A knock at the door and the figure behind the opaque glass was instantly recognisable − Dr Olask Laderman. Samuel spoke and the door opened as instructed.
‘Samuel, shouldn’t you be heading home?’ asked Dr Laderman.
‘Just doing some research, Olask,’ replied Samuel.
‘Surely it can wait?’
‘No, not really. Something’s bothering me.’
‘What? I mean what can be that important that it can’t wait?’
‘It’s the history of the Olympianas, Olask. There’s just something not right.’
‘Is it anything I can help with? Though my vehicle will already be round the front waiting,’ said Dr Laderman. Although humans still referred to transport machines as ‘vehicles’, they were not representative of vehicles in 2018 as they were without wheels, operated by robots and looked demonstrably futuristic.
‘Possibly. What do you know about the hacked data we have on the Olympianas when they originally occupied Earth 3.3 million years ago?’ asked Samuel.
‘In what respect?’
‘Well, the first originators. I mean, there is almost a folkloric tale about the origin of these Earth dwellers at that time. It is very reminiscent of our own Adam and Eve story, albeit now just a historical document, rather than a religious one − there are eerie similarities.’
‘Yes, I do recollect. There were a couple of beings that the Olympianas referred to as the originators, strange names by my recollection. Couldn’t reel them off but they were, well, let’s say, very alien. I mean, most of these aliens have rather strange names anyway, most with an x or a z, all very unearthly like.’
The hologram Samuel created from the control centre in the adjoining room, flashed hundreds of images, pages and pages of hieroglyphics, doctrine of a sacred nature, amounting to a belief system, of their origin. Samuel spoke, to which the hologram would respond.
‘Locate the first two descendants of the ancient civilisation which culminated in the emergence of intelligent life on Earth, 3.3 million years ago. The civilisation was wiped out as a result of an asteroid collision with Earth. These first dwellers would be in the region of Mexico City as it was known in 2018 and, I believe, the Ancestral City of the Olympianas’ origin 3.3 million years, into Earth’s past,’ instructed Samuel.
The hologram went berserk and into overdrive, producing hundreds of images, thousands of characters of text, in a bid to locate the prime information Samuel sought.
The hologram answered in verbal communication, at the same time producing images and drawings of what the Olympianas deemed as their origin.
Two names appeared:
Verzula Trello − it claimed they emanated from a planet called Noona, deep in the outer layers of our own Milky Way. The second − Dacas Lema.
‘It’s strange,’ began Samuel, ‘as the doctrine gives the precise origin of Verzula, the equivalent to Eve, in this scenario, but no reference to Dacas.’
‘Obviously from precisely the same planet as I read it,’ said Dr Laderman.
‘Not so sure. What’s troubling me is the assumption that the English language is prevalent throughout the universe. I mean, we are overrun with alien species and none of them speak English, that’s why we have to wear these abominable headsets. Why English?’ asked Samuel.
‘I must admit, that’s baffling but not impossible,’ replied Dr Kladerman. ‘The rule of probability must apply.’
‘So, we know that Verzula emanated from the planet Noona. Search ‘Noona’,’ insisted Samuel.
Another flurry of activity and the constellation was revealed. The images homed in on a solar system, not dissimilar to our own, then the planet.
‘Search ‘history’,’ exclaimed Samuel.
The history revealed a torrid chain of events. Intergalactic warfare. The inhabitants of Noona, whilst intelligent, were a peaceful species. The brief history revealed a takeover from a dominant warfaring species known as the Sudonarks, an advanced species who captured the inhabitants of Noona. The world, which was originally abundant with life, became entrapped. The landscape revealed prisons, huge masses of cylinders housing the inhabitants and cubic water blocks entrapping the creatures of the seas. This was a food stock. Inevitably, the Sudonarks devoured all living creatures before moving on to other planets. This was the locust of the galaxy. One small, quirky trait revealed that this species took trophies with them from each planet. This was a stockpiling of galactic creatures that they could replicate, with whom they could breed for their own purposes − more food. The vilest of species to roam the heavens.
‘Nice,’ said Dr Laderman sarcastically.
‘Makes the Olympianas look like angels,’ admitted Samuel.
‘Verzula was a captive of the Sudonarks, so they must have arrived here on Earth,’ deduced Dr Laderman.
‘That’s puzzling. I mean, how the hell did Verzula and this guy Dacas overcome these sons of bitches?’ asked Samuel, aghast. ‘Research the folklore relating to the emergence of Verzula and Dacas.’
The hologram raced. The images were abundant showing conflicts, wars, water cubes and prison cylinders leading to the creation of a civilisation here on Earth, the ancestors of the Olympianas. The image was a mushroom cloud with Verzula and Dacas in a bubble, a time bubble.
‘That’s a time bubble. How the hell did the originators of a civilisation on Earth 3.3 million years ago obtain a time machine? It looks as though this Adam and Eve somehow changed the timeline and disposed of what must have been the Sudonarks. Hell, we’ve enough trouble with time machines in 2218. This is really fucked up!’ said Dr Kladerman.
‘It’s not fucked up, as you say, it makes perfect sense, actually. Think about it. Verzula and Dacas had a time machine. We have established that Verzula was a prisoner, part of a food bank, imprisoned in a cylinder of which there is no escape. It must be Dacas who has access to a time machine. I mean, either he is a Sudonark or another alien. The question is, if the Sudonarks had time machines they would surely have created an easier method of devouring species than travelling across the galaxy. They would use the time machine to change events to their favour. It would be easy. Travel back in time on any given planet to a time before the inhabitants were intelligent and they would be easy pickings. There would be no need for war. It doesn’t make sense,’ said Samuel.
‘It makes perfect sense, Samuel,’ said Dr Laderman.
‘Enlighten me,’ asked Samuel.
‘Because the time traveller is not a Sudonark, he is a human. Dacas Lema is an anagram for Lace Adams!’
They both looked at each other in a jaw dropping moment, the realisation that 2218 was destined and that Senator Lace Adams needed to use the time machine for the current reality in 2218 to exist. Senator Adams had not changed the timeline, he had created it.
‘So, Adams and Verzula hook up, he decides to stay, they obviously have offspring and their offspring are the ancestors of the Olympianas who are claiming their alleged rightful inheritance of our planet,’ said Samuel. ‘I knew there was something. In the back of my mind I must have subliminally recognised the anagram Dacas Lema as Lace Adams. We need to let the Council of the Light know our findings immediately.’
‘Not so fast,’ said Dr Laderman. ‘Perhaps the Council of the Light already know this truth. Perhaps that’s why they have been so lenient. Perhaps they gave us the three time machines to save our own timeline, not so that we could screw up the present but to protect it. The question is, Samuel, is this all in their plan? Was it destined that Robert Stave would travel back in time?’
‘Do we tell the others?’ asked Samuel. ‘That it was our decision on how to deal with this revelation, assume it was instrumental in saving the present, then do nothing? Are we destined to do whatever we are supposed to do, or could we wipe out our very existence by choosing the wrong option?’
‘Let’s go home to sleep on this and meet in the morning at 8 o’clock,’ said Dr Laderman.
With that, both men made their
way towards the vehicles at the front. In minutes they were gone.
The Earth in 2218 could be best described as a zonal battlefield. Forty-four regions sculptured by a 200-year war for supremacy. Aliens intermingled with other aliens; humans intermingled with all aliens across the globe in a triangle of uncertainty. Each region had a dominant force, usually an alien race − yet other aliens and humans caught up in that region were allowed to co-mingle but had to adopt the laws of the presiding ruler of that zonal area. In effect, their lives were diminished, their privileges reduced and, as for the humans, they got the raw end of the deal in the main. Drayzaks occupied many of the regions; the Olympianas were not sympathetic to the indigenous race, so injustices occurred frequently. It was inevitable that rebellious groups formed, just as it was also inevitable that both alien and human rebellions would join forces. So it was; the Hologram Arenas that sprouted up across these 44 regions created the perfect environment for collusion to flourish. July 4th, still the American Independence Day even in 2218, was the perfect anniversary to begin the assault on the domination of the elite of these alien races; to take back the Earth that rightfully belonged to the humans.
The secret to the blueprint for success lay with the plan to dominate the ground, not space. Colony 7 kept a vigil on behalf of the Trollozytes; the squalors were mainly tied to the Undarthians; the Olympianas trusted nobody but ruled through tyranny and fear with effective policing using Drayzaks; the Zaagans had formed an alliance with another race called the Otterbans who hailed from the outer edges of our galaxy, the Milky Way: the stage was set for one almighty global conflict.
Zak Lancelot headed the assault on behalf of the humans. He co-ordinated the best and most rebellious humans from across the globe, whilst forming important alliances with the most likely ally, the Undarthians.
Interbreeding amongst aliens and humans, as well as aliens and aliens, had made the world a far more complicated co-existence. The Olympianas killed any female who was reported to be pregnant through interbreeding. In reality, this was an excuse to diminish the co-existence of other races for they would kill on sight without trial; even to suspect a pregnant female through interbreeding would be punishable by death. The population diminished rapidly as females of the occupied variety no longer wished to become pregnant for fear of a brutal death, courtesy of the Drayzaks.
Those areas dominated by the Olympianas were the first targets. As they were the predominant race across the globe this was no easy feat. The Volkan clan dominated 25 regions primarily across America, Europe, China and Australia, as they were known in 2018.
On July 1st 2218, a gathering of rebels, across all races, was held in the underground base in New Manhattan, courtesy of Zak Lancelot. Special measures over the previous days had been put in place to gather together the key leaders in the coalition of rebellion forces, to discuss the blueprint.
The time, 10pm local in New Manhattan, the streets almost deserted, Drayzaks keeping the local population at bay as well as organised drone patrols seeking out unauthorised personnel, either up to no good or straying from the designated zones within the city. Forty-three key leaders of all races including humans, descended upon New Manhattan, heading for a monumental meeting with Zak, as well as a few key players within the government representing the humans – albeit a government in name, rather than a force to be reckoned.
Inter travel amongst the 44 zones wasn’t easy. Drones that could destroy unauthorised ships entering or leaving the zone heavily patrolled each zone. However, cargo ships freely moved between zones, carrying food and livestock, each ship meticulously checked for authenticity by the drones. Zak Lancelot had mastered a technique to disguise almost any craft as a cargo ship.
Drones sought to identify craft by the raised lettering on the hull, the sequence of hieroglyphics, numbers and unique alien lettering, almost impossible to replicate. Zak had discovered that the code could be erased using simple laser technology, then replicated. Zak found a way to recreate the code erased on to another craft; the ability to masquerade war craft as cargo ships meant military craft could now move freely amongst the 44 zones, for a limited time at least, until the cargo carrying goods, failed to arrive at its destination.
One of the many benefits of hologram arenas across all regions, was the emergence of new ideas, generally ways of beating the restrictions imposed on zones − whether that be goods that a region needed which might not be permitted, or arsenal needed to stock up rebellion forces for the ongoing battle with the occupying force.
This covert operation required rebels on the inside who could furnish Zak with details of cargo ships both leaving and entering zonal areas at a particular time. A network of rebels exchanged the coding of an authorised cargo craft in order to replicate the coding onto their war craft.
Zak had his connections and, for the last five days, prior to the meeting at his headquarters, each of the 43 delegates were advised of the unique codes to mask onto their war craft to ensure they arrived safely on the said date of the gathering in New Manhattan. Drones would not detect the entrance into the city of these rebels.
At precisely 10pm on July 1st, the unique gathering of lead rebels sat, awaiting the deliberation from one, Zak Lancelot, on the advent of the mass assault, to rid the planet of the occupying forces.
Zak began his deliberation:
‘We have a war to fight. A war we must win. A war which must end the segregation, imposed on us, by the oppressors. This will be a strategically planned operation. It is going to be challenging. We will lose battles along the way, but we will prevail. We will win. Harmony amongst the races on Earth who want peace, races who expect freedoms, races that can form an alliance for the betterment of individuals are all paramount to the success of this coup. We have three days before we strike, that day will be 4th July, our Independence Day, but now the birth of a new Independence Day − one which changes the way we live on planet Earth, changes the very fabric of civilisation. Are you ready? Are you prepared to die for the cause?’
Everyone understood. Those who could speak English understood. Those who wore translator headsets understood. For a few brief moments the crowd of 43 rebel leaders were silent before the eruption began. War cries lifted the roof. Zak had found his calling.
Amongst the delegates were two trusted allies, Celestial Droggon – the Undarthian rebel − instrumental in gathering the many Undarthian rebels across the globe − and Oscar Trebor – the political representative of the humans in the area known as New Manhattan.
The rebels were roused by the war cry, expertly delivered by Zak; however, Oscar wanted firm details of the master plan to overturn the alien control of the vast majority of the 44 regions.
‘How do we co-ordinate the plan, Zak?’ asked Oscar. ‘There are 44 regions, individually controlled where drones detect alien craft immediately. Look, I understand that you can alter the odd individual cargo craft to meander in and out of zones, but we are going to need thousands of alien craft to co-ordinate an assault, never mind the war on the ground. Drayzaks are quite formidable. How do you intend to liaise with the other 43 leaders once battle commences?’
A muffled interaction began amongst those who now formed a global coalition, as they eagerly awaited Zak’s response.
‘I apologise, Oscar. I don’t think I have quite kept you up to press. This war effort has been in the planning for some time. Most of those you see here today have in fact been considering a rebellion for years. We are merely co-ordinating an all-out attack to occur simultaneously. The Hologram Arenas, of which there are many in each region, is where the uprising began. Each of these delegates has similar underground operations to ours and plans have been in place for some time. We simply orchestrate an uprising.’
‘How do you intend to deal with the inter regional communications field? How do we co-ordinate the attack?’
‘We suspend the electromagnetic forces,’ replied C
‘You got that kind of technology? I mean, no one to date has successfully broken through the force fields. We are going to need an indefinite impregnation of the force fields − that’s force fields in all 44 zones.’
‘Been working on that, Oscar,’ confirmed Zak. ‘We can disable the force fields via satellites, the same satellites that the aliens use to monitor those same fields. Had a few dummy runs and it works. Our attack will be simultaneous; we suspend all force fields whilst we attack the regions where we need to take control. The assault will be brutal. We give the opposition so much to worry about that they abandon re-energising the force field.’
‘Let’s check out the plan,’ said Celestial.
A hologram image appeared. Earth. The 44 regions were clear; each determined the dominant alien species. Those dominated by the Olympianas, tormented by Drayzaks, being the primary target. Each region had a head count, the number of occupying aliens as well as the anticipated number of Drayzaks. The aliens occupied the central regions, the cities, whilst the Drayzaks roamed the forest areas. Only a few were designated to city centres to act as a deterrent to those aliens and humans who co-mingled.
Zak indicated the areas the other 43 rebels had been assigned. Each of the regions occupied by the Olympianas were primary targets, whilst those predominantly occupied by the Zaagans or the Trollozytes were a secondary target. Networks of rebels in each region were on hand to help co-ordinate an attack. Once communication was live and the electromagnetic fields disabled, all lines of communication were open in order to carry out a sustained attack. Each of the rebels listened intently, their headsets translating the message perfectly; all rebels were thoroughly engrossed in the briefing.
Earth vs Alien Page 24