A Baby To Heal All Wounds: M/M Alpha/Omega Mpreg Romance (Cafe Gun Book 1)

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A Baby To Heal All Wounds: M/M Alpha/Omega Mpreg Romance (Cafe Gun Book 1) Page 9

by Penny Bloom

“Yeah, give me a dance or two. If I like you, I’ll hire you. Suck this dick and I’ll hire you right now…”

  He jutted out his hips and licked his lips.

  “Who are you?”

  “The owner. Can’t you tell?”

  I walked down to the main corridor and looked around. That white Ferrari outside must’ve been his after all. That kind of car took money. And the owner of this place would have that kind of money. I stripped all my clothes off and made sure to put my heeled boots back on. It helped to give a more erotic look.

  The only thing on me was my tight boxers and boots.

  The owner sat down in a sofa in front of the pole with a stack of money in his hands. All I saw was milk replacement money, oh, and rent money.

  Hell, with that stack of cash, maybe even car money.

  His eyes watched every one of my movements. The place reeked of Alpha testosterone and sex. Gross. But this nasty place was going to secure the future for me and my kittens.

  I hopped onto the pole, and in the blink of an eye, muscle memory took over.

  I could see that hill in his crotch from here.

  Too bad. Wasn’t interested. But I knew the job was—

  “You’re hired,” he grunted, walking up to me with that stack of money. He threw the stack at my feet and I put my foot on it.

  “Thanks. When do I start?”

  “You already did. Come back tonight at ten. We open at eleven, but come at twelve.”

  He dug something out of his back pocket and handed me a gold holographic card with the name ‘Club Helios Gold’ on it.

  “Show the bouncer this, he’ll let you in.”

  I took it and looked at it as it glittered in the dim lighting. Radiant hues of all kinds pushed into vibrant rainbows danced before me as I held it side to side.

  “Thanks. I’ll make you lots of money.”

  “Yes the hell you will, looking sexy like that. Say, if you ever want more, you know where to find my cock,” he growled, grabbing his crotch.

  My boss was a perv, but most Alphas were. No big deal. As long as I didn’t have to put my claws to his throat.

  “What’s your name, Boss?”

  “Call me Goliath. Now go on, you’re not blowing me, and I got to get my harem of Omegas to take down this boner you gave me.”

  Gross. At least he was honest.

  I left the club with my stack of tens. Easily a couple grand in here.

  Stuffing it in my leather jacket, I made my way back to my temporary home and went inside. The smell of dinner cooking swirled around my nose. My kittens were crying, but not the ‘I’m hungry’ type of crying, more like the fun crying. They were stretching their lungs and—

  “Fuck! Damn it, Gildar! Why the hell is your wolf playing with my babies!?” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I could literally feel my lungs hitting my ribcage.

  He rushed out of the kitchen, stumbling on his own two dumb feet.

  “Come on, Tsumaki isn’t gonna hurt anyone. See?”

  My babies and the rabbit seemed fond of this Tsumaki, but his fangs were still long. I sat down on the couch and stared as they played.

  Yeah, he was careful, I could give him that. But still…

  The kittens grew tired and Tsumaki laid down. The kittens snuggled up close to him, kneaded him, and fell asleep, along with the rabbit.

  “Good boy, Tsumaki.”

  “Why do you even have a wolf?” I asked, rubbing over the part of my jacket that had a stack of bills.

  “Because he saved me. It’s a long story. And when you realize that I’m your mate, I’ll tell you.”

  “Tough luck. Sounds like it would’ve been an interesting story. Too bad I’ll never know.”

  The kittens were fast asleep, snuggled against Tsumaki near the fireplace. It was an adorable sight, and for a second, I kind of liked the wolf and his peculiar friend.

  As long as he didn’t step wrong to my babies, he wouldn’t have to feel my claws bearing six feet deep into him.

  I heard wolf was a delicacy anyways.

  “Smells, good. What’s cooking?” I asked, resting my elbow to support my face on the arm of the sofa.

  “Dinner. I meant to ask you, have you eaten? You look pale.”

  “No, not really.”

  “That’s a no, get in here.” Gildar motioned for me to follow him and I did so. It had been a minute since I ate really good. And I wasn’t talking cat food either.

  I sat down at the island he had in his kitchen. It was big. And despite the creaky wooden flooring, he had a modern kitchen.

  A gourmet kitchen. Someone liked to cook.

  “Let’s see. I have some leftovers—”

  “You know what? I’m good. I’ll just go grab something around the corner.”

  Yeah, I was beginning to feel to comfortable around Gildar.

  I got up off the stool and walked to the door. Gildar caught me and hauled me over his shoulder to march me back to the kitchen.

  “Un-hand me you canine!” I hissed.

  “It’s Gildar. And no. You need to eat. God, when was the last time you ate? You’re as light as one of your kittens.”

  I hissed and took out my claws because his back was big enough to scratch. But when it time to slash him… I couldn’t do it.

  My heart felt heavy and I couldn’t concentrate.

  I began to feel pain. He was only trying to help. No one has ever helped me before. Not while I was in my human form.

  He sat me down and I retracted my claws.

  “Gonna turn me into Linguine, weren’t ya?” he asked, smiling.

  “No, wolf.”

  He folded his arms and his grin grew bigger. “So I’ve upgraded from canine to wolf? That’s a good sign.”

  I gritted. “Not a sign of anything at all.”

  I turned my attention to dinner cooking. It smelled good, but I wouldn’t be here to eat it.

  Gildar pulled out some leftovers, heated it up and gave it to me.

  I took the fork he gave me and picked through it. Once I rolled the food on my tongue, my stomach screamed for more and I scarfed it down. Thank God he didn’t give me too much or else I’d be too full.

  “You’re a good cook,” I said, wiping my mouth.

  “Thanks. You’ll like dinner.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  Gildar cocked an eyebrow, leaning on the island. “Why?”

  “Because I just got a job and I start at nine tonight.”

  He straightened up and folded his arms. “What kind of job starts at nine at night?”

  Ohh, the temptation to fuck with his mind. Heh heh. The cat in me purred at the thought of it.

  “What do you think?” I said, smirking.

  He frowned.

  “What? I don’t feel like playing a guessing—fuck!” he shouted, tending to his burning food.

  “I’m gonna be taking a cat nap upstairs. Thanks for the food.”

  “H-hey! Loren, get back here! I’m your mate you know! Don’t go out there doing anything dangerous! I—ugh! Fuck, this fucking stove!”

  Chapter Four


  Damn it, fuck this mother fucking shit!

  By the time I turned around, he took himself upstairs. I looked in the living room and the box and kittens were gone. He took them with him.

  I ran upstairs to his room, but he had it locked.

  “I’m resting, don’t make me angry or else I’ll leave,” Loren hissed through the door.

  “Fine. But what you’re doing doesn’t involve sex, does it?”

  He stayed quiet.


  “It’s got nothing to do with sex. Now get away from my door. I’ve got more self worth than that.”

  That last sentence was definitely more confident sounding. His dash of snark at the end was the pure truth.

  “Fine. Get some rest. Need some covers?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Okay, enjoy your nap.”

  I wen
t back downstairs to check on dinner. It was salvageable. Couldn’t even tell it almost got burned. Tonight’s dinner was going to be a fresh fried shrimp Alfredo Linguine meal. Yes, linguine. I wanted to celebrate every aspect of him, show him I wasn’t only after that fine ass of his.

  Because he was fine. Sexy as hell.

  But there were other redeeming qualities to him. He was snarky as hell, which was pretty cute, he got easily irritated, he was very independent, and strong.

  There was one other thing though, and even though he had that tough exterior. I knew deep down he was broken inside. He needed healing. And I was going to be there to be his healing.

  *Hey, what’s up with the feline?* Tsumaki asked me, coming into the kitchen with his fated mate. Yes, the rabbit was his fated mate. I didn’t even know animals could have fated mates. And a rabbit? Nice combo.

  “Fated mate, pal.”

  *So we both find our fated mates on the same day, what a good omen.*

  Tsumaki let his rabbit down and licked the back of her.

  “Well, we’ll see about me. Loren wants to play stubborn kitty,” I said, stirring the pot of linguine.

  *Ah, you’ll be fine. Cats are stubborn, but they come around. Hm? What is it, love?*

  “You talk rabbit now?” I asked, frying the shrimp.

  *Fluff here said that cats are sympathetic to those who are injured. Maybe fake a cut or something. Bet he’ll purr all over you.*

  “Or make it deeper,” I said, feeling a bead of sweat slide down the side of my forehead.

  This dinner was going to be ready by at least seven o’clock. So there was no excuse for him to not join me for dinner.


  I ended up being a perfectionist and the dinner wasn’t done ‘till fucking eight thirty. I wanted to punch my fucking face in and pat myself on the back for a meal well done.

  I heard Loren come down the stairs, and I stood in the hallway by the entrance for the kitchen so I could greet him.

  Thirty minutes was enough to take a few bites.

  “Hey, have a good nap?”

  “Fine, it was fine. That dinner I smell? Smells good. Enjoy it without me.”

  He dipped into the living room with his box of kittens and sat them down.

  I entered into the living room and folded my arms.

  “You don’t mind if I leave them down here, do you?” he asked, flashing me those beautiful hazel eyes.

  I stuttered, “N-no, not at all.” Alpha’s weren’t allowed to blush.

  “Thanks.” He kissed at his babies. “Daddy will see you later, kittens!” They began to meow, scraping around the box with their tiny razor slivers of claws.

  Tsumaki stayed by my side, waiting to approach them after Loren leaves.

  “Hey, it’s only eight-thirty something. Come take a few bites. It’s shrimp Alfredo linguine.”

  “Obsessed with linguine, now?” he asked, putting his hands on his hips.

  Damn, his scent overpowered the dinner. It was a lofty smell of jasmine and vanilla and I’d be a liar if I didn’t say it made me dizzy.

  “Come on, one bite. It has seafood.”

  He frowned. “Oh, so all cats like seafood?”

  “No, I knew one who couldn’t stand fish. But everyone likes shrimp!”

  He rolled his eyes and rocked himself on his heels in thought. “I’ll take a bite, but I can’t eat too much.”

  He followed me into the kitchen and I made him a small plate.

  “There we go.”


  He dug into the food and tasted it.


  He finished chewing and stared at me. “You know you’re a good cook. Do I have to say it a thousand times?”

  “Hey, we can’t be perfect all the time, Loren.”

  “Whatever you say, Gildar.”

  “I’m glad you remember my name,” I said, moving my eyebrows.

  “Don’t get any thoughts about it,” he said.

  I moved over to him and stared him in the eyes. God, the attraction was like two magnets pulling together.

  “Dinner was good, I have to go.”

  He scooted out of his stool and ran off.

  “Wait, when are you going to be back?” I asked, following him. “It’s getting dark, let me drive you!”

  “No!” he said, charging out the door. “Give me some space. You’re a nice Alpha, but I don’t need to be protected.

  “Yes the hell you do! It’s my responsibility as your Alpha!” I asserted.

  It had begun to snow again. That meant more ice.

  “You are not my Alpha…” He sucked his teeth. “Look, I’ll be fine. It’s not far from here anyways. I can smell you so, don’t try to follow me. I want you to keep an eye on my kittens.” He bit his lower lip. “Please…”

  Shit, he had to say please.

  “Fine… I only want you to—”

  “I know, but I’ll be fine. I might be back very late though. So don’t wait up on me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be late.”

  Loren walked off down the street and around the corner where I couldn’t see him. I dragged myself in, fighting the urge to follow him anyways.

  There wasn’t a snow ball’s chance in hell I was going to score him as my mate officially if he couldn’t trust me to stick to my word.

  *You okay?* Tsumaki asked.

  “No. I’m worried about him. He’s so damn independent.”

  The kittens started to cry for more milk and I took them to the kitchen to feed them.

  “You guys are really pretty kittens.”

  *Yes, they smell like Jasmine. Just like their father.*

  “I wish I was able to give him a baby too,” I said to Tsumaki, setting up the kitten’s food. They finally learned to climb out of the box.

  *If he’s your mate. Then I think you can. I heard about some phenomenon where you could impregnate your fated mate despite health issues. It may be some exception from the powers above.*

  “Powers from above, huh? I’d like to see that happen. If he ever lets me rut him.”

  *By the time you do, you’ll be all knotted up with him for weeks. Ew, he’d totally get pregnant,* Tsumaki laughed. His mate, the rabbit shared in the chuckle too.

  The kittens were busy tuckling off the bottles, their ears going to town.

  *Looks like I’ll have to make these babies my own. Don’t think a rabbit and wolf can bang it up and make babies like you shifters.*

  “Uh…” I looked at their size dynamics. “Can you guys… uh, you know. Bang it up at all?”

  *Hell yeah.*


  What the fuck? How did that even work?

  *Took a lot of stretching.*

  “I don’t wanna know anymore.”

  *Hey, you asked.*


  I ate dinner with Tsumaki and Fluff. Those two were an amusing couple all on their own. A few thoughts raced through me to grab Loren when he got back and make him accept my bite. Then he’d know, he’d feel everything that gushed inside me every minute.

  It didn’t matter if I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t know where the hell he was going, and I didn’t know what he was doing either.

  Damn, Loren was dolled up, sexy as fuck too.

  I placed my chin on the table and threaded my fingers through my hair. Miserable, all this guessing made me fucking insane.

  It was only past nine o’clock, and it felt as if I had waited hours already.

  There was knocking at the door and I jumped up, thinking it was Loren. But he had a key, and this scent was different. This wasn’t his scent at all. It belonged to Arla.

  I swung open the door and tugged her inside.

  “You know you’re only fifteen right?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, I just—”

  “What’re you doing way over here during the night time? That’s dangerous!”

  “Hey!” she butted in. “Let me get my point across! Well… I just wanted t
o talk. Nothing to argue about.”

  “Fine, but you’re staying over till morning.”


  I brought her into the kitchen and made her a plate of food.

  “So, is that guy I saw really your mate?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Gotta get him to see that.”

  She rested her chin on her palm. “Why don’t you just sneak up and bite him?”

  That was my baby sis Arla. So straightforward and sneaky. Though, I had to admit, I was thinking of doing the same thing.

  “Heh, did you ever get to see his claws?”

  “No, but that doesn’t matter. If it were me? I’d have shaved them down when he was asleep.”

  I set the plate down in front of her and gave her a fork. She dug down into the food like a hungry shark and asked for seconds. Arla was too resourceful for her age. But I made a mental note of all this good stuff she was giving me

  “You know, if that really is your mate though… maybe you could still have an heir?”

  I turned around sighing. “Arla, you—”

  “Listen, I’ve heard of it being done! Please, try! We need you. Render is getting crazier by the day. He’s even trying to flirt with Omegas within the damn pack!”

  “Language, Arla.”

  “No! I miss you! I need you!” she cried. “Won’t you say you’ll at least try?”

  Arla didn’t understand. I suffered everyday living away from them. But it was at Render’s demand. I had to obey him since he was the head Alpha. Funny. He didn’t bear an heir either. But since he was Alpha by birth right and I didn’t have an heir before him, he took the position.

  And our parents?

  They were supposed to be dead.


  “Arla. I’ll try. I promise. There isn’t a day where I don’t think about the pack. Does Mylan know you’re here?”


  “I’ll call him.”

  She sighed and pushed her plate towards me for thirds. All the wolves in the Goliath pack were heavy eaters. It didn’t show, but then again we shifted a lot and got our exercise in.

  I took Arla into a guest room. She was lucky I had a four bedroom home. But then again, I would’ve just slept on the couch and gave her my room.

  “Let me take some of your food back. Mylan can’t cook,” Arla said while I tucked her in.

  “Sure. He still burning shit up?”


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