Z-Day Chronicles (Book 2): Rising Up

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Z-Day Chronicles (Book 2): Rising Up Page 9

by Williams, Kameron

  “Of course,” Tyrese answered. “I mean, we had to disable the bell so it wouldn’t chime. We also found a siren horn during that, so we took care of it in case it worked. Something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I just have some weird feeling about this place; A little uneasy about it. I’m gonna try and walk it off. Probably nothing.”

  “Alright, Jake.”

  Jake proceeded to walk down the strip towards the water tower. Tyrese saw Kaylee helping unload some of the gear for the others.

  “Hey Kaylee,” Tyrese called out.

  “Yes, Marshal?” Kaylee responded, dropping her task and heading to Tyrese.

  “Hey I know it’s not my place to ask you for a favor since you’re not military, but I really need a huge one from you?”

  “Okay. What favor?”

  Tyrese turned his attention to Jake, who continued his stroll down main street.

  “I need you to keep an eye on Jake,” Tyrese requested. “I would, but I have all of this to take care of. That and you are real close with him. I don’t know what’s up with him, but what I do know is that he probably doesn’t need to be alone.”

  Kaylee agreed and followed Jake as he made his way to the water tower. Next to that tower was a small park, with trees bent and arched to where they could be climbed on. There was also a wooden gazebo, with a stage built on it, an rows of wooden benches facing the stage. Not far from the gazebo was what appeared to be a large log cabin with two large porches on both the front and back of the cabin.

  Kaylee follows Jake to the cabin, where he stopped in the walkway between the two porches under the cabin, standing in front of one of the wooden doors, which was hindered by an iron gate with a lock on it.

  “Let me,” Kaylee said, pulling out her small lock pick kit.

  After Kaylee unlocked the iron barred door, Jake opened up the wooden door behind it, revealing a small wooden room. There was no adjourning rooms or closets; only a very dusty piano and seat that sat in the far corner on the left, next to a wooden window that was also locked.

  Kaylee stepped next to the dirty piano and blew some of the dust off of the top of it, then wiped the dust off of the leather seat under the piano. As she sat down on the seat, she opened the wooden case covering the white and black keys. She then began lightly tapping some of the keys.

  “A little out of tune,” Kaylee said. “But nevertheless.”

  Kaylee began playing a soft, mellifluous tune on that dusty piano, while Jake stood silently, propping himself up against the door frame. He closed his eyes and listened as she began singing.

  “Well my journey’s just begun,

  As I leave my family’s home.

  The days and night’s are long,

  And they get longer as I roam.”

  Jake listened as Kaylee continued singing from her soft, sweet voice, and smoothly glide her fingers across that old piano.

  “I don’t know where I’m going,

  Or how long this journey lasts.

  But I know that when it ends,

  My grief, it soon shall pass.

  For my final destination,

  Is my loving Savior.”

  “Beautiful,” Jake complimented. “You wrote that?”

  “Mhm,” Kaylee answered. “Or at least I was writing it. I never did finish it. Still trying to put words into it.”

  “Well I’m gonna continue walking. If you don’t feel like trailing me like you were earlier, I’m sure you don’t mind checking this place out some more.”

  Kaylee smiled and stood up from that leather piano seat, following Jake as they continued making their way through the park, arriving at a brown trailer with a wooden front porch built onto the trailer.

  Chapter 15

  Jake and Kaylee had arrived to that small trailer at the end of the park. They walked up the wooden ramp that was built on the front porch. Jake then took a deep breath before opening that front door.

  Inside the house was a couple of pictures and frames scattered about, a mounted deer head on the wall, and some wooden desktops and a television set. As Jake turned right, entering a smaller room Kaylee skimmed through some of the pictures.

  “Jake,” Kaylee said as she picked up a picture of a small boy and entered the room.

  Before Kaylee said anything, she noticed Jake looking around, eyeing the green couch, dresser drawers, and a small plaque that read: Lafayette High School Class 1A District 5 CHAMPIONS 2012. He then picked up a small brown Bible and flipped through the pages before noticing a black guitar case in one of the corners of the room. As he laid down that small Bible, he slowly walked over to that case and picked it up.

  “This was your home, wasn’t it?” Kaylee asked, breaking the silence.

  Jake stood still as he unzipped that case, pulling out a black guitar and then sitting on the couch.

  “Yeah,” Jake nodded. “It was. I never thought I’d be back; not this soon anyways. And definitely not like this.”

  Jake began plucking some of the strings on that guitar, smiling as he played some old tunes he used to play when he was younger.

  “How long have you played?” Kaylee asked.

  “A while,” Jake answered. “I left it alone after I enlisted in the Navy. This is the first time I picked it up since.”

  Kaylee sat down next to Jake as he continued to brush against the strings. As he played, Kaylee rested her hand upon his hand that was gripping the neck of his guitar. When she did, Jake stopped playing and fixed his eyes on her hand touching his.

  “What has this world done to you?” Kaylee asked.

  What is she doing? Jake thought. What am I doing? Why did I stop?

  Jake moved his eyes up her arm until they were fixed on her eyes, which appeared as if they were glistening. Jake then set his guitar on the other side of the couch, then turned to face her once again.

  What’s going on? Why can’t I talk? Say something, Jake.

  Jake slowly moved his hands up Kaylee’s arms, brushing her hair behind her ears. Kaylee leaned closer, resting her hands across his chest. They were now so close to each other to where they could feel each other’s breath blow across their faces.

  What are you doing, Jake? What is she doing to you?

  Kaylee slowly stood up, not letting go of Jake, then slowly sat on his lap, straddling him. Jake then pulled her closer to him, then rested his hands on the couch as she moved hers to the back of his head. They both leaned in to each other, and then locked lips.

  So this is why she’s been with me, Jake thought. I mean I kinda figured, but I didn’t think I was ready. With Cassandra still on my mind, am I still ready? What is Kaylee doing?

  Jake’s eyes stayed wide as Kaylee closed her emerald green eyes. She then moved in closer, pressing her chest against his, as their lips continued dancing. Jake then closed his eyes, allowing this sensual moment to continue.

  I guess I am ready. I guess I have finally moved on. I know I won’t forget her, but Kaylee is finally helping me move on.

  Jake moved his hands across Kaylee’s waist, sliding them just under the brown suede jacket she was wearing. He then slid his hands up as she allowed him to remove her jacket, revealing the white, short sleeved, button down shirt underneath it. He could hear her inhaling deep as she slid her hands across his chest, caressing his shoulders.

  Kaylee then interlocked her hands with Jake’s necklace chain. She proceeded to follow that chain downwards until her fingers touched two gold wedding bands. She then gasped, abruptly opening her eyes and shooting straight up, quickly putting her jacket back on, and moving away a few steps, nearly hitting the dresser behind her.

  “I’m sorry, Jake,” Kaylee said, darting out of the house. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Kaylee, wait,” Jake called out. Don’t go. Please don’t go.


  As soon as Jake heard Kaylee yell, he rushed out of his house, heading straight towards the park. He noticed a couple of soldiers circling a body lying on
the ground. As he inched closer to the commotion, he began to recognize the body. It was Bryan Willis, with his eyes wide open, his body turned to the side, blood drooling out of his mouth, and a K-Bar jammed in his chest.

  “There he is!”

  Jake looked up to see Senator Alan and General Boris. There were five Spartans following the two, with John being among them.

  “Arrest him!” Alan ordered.

  Three of the Spartans raised their shields up against Jake as the other two grabbed him on both sides.

  “Get your hands off of me!” Jake shouted, attempting to break free. “What’s all of this about?! Let me go!”

  “Jaycob Riley,” John started. “You are hereby charged with the assassination of Presiding Officer Bryan Willis.”

  “Hey, I didn’t kill anybody! And I definitely wouldn’t kill the Presiding Officer!”

  Boris then kneeled down to Bryan’s body, pointing at the weapon that was lodged in his chest.

  “If I’m not mistaken,” Boris stated. “This happens to be your knife. Were you not in this general area?”

  Jake stood silent, looking at his mentor’s lifeless body, then turned his attention to Alan.

  “Damn you!” Jake growled. “You traitor! You did this! I’m being framed!”

  “No, Jake,” Alan replied. “You’re the traitor. Someone get this... disgraceful lowlife out of my sight!”

  The Spartans proceeded to carry Jake away from the park.

  “I’m sorry, Jake,” John uttered.

  “This isn’t right!” Jake shouted out. “I didn’t kill Bryan! He was my friend! You don’t know what you’re doing! I WAS FRAMED!!”

  Brandon noticed Boris slightly grinning, mouthing some words in his earpiece, then nodding to Alan. Brandon then stood next to Tyrese.

  “Marshal,” Brandon uttered. “A word, please?”

  “What is it, Chief?” Tyrese asked.

  “Away from the crowd, sir?”

  Brandon and Tyrese stepped away from the overbearing crowd.

  “Marshal,” Brandon continued. “Something’s not right about any of this. Jake doesn’t have possession of any of his weapons now that he’s a civilian. Even if he did, why would he want to kill the very person helping him?”

  “I don’t know,” Tyrese answered. “Maybe his P.T.S.D. kicked in; I think ‘assassinated’ is a little overstated as well.”

  “With all due respect, Marshal, you don’t actually think he killed him, do you?!”

  “The evidence says enough, Chief. That is Jake’s knife, Bryan’s body is right here, which is where Jake was heading to when we spoke, and you and I have both seen Jake get out of control. I think you need to be careful with your tone.”

  Brandon then pulled off his patch and unfastened his belt containing his sidearm.

  “I think I am,” Brandon. “I can’t be a part of this right now.”

  “Brandon, what are you doing?” Tyrese asked.

  “You might not see it, but I think something else is going on, and it’s gonna do some damage to all of us. This entire settlement is gonna fall apart, starting with what has happened here; and I can’t be a part of that, sir. I’m sorry.”

  Brandon also left the crime scene, keeping a close eye on Boris and Alan as he did so. Tyrese then walked over to Kaylee, who stood by and witnessed everything going on.

  “Kaylee,” Tyrese whispered. “I thought I asked you to keep an eye on Jake and make sure he didn’t get into any trouble.”

  “I did,” Kaylee responded. “Jake never left my sight. He’s telling the truth; he didn’t kill Bryan.”

  “Alright, as of right now, you are a potential witness. I’m the only one that knows you were with Jake. Let’s keep it that way for now just in case the killer is still here.”

  Jake was locked up in one of the cells at the Lafayette County Jailhouse. That night, as he sat on the stiff bed in his cell, he heard footsteps getting louder and closer. As he peeked out of the corner of his room, he noticed Tyrese heading his way, with Joseph following him.

  “Marshal,” Jake questioned. “What’s going on?”

  Joseph picked the lock on Jake’s cell door.

  “Let’s go,” Tyrese ordered. “Quickly! While the guards are gone!”

  Jake followed Tyrese and Joseph to the courtyard behind the jailhouse. There was a small hole in the chain linked fence, like someone had used bolt cutters. The same was done for the second fence surrounding the first fence.

  Jake looked up and noticed one of the security cameras pointing right at that opening.

  “Ty,” Jake said. “What about the surveillance?! The guards are gonna know you are a part of this!”

  “No they won’t,” Tyrese replied. I stopped the recordings, and the guards in the surveillance room are all unconscious. Now hurry!”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because, Jake, I really wanna believe you didn’t kill Bryan. If someone else killed him and this is all a part of something much bigger, I wanna make sure there is someone on the outside that can do what’s necessary to restore order to this settlement.”

  Tyrese then handed Jake his sidearm.

  “Don’t make me regret this,” Tyrese continued. “I have to tell them that you took my weapon from me. They’re also gonna wonder about the snipped fences, which is why Joseph is going with you.”

  “Soldier or not,” Jake replied. “He’s still a kid.”

  “Maybe, but he’s a highly trained Shinobi. He’s your best chance. That and his squad will follow in the process, so you will have better odds of eliminating whatever’s coming... if it comes.”

  Jake nodded, then motioned Joseph to follow him away from the jailhouse. With the jailbreak kept in mind, the two now needed to leave Mayo in order to set up a small outpost.

  Chapter 16

  Joseph led the way, heading to a two story house that was not far from the jail house.

  “So how are we getting out of here?” Jake asked.

  Joseph reached under the house and pulled out two Spartan uniforms.

  “Put this on, sir,” Joseph answered.

  Jake and Joseph then overheard commotion from inside the jailhouse. Tyrese, Boris, Alan, and ten other Z-Corps soldiers entered the courtyard, observing the empty space.

  “He’s escaped!” Alan shouted. “We need to let the rest of Z-Corps know of this!”

  “It’s already been done,” Tyrese responded. “I’ve sent Spartans to patrol the outpost in case he tries to escape the settlement.”

  “Why didn’t you shoot him when you had the chance?!”

  “I would have, Adviser. The only problem is that he took my weapon.”

  “We can assume he has an accomplice,” Boris suggested. “There aren’t any cutters in the jailhouse, so someone could have came in from the outside to do that.”

  “As soon as we catch him,” Alan continued. “He’s facing the firing squad on the spot!”

  “Adviser,” Tyrese interrupted. “I have a feeling it might be someone on the inside. Maybe one of our own. I think there’s more people involved than Jake, if it is him at all. I think our settlement is being overthrown from the inside. We need to act now if..”

  “If it’s him at all?! What are you implying?”

  “You know exactly what I’m implying, Adviser!”

  Alan suddenly got wide eyed and his face turned red with fury.

  “You helped Jake escape!” Alan assumed. “You betrayed all of us!”

  “Guards,” Tyrese said. “Put these two in custody. Then bring back Jaycob Riley alive. He’s gonna stand trial, along with Senator Alan Scott and General Boris Holt.”

  “Now you wait a minute, you piece of sh...”


  Alan fell to the side, with his body trailing his head. Boris had pulled out his silenced pistol and shot Alan point blank in the temple.

  All guns were aimed at Tyrese Jones. Boris walked over to Alan’s cooling body, and wiped his blood stained bo
ots on Alan’s suit and tie.

  “No one knows about this,” Boris began. “Let’s keep it that way.”

  “Yessir,” one of the guards replied.

  “You’re the traitor!” Tyrese whispered.

  “No,” Boris replied. “I’m no traitor. I’m the guy saving our humanity. You and I both know that Jake was and is unstable. Any chance of you or any of the other council members letting him back in the Z-Corps and taking control again would eventually run this entire settlement to the ground. So... I think it’s about time for an immediate re-election. Maybe now we can set a straight course.”

  “But why Alan? Why the adviser?!”

  “Yeah, about ol’ Alan. He was an idiot, but he was outspoken. He would have found out eventually and screwed everything up. But, unfortunately for him, you beat him to the punchline.”

  Jake witnessed as the guards knocked Tyrese out, dragging his unconscious body back inside the jailhouse and dragging Alan’s body away from any witnesses that could be standing by.

  “Sir,” Joseph whispered. “We gotta move. There’s not much time left.”

  Jake and Joseph slipped on the Spartan uniforms, mask and all, and picked up the riot shields they came with. Then they continued on to the military gate, where they were waved in by Z-Corps infantry. The two continued in that outpost inconspicuously until five more Spartans grouped in with the two.

  “About to start the route without the rest of us?” the leading Spartan joked. “I like the eagerness, but it’s still stupid. Both of you get behind us.”

  Oh no, Jake thought. We’re gonna have to fight our way out.

  Jake gripped his shield tightly as the Spartans proceeded to the gate that lead outside of the safe zone. They were stopped by the guards that stood at the gate.

  “Don’t mind us, soldier,” the Spartan squad leader reassured. “We’ve been requested by Marshal Tyrese Jones to run a nightly patrol around the settlement.”

  “There has already been a nightly patrol, Spartan,” the guard replied.

  “The marshal thought you’d say that. He also wanted me to inform you that you can never be too careful when settling in a new area on the first night. Hell, I don’t mind heading back to my quarters and playing poker with some of the other fellas right now. That just means you’ll have to explain to him why we weren’t able to follow his orders.”


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