasped and cowered lower behind the boxes. Dust from debris pushed through the cracks in the door from the force of the blast.

  I covered my head with my arms and ducked low as small pieces of the ceiling crumbled on top of us. I looked around. My ears rang. Lacy was saying something I couldn’t make out. Everything was so muffled. The metal door stayed closed but that explosion was too close for comfort.

  “I can’t hear you.” I yelled above the ringing. It didn’t take long for the sound to fade and Lacy’s voice began to come through.

  “I thought this would be over by now,” She yelled.

  There was a crackling sound from behind the door. “Do you hear that?” I stepped out from behind my boxes and closer to the door to hear better.

  “What is it?” Lacy stepped out of her hiding spot to join me. The light from under the door seemed to be dancing and smoke began to seep from the cracks. Her eyes widened as the realization struck. “Fire.”

  “Shit. We gotta get out of here.”

  Lacy reached for the handle but jerked her hand back. “Damn it, that’s hot.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. It’s just really hot. Is there something I can grab the handle with?”

  “We can’t. Didn’t they cover fire safety when you were in school? If the knob is that hot, the fire’s too close. If we open that door, it will fill this room before we can get out.”

  “We can’t stay here. We’ll suffocate from the smoke,” Lacy said in a panic.

  “We need to find another way out or a way to protect ourselves.” I grabbed some dusty old cleaning rags and used my foot to shove them under the door to block the smoke from coming in as fast.

  “These cleaning supplies could be explosive too. We have to get out of here, now.” Lacy looked around in a panic.

  “Agreed, but how?”

  “There,” She shouted.


  Lacy pointed up at the ceiling to the air vent. “We can use the boxes to stack up and go through there.”

  Lacy grabbed a box and slid it under the vent with some struggle. I rushed over and grabbed one end of a large box.

  “Grab that end.”

  We stacked boxes as fast as we could, making a stair step pattern to climb.

  “Let me test it,” I said, placing my foot on the box.

  Lacy offered me her hand and I stepped up onto the first box. The cardboard collapsed under my weight and I fell. Letting go of Lacy’s hand, I barely caught myself on a metal storage shelf.

  “Damn it. The boxes are too old. Probably from before the shipyard shut down. They’ve already started to deteriorate.

  “Get on my shoulders,” I told Lacy. “I’ll lift you up so you can open it. Then you can pull me up.”

  “Why do I have to be the one who’s lifted? Why can’t I lift you up?”

  “Because you are smaller than me. It will be easier for me to lift you.”

  “Okay.” She climbed onto my shoulders using a short supply shelf and I straightened up so she could reach the vent.

  Lacy tried to move the grate but it didn’t budge. She banged on it with her open hand with no luck.

  “It’s stuck,” She coughed. “And, the smoke is thicker up here.”

  “We need to hurry. Can you force it open?”

  “I can try.” Lacy hit the grate over and over as hard as she could. When it finally gave way, Lacy jolted forward, making me lose my footing. I stepped forward to catch myself but lost my balance, tripping over the boxes on the floor. I fell back into a box with a loud crash.

  Lacy screamed and I looked up to see her hanging from the ceiling holding onto the opening. “Hailey, are you okay?” She called down to me.

  “Yeah, I’m just —.”

  There was a loud noise a
nd white smog forced itself under the door. The door slung open to reveal Liam and Aleksey along with a couple more men in full tactical gear.

  “What the hell are you doing? I swear, Hailey. I leave you alone for a few minutes and you go making a mess,” Liam teased as he rushed in.

  “Damn. Lacy, let me get you down from there.” He wrapped his arms around Lacy’s waist. Her whole body tensed at his touch. It was going to take her some time to recover from everything she’d been through.

  Liam put her down near the door and offered a hand to help me out of the pile of boxes I’d fallen into.

  "What's with all the explosions?"

  "Mikhail's insurance policy if I had to take a guess."

  "Did he get away?"

  “Drew was able to take down Mikhail. Shot him in the leg when he tried to make a run for it. We got most of his men, too. But we need to go.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ll explain on the way. But, for now. We gotta get out of here. I was able to contain this part of the fire but the whole place could go up anytime.” He pushed us out of the door and into the hallway before nearly dragging me down the hall with the others following.

  “What about the other girls?”

  “They’re safe.”

  “And Drew?”

  Liam’s step faltered and I glanced up at him. His face fell and I knew something was wrong. My feet planted firmly on the floor. I couldn’t go another step without knowing more. My heart sank into my stomach and I thought I might get sick.

  “Where’s Drew?” I demanded.

  “We need to go.” He tugged at my arm.

  I yanked my arm out of his grasp. “Liam, damn it, tell me, where is he?”

  “I don't know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “Things got a little crazy in the main room. There was a lot of shooting, but that was the last time I saw Drew. I’m sure he’s fine but we have to get out of here. Everyone is clearing out.”

  “No, he wouldn’t leave without knowing I was out.”

  “If he knew you were protected by me or Aleksey he might. Hailey, we have to go. Now.”

  An explosion nearby shook the walls and debris crumbled from the ceiling again. Liam drug me by the arm down the hall while Aleksey and Lacy followed.


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