Foundations of the American Century

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Foundations of the American Century Page 48

by Inderjeet Parmar

  globalizing capitalism, 224

  global leadership, 2–3

  GMFUS. See German Marshall Fund of the United States

  Gordon, Philip, 242

  Gospel of Wealth (A. Carnegie), 44

  government: Allende, 203–6; Anglo-Saxons exporting, 62–63; Pinochet, 192; trustees and associations of, 51–52, 54–55; trustees service in, 48–49; West German’s grant for, 335n86; YIIS usefulness to, 70

  graduate school professors, 203

  graduation programs, 167–68

  Grameen Bank, 330n21

  Gramsci, Antonio: dominant class power and, 16; intellectuals role from, 10–11; parastates similar to, 20; state-society relations and, 22–23

  Gray, Asa, 60

  Green, Reginald H., 178

  Green, T. H., 60

  Green revolution, 263

  Groom, A. J. R., 71, 76

  Grossman, Marc, 239

  growth with equity approach, 217

  Grunwald, Joseph, 198, 200–201

  Guevara, Che, 182

  Haas, Peter, 21

  Haass, Richard, 246

  habitus, 8–9

  Hagel, Charles, 245, 250

  Halperin, Morton, 334n81

  Hamburg, David, 235

  Hansen, Lyle, 174

  Harberger, Arnold, 180, 194–95

  Harlan, Louis, 62

  Harris, John, 240

  Harris, Michael, 141–42

  Harrod, Roy, 200

  Harvard Center endowment, 333n69

  Harvard Seminar, 105–8, 121–22

  Harvard University, 103–4, 234–38

  Hawgood, John A., 296n83

  Hawley, Ellis, 18

  Heale, Michael, 295n79

  Healey, Denis, 119–20

  Healey, Thomas J., 57

  healthy international environment, 290n3

  Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 155

  hegemony: Big 3 Foundations influence on, 264–65; Big 3 Foundations promoting, 28; elite strategies seeking, 98; foundations promoting, 2, 65, 178–79; social and political forces in, 8

  Heinz, Howard, 50

  Helms, Richard, 319n21

  Henderson, Vivian Wilson, 55

  Herman, Sondra, 63

  Hicks, John, 200

  Hiss, Alger, 49

  Hitchens, Christopher, 289n182

  Hodgson, Godfrey, 17–18

  Hoffman, Paul, 105, 127

  Hofstadter, Richard, 35, 112

  Hogan, Michael, 18

  Homestead strike/lockout, 37

  Horowitz, David, 42

  Houghton, Alanson B., 50

  Howard, Craig, 168

  Howard, John, 137, 140, 159, 306n101

  Howard University, 158, 161, 310n33

  Hudson Institute, 226

  Hull, Cordell, 88, 299n2

  human assets, 212–19

  human capital development, 195–96

  human rights, 212–19

  human welfare, 273n17

  Huntington, Samuel, 4

  IBM. See International Business Machines

  ICA/USAID, 194

  ideologies, 101–2, 197

  Ikenberry, G. John, 92, 237, 240, 242

  IMF. See International Monetary Fund

  imperialism, 66, 211

  impoverishment, 329n6

  income distribution programs, 209

  independent research center, 209–10

  Indonesia, 132; communism studied in, 304n60; communist leader list supplied to, 307n120; economic crisis faced in, 146; field research on, 133–34; Ford Foundation’s role in, 126, 136, 147–48; political and economic change in, 142–43; Ransom’s claims about Ford’s ambitions in, 136–37, 139–42; resources of, 300n9; Suharto accession to power in, 142–47; U.S. integration of, 125. See also Southeast Asia

  industrial society, 273n18

  Information City, The (Castells), 8

  INSP. See International Network for Strategic

  Philanthropy Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), 85

  institutes-of-international-affairs movement, 93

  intellectuals: knowledge networks employing, 9–10, 12–13; modern societies role of, 9; organic, 23, 194; societal class organization role of, 10–11; state, 79

  interconnected strategic unit, 299n4

  internal liberalism, 215

  international associations, 93–94

  International Business Machines (IBM), 51

  International Cooperation Administration, 308n1

  internationalism, 73

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 93, 185

  international network-building initiatives, 91–95

  International Network for Strategic Philanthropy (INSP), 225, 227

  international organizations, 92 International Security, 235–36

  International Studies Conference (ISC), 95

  International Training and Research (ITR), 129–30, 159

  interventionism, 80–82, 91, 278n6

  investigating committee, 106

  investment strategy, 253

  IPR. See Institute of Pacific Relations

  Iraq War, 238, 241, 242

  ISC. See International Studies Conference

  Islamic societies: area studies of, 222; CC funding initiative of, 254; CC researching, 252–53; fundamentalism, 329n3; RF researching, 252; understanding, 251–54

  Islamofascism, 222

  isolationism, 29, 75, 98; foundations marginalizing, 256–57; interventionist debates with, 82

  ITR. See International Training and Research

  James, William, 60

  Jenkins, Roy, 119

  Jentleson, B. W., 237

  Jessup, Philip C., 52, 90

  Jones, Howard P., 145

  Josephson, Matthew, 37

  Judt, Tony, 246

  Kadane, Kathy, 307n120

  Kagan, Robert, 241, 246

  Kahin, George M., 125, 131–33, 144, 300n15, 302n37

  Kahler, Miles, 231

  Kantianism, 238

  Karl, Barry, 9, 25, 89, 126, 148

  Kast, Miguel, 205

  Katz, Stanley N., 9, 25, 89, 126, 148

  Kazin, Alfred, 112

  Kean, Thomas H., 57

  Kennan, George, 97, 242, 244, 250, 292n34

  Kennedy, Craig, 240–41, 336n102

  Kennedy, Paul, 36

  Kennedy administration, 173

  Keohane, Robert, 4, 5

  Keppel, Frederick, 84, 87

  Keynes, John Maynard, 200

  Kidner, Frank L., 304n63

  Kilson, Martin, 313n62

  Kindleberger, Charles P., 106

  King, William L. MacKenzie, 39

  Kintoul, David, 113

  Kirk, Grayson, 73, 282n72

  Kissinger, Henry, 100, 103–5, 244, 245, 293n36, 293n39

  Kluckohn, Clyde, 129

  knowledge networks: American foundations strengthening, 227–28; elite power, 142–43; Ford Foundation preservation of, 212; foundations forming, 11, 257, 259–60; hegemonic social and political forces from, 8; intellectuals employed by, 9–10, 12–13

  Krasner, Stephen, 246

  Krauthammer, Charles, 246

  Kristol, William, 246, 336n115

  Kruzel, Joseph, 233

  labor, exploitation of, 36

  Lagos, Ricardo, 204, 214–15, 217–18, 327n158

  Lake, Tony, 233, 237

  Lambo, Tom, 173

  Langer, Paul, 132, 135

  Langer, William L., 129

  LASA. See Latin American Studies Association

  Laski, Harold, 61, 262, 276n91

  Lasswell, Harold, 72, 282n78

  Latham, Earl, 106

  Latin America, 319n28; Cantril studying public opinion of, 80; CC’s research funding in, 186–87; communist subversion prevention in, 184; Ford Foundation investment in, 187; organic intellectual elite in, 194; social sciences support in, 187–88, 214–15; structuralism attachment of, 181; U.S. developing studies of, 185–89; U.S. intervention in, 183–85; U.S. policy
toward, 279n21

  Latin American Social Science Council, 12

  Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 185, 187

  Lattimore, Owen, 85, 285n125

  Layman’s Guide to Naval Strategy (Brodie), 76

  Lazarfeld, Paul, 282n78

  League of Nations, 67, 94–95

  Leat, Diana, 5

  Lee, Ivy, 38, 43

  LeMelle, Wilbert J., 160

  Leonard, Mark, 239

  Leontief, Wassily, 200

  Levy, Jack, 230

  Lewis, W. Arthur, 120

  liberal-imperial project, 251

  liberal internationalist foundation-funded networks, 257–58

  liberal peace, 231–32

  liberal values, 237

  Liberty under Law, 249

  Liebenow, Gus, 162

  Lincoln, Abraham, 63

  Lippmann, Walter, 60

  Lipset, Seymour Martin, 119

  Locke, James, 202

  Ludlow killings, 38

  Lynd, Robert, 90–91, 261

  Lynd Proposal, 90, 287n159

  Lystad, Robert, 162

  MacArthur Foundation, 332n48

  MacLeish, Archibald, 75

  Major, John, 239–40

  Makers of Modern Strategy, The (Earle), 75, 76

  Makins, Christopher, 240

  Malaya, 300n9

  Maliniak, 235

  Managing Indonesia (Bresnan), 125

  Manitzas, Nita, 210, 213, 216

  mankind, welfare of, 40–41

  Mann, Michael, 16

  Mansfield, E. D., 234, 236–37

  Markel, Lester, 82, 284n100

  market economy, 318n6

  market reforms, 226–27

  Marshall, John, 81

  Marshall Plan, 151

  Martinez, Fernando, 208

  Marx, Karl, 23, 271n63

  Marxism, 197

  Mason, Edward, 174

  Massad, Carlos, 200–202

  Mayobre, Jose A., 198

  McCarthyite campaign, 85, 103, 106, 160–61, 290n6

  McCloy, John J., 55, 56, 105, 119

  McCormick, Thomas, 19

  McCoy, Frank, 83

  McDowell, Tremaine, 291n17

  McFaul, Michael, 242

  McKay, Vernon, 156, 162–63

  McKinley, William, 35

  McLoughlin, William G., 60

  McNamara, Robert S., 54, 57

  Mead, Walter Russell, 240

  MEAFP. See Middle East and Africa Fellowship Program

  Mearsheimer, John, 246

  Meller, Patricio, 217

  membership, of FPA, 284n104

  Mendez, Juan Carlos, 206

  microfinance, 227

  Middle East and Africa Fellowship Program (MEAFP), 167

  military coup, 181–82; Ford Foundation influenced by, 210–11, 214–15; of September 11, 1973, 205–8

  military elite, 143–44

  military forces, 318n10

  military junta, 205–6

  military studies, 75–76

  Miller, Francis P., 89, 145–46

  Mills, C. Wright, 4, 189, 261

  mineral resources, 124

  Minter, William, 55

  MIP. See Modern Indonesia Project

  missionary conferences, 112

  Modern Indonesia Project (MIP), 130–35

  modernization theory: Nigeria testing of, 149–50; postwar, 337n132; Rostowian, 213–14; Western capital and, 301n18

  modern state, powers of, 16

  Modern War—Its Social and Economic Aspects, 75

  Mohammed, Mahathir, 107

  Molyneaux, Peter, 52

  Monroe Doctrine, 36, 183

  Montreal, 164–69

  Morgan, J. P., 35, 45

  Morley, M., 185

  Moscow Agreement, 282n70

  Moslem youth, 307n122

  Mossadegh, Mohammed, 56, 303n39

  Mujica, Rodrigo, 205

  MumbaiResistance, 228

  Munoz, Oscar, 209

  Murphy, Craig, 91

  Murphy, E. J., 170

  Mussolini, Benito, 61

  Nafziger, Wayne, 177

  Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 107

  National Academy of Science (NAS), 161–62

  National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 199

  National Defense Education Act (NDEA), 186

  National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 231

  nationalism, 71

  nationalist youth, 307n122

  national security: Cold War and, 221–22; DPT unifying liberal values with, 237; Earle and, 73–74; foreign policy and, 73; overseas intervention in, 73–74; practical knowledge enhancing, 278n17; of U.S., 247–51

  nation building, 253

  native scholar-power, 99, 121

  NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  Navy, U.S., 72

  Nazism, 90, 183–84

  NBC radio network, 84

  NBER. See National Bureau of Economic Research

  NDEA. See National Defense Education Act

  NED. See National Endowment for Democracy

  neoclassical economics, 200–201

  neoconservative orientations, 248–49

  neo-Gramscian perspective, 16, 18–19, 22–25, 126–27

  neoliberal agricultural economists, 207

  neoliberal economic policies, 258

  neoliberal experimentation, 193–94, 219–20

  neoliberal globalization, 15, 226, 229

  network development, 13–14

  Nevins, Allan, 41

  new order, 21–22

  Nicholas, Herbert, 113

  Nielsen, Waldemar, 55

  Nigeria: African studies programs in, 169–78;

  American foundations exacerbating ethnic tensions in, 177–78; American foundation’s plans for, 170; British missionaries giving education in, 309n9; British policies in, 315n103; economic class interests influence in, 176–77; economic planners training from, 317n131; Economic Planning Unit in, 176; education’s role in, 317n132; modernization theory tested in, 149–50; political elites in, 177; Stolper’s economic plan for, 174–76; Western funding of, 179

  Nitze, Paul, 299n8

  Nixon, Richard, 152–53, 211, 319n21

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 161

  Non-Aligned Movement, 125, 299n5

  North, Robert, 129

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 120

  NSC-68, 299n8

  nuclear disarmament, unilateral, 119

  Nye, Joseph, 4, 313n62

  Obama, Barack, 230, 251, 263, 339n9

  Office of Public Opinion Research, 79–80

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 51

  Office of War Information (OWI), 51

  oligarchic tendencies, 58

  Olson, William C., 71, 72, 76

  Open Society Institute, 238

  organic intellectuals, 23, 194

  organizational sector, 18

  OSS. See Office of Strategic Services

  overseas intervention, 73–74

  OWI. See Office of War Information

  Pacific Affairs, 85

  Page, Arthur W., 87, 280n51

  Page, Walter Hines, 280n51

  Pape, Robert A., 253

  parastates, 19–20

  Party for Democracy, 218–19

  party politics, 245

  Pasvolsky, Leo, 78

  Patterson, Albion, 194, 197

  Pauker, Guy, 144, 307nn111–12

  Peabody, Endicott, 50

  Pearl Harbor, 247, 259

  Peet, Richard, 226

  Peffer, Nathaniel, 76, 86, 87

  Perkins, Dexter, 110

  Perry, William, 235

  Petras, J., 185

  philanthropy, 1–2, 46; global, 28, 95–96; radical reform in, 264; top-down technocratic values in, 262–63

  (American) Philanthropy Initiative, Inc., 227

  Pifer, Alan, 154–56, 160, 169

  Pinkerton National Detective Agency, 37
  Pinochet government, 181, 192

  PKI. See Communist Party Indonesia

  Planning Without Facts (Stolper), 150, 174

  pluralism, 192; corporatism and theory in, 18–19; CU’s eroded, 206–7; ESCOLATINA’s economic faculty and, 205; foundations promotion in Chile of, 182; global civil society and, 28; of Haas, 21; Valdes’ assessment of, 198

  PNAC. See Project for a New American Century

  Point Four program, 127, 301n21

  policy makers, 82–83

  policy-oriented academic seminar, 74–75

  policy-oriented research, 190–91

  politics: affiliations in, 209; Big 3 foundations attacks on, 34; CCF’s impact in, 119; Chile’s strategies in, 328n168; CU’s differences in, 201; electoral, 22; foundations and, 4–6; Indonesian change in, 142–43; mental performance lower entering, 271n60; new order through reform in, 21–22; Nigerian elites in, 177; party, 245; racial equality and instability in, 62; social forces and, 8

  Posen, Barry, 240

  positivism, 276n91

  postwar modernization theory, 337n132

  postwar settlement, 74

  poverty, 251–52

  Powell, Colin, 241, 336n103

  power, zero-sum, 15

  Power Elite, The (Mills), 4

  PPI. See Progressive Policy Institute

  PPNS. See Princeton Project on National Security

  practical knowledge, 278n17

  pragmatic neo-Wilsonianism, 233

  Prebisch, Raul, 181, 190

  Prewitt, Kenneth, 4

  Princeton Project on National Security (PPNS), 223, 242–51; affiliations of, 246; American values promoted by, 243; Ford Foundation funding, 242; Liberty under Law of, 249; party politics and, 245

  Princeton Public-Opinion Studies Program, 79–83

  Pringgodigdo, A. K., 134

  private actors, 268n19

  pro-American/Western approach, 7

  professionally elite universities, 11–12

  professional training institutions, 12–13

  professors, 297n110

  Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), 231, 232

  Progressivism, 60, 66

  Project Camelot, 163, 173, 188–89

  Project for a New American Century (PNAC), 237, 240

  Promoting Democracy in the 1990s (Diamond), 233

  psychic crisis, 36–37, 39–40, 48

  public diplomacy crisis, 240–41

  public opinion, 79–83, 96

  public-opinion management, 38

  Puryear, Jeffrey, 207, 210, 220, 257, 320n39

  Pye, Lucian, 72

  racial equality, 62

  racialization, 62

  racial segregation, 61–62

  racism, 94, 313n62

  Radosh, Ronald, 339n1

  Ramos, J., 318n6

  Ramos, Paulo, 72

  Ramphele, Mamphela, 57

  Ransom, David, 135–37, 139–42


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