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Retribution Page 44

by Heather Atkinson

  “There’s a couple in Exeter that he likes. I’ve never been,” she added when her mother’s eyes turned black.

  “I’m glad to hear it,” she replied.

  “Did you check those places?” Brodie asked Ryan.

  “No but I would have got there eventually.”

  Brodie looked to Cass. “Put on your gladrags hen. We’re going clubbing.”

  “I’m coming too,” said Ryan.

  “You are not,” said Brodie, getting to his feet. “If Reid spots you he’ll do a runner, then we’ll never find him. Leave this to me and Cass.”

  “He’s right,” said Rachel.

  “As much as it pains me to admit it, I know.”

  “Great,” said Brodie. “I’ll go and change.”

  “You can use one of the spare bedrooms,” said Rachel. “Upstairs, second door on the right.”

  “Thanks doll.”

  “And please, be subtle,” said Ryan.

  “Subtlety is my middle name,” he grinned.

  As he turned for the door he went crashing to the floor with a cry, all of them looking down at him as he flailed about on the tiles.

  With a smile Ryan scooped up a satisfied-looking Teddy, who began purring when he stroked him behind the ears. “Good boy,” he whispered.

  “Your cat’s a prick,” said Brodie, picking himself up.

  “Actually he’s an excellent judge of character,” retorted Ryan.

  Brodie scowled at Teddy, who scowled right back at him until, with a huff, Brodie flounced from the room.

  “I’ll keep an eye on him,” said Cass with a reassuring smile as Brodie vanished upstairs. “Can I change in your bathroom?”

  “Aren’t you and Brodie together?” said Leah.

  Rachel smiled when Cass blushed. She was well aware she’d love to be together with Brodie.

  “No, we’re just colleagues,” she replied.

  “Oh,” said Leah, surprised.

  “And you should trust Brodie,” said Cass. “I know he comes across as loud and obnoxious but he really is one of the best men I’ve ever known. He’s also amazing at what he does and he’ll go all out for you.”

  With that she left the room.

  “Well she would say that,” said Ryan. “He pays her wages and she’s in love with him.”

  “Doesn’t mean she’s wrong,” countered Rachel.

  “We’ll see,” replied Ryan.

  Reflections was busy, consequently it took Jules a few minutes to find Trinity from Sean’s ropey description. There was a VIP section tucked into the left wing of the club through glass doors guarded by a thug in a suit with an earpiece jammed into one of his sticky-out ears.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” said the bouncer, stopping her as she tried to enter the VIP area.

  “I want to talk to Trinity.”

  “Sorry love. You’re not getting in there dressed like that. That lot in there don’t like clothes.”

  Jules unzipped her leather jacket, the bouncer’s eyes bulging at the sight of her body encased in the tight black bodice, breasts bulging out of the top while clinging to her tapering waist.

  “How about now?” she said with a flirtatious smile.

  He opened the door. “In you go sweetheart.”

  As she stepped inside he slapped her on the arse. Jules tensed, wanting to punch him in the balls but she restrained herself. She had bigger fish to fry.

  The VIP room was large and spacious, a circular bar in the centre of the room surrounded by tables and cosy booths. It was easy to spot Trinity, all the gold jewellery he wore reflecting the light. His skin was a deep orange, teeth bright white, hair dark and badly dyed. He was a big bugger though, his shoulders looked huge in the leather jacket he wore. His whole persona screamed of someone who was ageing and desperately trying to fight it. He was holding court with some of his cronies, his loud, obnoxious laugh ringing across the room.

  Jules bypassed him for the bar. She was fortunate it was circular because no matter where she stood, she’d be in his line of sight. As she waited she leaned on the bar, sticking out her backside, which was encased in tight black leather.

  “Orange juice please,” she told the barman. If anyone asked it was vodka and orange.

  She handed over her money for the drink and turned, leaning back against the bar to enjoy her drink while her eyes scanned the room. She didn’t look Trinity’s way, she didn’t want to be obvious. Instead she allowed her gaze to slowly flick around the people in the room - a gaggle of expensively-dressed women who appeared to be on a hen night, laughing and knocking back shots, a couple holding hands across the table and gazing at each other, starry-eyed. The rest of the room was filled with groups of males and females of varying size and age eyeing each other up. Jules felt like she’d dropped into the middle of a meat market. It had been a relief to get married and know all that dating shite was behind her. She ignored the pain that flashed through her, shoving it down inside herself. Venom didn’t feel sentiment.

  Finally she allowed her gaze to brush over Trinity, gratified to see him staring back at her. His eyes still on her, he whispered in the ear of the man on his left, who nodded and got to his feet to approach her.

  “My friend would like to talk to you,” he said, gesturing to Trinity with a sweep of the hand, as though he was the grand prize in a tacky gameshow. If he was she’d hate to see second prize.

  “About what?” she said sweetly.

  “How beautiful you are,” he said.

  Jules wanted to throw up all over him but forced herself to look delighted. “In that case, how could I refuse?”

  She followed the man, carrying her drink, Trinity leaned back in his seat with a smug smile, looking like he’d known she’d take him up on his offer. At a nod his adoring fans removed themselves, leaving them alone.

  “Take a seat,” he said, patting the empty space beside him.

  She sat, Trinity sliding his arm along the back of the booth behind her, leaning in closer.

  “What’s your name beautiful?” he said.

  “Jennifer,” she said coyly.

  “I’m Trinity.”

  “Unusual name.”

  “I got it because if someone tries to fuck with me I come back at them three times as hard.” He wasn’t threatening her, it was plain to Jules he was just posturing, probably having used the same line on countless women. Personally she found it unimpressive.

  “I’ve never seen you here before,” he continued. “And I know everyone who comes here.”

  Jules wondered if she’d been rumbled. What if Sean had called him to warn him? There was no danger of the other two doing that because they didn’t know he worked for Jared. However his demeanour did seem more flirtatious than anything else. “It’s my first time here,” she said, softening her voice. “I’m just passing through, on my way to visit family in Reading. I love clubbing so I couldn’t resist,” she said with a sweet smile.

  “I’m so glad you did,” he said, running the tip of his finger over her bare shoulder, eyes constantly slipping down her cleavage.

  “I was hoping to find someone to show me around,” she said meaningfully. “A big strong man who knows how to show a lady a good time.”

  “And you certainly came to the right place,” he said, leaning into her for a kiss.

  He went absolutely still when he felt the knife pressing against his crotch, her hand and the weapon hidden from view by the table.

  “Don’t move,” she whispered in his ear, making it look as though she was kissing his neck. “Or you’ll be famous for being called Trinity when I slice you in three.”

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he rasped, throat so tight he could barely talk.

  “The only thing I want from you, you cheesy bastard, is Jared Slattery’s address.”

  “Jared?” he repeatedly stupidly.

  “Yes, Jared. Tell me and I’ll be on my way without separating you from your meat and two veg.”

; “Who are you?”

  “Never mind. I’ve no desire to hurt you. All I want is Slattery, unless you think he’s worth being made a eunuch for?” When he hesitated she pressed the blade harder. “Don’t think I’m fucking joking,” she said. “Nothing will stop me getting to Slattery, certainly not a cheesy wotsit like you.”

  “Wotsit? Oh Christ,” he whispered, sucking in a breath when the tip of the knife sliced through the stitching holding together the crotch of his trousers.

  “We’re down to the grundies now Trinity,” she said, continuing to coo in his ear. She glanced across the room at his two friends, who were chatting up a pair of over made-up bimbos, paying them absolutely no attention. “No one’s coming to help you.”

  “You’re Jules, aren’t you?” he said, sweating profusely. “Jared talks about you all the time. He said how good you are with a knife.”

  “He wasn’t wrong. I can dissect what little manhood you possess with one flick of my wrist and no one will know. I’m running out of patience. Where’s Slattery?”

  Jules was delighted when he rhymed off an address. “So there’s no one else between you and him?” she said.

  He shook his head, eyes screwed tight shut. “No. That’s it.”

  “Give me your phone, the one you use to contact him.”

  “I don’t have it with me.”

  He gasped when he heard a ripping sound from the area of his crotch. Convinced she’d cut him deeply, tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes. The tears turned into ones of relief when he looked down and saw she’d cut through his underwear.

  “We’re down to the bare skin,” she said. “One more wrong answer and your balls are going to be on the floor.”

  He reached inside his jacket pocket with a shaking hand. “Here, take it,” he said, pressing it into her hand.

  She opened the phonebook, gratified to see there was only one number on it with the initial ‘J’. “Good boy. And if Slattery does find out I’m here before I’m ready to tell him then I’ll come back for you.” She allowed the tip of the knife to graze his skin, his eyes widening in appalled horror.

  “I won’t tell,” he whispered, shaking.

  “Good. I’m leaving now. Let’s keep this conversation between the two of us. Not that I think you’ll boast about it, it won’t do your reputation much good if anyone found out you cried.”

  With that she slid the knife into her boot and got to her feet, casually heading to the door clutching the phone.

  She headed back into the main part of the club, aiming for the main doors, stunned to see her husband waltz through the door followed by her younger brother, then Shane and Mark. How the fuck had they tracked her down?

  She turned, heading towards the ladies’ toilets, knowing it was the one place in the club safe from them. She took her time, weaving in and out of the dancers, not wanting to draw attention to herself by running. They were here to stop her and she wasn’t going to allow it.

  She hid behind a pillar on the edge of the dance floor, peering round it to watch them. Jackson was here, she couldn’t believe he’d go to all this trouble for her when he could be cosying up with Cindy back in Manchester. She watched them head for the VIP suite. Somehow they must have got hold of Sean and she cursed herself. She should have shoved him into the boot of his own car and left him there.

  She watched Jackson throw aside the bouncer on the VIP door in an impressive move and the four of them piled inside. Deciding to take a chance, she headed back for the main doors, slipping out into the night. She had to move fast before they caught up with her. Kill Slattery then get out of the country. She had hoped to make her move in the morning but time wasn’t on her side. It was now or never.


  “You can’t go in there,” said the bouncer, placing himself in Jackson’s way when he tried to go through the door.

  “Listen mate,” said Jackson. “I’m on the fucking edge so I suggest you get out of the way before you get hurt.”

  The man chuckled before shoving him in the chest. “Fancy your chances, do you?”

  Jackson didn’t speak. He just grabbed his arm, twisted and threw him aside as though he were made of tissue paper. The man went rolling into the dance floor, crying out with pain when a drunken woman stood on his hand with her stiletto.

  “That’s the first useful thing you’ve done on this trip,” Jez told Jackson as they marched through the door.

  “You can join him being stood on if you want?”

  “I’m good thanks,” said Jez, holding up his hands. “Now, where’s this Trinity twat?”

  “I think that’s him,” said Shane. “Dale Winton orange.”

  They strode over to the man sitting at the table, staring into space, eyes bloodshot. He jumped when Jez and Mark sat either side of him, Jackson and Shane taking the chairs around the table.

  “You Trinity?” said Jez.

  The man finally turned his head to look at him, eyes widening. “Oh God, you’re her brother, aren’t you? You’re Jez Law?”

  Jez preened at the level of fear his name inspired and of being renowned this far down south. “Yes I am. I take it by that shell-shocked look you’ve already met my sister?”

  He just nodded, mouth hanging open.

  Jez glanced down at Trinity’s hands covering his crotch. “And she took her displeasure out on your bits?”

  “She was…brutal,” he murmured, staring straight ahead. “She drew blood, I’m afraid to look.”

  “Sorry mate, no way are we doing it for you. What did you tell her?”


  “Where he’s hiding out?”

  He nodded, his stare still myopic.

  “And where’s that?”

  “She cut my trousers and my underwear. There was blood on her knife.” He finally dragged his gaze off the wall and looked at Jez. “What if she’s cut them off?”

  Jez actually felt a bit sorry for him. “I think you’d know by now mate.”

  “What if I stand up and they fall off?”

  “That won’t happen.”

  “But what if it does?” he said, eyes wide with horror.

  “Listen, tell us where Slattery is and Shane here will check you’ve not been turned into a woman.”

  “What?” exclaimed Shane.

  Finally Trinity’s men noticed their boss was surrounded by four large men and they hurried up to him, Mark and Shane shooting to their feet to greet them.

  “You alright Bossman?” said one of them, warily eyeing the interlopers.

  “Your boss is worried his nuts have been sliced off,” said Jez.

  They were both so surprised they stared back at him in stunned silence.

  “Did he do it?” demanded the first man, pointing at Jez.

  Jez held up his hands. “Not guilty boys. The perpetrator has already left.”

  “Shall we call an ambulance?” said the second man.

  “In a minute,” said Jez. “Trinity’s got something to tell us first.”

  Trinity gave them the address, wishing he’d stayed at home watching the telly with a hot, milky drink. He was getting too old for this bollocks. The word made him wince. He hoped he still had his.

  “That’s all we wanted,” said Jez. He nodded at the others and they all got to their feet and headed for the exit.

  Trinity’s men sat either side of him, concerned. They’d never seen him like this before.

  “What can we do to help Boss?” said one of them.

  “You need to look. Tell me they’re still attached to my body,” said Trinity, desperately pointing at his crotch.

  His men glanced at each other, thinking they weren’t paid enough for this shite.

  Ryan and Rachel waited up for Brodie and Cass to return from the nightclub. Leah wanted to wait up too but she had school the next morning, so they insisted she go to bed.

  They returned at one in the morning, Ryan groaning inwardly at the smug, excited look in Brodie’s
eyes. Clearly he’d discovered something.

  “We’ve got a lead,” he opened.

  “Oh yes?” said Ryan, sounding unimpressed.

  “It always pays to ask the bar staff,” continued Brodie. “They know all the gossip. A wee tip for you there big man.”

  “Thanks,” he said flatly.

  “Apparently Reid’s well in with a man called Delmar Fitzgerald,” said Cass. “He works for him on and off.”

  “Doing what?” said Rachel.


  “And why would this Delmar need a bodyguard?” said Ryan.

  “Because he’s a walloper,” said Brodie.

  “I hope you got more detail than that,” sighed Ryan.

  “Delmar’s small time,” said Cass. “But he likes to make out he’s the big man in Exeter. He hires men to act as his bodyguard, so he looks important.”

  “What did I tell you?” said Brodie. “A walloper.”

  Ryan ignored him. “Did you get any information on Delmar?” he asked Cass.

  “Will his address do you?” smirked Brodie.

  “Yes, that would help,” said Rachel, quite enjoying proving her husband wrong, for once. Brodie was already turning out to be very useful.

  “Best time to hit him is in the morning,” said Cass. “He likes to spend all night in the clubs, so he’s home most of the day, sleeping off the effects.”

  “Wasn’t he at the club tonight?” said Ryan.

  “Yep but we just missed him,” said Brodie. “He’d already moved on. We didn’t want him realising we were looking for him so we decided to knock it on the head for tonight. Better to collar him in the morning, when he’s off his guard with no bodyguards.”

  Ryan had to own Brodie was smart, which annoyed him. “How did you get this information anyway?”

  “Cass charmed the prick barman,” smiled Brodie, gazing at his second-in-command with adoring eyes.

  “I also got some more information,” said Cass. “Apparently Delmar’s been seeing a woman in Exeter who rents out properties. It’s worth checking to see if Reid’s hiding out in any of them.”

  Rachel smiled inwardly, spotting a chance to get Ryan and Brodie to cooperate with each other. “Okay, here’s the plan. In the morning me and Cass will see this woman in Exeter and you two will tackle Delmar,” she said, pointing at the men.


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