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Retribution Page 23

by Heather Atkinson

  Amber smiled at the prospect of that snobby bitch Cathy being left to fend for herself and three kids without her husband around to keep her in her cushy lifestyle. She bet she wouldn’t be so up herself then. “Perfect.”

  “When it happens you make sure to hide everything you don’t want the plod to keep,” he said. “They’ll get a search warrant on your home and seize everything they think was bought with ill gotten gains - including your jewellery and valuables.”

  “Would a safety deposit box do?” Amber wanted to punch him when he smiled at her like she was simple.

  “Banks have started fazing them out, they draw too much suspicion from the police. There are safe deposit centres now but the police have always got their beady eyes on them. If it came out that you’d stashed some stuff in one shortly before Mikey was arrested they’ll be straight round there with a crowbar. What you need is somewhere not connected to the Maguire name.”

  She thought before saying, “what about my parents’ house?”

  “Still too close. Mikey paid for that house.”

  “What if I rented somewhere in my aunt’s name? Like a lock-up or something?”

  “Has she any connection to Mikey?”

  “No, she’s never met him and I’ve not seen her in years.”

  “Alright, sounds good. But don’t do it too soon or Mikey might cotton on that something’s wrong. Timing is the key here.” Declan thought how perfect this was. If Mikey got sent down not only would Amber be protected from him but his deal with Toni McVay would be finished. Two birds, one stone.

  Declan knew he couldn’t plant the gun in Mikey’s car at the bungalow. The number of people who knew he used that as his base was so small the suspect list wouldn’t be very long. Fortunately he was his cousin, so he got closer access to Mikey than most people and he knew his plans.

  Declan decided to plant the gun while Mikey was out in the town. He was running some errands and fortunately one of those errands took him to the shopping precinct, which was heaving with people. Mikey parked his car in the busy underground car park, among hundreds of other cars and disappeared through a side door that led to the stairs that would take him up to the shops.

  Declan hadn’t followed him here, he wouldn’t dare, Mikey would have spotted him immediately. Instead he was already here, sitting in the black Peugeot he’d hired.

  Once Mikey had gone he gave it another couple of minutes before getting out of the car and casually strolling over to where Mikey had left his. Amber had given him the spare key that Mikey kept in a drawer at home, so gaining access to his flash Audi wasn’t a problem.

  He opened the back left door, ducked inside, removed the gun from his jacket pocket with the black leather gloves he wore and hid it beneath the passenger seat. Then he locked the car back up, walked back to his own car, got in and drove away. Declan was so proud of himself for remaining calm but that might have been because he was numb with shock. He’d just set up Mikey Maguire, the most powerful and dangerous man in the city - apart from Jez - and he was his cousin too. However any guilt he may have felt about that was crushed when he thought of Amber and her huge scared eyes. He was doing this for her and because he was sick of being considered the weak link, the stupid one. How ironic the weakest member of the outfit was going to be the one to bring him down.

  Once he was a good distance from the car park, he pulled over at the kerb to call DI Dwyer on a disposal mobile phone, careful to muffle his voice with a handkerchief. After all, he didn’t want the grass’s identity to be revealed. He then wiped down the phone, tossed it into a bin and drove off.

  Mikey felt troubled as he wandered the shopping centre, although he couldn’t have said why. It was just a gut feeling that something not good was about to happen. His first instinct was that it was to do with Jules and her physical condition and he wondered whether he should head over to the care home. But one reason he’d come here today was to pick up a gift for her. One of her favourite bands had just released a new CD, so he went into the music shop to pick up that along with a t-shirt too. The long haired, tattooed cashier regarded his smart suit with disdain and a little puzzlement but Mikey wasn’t in the mood to be patronised by a spotty teenager so he glared at him until he looked down at his feet.

  He had intended to do a little more shopping first, he wanted to pick up some new clothes for the boys and a present for Amber. He’d found that if he bought her something expensive and shiny it usually kept her sweet for a little while and he’d get a bit of peace from her hissy fits. However the sense of wrongness was getting stronger so he cut his trip short and headed straight back to his car, intent on visiting Jules.

  He exited the car park and joined the flow of traffic, heading out of the city, towards the care home. Just the prospect of seeing Jules made him feel warm and fuzzy. He’d eased up on the number of visits, Jackson making it clear his continual presence there was getting on his nerves. Despite how much he wanted Jules, he didn’t want to ruin her relationship with her husband, even if he was shite at dealing with her condition. Consequently he hadn’t seen her for three days and he missed her. He wondered if he was making up this sense of wrongness as an excuse to see her? Probably.

  “You’re a silly bastard,” he told himself. Nevertheless, he’d decided on a course of action and he was going to stick to it.

  “Jesus,” he exclaimed when a car shot out of a side street at him. Mikey slammed on the brakes, missing the car’s back bumper by millimetres. “Wanker,” he roared, banging on the horn.

  Because he was so furious it took him a moment to register the fact that something had made a thud when he’d been forced to brake so hard.

  Looking in the passenger footwell his heart almost stopped when he saw a handgun sitting there. Where the fuck had that come from? He wasn’t daft enough to drive around with one in his car. There was only one explanation - it had been planted there. In the distance he heard the wail of approaching sirens.

  “Shit,” he exclaimed, pulling on the gloves he kept in the glove box before snatching up the gun and stuffing it into his jacket pocket.

  Abandoning the car at the side of the road, he sprinted a hundred yards, where there was a bridge. He looked left and right but no one was watching. Covertly he slid the gun out of his pocket and dumped it over the side.

  He watched as it fell into the River Irwell hundreds of feet below and disappeared into the swirling grey water. The river was large and ran for thirty nine miles. Good luck to any coppers who dragged that bastard for evidence.

  Casually he strolled back to his car, got in and pulled back out into the traffic, feeling his heart rate start to slow. His body jolted with shock when he realised he hadn’t checked the rest of the car for any more plants but there wasn’t time. Glancing in his rear-view mirror he saw two police cars zipping their way towards him, cars moving aside to allow them to pass. Just as he knew they would, the police cars surrounded him - one in front and one at the side, effectively penning him in.

  Two officers leapt out of each car, guns drawn, using their doors as shields, yelling at him to get out with his hands up. Two armed response vehicles had been sent after him, telling him the gun had indeed been planted to set him up. They’d already been tipped off.

  Calmly he got out of the car with his hands in the air. “Is there a problem officers?” he said politely.

  Two of the officers approached him while the other two kept their weapons trained on him. He was ordered to turn around and place his hands on the car, which he did, allowing them to cuff him. Only once he was secure and the all-clear given did that little rat bastard Dwyer get out of one of the ARV units, looking so smug Mikey wanted to headbutt him.

  The traffic began to slowly roll past, Mikey ignoring the phones held out of car windows, filming the scene.

  “Well, well, well Mr Maguire,” said Dwyer. “What are you up to today?”

  “I’ve just been shopping,” he replied, determined to remain polite. He was going
to give this bastard no excuse to pin something on him.

  “Really?” said Dwyer with a raised eyebrow. “You got any proof of that?”

  “Yes. There’s a carrier bag in the boot containing my purchases and the receipt. Plus I’m sure you’ll be able to find me on some CCTV footage at the shopping centre.”

  “And where are you going?”

  “To the care home to see my cousin Jules. I bought her a present. Her favourite band have released a new CD. I got her a t-shirt too. I used to hate her music but actually it’s really grown on me and I like it too now. Do you like heavy metal DI Dwyer?”

  Dwyer gaped at him. “Do you honestly think I mobilised two ARV units just so I could discuss musical preferences with you?”

  Mikey shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Well I didn’t,” he barked. “I mobilised them because I had a tip off that you are carrying a gun.”

  “A gun? Why would I do that?”

  “Oh I don’t know, maybe to shoot someone?” he exclaimed.


  “I don’t know.”

  “Sounds to me like there’s a lot you don’t know.”

  “I’ve had enough of your crap. Turn around.”

  Mikey obeyed, on the surface cool and calm but he felt physically sick. Although he knew Dwyer would find nothing as he was patting him down he had no idea what the two ARV officers would discover as they searched his car.

  “I’ve already been searched,” said Mikey.

  “No harm in doing it twice.”

  “Seems he doesn’t trust you to do your job,” he told the officer who’d frisked him, making him frown.

  “You’re a smug bastard,” Dwyer hissed. “One day I’ll wipe that smirk off your fucking mug.”

  “It’ll take someone a lot smarter than you,” retorted Mikey.

  “Let’s just see about that. We haven’t finished searching your motor yet.”

  “There’s nothing to find. Someone’s having you on.”

  “Was that a quiver of doubt in your voice Mr Maguire?”

  “You’re hearing things now DI Dwyer. That explains why you think someone told you I was carrying a gun.”

  “Let’s just see.”

  He sounded so certain Mikey became even more nervous but he forced himself to remain calm. In his line of business it was vital you had a good poker face. He almost laughed out loud when the ARV officers ended their search and grimly shook their heads at Dwyer.

  “Nothing?” he exclaimed. “You seriously found nothing?”

  They both nodded.

  “Then you didn’t look properly. Watch him while I show you how to do a real search,” said Dwyer, shoving Mikey towards them, who almost fell as his hands were cuffed behind his back, the two officers managing to catch him and set him back on his feet.

  Dwyer pulled on a pair of nitrile gloves before delving into his car. Mikey could see him through the window, rummaging through the carrier bag containing Jules’s presents, casting it aside as uninteresting when he’d finished and delving beneath the seats, muttering to himself.

  Dwyer took so long that Mikey was invited to sit inside one of the ARV’s when he began shivering with cold, his coat still in the car, which Dwyer was shaking the hell out of in his search. From the police officers’ expressions he gathered they thought Dwyer was as much of a dick as he did.

  Eventually Dwyer was forced to concede defeat. Furious, he threw himself into the seat beside Mikey and slammed the door shut, causing the car to rock and everyone inside to wince.

  “Don’t look so fucking smug because this is far from over,” he snarled in Mikey’s face. “The gun could still be in there but I can’t find it with a fingertip search. So this is what’s going to happen. You are still under arrest by the way.”

  “For what?” said Mikey. “You’ve not actually found anything and, as far as I know, it’s not illegal to do a bit of shopping. Yet. But who knows what this useless twat of a government has in store?”

  “Because I have reliable information that you are carrying an illegal weapon. You will be strip searched back at the station.”

  “You fucking what?” said Mikey. “Do you think I’ve stuffed an AK47 up my arse?”

  “And your car will be stripped down to the bare bones. If there’s something to find then trust me, I’ll find it.”

  “You’re insane. This is a vendetta and I’m going to sue you for everything you’ve got. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to get a job as a night watchman.”

  “You won’t get anywhere because I’m following procedure to the letter. None of your puppets will be able to get me on anything.”

  Mikey had the horrible feeling he was right.


  Rachel was glad she had meetings lined up all day because the police had begun the search for Liam Howard’s body and the press had got hold of the story. A swarm of the bastards was camped out at the bottom of her drive. Fortunately she wasn’t there and she hated it that they made her not want to go back to her own home. However it wasn’t just her family being persecuted. The families of the other victims as well as the families of the Dartmoor Butchers were being hounded too.

  In between meetings she grabbed some lunch from a deli and took it to the beauty salon she owned. She wanted to check up on the manageress Tracey who, as well as being a good friend, was also the sister of one of the Dartmoor Butchers’ victims. Tracey was a tall, brash, bubbly woman with masses of corkscrew curls. Normally she’d greet everyone with a huge smile but today she just looked troubled. When she walked in Rachel didn’t say a word, instead she just hugged her and Tracey held on tight.

  “Thanks,” said Tracey, eventually extracting herself from the hug and wiping away a tear. “I needed that.”

  “Anytime mate,” said Rachel. “I brought you some lunch,” she said, holding out the plastic container holding a salad.

  “Lovely, thank you. I was dreading going out.”

  “Go home if you like,” said Rachel. “I know this must have come as a huge shock.”

  “I’ll not lie, it has, despite the warning you gave me but I’m not going to cower inside. It’s not who I am.”

  “Good for you.”

  “It’s just horrible. Every time I think the nightmare is finally behind us something else happens. I’m sure that bastard Kerrell did it on purpose.”

  “But the important thing to remember is that all the fuss will die down again.”

  “I can’t wait,” she sighed. “I had to switch off the home phone because it was ringing off the hook. You’ll be getting the same treatment?”

  Rachel nodded grimly.

  “Is Ryan okay?”

  Rachel thought of her husband running about the city looking for Reid and was actually glad he had the distraction. “Yeah, you know Ryan.”

  Ryan slammed his fist repeatedly against the door of Duncan Gates’s home. He knew the little sod was in, he’d seen him peek out of the curtains before hastily closing them again when he saw who his visitor was. However today wasn’t a good day to mess Ryan around, he was wound up tight because of the reporters he’d already been pestered by first thing this morning and he was looking for a way to vent his frustration. The fool inside was perfect for this purpose.

  His patience wearing thin, he kicked the door and it swung open. Ryan walked inside and closed it behind him. When he heard running footsteps he pelted down the narrow hallway and into a kitchen, just in time to grab a man with long black hair before he could go through the back door. At first he thought he’d caught Reid himself, until he turned the man around.

  “Duncan Gates?” he demanded.

  “Who wants to know?” he snarled.

  Ryan thrust his face into his. “Don’t tell me you don’t know who I am.”

  “Alright I do. What do you want?”

  “Where’s Reid?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “None of your business.”

bsp; “Look, I don’t know, alright? He’s always moving around. I’m not his mum.”

  “No, although there is a resemblance. Is this some sort of uniform?”

  “Fuck off,” said Duncan, drawing back his fist.

  Ryan was furious with himself when he allowed Duncan to actually punch him. Fortunately he’d tensed his stomach muscles so the blow had little effect. Ryan’s response was to headbutt him and Duncan slumped to the floor, blood trickling from his nose.

  “I wouldn’t recommend trying something so stupid again,” said Ryan. “I’m not interested in you, I only want Reid. So cooperate and you might get out of this with everything intact.”

  “Why do you want to find him?” he sneered. “You after a boyfriend?”

  Ryan rolled his eyes. “I can see I’ve walked into the lair of a genius. But if you do genuinely possess a brain Duncan you’ll tell me what I want to know.”

  “Go fuck yourself, you old bastard.”

  “Look, my patience is wearing thin…”

  “Like the rest of you,” he sniggered.

  “What does that even mean you jabbering cretin?”


  “Oh I’ve had enough of this.”

  Ryan grabbed Duncan’s left arm and twisted, making him yelp, the crack of bone audible.

  “If I move your arm one more inch it will break. Is that what you want Duncan?”

  “No,” he grimaced.

  “That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said. All I want to know is where Reid is.”

  “I don’t know, okay? He’s always on the move, he’s a free spirit, answerable to no one.”

  “Wrong. He’s answerable to me.”


  “None of your business. If you don’t know where he is then tell me where he’s likely to be.”

  “He’s been seeing some bird in Torquay. Her name’s Donna.”


  Ryan smiled when he hastily rhymed off an address. “Thank you.”

  With that he released him and got to his feet, heading for the door.

  Ryan was knocked off his feet by Duncan slamming into him from behind.


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